Execution Tales Chapters 26 & 27
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26: Milania

At the end of April & Beth’s next session with Doctor Harris he closed his notebook & said. “I think this will be our last consultation girls. I must thank you for you co-operation & your honesty. I have found our discussions to be most helpful in terms of my research”. The girls smiled & April said. “We too have found the experience interesting & it has helped us greatly to know that our fantasies are relatively common & don’t mean that we are liable to end up killing people. Also through them we have made a new friend in Cheryl who has now, would you believe, started to teach us how to sail a boat”. Harris laughed, “So I understand April. I am pleased. That will give you something new to focus on & help you get over the horrors of the past year. I trust you can both swim?” April & Beth both nodded. The Doctor stood up & shook their hands his parting words were. “Good luck to you both”.

The next Saturday Cheryl, April & Beth met for lunch. In a corner of the restaurant well away from listening ears they discussed how they were going to get hold of their next victim. The idea of approaching the surviving original Refuge girls, or those now leaving the now renamed “Educational Hostel for Girls” was quickly dismissed as if they started to disappear again questions would be bound to be asked.

Beth asked Cheryl, “Where did you meet Tamara?”. The blonde girl replied. “At a private ladies’ club for those of a certain disposition”. April thought for a moment & asked “. In the same way that there are prostitutes looking for male customers aren’t there girls out there who make their living by sleeping with women?”

Cheryl’s face broke into a delighted smile, “You really are a clever girl April. Of course! Why didn’t I think of that! Those are exactly the sort of girls we should be targeting. Working & living on the fringes of society, keen to avoid coming to the attention of the police. Leave it with me I will make some enquiries.

That evening Cheryl visited the club where she had met Tamara & made it known that since the Italian girl had suddenly left New York she was looking for new female company. The manageress asked if she was looking for a new relationship or if she just wanted sex. Cheryl feigned surprise & said that until she met someone new she was quite prepared to pay for some time with a suitable girl who could satisfy her desires. The manageress who always received a finder’s fee when these situations arose nodded & gave her an address just down the block.

Cheryl left the club & went to the address of the house she had been given. The door was opened by a middle aged woman, who when she learned why Cheryl was there & where she had got the address from, smiled & welcomed her in. She was led into a lounge where six gorgeous young women in basques, stockings & suspenders were sitting. Cheryl’s eyes were immediately drawn to a breathtakingly beautiful young girl. She had jet black hair, sparkling blue eyes, full red lips & her flawless skin was a gentle cream colour. Her nose was small & formed a gentle slope that ended in a slight upturned point. She had high round cheek bones & a firm but delicate jaw. What really piqued Cheryl’s interest was her neck which was so slight & delicate that it seemed impossible to imagine it’s being able to support even such a slight creature as she was. Her figure while slightly boyish was undoubtedly female, her firm young pert breasts pushed against the bodice of her basque. Her waist was tiny & below it long slender stockinged legs languidly stretched out.

Cheryl could feel her arousal coming on, she nodded at the raven haired beauty & after quickly agreeing to the middle aged woman’s terms left the lounge with her choice & went upstairs to one of the bedrooms. The girl told Cheryl to call her Milania & gently pushed her down onto the bed. She then pushed the blonde girl’s skirt up above her waist, pulled Cheryl’s underwear down & went to work with her skilled tongue.

The secretary had never experienced the touch of such a highly experienced girl.. When she came she did so marvellously. Over the next two hours Milania’s expertly probing tongue & fingers brought Cheryl to two further thunderous orgasms. As the secretary dressed & got ready to leave she looked at the prostitute & told her she would definitely be back. By way of seeming to make small talk Cheryl asked Milania if she lived in the brothel & learned from the totally unsuspecting prostitute that she shared an apartment with two of the other girls about half a mile away. She also enquired how long her shift was & Milania told her that she would be going home at 8 am the next day before returning at 8 pm in the evening

