Execution Tales Chapters 3 & 4
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A month later Jane receives Josiah’s first letter. Her heart beats faster as she reads the brief enclosed note from the lawyer. She opens up the accompanying newspaper page & avidly starts to read. The article vividly & luridly describes four recent separate executions of young women & teenage girls in what is now widely referred to as the “Wild West”.
The first hanging detailed in the article was that of Paula Angel, a 19 year old Hispanic saloon dance girl who had been strung up from a tree off a cart in New Mexico for the murder of another girl who worked in the saloon. Paula’s beauty was very evident from her picture in the newspaper. She had chosen to wear her best white dress for her hanging & the reporter waxed lyrical about how lovely she looked commenting particularly on the way the tight white gown clung to her young lithe body & the how it accentuated the beauty of her light brown Latino complexion & general skin tone
Paula Angel
Paula was taken in the cart from the jail, sitting on her own crude pine coffin to the hanging tree where a single large branch some twelve feet above the ground had a single rope dangling from it. The prairie breeze caused the rope to sway gently backwards & forwards. Many of the men in the watching crowd had been Paula’s customers & now they were eagerly waiting for her to perform a different sort of dance. The deputy driving the cart placed it under the hanging noose The Sheriff climbed onto the back of the cart & pulled the prisoner to her feet. Paula tried to resist but it was futile. She was obviously terrified. At her trial she had claimed that she hadn’t meant to kill the other girl during a fight over money. The court had disagreed & now she was going to pay for her crime. The sheriff stood Paula so that the noose hung just in front of her face. He pulled her hands behind her & wrapped a leather cord around her wrists. Tears ran down the doomed girl’s cheeks as the Sheriff pulled the rope down over her head placing the knot at the back of her neck & then tightened the noose. He then went & sat in the driver’s seat at the front of the cart
The Sheriff flicked the reins & shouted at the two horses pulling the cart. The cart jolted slightly & began to move. Paula tried to remain standing for as long as she could however the cart was remorselessly moving under her feet while the rope round her neck prevented her from going with it. Just before she was forced to step off the cart she screamed however this became a wet gurgle as the cart disappeared from under her & the rope dug into her neck. She swung away from the retreating cart her feet waving around trying to find something to relieve the terrible pressure of the noose round her neck. Her body twisted & writhed as she pulled desperately at the straps around her wrists. The skirt of her dress whispered & rose half way up thighs revealing long slender light brown legs as she kicked.
Paula Angel’s final performance lasted over five minutes before she finally hung dead from the New Mexico hanging tree
The next execution listed was that of 18 year old Chipita Rodriguez who had also been hanged from a tree, this time in Texas. Chipita had killed a man with an axe for reasons that were unclear. While no picture of the prisoner appeared in the article, the author colourfully described her lovelieness.
Chipita Rodriguez
She had been taken to her execution, arms bound to her sides sitting side saddle on a horse & wearing a new blue dress made for by the town’s women folk. She had sobbed & pleaded for mercy all the way to the gallows tree, her wails & piteous cries continued up until the horse was led away from under her & the noose suddenly tightened around her slim brown neck silencing her forever
The third hanging in the article was the lynching of 24 year old Kit Brandon in Wyoming who had been widely suspected of horse stealing & murder. The description of Kit’s lynching largely consisted of a statement from an unnamed, but apparently literate, cowboy who had tried to stop it:
Kit Brandon
I had followed the mob as they dragged Kit to a large willow tree & made her get on a horse, tie her hands & place a noose around her slender white neck. I heard the head vigilante say “Kit Brandon, we condemn you to hang for your proven crimes”. On hearing this I rode my horse into the middle of the frenzied throng & took up a position between Kit & the head vigilante. I said to him “You can’t do this. Hand her over to the law for God’s sake”. He signalled to his cohorts & I was pulled from my horse & punched & kicked several times as I lay on the ground. I then heard the trampling sound made by many boots & of strong bodies in concerted action, the noise of a tree branch violently shaken, a strangled cry. Lying there on the ground I looked up & saw Kit struggle & jerk spasmodically on the rope, her kicking legs raising her skirt above the tops of her knee length leather boots. Her dark hair had loosened from it’s braids & covered her delicate features. Her convulsions lasted several minutes & then she was still, her body stretched limp, moving to & fro with the swaying branch of the tree
The last execution was that of a 17 year old African American former slave, Amy Spain who had escaped to Arizona, from the Carolinas. Amy had ended up working in a brothel in Phoenix & she had been convicted of murdering another prostitute in a dispute over money. As with Chipita the journalist took great delight in detailing what had been reported as Amy’s “Raw black animal beauty”.
