Akai Tsuki
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Saw screencaps of this on the dark spot but the links are dead. Anyone?
There were two movies with the same plot but different casts.
I’m thinking those were my humble efforts back on The Dark Spot.
The old clips are now long gone, but lets see what we can rustle up.

'Akai Tsuki' (Red Moon) follows a woman revisiting her childhood memories from WW2 when she witnessed a young Russian tutor working in Japan, accused of spying, and promptly despatched.
There was a two-part TVM from 2004, retailed as ‘Akai Tsuki (Special Edition)’; and a movie version also 2004. The latter had a B&W flashback scene at the beginning, which was then part repeated in colour later on.
For the movie clip I merged the two sequences. Spot the join!

TVM version

Movie version

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