At 7.30 am the next morning Chery, April & Beth all wearing dark clothes, hats & veils, parked the horse carriage in a side alley roughly half way between the brothel & Milania’s flat. April moved to the driving seat vacated by Cheryl while Beth stayed inside the carriage. Cheryl walked to the corner of the alleyway & the street. She carried a bag containing her father’s old union army pistol. As she looked around she was pleased to see that as she had hoped virtually nobody else was about at that time on a Sunday morning. The three girls waited

When Cheryl saw Milania walking down the street towards her she signalled to the other two girls. She looked about again & was relieved to see that the street was empty apart for the approaching young prostitute. She stepped back out of site & took the gun from the bag.

As Milania began to pass the end of the alleyway Cheryl called out softly, “Good morning Milania”. The young prostitute turned her face registering surprise. She said, “What on earth are you doing here?”. The secretary coolly replied, “I’m here for you my dear”. She pointed the pistol at Milania & said, “Please don’t make a scene. Get into the carriage”. Cheryl gestured at the waiting vehicle behind her.

The prostitute’s expression changed quickly from surprise to one of fear. Her voice trembled, “But why? I don’t have any money. What is it you want from me?”. Cheryl replied, “You will find out in good time. Now get in the carriage”. At that Milania meekly climbed into the vehicle. Cheryl followed after checking that there were still no potential witnesses to the abduction on the street. Once she was inside the carriage Beth lowered the window sun shades, quickly gagged Milania & tied her hands in front of her as Cheryl continued to point the gun at their captive. Cheryl banged her hand on front wall of the carriage & April set the horses in motion.

On the way to the house neither the secretary or Beth said a word. Milania’s fearful eyes flicked from one captor to another but her gaze kept returning to the gun being pointed at her by Cheryl.

When they arrived at the front door of Cheryl’s house April looked around checking that no-one could be seen before getting down & opening the carriage door. The three girls alighted from the vehicle, Beth first, followed by Milania with Cheryl, the gun now back in her bag, bringing up the rear. Once they were safely inside Cheryl locked the front door & she, April & Beth smiled at each other in relief & triumph. April looked at their prisoner, “My God Cheryl you were right, she really is gorgeous”. Beth stepped forward & untied the now terrified girl’s gag & said. “Wow she is indeed lovely”. Milania wailed, “What is this all about? What are you going to do to me?”. She got no reply & was quickly hustled down into the cellar.

April & Beth lit the cellar gas lamps & the light showed a roped noose hanging from the wooden beam with two ladders on either side resting on the beam. Milania gasped when she saw the makeshift gallows. The three other girls took off their coats & hats & also removed the prisoner’s coat revealing a washed out grey blouse & drab brown skirt. Despite her poor clothes there was no denying Milania’s beauty. The prostitute was tied to a chair & Cheryl stepped back & regarded her, “Tut tut. Someone as lovely as you Milania deserves much better clothes than that”. She handed the bag containing the gun to April & went back upstairs.

She returned five minutes later with a white silk blouse, an expensive crimson skirt, black patent shoes &, taking her cue from Doctor Edwards’s diary, what she now referred to as a pair of brief white panties. She looked at Beth, “Would you mind untying our guest so that she can change”. Beth did so & Milania nervously stood up. As she undressed & put on the clothes Cheryl, April & Beth licked their lips as their eyes feasted on Milania’s body. Once the prostitute had finished changing Cheryl said, “Now that’s much better. You really are a sight to behold my dear”. She nodded at April & Beth & Milania was quickly retied to the chair.

The three girls sat down on the three other chairs in the cellar just in front of their prisoner & Cheryl, who was in the middle said, “We can now tell you why you are here Milania. The fact of the matter is that in thirty minutes we are going to haul you up one of those ladders, put that noose around your lovely neck & then turn you off & watch as you slowly strangle to death. How do you feel about that?”.

