Le chevalier de Pardaillan
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Hi Paul

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Unfortunately she is again saved at the last moment by the hero ....
You can find the clip at Russian forum
The complete movie is also on youtube ( dubbed in tussian)
Thanks I've seen clips of it but never the full movie.
The movie on youtube is very difficult to understand as it is in french with russian dubbings
The film was made just after the famous "Three Mushketers" by the same people, but it was worse than the mentioned above one. You can find it in French. By the way - the main actor Gerrard Barray lives now in Spain in Marbella. He has his site and you can mail him.
Hi Shusha
I am just reading the Pardaillan series books by Zecaco (downloaded from gutenberg.org)
There are some bloody scenes in it , for instance there is an execution of 2 girls hanged on a gallows with a pyre burning under them . They die by hanging then the fire reaches the rope and they fall into the fire and are burnt to ashes
I suppose this scene is not in the movie (grin)
No, it isn't :(
In the books there is a crucifixion scene (in Fausta vaincue)
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Of course she is saved in the last moment by Pardaillan ..... after hanging there for a few hours

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