Swedish beheading
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today I learnt that the preffered method of execution for witchcraft in sweden was beheading

there are documentaries about it:

That's hot :) rarely see beheading for witches.
The witch hunt has cost the lives of so many women, many of whom were perfectly innocent.

Even if a woman believes in witchcraft, as long as there is no evidence she has hurt another person, it is none of the other people's business. FXXk those who think they have absolute right in deciding what is right and what is wrong and dispense with other people's lives only according to their narrow mindedness.
The witch hunts in central Europe took a fearsome toll: Until now, we know of more than 60000 people that had been accused, tortured into confessing the most abominal things (e.g. even 4 year old children had sexual intercourse with the devil) and killed in a terrific manner (the church didn't like blood and thought burning was more usefull, as it cleansend the soul). Though in England and Scotland, witches were generally hanged or strangled before, in continental Europe, such clemency or a proper behading were only rarely given. Besides in areas ravaged by witch crazes, there were even 'witch-ovens' constructed, to make the executions more efficient and to save the expensive wood (!). Such ovens can be traced by literature to have been existent in Silesia (now Poland) and in the little town Zeil am Main in the bishopric of Bamberg (now Bavaria).
Nevertheless, the witch hunts didn't only target women! Every 4-5 victim was a man (even 80% in Finnland, 95% in Iceland). Most scholars agree, that the number of victims is still much to low, as it doesn't contain tons of lost records, unreveiled court material, suspects that were killed by the mob, recorded victims with missing details, and of course the relatives of the directly affected (secondary victims), thus amounting the number to approximately 250000 or even higher.

And one thing is for sure: EVERY ONE OF THEM WAS COMPLETELY INNOCENT! There is no real crime as a "contract with the devil", not even if confessed under exterme duress.

Sorry about this little excursion into history, but knowledge is always endangered to fall short in times (still) superstitious and challenged by Hollywoods 'mystery-movies'.

Quote by Fux von DornheimThe witch hunts in central Europe took a fearsome toll: Until now, we know of more than 60000 people that had been accused, tortured into confessing the most abominal things (e.g. even 4 year old children had sexual intercourse with the devil) and killed in a terrific manner (the church didn't like blood and thought burning was more usefull, as it cleansend the soul). Though in England and Scotland, witches were generally hanged or strangled before, in continental Europe, such clemency or a proper behading were only rarely given. Besides in areas ravaged by witch crazes, there were even 'witch-ovens' constructed, to make the executions more efficient and to save the expensive wood (!). Such ovens can be traced by literature to have been existent in Silesia (now Poland) and in the little town Zeil am Main in the bishopric of Bamberg (now Bavaria).
Nevertheless, the witch hunts didn't only target women! Every 4-5 victim was a man (even 80% in Finnland, 95% in Iceland). Most scholars agree, that the number of victims is still much to low, as it doesn't contain tons of lost records, unreveiled court material, suspects that were killed by the mob, recorded victims with missing details, and of course the relatives of the directly affected (secondary victims), thus amounting the number to approximately 250000 or even higher.

And one thing is for sure: EVERY ONE OF THEM WAS COMPLETELY INNOCENT! There is no real crime as a "contract with the devil", not even if confessed under exterme duress.

Sorry about this little excursion into history, but knowledge is always endangered to fall short in times (still) superstitious and challenged by Hollywoods 'mystery-movies'.

Totally agree!
There is nothing more evil than "to kill in the name of God"!
On the other hand, Charlemagne in one of his Capitularies (edicts) orders severe punishment for anyone practicing the old pagan ritual of witch burning. In Hungary, King Kalman banned which hunts in the year 1100 stating that "there are no such things as witches".
The practice is also widespread here in Africa. Many people are accused of using sorcery so they are burned to death by burnding down their houses. The belief in the dangers caused by sorcerers and magicians seems to be very widespread in historical times and region, and is not unique to European Celtic or Germanic culture, although it seems most widespread there.
Witchcraft wexeas also practised in ancient China.
However, only those who were proven to have used such to cause the death of others (or intended to use witchcraft to cause deaths) were punished. There were several cases in which witchcraft practise was discovered in imperial family. usually against the Emperor or his heir apparent (by his queen or consorts who wanted their own offspring to succeed the throne), Punishment was severe. With the exception of the queen (which could not be so executed in public), the culprits were subjected to the fearsome Slow-slicing during which the flesh of the condemned was sliced off piece by piece. In extreme cases, the victim took days to die (medical men standing by to ensure they did not die prematurely).


Quote by HitomiWitchcraft wexeas also practised in ancient China.
However, only those who were proven to have used such to cause the death of others (or intended to use witchcraft to cause deaths) were punished. There were several cases in which witchcraft practise was discovered in imperial family. usually against the Emperor or his heir apparent (by his queen or consorts who wanted their own offspring to succeed the throne), Punishment was severe. With the exception of the queen (which could not be so executed in public), the culprits were subjected to the fearsome Slow-slicing during which the flesh of the condemned was sliced off piece by piece. In extreme cases, the victim took days to die (medical men standing by to ensure they did not die prematurely).

if i recall correctly, women of the royal family were ceremoniously strangled with a silk scarf
That, would be at the mercy of the emperor.
Sometimes, they were given poison. There were others who suffered much more terrible fate.
One favorite concubine of an Emperor, when her husband was dead, was thrown into jail by the Empress (then Empress dowager) who had her arms and legs cut off, tongue and eyes pulled out, and then thrown into the toilet, calling her "human pig". The Empress-dowager then took her own son, the new emperor who was no more than a kid to visit her "auntie". He was so shocked that his mind never recovered and became somewhat retarded.

At least one Empress got decaptitated by her husband (she did not even do anything wrong but just that a seer said within the year, imperial blood would be shed and the emperor killed his empress to fulfil that "phophecy" and he had the nerve to record this down in the Imperial chronicle.

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