Old beheading illustrations
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The first is of an execution in 18th century Sweden. The second is 19th century Rome.
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Three different ones of Beatrice Cenci.
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They are beautiful!
So the third illustration above - is that suggesting that she stood with her head under the blade for it to be cut off? That's really wild if it happened - anyone have any background on that? If it really happened that's one of the most unique beheading methods I've heard of.
All three of the images in the second post are about the execution of Beatrice Cenci. One source I found said that she was executed with a "small axe". Whether or not that's right, it definitely wasn't with a proto-guillotine. I don't know where exactly the third image comes from. I don't know if anyone has ever been guillotined while standing, but it's not a very practical method of execution.
I agree it's not very practical, but it's hot as hell!
The first image is in Norway not Sweden, and says so on the printout. They are a couple movies of those girls being executed which are sort of wild.
I have heard both ways where Beatrice was executed with a primitive Guillotine, and an axe. The pictures would lean toward a guillotine type of machine.
I have heard and read both versions also
Cenci would be an axe. They do reckon a prototype guillotine was used in Germany!
Great art !

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