Baby Killer? Sgeulachd Jessie King
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Found a Clip of a docu. Woman seen on death row.
was sended on bbc alba in january 22 and 28 2015
Can anybody tell about it.
Is there eventually asome pictures or more.
Must admit I had to look up BBC Alba, to discover its a Scottish language branch of the BBC for the folk north of the border.
That makes it as foreign to me an Englishman as to anyone else.

Apparently Jessie King was a Victorian era 'baby farmer' (eliminating unwanted babies for profit, the 'abortion' of the day)
The programme no longer seems to be available online, but I'll keep a watch out, thanks for the lead.

In the meantime, try Googling 'Jessie King - Last Woman Hanged In Edinburgh' for written accounts of the story.
For starters, there's this on the main BBC site (UK), if you can access it.

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