Unknown Lethal Injection 06/26/12
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I'm not sure but it may be from a movie or documentary on Aileen Wormous.
I've explored this lead. All the movies on IMDB where Aileen is a "character" played by another actress doesn't seem to match the screenshot. It could be that the movie or music video (someone suggested this on the darkspot) is not listed on imdb though; but when Aileen was executed she was much older so I'm having doubts it's about her story at all.
It may be from the TV movie "Crossed Over" from 2002 starring Jennifer Jason Leigh.
Crossed Over has already been identified and added - http://themiscollection.com/set/Crossed+Over

This this is the one I'm looking for :(
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I guess after 8 years this is still a mystery? Is there a chance that it's just an actual photo from an actual prison? Like not an execution, but just someone who is restrained because they had a psychotic episode or tried committing suicide?
Its from all girl hip hop video from over 20 years ago.

Saw it once on a yahoo group.

Forum > Public / General > Unknown Lethal Injection 06/26/12

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