Execution Tales Chapters 5 & 6
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapters 5 & 6 05: Mrs Surratt
No more opportunities arose for them to attend the hanging of a woman until after the end of the conflict & the assassination of President Lincoln. The four surviving conspirators convicted of involvement in the killing of the President were due to be executed on July 7th 1865. Amongst them was 42 year old Mary Surratt.
As had been the case in the execution of Scarlett Fawcett Majors Major Edwards & Doctor Queen are on the invited guest list for the hangings. Again they sit in excited anticipation in the prison courtyard looking at the scaffold in front of them holding their small telescopes. This time it has been built significantly larger to accommodate the four condemned prisoners. It has two large traps, & over each one two ropes hung down. On one side of the gallows four shallow graves had been dug. Close by were stocked four pine boxes, the coffins
At 1.00 pm the soldiers in the yard are ordered to attention, & the prisoners emerge out into the sun, walking by their open graves on the way to the scaffold. Mrs Surrat comes out first dressed in black, she is bareheaded & the crowd can see that even though she is 42 years old, she is still a fine looking woman. Soldiers support her on both sides. The condemned men, Atzerodt, Herold & Paine follow, they too have a soldier on either side holding their arms. The last member of the execution party to enter the yard is a priest, who is reading quietly from a bible. They all have to be assisted up the scaffold steps. Four wooden armchairs have been placed on the gallows platform & in these the prisoners are seated. Directly in front of them dangle the nooses
Jane & Josiah can feel their arousal beginning to grow as they look on through their eyepieces transfixed by the scene on the scaffold.
Major General Hartranft, commandant of the prison, stands in the middle of the platform & reads the sentences to the prisoners. He asks if the condemned have any last words. Mrs Surrat looks up & says simply “I am innocent”. General Hancock, the officer in charge of the executions climbs the steps to the platform & orders the hangman, a conspicuous figure in his white coat & hat, to proceed. Soldiers pinion the prisoners’ hands & tie strips of canvas around their ankles & above their knees. They are then made to stand & the wooden chairs are removed. The nooses are placed around their necks by the hangman. Mrs Surratt sways in a half faint “Please don’t hang me she begs”. White canvas death hoods are drawn over the prisoners’ heads. At 1.21 pm the executioner waves to the people on the platform to stand away from the traps. Hurriedly they step back. Major General Hartranft claps his hands three times. At the final clap, four soldiers knock away the supports under the traps. The prisoners drop some five feet to the end of the ropes, their descent coming to a sudden jerking stop. All four bodies shudder as the nooses arrest their fall
Doctor Queen & Major Edwards can see clearly that Mrs Surratt is far from dead. Her legs wriggle, thighs rubbing together under her black skirt as she struggles against the tight bonds securing her legs. Her body convulses & shakes & her head nods rapidly up & down as she fights for a breath of air. After ten minutes her suffering ends & she swings on the end of her rope. She is the last to die.
Jane & Josiah both climax as Mrs Surrat expires. Their faces flushed they sit back in their seats & take deep breaths to compose themselves.
After half an hour the bodies are cut down from the scaffold & army surgeons pronounce the conspirators dead. Later The Washington Daily News would report that none of the prisoners’ necks had been broken, they had all strangled slowly to death on the gallows ropes
Once they have left the prison & as soon as they are back in Doctor Queen’s hotel room they throw themselves at each other, ripping their clothes off & engage in some incredibly intense, sex
The final thing that Jane & Josiah were impressed by after the execution of the Lincoln conspirators was the quality of the pictures of the hangings that appeared in the newspapers shortly afterwards. They cut them out & kept them along with the other articles in their growing collection
06: Mexico
In 1866 Jane & Josiah finally get married. Josiah has left the army & Jane’s contract with the military hospital she had been working at has come to an end. Mr Edwards comes from a wealthy family & on the death of his father he inherited a significant amount of money. They decide to go travelling for a while determined to further explore their mutual hobby.
Their first port of call is Mexico & once in Mexico City they investigate the local opportunities available for their enjoyment. Jane speaks reasonable Spanish having studied it for a year while at University & on the second afternoon of their stay she returns to the hotel bursting with excitement. “Josiah, there is going to be an execution tomorrow morning of two young women in the main plaza & I have booked a room with a brilliant view”, she delightedly informs her husband. Josiah smiles at his wife & replies, “Well done you.”.