Amy Spain
At the back of the brothel where she had worked, wearing her skimpy saloon girl dress, the young girl was made to stand on a barrel, hands tied behind her, a noosed rope was thrown up over a wooden beam above & the rope was placed around her neck. The Sheriff had then kicked the barrel away from under the shaking petrified Amy & she had writhed, convulsed & kicked wildly as she slowly strangled to death.
Jane could hardly wait to get home from work that day to re-read the letter, go straight to bed & rub her pussy raw
Over the next year or so Doctor Queen & Mister Edwards regularly exchanged letters relating & discussing details of female executions they had learned about, not just in America, but also in the United Kingdom, Europe & Mexico
04: Scarlett Fawcett-Majors
Shortly after the outbreak of the American civil war in 1861 Jane & Josiah seized with relish their next chance to attend a female hanging. Mr Edwards was now Major Edwards in the Union Army & was based in Washington & Doctor Queen was working in a hospital in New York. The opportunity arose following the conviction of a twenty three year old woman, Scarlett Fawcett-Majors, who it turned out was originally from Virginia, for spying for the Confederacy while working as a secretary for a senior government official in Washington. President Lincoln had sadly concluded that at this early stage of the war an example must be made & had refused Scarlett’s plea for mercy
The night before the execution Jane booked into a smart hotel in Washington & as arranged met Josiah for dinner. After they had dined, & demonstrating a lot of self- control, retired to their separate rooms.
The next morning they ride together in a horse drawn carriage to the prison where the hanging is to take place firmly holding onto the telescopic eye pieces they had invested in after the hanging of Ann Bilansky in St Pauls. Because of public anger against the prisoner the authorities have decided that the execution should take place within the prison in front of invited guests, including Major Edwards & Doctor Queen, & a group of selected journalists.
On arrival Jane & Josiah are led to their seats in the prison yard, the gallows looming up in front of them. Once all is ready the prisoner is brought from her cell & out into the yard. An audible gasp can be heard from many in the crowd as they set eyes on Scarlett for the first time. She is a stunning looking blonde, her trim, firm figure accentuated by her tight white blouse & full blue crinoline skirt
Jane focuses her eyepiece on the prisoner & presses her thighs together as she feels the warmth starting in her loins. Josiah crosses his legs to conceal his growing erection & licks his lips at the enlarged vision of the delicious prisoner given to him by his small telescope
Her hands secured behind her Scarlett walks steadily across the yard & as she mounts the scaffold steps the spectators are afforded glimpses of her slim ankles & white petticoat beneath her skirt. The condemned girl, while frightened, appears to be determined to go to her death bravely & resolutely. On the gallows platform she is placed on the trap supported by two guards. A senior officer steps forward & reads the death warrant. Scarlett visibly shivers as the white hood is pulled over her head & her lovely features disappear from view, the noose is placed around her trembling slender neck by the hangman & pulled tight
Doctor Queen, clenches & unclenches her fists & bites her lips to stop herself from moaning in anticipatory pleasure. Major Edwards throbbing cock is beginning to ooze sperm
The senior officer claps his hands & the executioner pulls the lever. The girls blue skirt & white petticoat fly upwards above her knees as she drops. Her death struggles go on for about three minutes until she swings dead on the scaffold, the light wind fluttering & trying to lift her skirt.
Jane tenses & she rocks slightly backwards & forwards in her seat as she noiselessly comes. She glances quickly around & is relieved to see that only spectator present who knows what has happened to her is Josiah, who smiles at her. For his part Josiah, with the assistance of his pocketed hand has also experienced a very gratifying climax, his underpants are soaking with his sperm
After the execution Doctor Queen & Major Edwards return to the hotel, lock the door to Jane’s room & spend the rest of the day trying to screw each other’s brains out.
And so things continued for the rest of the war, Jane & Josiah kept up their correspondence, getting together when they could in hotels in Washington & New York to discuss female hangings & executions & to devour each other’s bodies.
