Unknown hanging
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Found this very brief scene out and about. Could not locate a name or source though.
"一江春水『第4集45" is the name on thumbnail. Translated it means something like "A river of spring water S4E45"; but there's a problem. The movie with quite the same name already exists and it's from 1947 so whenever I search something on either chinese or english this one pops out first. Btw, while looking for the other videos on this user's channel I found another one(beheading), if it's not already listed :D.
Pardon me, its actually episode 4 since it translated the minutes in the angle too (video was 2 minutes and 45 seconds long)
Nvm I found it
Awesome detective work! Thank you for finding it.
Thanks guys, nice one
Amazing! Guys, my gratitude knows no bounds.
Thank you Neravine for finding this.
And thank you HobinRood for the identification.

Why is this so special?
Because this has been on my 'Unknown - To Be Found' list since I collected screencaps from it, way back in 2007 !
Haha np guys, and Aristarchus you're welcome :D

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Forum > Public / Requests > Unknown hanging

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