Execution Tales Chapters 35 & 36
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Over the next few weeks Cheryl April & Beth were busy preparing & effecting their big move. Temporarily denied the real thing the three girls had to rely on True Crime Monthly & library books for new stimulus. In the most recent issue of True Crime three articles appealed to them especially
The first described the execution of 23 year old Rose Harris for the murder of her husband in 1859 in Texas it read
Rose Harris
For the first time since the trial Rose walked out of the front of the jail behind the Sheriff instead of the back. The sun blinded her for a moment & she stopped. The deputies flanking her gently nudged her on. The waiting crowd let out a roar when they saw the execution party appear. They were excited by the prospect of seeing the pretty slender brunette die on the scaffold. Directly in front of them were the stairs leading up to the gallows. Above the platform a single noosed rope dangled from the wooden cross beam. The Sheriff led the way up the steps. Rose following gathering her best blue muslin skirt in her hands so that she wouldn’t trip on the hem as she climbed the stairs. Though pale & trembling slightly she appeared to be composed.
Waiting for the prisoner on the platform was the hangman. Once Rose had finished climbing the stairs he stepped forward & guided her towards the noose. The deputies retired to the back of the platform.
The Sheriff stepped forward & facing the crowd said loudly, “Rose Harris you have been found guilty of murder & sentenced to death by hanging. Do you have any last words before the sentence is carried out?”. Rose began to cry gently & shook her head. The hangman crossed her wrists behind her & tied them together with rawhide. He then placed the noose around her shivering neck, lifting her braided brown hair out of the way, & pulled it tight & pulled a white cloth hood down over the prisoner’s head. The cheering & shouting of the crowd died down as they looked up at the slim young woman standing alone & unsupported about to die. Rose’s tight white blouse moved in & out as her rate of breathing increased as her terror grew.
The hangman pulled a lever & the front of the gallows platform fell away. Rose only dropped about three feet & she writhed, convulsed & kicked for three minutes before her body hung still
The next piece concerned the execution of two girls in South Dakota in 1856
Sandra Smith & Trixie Morgan
Sandra Smith & Trixie Morgan were two 18 year old former slaves who after escaping from their plantation in Virginia headed out west. To keep body & soul together they had ended up working as bar girls in a saloon in South Dakota. Unhappy at the situation they found themselves in they had murdered & robbed a wealthy rancher who had regularly availed himself of their services.
They were quickly apprehended as they tried to flee & their trial was brief. The verdict was guilty & the sentence death by hanging
Wearing the only clothes they owned which were the revealing knee length saloon hostess dresses they were dragged sobbing & pleading to the scaffold. Once on the platform their hands were tied behind their backs & the ropes placed around their necks. The Sheriff read out the charges, verdicts & sentences. No hoods were used & both girls stared out at the crowd in wide eyed terror tears streaming down their cheeks. As the hangman reached for the trap lever Sandra screamed “Nooooh!” & Trixie shrieked “Pleeaase!”. As they trap fell the girls skimpy dresses billowed up above their stocking tops as they plunged through the platform floor. The fall was too short to break their necks & they both danced on the gallows ropes for an agonising eight minutes before their suffering was finally over
The final article recounted the hanging of three young sisters at Tyburn in London in 1765.
Anne, Margaret & Elizabeth Coldfield
Anne, Margaret & Elizabeth Coldfield were 19, 21 & 23 years of age respectively. They had murdered the uncle they lived with to get his money. A large raucous crowd had gathered to watch the hanging of three young & attractive women. As the cart approached the Triple Tree they wailed & pleaded for mercy. One at a time the desperately struggling & screaming girls were dragged from the cart, their hands tied behind them & forced up the ladder resting on the crossbeam by the hangman. His assistant sitting astride the beam dropped the nooses down to the executioner who put them round the girls’ necks & then pushed them off the ladder.
