Prajaswamayam (democracy)
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(Watch last 5-10 minutes if not interested in the context although that is quite interesting too.)
A left leaning professor Rajeshwari Devi organises mass protests against a corrupt politician Jarasandh. She becomes popular and decides to contest election against him on a communist party ticket. She wins. But Jarasandh in collusion with other corrupt politicians and equally corrupt police frames her and her asdociates for blowing up her own college. They plant explosives and Naxalite (left wing guerrillas) literature at her house to prove that she is a Naxalite. She is tried and sentenced to death for causing death of dozens of students in the explosion.

(The link posted above doesn't show the hanging but probably the scene is there in the movie)
interesting, thanks for sharing
I've been trying very hard to find the full movie but haven't succeeded so far

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