Execution Tales Chapters 31 & 34
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After Chapter 34 executions resume

31: Washington DC

Once they had removed all trace of their activities in Philly the following Friday evening they set out for the nation’s capital. As Washington DC was two hundred & sixty miles from New York, Cheryl, April & Beth travelled overnight by train on the newly available “Sleeper” train service. Once there they simply repeated what they had done in Philadelphia

Over the next three months twelve dead Washington working girls were dumped into the Potomac south of the city from the murderesses hired boat. Cheryl assured April & Beth that due to the depth of the river compared to the Delaware they were very unlikely ever to be found

Marcuso again sat in O’Hanlon’s office. “Well gentlemen no more girls have gone missing in New York, New Jersey or Philadelphia but our colleagues in Washington DC have told us that twelve of their working girls appear to have disappeared from the face of the earth, again at the rate of one a week over the last three months.

O’Hanlon sighed & looked at O’Rourke, “Looks like you need to book three train tickets for DC. Put us on their new “Sleeper service” Tell McLeod at Pinkerton’s he is coming with us. You know the rest by now”

Two days later O’Hanlon, O’Rourke, McLeod & the man in charge of Pinkerton’s nationwide, John McMillan sat in the office of the Washington Police Commissioner, Oliver Hardiman & again O’Rourke went through the series of events leading up to the meeting

Hardiman who had worked closely with McMillan during the civil war looked at the head of Pinkerton’s & simply said, “How do we stop this John?”

McMillan replied speaking slowly, “It seems to me gentlemen that up until now you have been constantly reacting to events rather than pro-actively anticipating them. If our killer sticks to his pattern he will be at the point of stopping hunting in DC & be thinking about moving to new territory. Do you have a map of the Eastern States of the USA to hand Oliver?”

One of Hardiman’s staff quickly produced a map which McMillan spread out on the office desk & asked, “If you were our guy where would you target next?” .

O’Rourke said, “If I was him I would head for Baltimore or Boston”

McMillan said, “I agree”. He looked at McLeod & directed”, OK Charles we do what we did in Philly”. He then looked at O’Hanlon, “Can you get the Baltimore & Boston PD’s on board & ask them to reach out to their local gangsters”.

O’Hanlon replied, “Will do John”.

The next day O’Hanlon & O’Rourke briefed Harris & Cheryl on what was planned

32: Albany

Cheryl immediately arranged a meeting with April & Beth & the three girls agreed to check out Albany in upstate New York. They arrived there by the train “Sleeper service” two weeks later having erased all evidence of their activities in Washington DC the previous weekend. They then went into their now familiar pattern however as Albany was much smaller than their previous hunting grounds they had to be more circumspect. However over the next five weeks they managed to kill five more girls & dispose of the bodies in the Hudson river

Six weeks after his last visit Marcuso told O’Hanlon & O’Rourke that the killer appeared to be now operating in Albany

The next day O’Hanlon, O’Rourke, McLeod, & McMillan sat & ruminated over the latest developments

McMillan said, “How does this guy know what we are going to do next? The obvious choices last time were Baltimore or Boston but he chooses Albany “. He looked at O’Hanlon, “Is it possible Captain that we have a leak?”

O’Hanlon replied, “I can’t see from where. The only people who knew our plans in detail were the four of us, Commissioner Hardiman, Doctor Harris & his medical secretary Cheryl Barnes”.

McMillan said, “You are forgetting the gangsters Captain. I know those guys will normally only kill for what they regard as “Business” reasons. Maybe one of them has developed a taste for strangling or hanging young girls

O’Hanlon nodded, “I will raise the possibility with Marcuso. However be warned if it does turn out to be one of their boys I think it is highly unlikely he would make it to trial”

Two days later the NYPD officers updated Doctor Harris & his secretary

33: Chicago Here We Come

That evening Cheryl, April & Beth discussed the situation. April said, “It seems to me we have exhausted the prostitute route. The only reason that the police know about the girls disappearing is because the Mafia tell them. We need another source of victims that won’t be missed. Preferably in New York, I for one am fed up traipsing around the country.

Beth replied, “ I agree. We decided at the start against targeting the new immigrants & the “Refuge” approach. It looks as if the only group left in New York are the poor & destitute & to be honest they would be so dirty & weak the idea doesn’t appeal

Cheryl pondered a moment & then said, “I think the best option is to move totally, say to Chicago. I think we were lucky in Albany, towns like that are just too small for our purposes. Once we are there & established we can work out how exactly we want to proceed. I could sell the house & buy something similar in Chicago & you two could live there also. The carriage & the boat, along with everything else could be crated up & taken to Chicago by train. What do you think?”.

“Sounds good to me”, said April & Beth echoed her sentiments. Cheryl continued, “Good that’s decided Chicago here we come however there is one loose end I think it would be wise to tie up”. What’s that Cheryl?”, asked Beth

The secretary replied, “Doctor Harris. He has the notes of your consultations & knows about your fantasies. If the police ever suspected us that information could be dangerous if he shared it with them”.

April said, “Good thinking Cheryl, that hadn’t occurred to me. What do you propose?”

Cheryl replied, “ I say we kill him & make it look like suicide. I know his medical condition is getting worse, & though he tries to hide it his deterioration does depress him. I simply give him a morphia overdose in his coffee. I would then remove all the records of his meetings with you & that would be the potential problem gone. I would use the tragedy of his suicide as my excuse for moving to Chicago for a fresh start. I should have no problem getting another position at one of the big Chicago hospitals”.

“What about us Cheryl?” asked Beth

“Don’t worry about money girls, I have more than enough for the three of us. As to jobs that rather depends on how we set about our business in the windy city”.

34: Bye Bye Doctor Harris

Things transpired almost exactly as Cheryl predicted. She didn’t waste any time & the next day after checking that Harris had no more meetings she laced the strong black coffee she always took the Doctor at 3PM with a lethal dose of morphia. She re-entered his office half an hour later & found Harris slumped over his desk. After making sure he was dead, the secretary placed the empty morphia phial next to the empty coffee cup, removed April & Beth’s case notes & put them in her bag. She then took a deep breath & screamed.

Help soon arrived but Harris was pronounced dead very quickly by one of his colleagues. This Doctor organised the removal of the body & advised the sobbing Cheryl to lock the office. He then arranged a lift in a carriage to take her home telling her there was nothing more she could do. Any questions could be left to the next day

Captain O’Hanlon & Lieutenant O’Rourke were both shocked to learn of the death of their friend & the next day they interviewed Cheryl to find out what she knew once the post mortem had discovered that the cause of death was an overdose of morphia . As ever the blonde secretary proved to be a consummate actress. As she cried quietly she told the police officers of Harris’s increasing depression as his medical condition worsened

O’Hanlon & O’Rourke were saddened that the Doctor had felt unable to share his concerns with them. Cheryl described taking the coffee in to him & then returning to find him dead half an hour later

O’Hanlon asked finally “So you think he killed himself Cheryl because of his worsening medical condition?”

Cheryl looked the Captain in the eye through her tears & said, “The Doctor’s work was his life Captain. I think he must have found the prospect of being unable to continue with it due to his health unbearable

With no credible evidence available to the contrary the authorities classified Doctor Harris’s demise to suicide

This is of course Chapters 31 to 34 & not as I said originally 31 & 34
Those three girls needed to quit while they were ahead ;)
But they will not
This one, Cheryl, she's not sane. This is a good example of a pulp fiction saga. Again, this is a good story and we want more of it

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