The couple are very knowledgeable on the method of execution used in Mexico namely the garrotte. It had originally been introduced in Spain in 1813 during the reign of Ferdinand II. It had been developed from the early Chinese form of execution known as the bow string. The criminal was tied to an upright post with two holes bored in it, through which ends of a cord from a long bow were passed & pulled tight round the neck by the executioner until the condemned strangled to death. There were several variations being used in the former Spanish colonies & Jane & Josiah animatedly discuss what one they will witness tomorrow
The next morning Jane & Josiah wait in their room looking out into plaza square, eyepieces inevitably to hand. The two condemned women are Conchita Estefan & Marisol Gonzalez who had been her maid. They had murdered Conchita’s husband when he had uncovered the love affair the two women had been conducting under his roof. Don Pedro Estefan had been a wealthy & well-known figure in Mexican high society & the case had scandalised the entire country.
A large crowd is assembled in the square surrounding the scaffold on which stands the garotte. The American couple are fascinated to see that it consists of a wooden stool attached to an upright post with an iron collar sitting at the top. On the opposite end of the iron collar is a large screw, connected to a lever that is used to tighten the collar around the condemned’s neck. Conchita & Marisol arrive in the square in a horse drawn carriage. Jane & Josiah smile in delight when they see how attractive the two young Mexican women are. Conchita is 24 years of age & Marisol not yet 20, they each have long lustrous black hair, smooth tanned faces & lovely figures. The older girl is wearing a white silk blouse & well-fitting long pink skirt. She has donated the lace pink top & velvet red skirt worn by her maid & lover. The two prisoners are helped from the carriage & Marisol almost faints when she looks up & sees the garrotte & the tall hooded executioner standing next to it dressed in black. The crowd is silent as the two prisoners mount the steps of the scaffold, followed by a priest, to the platform which is about eight feet above the ground, assisted by the soldiers guarding them. The only sounds that can be heard are the slow beating of a single drum & the weeping of the doomed young women. Once they are on the platform two guards take Conchita & stand her to one side, in front of the garrotte. The authorities have decreed that she will witness the execution of her lover before she too feels the deadly embrace of the iron collar around her neck, as they believe that she was the prime mover in the killing of her husband Don Pedro. The soldiers hand Marisol over to the executioner & return to the square. The priest remains on the scaffold platform. The girl tries vainly to resist but the executioner is much stronger & he drags her to the dreaded seat. Marisol cries, “No! For the sake of Jesus……have pity! No I don’t want to die!
In their room Jane & Josiah assume their positions, he gently massages his wife’s buttocks under her skirt as she wriggles her bottom against his groin.
The executioner forces Marisol to sit on the stool & quickly straps her arms, upper torso & waist to the post. He grabs the terrified girl’s forehead & forces her to look up as he expertly places the iron collar around her slender shivering neck. As the collar is clamped shut around her neck Marisol again begs for her life, struggling & screaming, the drumming stops, & her desperate pleas are reduced to a choking cry at the first turn of the screw. As the executioner turns the screw the post shudders & a terrible sound of metal grating on metal can be clearly heard. The prisoner takes a gulp of air & clenches her teeth trying to prevent what must inevitably come. The pressure increases & Marisol’s eyes open wide, her lips part letting her swollen tongue protrude. She tries to rise from the stool but the straps prevent this, all she can do is lift & kick her legs at times lifting her knees to above her waist
As the prisoner’s red velvet skirt is pushed up by her thrashing legs, revealing her stockinged legs & expensive white underwear, Josiah pulls down Jane’s skirt & pantaloons & starts to frantically fuck her
As the collar closes her windpipe Marisol’s mouth gapes open in a last effort to breath, her tongue hangs from her lips & saliva drips down her chin. The executioner turns the screw one last time, the prisoner’s eyes turn in their sockets & she slumps back on the stool, her once lovely face is now purple & horribly distorted. The priest cries with a mighty shout
“Pax et misericordia et tranqquillitas”
Those in the watching crowd bless themselves & their response echoes round the plaza square
“Misericordia Misericordia”
Mr & Mrs Edwards breathing slows as they begin to recover from their first orgasms of the morning. They both take large gulps of brandy as they start to prepare themselves for the next execution
Conchita has sobbed helplessly all the way through Marisol’s execution, her intense emotions are a combination of horror at the terrible death of her lover & her terror at the knowledge that she will be next.
Marisol’s body is removed from the garrotte & quickly replaced by the crying & pleading Conchita. As the iron collar tightens round her neck & her flailing legs kick the air throwing her pink skirt above her waist exposing her undergarments Josiah violently screws his wife against the wall of the room. Jane’s thighs are round her husband’s waist, her arms hanging onto his neck, his hands support her bottom as he pounds his rock hard cock in & out of her, by now incredibly slippery pussy. When they come they slowly slide to the floor. Once he has got his breath back Josiah says to Jane, “Where to now my love?” Jane replies. “London I think – there is always so much to see there”.
