Mary, Queen of Scots (2018) trailer
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Some snaps from the trailer for Mary, Queen of Scots (2018)
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Dissappointing: didn't live up to my expectations, in all in the execution. But the rest of the movie was decentish. I had pretty much already known about the relationship between her and Elizabeth, so it was refreshing to see a slightly different take on her life.

Cute actress, but wasn't Mary Queen Of Scots suppose to be old when she was executed? Honestly I was more curious about one of other girls in the earlier part of the movie.

I'm wondering what that masked event was? Some stageless rendition of Shakespeare's plays? I thought he wasn't until the late 16th century to a few decades before the English Civil War? I mean there were probably other playwrites.
Well, we're interested in fantasy here, not necessarily reality. Frankly I liked the beheading at the end of Reign the best, even though it's not at all historically accurate (tall block, young hot-looking woman, one stroke to behead her) it's hot as hell from a fantasy standpoint.
So I am assuming they did not blindfold her in this version?
>So I am assuming they did not blindfold her in this version?

It would seem not:
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where can i watch this scene?archie871
The film is still in theaters, and so it's not yet available online. (I've looked.)
For those looking for specifics, the trailers and pictures they've released basically show it all. The picture with her head on the block is the final shot of the film.

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