As she realised the full horror of her predicament the prostitute screamed in terror & started to plead for her life as her kidnappers had anticipated & hoped. The three abductors’ panties began to moisten as Milania sobbed, shrieked & struggled against the bonds securing her to the chair. “But why! I have done nothing to you!”, she cried. Cheryl leaned forward & said, “Simply because we want to Milania. It is simply your misfortune to have been in the wrong place at the wrong time”.

After a further half hour April & Beth got up & moved towards the terror stricken girl. They untied her from the chair & then retied her hands behind her back & dragged the struggling screaming prostitute to one of the ladders. April went up first facing away from the ladder. She put her hands under Milania’s arm pits & began to pull her up after her. Beth assisted by pushing the victim from below. Cheryl climbed the other ladder & when Milania’s head was about a foot below the beam she reached across & placed the noose around the doomed girl’s neck. By this stage the prostitute was almost at the same level on the ladder as April & once the noose was fixed tightly around Milania’s neck Beth & April slowly climbed back down the ladder. They were soon joined on the floor of the cellar by Cheryl. The three young woman looked up at the lovely girl who was about to die & took a minute to relish the vision.

At a nod from Cheryl April & Beth walked across to the ladder & took hold of it. They then began to slowly turn it. Milania leant back desperately trying to remain on the ladder but inevitably gravity won & she soon swung free. At first the prostitute stiffened her legs & arms & gritted her teeth as she tried to bare the pain that was tearing at her delicate throat. Then she began to kick & probe the air with her toes, reaching for something……anything to put her feet on & relieve the pressure that was crushing her trachea.

As Milania began to dance Cheryl, April & Beth quickly went to the double bed that they had recently put into the cellar & pulled it to a position just in front of the slowly strangling girl. They lay down next to each other, pulled up their skirts & thrust their hands inside their panties.

Milania writhed & squirmed as her lithe young body convulsed & kicked. She was strong & her body twirled like a top, her crimson skirt billowing giving tantalising glimpses of her white panties as she spun in the air. Being a slight girl the noose took a good ten minutes to choke the life from her. Once she hung limply her eyes stared straight ahead, empty & lifeless. Her head was cocked slightly to the left, her mouth was agape & spittle poured from the side of her mouth, dribbling down her chin onto her no longer heaving breasts

The three murderesses had their best orgasms yet as they watched the prostitute’s death throes. Cheryl April & Beth then went back upstairs, had a drink & retired to bed where they made love for another three hours.

27: Sally O’Neill

Once they had fully satisfied their lust the three girls began to discuss how they would get hold of their third victim. They decided against revisiting the lesbian brothel in case the disappearance of more girls aroused suspicion & then Beth said, “Picking up from last week why don’t we look for a prostitute serving men? There must be hundreds of them in New York especially down at the waterfront. One of us could pose as a whore & entice one of those girls into the carriage when it was safe to do so. If the authorities were alerted to the fact that prostitutes were disappearing they would undoubtedly assume that the person responsible was a man. I am sure it would never occur to them that women were committing the crimes”. “Sounds like a plan to me ladies”, said Chery. All three smiled in anticipation of their next adventure

The following Saturday poor Milania’s remains were consigned to the deep as had Tamara’s been. In the early evening April strolled down a street in a well-known red light district in the Port of New York. Under her coat she was wearing one of Cheryl’s most revealing & trashy looking dresses. As a precaution in her purse she carried a small Derringer pistol that the secretary had bought for her earlier in the week. Moving slowly down the street fifty yards behind her was the carriage with Beth driving & Cheryl siting inside, with the army pistol on the seat beside her. Both were hatted & veiled.

A young woman watched April approach with hostility. This was her patch & her pimp had told her no other girl would ever be allowed onto it. Sally O’Neill had had a difficult time since arriving in New York the previous year. She had found that the easiest way to feed herself was to go on the streets & sell her body. She was a pretty girl of twenty years old with lovely auburn hair, green eyes & a good figure however her months “On the game” had already left her with a certain hardness of expression. As April came close Sally was struck by how young she looked & her heart softened. She had been intending to just warn her off & if necessary give her a slap to send her on her way but now she formed the view that the poor naïve girl must just be desperate for money & decided to take to the streets because she felt she had no other choice.

