Some hanging scene, don't know what TeleV. -show
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Hello, I'm very new here, and I am a bit excited to place next message.

Some years ago I recorded a television -show with a girl getting hanged in it. I don't know what TV -show that is. It's an American story I think. I'll show you the preview pictures:

And here's the link to a free videohoster, that's where the video actually is.

Can anybody help me with my search, I need the name of that TV-show, please?
Thanks in advance, and happy viewing pleasure.
Welcome Dreamslayer
You are correct that it's an American show, though this clip obviously from an airing on German TV
This is 'The Pretender' S3 Ep9 'Murder 101'
The series features in a number of entries on this site, but I'm surprised to see, not yet this episode.
So thank you for bringing it to our attention.
Thank you for the information, Aristarchus! Now I can start to search more exact, if still available in it's entire content.
This clip aired on Dutch TV by the way, SBS6 is from the Netherlands. I recorded it myself, and ripped it from VHS to make it digital with USB-Adapter.

Thank you, again!
Oh dear, a very clumsy error on my part.
Truth is, I didn't even look at the subtitles or the logo, which I now recognise.
I remembered that this show was first identified to me a few years back by a German colleague who had viewed it there, and I made a lazy assumption.

And any fellow collector who is willing, and still capable of working from VHS, is deserving of better consideration.
My sincerest apologies to the Netherlands.
lol, apologies taken.
Thank you for the replies.
I'm going to search for more now...
They drink the teacher's drugged beer at 33:50 and she wakes up in a noose.

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