Anne was the first to be hanged & her sisters had to wait & watch as she started to dance on the gibbet. Margaret went next & by the time Elizabeth was turned off she was almost faint with terror. The crowd relished the spectacle of the violently convulsing, vigorous kicking & agonised faces of the three young women as they slowly strangled to death. The frantic threshing of their legs lifted their skirts to what a contemporary witness described as “An indecent level”. After about five minutes their struggles slowed & finally ceased & the three sister’s bodies swung lifeless on the gallows
After reading the articles Cheryl, April & Beth had their best mutual orgasms since the last murder
The library book that delighted them next detailed the execution of women in the 17th century. It contained information that hadn’t been included in “A History of Women & the Death Penalty in Europe,” the book they had read a few months ago on the basis of Jane Edwards’s narrative
The first tales they found stimulating concerned “The Witchfinder” Mathew Hopkins in Norfolk England in the 1640’s
The Witchfinder Hangings
Outside the village on a small hillock stood the gibbet.. Sir Barnaby Forbes had pronounced sentence on three gypsy women in their twenties Maria Jones, Jean Collins & Margot Reynolds. This morning all three of them were to be hanged. At 12 o’clock they brought the women out & they slowly mounted the gallows platform. There they stood trembling in fear as The Witchfinder Mathew Hopkins read out the crimes they had confessed to under torture. He finished his remarks with the dread words “The condemned shall be hanged by their necks until they be dead, then burnt upon a pyre & the ashes scattered beyond recovery”. At this Jean Collins collapsed eyes filled with blind terror.The six Forbes men at arms on the platform took a firm grip on the three doomed witches, raising Jean to her feet. The prisoners’ hands were bound to their sides, they were lifted onto three stools & the dangling nooses slipped around their necks & pulled tight
The watching crowd began to chant “Hang the witches! Hang the witches!”. At a signal from The Witchfinder the stools were kicked away & the three young women, bobbed, writhed & kicked on the scaffold, their hands clenched into white fists. They continued to jerk & twist for long moments before they swung limp & lifeless the gentle breeze fluttering their skirts. Their sightless eyes stared out at the crowd from blue-black & swollen faces as the kindling was placed on the platform & then lit. The bodies were rapidly consumed by the flames
Hopkins next victim lived in the neighbouring village to the one the three executed gypsy girls had come from. Anne Dury had been brought to his attention because of her interest in herbal remedies & the like. Poor Anne was a lovely but unwordly twenty year old & her looks stirred deep resentment & jealousy amongst the other women in the village. Hopkins men seized her & under torture she admitted being in league with Satan
Anne was brought to a large oak tree at the edge of the village where a noosed rope dangled from a thick branch. Below the hanging rope was a three foot high wooden trestle. The condemned girl’s hands were tied behind her & she was forced up onto the trestle & noosed. Her terrified face looked out over the crowd looking for a sympathetic face. She found none. The women especially stared hard at her, their eyes bulging, mouths open & bosoms swelling in & out as looked on in anticipation of seeing this wanton strumpet, as they considered her, hanging by her neck.
Hopkins stepped forward & read out the crimes Anne had admitted to. He then nodded at one of his assistants who removed the stool from under the prisoner’s feet. The crowd gave the collective indrawing of breath that always came at such a moment. Anne’s eyes began to protrude from their sockets, her purpling lips swelling, tongue questing at the air. Her hands strained & fought against the cords binding her wrists. Her chest heaved as she fought for breathe, her legs kicked & flailed. Anne dangled & danced for what seemed like an eternity as she died slowly & horribly but, eventually her movements stilled & only the wind stirred her motionless form as it swung slowly back & forth the hemp rope creaking with her weight. Her body was then cut down & quickly burned to ashes
Four weeks later five young women, all confessed witches are dragged in chains from Norwich jail to the gallows hill just outside the town. At the scaffold Hopkins calls out the witches names & reads the charges to each of the condemned. The five women have been found guilty of practicing dark arts. The sentence is death by hanging, which is to be carried out immediately. The crowd of several hundred shout their approval.