No more opportunities arose for them to attend the hanging of a woman until after the end of the conflict & the assassination of President Lincoln. The four surviving conspirators convicted of involvement in the killing of the President were due to be executed on July 7th 1865. Amongst them was 42 year old Mary Surratt.
As had been the case in the execution of Scarlett Fawcett Majors Major Edwards & Doctor Queen are on the invited guest list for the hangings. Again they sit in excited anticipation in the prison courtyard looking at the scaffold in front of them holding their small telescopes. This time it has been built significantly larger to accommodate the four condemned prisoners. It has two large traps, & over each one two ropes hung down. On one side of the gallows four shallow graves had been dug. Close by were stocked four pine boxes, the coffins
At 1.00 pm the soldiers in the yard are ordered to attention, & the prisoners emerge out into the sun, walking by their open graves on the way to the scaffold. Mrs Surrat comes out first dressed in black, she is bareheaded & the crowd can see that even though she is 42 years old, she is still a fine looking woman. Soldiers support her on both sides. The condemned men, Atzerodt, Herold & Paine follow, they too have a soldier on either side holding their arms. The last member of the execution party to enter the yard is a priest, who is reading quietly from a bible. They all have to be assisted up the scaffold steps. Four wooden armchairs have been placed on the gallows platform & in these the prisoners are seated. Directly in front of them dangle the nooses
Jane & Josiah can feel their arousal beginning to grow as they look on through their eyepieces transfixed by the scene on the scaffold.
Major General Hartranft, commandant of the prison, stands in the middle of the platform & reads the sentences to the prisoners. He asks if the condemned have any last words. Mrs Surrat looks up & says simply “I am innocent”. General Hancock, the officer in charge of the executions climbs the steps to the platform & orders the hangman, a conspicuous figure in his white coat & hat, to proceed. Soldiers pinion the prisoners’ hands & tie strips of canvas around their ankles & above their knees. They are then made to stand & the wooden chairs are removed. The nooses are placed around their necks by the hangman. Mrs Surratt sways in a half faint “Please don’t hang me she begs”. White canvas death hoods are drawn over the prisoners’ heads. At 1.21 pm the executioner waves to the people on the platform to stand away from the traps. Hurriedly they step back. Major General Hartranft claps his hands three times. At the final clap, four soldiers knock away the supports under the traps. The prisoners drop some five feet to the end of the ropes, their descent coming to a sudden jerking stop. All four bodies shudder as the nooses arrest their fall
Doctor Queen & Major Edwards can see clearly that Mrs Surratt is far from dead. Her legs wriggle, thighs rubbing together under her black skirt as she struggles against the tight bonds securing her legs. Her body convulses & shakes & her head nods rapidly up & down as she fights for a breath of air. After ten minutes her suffering ends & she swings on the end of her rope. She is the last to die.
Jane & Josiah both climax as Mrs Surrat expires. Their faces flushed they sit back in their seats & take deep breaths to compose themselves.
After half an hour the bodies are cut down from the scaffold & army surgeons pronounce the conspirators dead. Later The Washington Daily News would report that none of the prisoners’ necks had been broken, they had all strangled slowly to death on the gallows ropes
Once they have left the prison & as soon as they are back in Doctor Queen’s hotel room they throw themselves at each other, ripping their clothes off & engage in some incredibly intense, sex
The final thing that Jane & Josiah were impressed by after the execution of the Lincoln conspirators was the quality of the pictures of the hangings that appeared in the newspapers shortly afterwards. They cut them out & kept them along with the other articles in their growing collection
06: Mexico
In 1866 Jane & Josiah finally get married. Josiah has left the army & Jane’s contract with the military hospital she had been working at has come to an end. Mr Edwards comes from a wealthy family & on the death of his father he inherited a significant amount of money. They decide to go travelling for a while determined to further explore their mutual hobby.
Their first port of call is Mexico & once in Mexico City they investigate the local opportunities available for their enjoyment. Jane speaks reasonable Spanish having studied it for a year while at University & on the second afternoon of their stay she returns to the hotel bursting with excitement. “Josiah, there is going to be an execution tomorrow morning of two young women in the main plaza & I have booked a room with a brilliant view”, she delightedly informs her husband. Josiah smiles at his wife & replies, “Well done you.”.
The couple are very knowledgeable on the method of execution used in Mexico namely the garrotte. It had originally been introduced in Spain in 1813 during the reign of Ferdinand II. It had been developed from the early Chinese form of execution known as the bow string. The criminal was tied to an upright post with two holes bored in it, through which ends of a cord from a long bow were passed & pulled tight round the neck by the executioner until the condemned strangled to death. There were several variations being used in the former Spanish colonies & Jane & Josiah animatedly discuss what one they will witness tomorrow
The next morning Jane & Josiah wait in their room looking out into plaza square, eyepieces inevitably to hand. The two condemned women are Conchita Estefan & Marisol Gonzalez who had been her maid. They had murdered Conchita’s husband when he had uncovered the love affair the two women had been conducting under his roof. Don Pedro Estefan had been a wealthy & well-known figure in Mexican high society & the case had scandalised the entire country.