Sally stepped in front of April & said not unkindly, “What are you doing here? This is my patch. If my minder comes along & sees you he will chase you off after roughing you up & believe me you don’t want that to happen”. Before replying April looked about & saw that apart from the prostitute, herself & the carriage containing Cheryl & Beth there was no-one else near them.

The three killers had chosen their timing carefully, & decided to go hunting in the early evening before the streets got busy. She slipped the small gun from her purse & pointed it at Sally who stepped back in shock. April spoke quietly but firmly, “Now keep quiet & do as you are told & no harm will come to you”.

She signalled to the carriage with her free hand & Beth set the horses trotting up the street. Within ten seconds the carriage pulled up next to the two girls & April pointed the Derringer at the vehicle & said “Get in & don’t dare make a sound”. Sally’s surprise had now turned into fear, nevertheless she climbed into the carriage followed by April. When they were inside, the carriage immediately set off. While Cheryl pointed her army pistol at Sally April gagged & tied the girl’s hands.

Twenty minutes later they pulled up outside the house & quickly went inside. After Cheryl locked the door the three murderesses removed their hats & veils & grinned evilly at each other. Cheryl said, “We are getting quite good at this”. With that all four young women went down into the cellar. Sally made no protest because she could feel the barrel of Cheryl’s pistol pressed against the small of her back. As the lights went up the prostitute stared in horror at the dangling rope with the three foot high trestle sitting on the ground beneath it.

They stripped off Sally’s coat to reveal a knee length saloon girl type black dress & fishnet stockings. Cheryl clapped her hands in delight, “Superb this will be just like the hanging of that dance hall girl out west that Doctor Edwards described in her journal”. Sally’s eyes opened wide in horrorr as she heard this & she struggled as April & Beth tied her to the chair. April removed the gag & the girl began to babble in incoherent terror. Once she was secured to the chair Cheryl lifted up her dress with the barrel of her pistol & exclaimed, “Marvellous, she is wearing what I believe are called “Frilly French knickers”.

The three killers sat in their chairs in front of the terrified prostitute. Cheryl smiled at their victim & said, “Just in case you are in any doubt in thirty minutes or so we are going to hang you by your neck on that rope”. As Tamara & Milania had done Sally screamed in terror & pleaded for her life which was exactly what Cheryl, April & Beth expected & wanted her to do. As her wailing & desperate pleas went on the three murderesses got more & more aroused.

After half an hour Cheryl got up & placed a ladder against the beam just behind the noose. April & Beth untied Sally from the chair & then bound her hands behind her. They dragged the struggling & sobbing girl to just below the noose & forced her up onto the trestle. Cheryl climbed up the first four rungs of the ladder & slipped the noose around Sally’s neck. She then climbed back down . Cheryl, April & Beth then looked up at the doomed girl & savoured her terror. Very slowly & deliberately April stepped forward, bent down & lifted the wooden trestle away from under Sally’s feet. She then went & joined her two friends who were already lying on the bed, that Beth had pushed into position, ready to enjoy the show

Sally kicked wildly looking for something, anything, to stand on. Her thighs pumped up & down exposing her exotic underwear under her whore’s knee length dress as she danced. Her chest heaved for air & her face gradually went from being flushed red to a deep purple

As ever the three killers found Sally’s body spasms & wild kicking deeply erotic as they lay on the bed rubbing frantically away at themselves

After five minutes the young prostitute’s entire body went rigid as though she was having a seizure & then she hung still on the rope

Cheryl, April & Beth moaned as they came. After a couple of minutes they went upstairs as was now their practice went to bed & made love until the early hours of the morning

what these young ladies are experiencing is no more an execution fetish, they have become brutal killers in need to be stopped and they will be.

Nice excellent story

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