A month later Jane receives Josiah’s first letter. Her heart beats faster as she reads the brief enclosed note from the lawyer. She opens up the accompanying newspaper page & avidly starts to read. The article vividly & luridly describes four recent separate executions of young women & teenage girls in what is now widely referred to as the “Wild West”.
The first hanging detailed in the article was that of Paula Angel, a 19 year old Hispanic saloon dance girl who had been strung up from a tree off a cart in New Mexico for the murder of another girl who worked in the saloon. Paula’s beauty was very evident from her picture in the newspaper. She had chosen to wear her best white dress for her hanging & the reporter waxed lyrical about how lovely she looked commenting particularly on the way the tight white gown clung to her young lithe body & the how it accentuated the beauty of her light brown Latino complexion & general skin tone
Paula Angel
Paula was taken in the cart from the jail, sitting on her own crude pine coffin to the hanging tree where a single large branch some twelve feet above the ground had a single rope dangling from it. The prairie breeze caused the rope to sway gently backwards & forwards. Many of the men in the watching crowd had been Paula’s customers & now they were eagerly waiting for her to perform a different sort of dance. The deputy driving the cart placed it under the hanging noose The Sheriff climbed onto the back of the cart & pulled the prisoner to her feet. Paula tried to resist but it was futile. She was obviously terrified. At her trial she had claimed that she hadn’t meant to kill the other girl during a fight over money. The court had disagreed & now she was going to pay for her crime. The sheriff stood Paula so that the noose hung just in front of her face. He pulled her hands behind her & wrapped a leather cord around her wrists. Tears ran down the doomed girl’s cheeks as the Sheriff pulled the rope down over her head placing the knot at the back of her neck & then tightened the noose. He then went & sat in the driver’s seat at the front of the cart
The Sheriff flicked the reins & shouted at the two horses pulling the cart. The cart jolted slightly & began to move. Paula tried to remain standing for as long as she could however the cart was remorselessly moving under her feet while the rope round her neck prevented her from going with it. Just before she was forced to step off the cart she screamed however this became a wet gurgle as the cart disappeared from under her & the rope dug into her neck. She swung away from the retreating cart her feet waving around trying to find something to relieve the terrible pressure of the noose round her neck. Her body twisted & writhed as she pulled desperately at the straps around her wrists. The skirt of her dress whispered & rose half way up thighs revealing long slender light brown legs as she kicked.
Paula Angel’s final performance lasted over five minutes before she finally hung dead from the New Mexico hanging tree
The next execution listed was that of 18 year old Chipita Rodriguez who had also been hanged from a tree, this time in Texas. Chipita had killed a man with an axe for reasons that were unclear. While no picture of the prisoner appeared in the article, the author colourfully described her lovelieness.
Chipita Rodriguez
She had been taken to her execution, arms bound to her sides sitting side saddle on a horse & wearing a new blue dress made for by the town’s women folk. She had sobbed & pleaded for mercy all the way to the gallows tree, her wails & piteous cries continued up until the horse was led away from under her & the noose suddenly tightened around her slim brown neck silencing her forever
The third hanging in the article was the lynching of 24 year old Kit Brandon in Wyoming who had been widely suspected of horse stealing & murder. The description of Kit’s lynching largely consisted of a statement from an unnamed, but apparently literate, cowboy who had tried to stop it:
Kit Brandon
I had followed the mob as they dragged Kit to a large willow tree & made her get on a horse, tie her hands & place a noose around her slender white neck. I heard the head vigilante say “Kit Brandon, we condemn you to hang for your proven crimes”. On hearing this I rode my horse into the middle of the frenzied throng & took up a position between Kit & the head vigilante. I said to him “You can’t do this. Hand her over to the law for God’s sake”. He signalled to his cohorts & I was pulled from my horse & punched & kicked several times as I lay on the ground. I then heard the trampling sound made by many boots & of strong bodies in concerted action, the noise of a tree branch violently shaken, a strangled cry. Lying there on the ground I looked up & saw Kit struggle & jerk spasmodically on the rope, her kicking legs raising her skirt above the tops of her knee length leather boots. Her dark hair had loosened from it’s braids & covered her delicate features. Her convulsions lasted several minutes & then she was still, her body stretched limp, moving to & fro with the swaying branch of the tree
The last execution was that of a 17 year old African American former slave, Amy Spain who had escaped to Arizona, from the Carolinas. Amy had ended up working in a brothel in Phoenix & she had been convicted of murdering another prostitute in a dispute over money. As with Chipita the journalist took great delight in detailing what had been reported as Amy’s “Raw black animal beauty”.