A large crowd is assembled in the square surrounding the scaffold on which stands the garotte. The American couple are fascinated to see that it consists of a wooden stool attached to an upright post with an iron collar sitting at the top. On the opposite end of the iron collar is a large screw, connected to a lever that is used to tighten the collar around the condemned’s neck. Conchita & Marisol arrive in the square in a horse drawn carriage. Jane & Josiah smile in delight when they see how attractive the two young Mexican women are. Conchita is 24 years of age & Marisol not yet 20, they each have long lustrous black hair, smooth tanned faces & lovely figures. The older girl is wearing a white silk blouse & well-fitting long pink skirt. She has donated the lace pink top & velvet red skirt worn by her maid & lover. The two prisoners are helped from the carriage & Marisol almost faints when she looks up & sees the garrotte & the tall hooded executioner standing next to it dressed in black. The crowd is silent as the two prisoners mount the steps of the scaffold, followed by a priest, to the platform which is about eight feet above the ground, assisted by the soldiers guarding them. The only sounds that can be heard are the slow beating of a single drum & the weeping of the doomed young women. Once they are on the platform two guards take Conchita & stand her to one side, in front of the garrotte. The authorities have decreed that she will witness the execution of her lover before she too feels the deadly embrace of the iron collar around her neck, as they believe that she was the prime mover in the killing of her husband Don Pedro. The soldiers hand Marisol over to the executioner & return to the square. The priest remains on the scaffold platform. The girl tries vainly to resist but the executioner is much stronger & he drags her to the dreaded seat. Marisol cries, “No! For the sake of Jesus……have pity! No I don’t want to die!
In their room Jane & Josiah assume their positions, he gently massages his wife’s buttocks under her skirt as she wriggles her bottom against his groin.
The executioner forces Marisol to sit on the stool & quickly straps her arms, upper torso & waist to the post. He grabs the terrified girl’s forehead & forces her to look up as he expertly places the iron collar around her slender shivering neck. As the collar is clamped shut around her neck Marisol again begs for her life, struggling & screaming, the drumming stops, & her desperate pleas are reduced to a choking cry at the first turn of the screw. As the executioner turns the screw the post shudders & a terrible sound of metal grating on metal can be clearly heard. The prisoner takes a gulp of air & clenches her teeth trying to prevent what must inevitably come. The pressure increases & Marisol’s eyes open wide, her lips part letting her swollen tongue protrude. She tries to rise from the stool but the straps prevent this, all she can do is lift & kick her legs at times lifting her knees to above her waist
As the prisoner’s red velvet skirt is pushed up by her thrashing legs, revealing her stockinged legs & expensive white underwear, Josiah pulls down Jane’s skirt & pantaloons & starts to frantically fuck her
As the collar closes her windpipe Marisol’s mouth gapes open in a last effort to breath, her tongue hangs from her lips & saliva drips down her chin. The executioner turns the screw one last time, the prisoner’s eyes turn in their sockets & she slumps back on the stool, her once lovely face is now purple & horribly distorted. The priest cries with a mighty shout
“Pax et misericordia et tranqquillitas”
Those in the watching crowd bless themselves & their response echoes round the plaza square
“Misericordia Misericordia”
Mr & Mrs Edwards breathing slows as they begin to recover from their first orgasms of the morning. They both take large gulps of brandy as they start to prepare themselves for the next execution
Conchita has sobbed helplessly all the way through Marisol’s execution, her intense emotions are a combination of horror at the terrible death of her lover & her terror at the knowledge that she will be next.
Marisol’s body is removed from the garrotte & quickly replaced by the crying & pleading Conchita. As the iron collar tightens round her neck & her flailing legs kick the air throwing her pink skirt above her waist exposing her undergarments Josiah violently screws his wife against the wall of the room. Jane’s thighs are round her husband’s waist, her arms hanging onto his neck, his hands support her bottom as he pounds his rock hard cock in & out of her, by now incredibly slippery pussy. When they come they slowly slide to the floor. Once he has got his breath back Josiah says to Jane, “Where to now my love?” Jane replies. “London I think – there is always so much to see there”.
>London I think – there is always so much to see there
Why do I get the sense that Jane Queen will find herself on a gallows at some point?
Why do I get the sense that Jane Queen will find herself on a gallows at some point?

oh yes, my crystal ball and the cards are clear...there's a tight noose around Dr. Queen in the future
Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapters 5 & 6