Murder Most Horrid - Overkill 2x1
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Two attempts hangings in crime comedy series
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Very nice, thanks!
I remember this fondly from when it first came out.
Dawn French spent the first quarter-hour on a chair with a noose round her neck. (They'd never allow it nowadays!)
She was contemplating suicide when rudely interrupted by hired assassin Amanda Donohoe, who wanted her apartment for a sniper's nest.
Long story short, tables were turned and Donohoe ends up in the same predicament, only to stumble and accidently top herself.

All due respect to Ms French, but for my money, the much more appealing image of Donohoe in black leather with a noose round her neck,
received only fleeting screen time. So, fun though it was, for me it wasn't a 'keeper'.

There are versions on YouTube, but maybe Anachronos has the source of those far superior vidcaps.

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