Amy Spain
At the back of the brothel where she had worked, wearing her skimpy saloon girl dress, the young girl was made to stand on a barrel, hands tied behind her, a noosed rope was thrown up over a wooden beam above & the rope was placed around her neck. The Sheriff had then kicked the barrel away from under the shaking petrified Amy & she had writhed, convulsed & kicked wildly as she slowly strangled to death.
Jane could hardly wait to get home from work that day to re-read the letter, go straight to bed & rub her pussy raw
Over the next year or so Doctor Queen & Mister Edwards regularly exchanged letters relating & discussing details of female executions they had learned about, not just in America, but also in the United Kingdom, Europe & Mexico
04: Scarlett Fawcett-Majors
Shortly after the outbreak of the American civil war in 1861 Jane & Josiah seized with relish their next chance to attend a female hanging. Mr Edwards was now Major Edwards in the Union Army & was based in Washington & Doctor Queen was working in a hospital in New York. The opportunity arose following the conviction of a twenty three year old woman, Scarlett Fawcett-Majors, who it turned out was originally from Virginia, for spying for the Confederacy while working as a secretary for a senior government official in Washington. President Lincoln had sadly concluded that at this early stage of the war an example must be made & had refused Scarlett’s plea for mercy
The night before the execution Jane booked into a smart hotel in Washington & as arranged met Josiah for dinner. After they had dined, & demonstrating a lot of self- control, retired to their separate rooms.
The next morning they ride together in a horse drawn carriage to the prison where the hanging is to take place firmly holding onto the telescopic eye pieces they had invested in after the hanging of Ann Bilansky in St Pauls. Because of public anger against the prisoner the authorities have decided that the execution should take place within the prison in front of invited guests, including Major Edwards & Doctor Queen, & a group of selected journalists.
On arrival Jane & Josiah are led to their seats in the prison yard, the gallows looming up in front of them. Once all is ready the prisoner is brought from her cell & out into the yard. An audible gasp can be heard from many in the crowd as they set eyes on Scarlett for the first time. She is a stunning looking blonde, her trim, firm figure accentuated by her tight white blouse & full blue crinoline skirt
Jane focuses her eyepiece on the prisoner & presses her thighs together as she feels the warmth starting in her loins. Josiah crosses his legs to conceal his growing erection & licks his lips at the enlarged vision of the delicious prisoner given to him by his small telescope
Her hands secured behind her Scarlett walks steadily across the yard & as she mounts the scaffold steps the spectators are afforded glimpses of her slim ankles & white petticoat beneath her skirt. The condemned girl, while frightened, appears to be determined to go to her death bravely & resolutely. On the gallows platform she is placed on the trap supported by two guards. A senior officer steps forward & reads the death warrant. Scarlett visibly shivers as the white hood is pulled over her head & her lovely features disappear from view, the noose is placed around her trembling slender neck by the hangman & pulled tight
Doctor Queen, clenches & unclenches her fists & bites her lips to stop herself from moaning in anticipatory pleasure. Major Edwards throbbing cock is beginning to ooze sperm
The senior officer claps his hands & the executioner pulls the lever. The girls blue skirt & white petticoat fly upwards above her knees as she drops. Her death struggles go on for about three minutes until she swings dead on the scaffold, the light wind fluttering & trying to lift her skirt.
Jane tenses & she rocks slightly backwards & forwards in her seat as she noiselessly comes. She glances quickly around & is relieved to see that only spectator present who knows what has happened to her is Josiah, who smiles at her. For his part Josiah, with the assistance of his pocketed hand has also experienced a very gratifying climax, his underpants are soaking with his sperm
After the execution Doctor Queen & Major Edwards return to the hotel, lock the door to Jane’s room & spend the rest of the day trying to screw each other’s brains out.
And so things continued for the rest of the war, Jane & Josiah kept up their correspondence, getting together when they could in hotels in Washington & New York to discuss female hangings & executions & to devour each other’s bodies.
Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapters 3 & 4