A young blonde woman known only as Catherine is the first to be led to the scaffold. The gallows is simply constructed, a ten foot long crossbeam resting on two ten foot high thick posts anchored at the bottom. It can hold three victims at a time. The other two women will be forced to watch, a harrowing wait. Three guards push Catherine along & hold her in place under the cross beam. A long thick rope ending in a noose is thrown over the beam. The open loop dangles in front of Catherine, who looks through it half dazed. One of the guards slips it over her head & tightens it loosely around her neck. She does not resist. She shivers slightly & seems to wake out of the reverie into which she had fallen previously. An expression of pure terror becomes evident on her face. Her hand manacles are removed & her wrists are tied behind her. The ankle chains are left on leaving her legs loosely linked together
The preparations are now complete. Four guards stand in line behind the gallows. They take hold of the free end of the rope & slowly pull, taking out the slack. Catherine’s eyes open wide in panic as she feels the rope move, although it is not yet taut around her neck. She starts to shake as the noose starts pulling on her neck. The knot does not yet tighten. The men pause to gauge her weight & how much effort is going to be needed to hoist her up. The next heave pulls Catherine up slowly onto her tiptoes. The guards leave her like this for a minute as instructed by Hopkins.
Allegedly Hopkins had offered the winsome & buxom Catherine a quick death in return for sex & had been rejected by her. As a result he was determined that her execution would be as prolonged as possible
Her face grimaces with pain as her head bends to the side, her hands straining at their bonds, her anguished eyes wide open. She is lifted off the ground. Just as she is hoisted up she utters a strangled shriek. As she rises her body starts moving in a frenzy, legs swinging violently in tandem bound by the chains. Her arms squirm, fighting futilely to free her hands so that she can grab the choking rope. She grunts, gasps & gurgles. Her face reddens. The crowd watches entranced as she thrusts her hips back & forth, legs stomping on air, lifting her skirt. Her bonds hold fast as her struggles continue & intensify. Her neck stretches. The noose around her throat is still slightly slack & so the blood flow to her brain is not totally cut off. She stays fully & agonisingly conscious, aware now this will take some time
While Catherine struggles & swings back & forth making hideous gargling sounds, two other witches, Sarah & Elizabeth are also placed under the gallows. Both have dark hair & fair complexions. Sarah tries to resist as a guard tries to slip the noose over her head & backs away from the rope. Another guard steps forward & grabs hold of her & his colleague finally gets the noose around her neck. Elizabeth appears to be paralysed with fear & puts up no resistance as the noose is placed around her neck. The two young women stand shaking in terror as they watch Catherine’s frenzied contortions, knowing they too will soon be dancing on air.
Being rather petite both are quickly hoisted without a lot of effort. Even though the thick nooses do tighten around their necks, they are considerably lighter than Catherine & their weight isn’t enough to strangle them quickly. They too remain fully conscious, in excruciating agony as they are being slowly throttled to death
Catherine’s thrashing at last suddenly pulls her noose taut. The knot settles under her ear at the side of her neck, but does not as yet cut off all her air. She continues to wheeze, choke & gurgle as she desperately tries to continue to breathe. The noose finally cuts off her blood flow. Her complexion previously flushed red, now darkens to a purplish blue. Her eyes are bloodshot, her capillaries burst. Drool drips from her mouth past her swollen extended tongue. She convulses for three more minutes before losing consciousness
As Catherine sinks into merciful oblivion Sarah & Elizabeth are still thrashing vigorously. Since they were hoisted into the air both women have been thrusting their legs around desperately looking for a foothold. Elizabeth tries to swing close to the side post but even though she does touch it a few times her bound legs can’t grab hold. Sarah is hanging between Elizabeth & Catherine. Her legs are jerking around & around her body convulsively gyrating, her bare manacled feet feeling nothing but air except when they brush against Elizabeth & Catherine
Catherine’s body continues its doomed battle with the rope. Her heart is still beating & her full breasts rise & fall as she gasps her last dying breaths. Her feet twitch one last time & she swings gently dead on the rope
Sarah writhes, her whole body at times squirming, twisting & spinning as the noose stretches her slim neck. At times she lifts her legs right up vainly searching for relief, exposing her crotch to the breathless audience. Above the noose her throat takes on a ghastly swollen purple hue, her open mouth emitting hideous gargling sounds, drool coating her protruding tongue. Her face is now totally purple & her lips blue. Her struggles gradually slow & then stop. Her body gives a long shudder, a few more spasms & is then finally still
Elizabeth lasts the longest. She tries again & again to reach the side post with her legs however all she succeeds in doing is kicking it. She begins to slow down her legs no longer swinging as wildly. Her agonised bulging eyes stare out at the entranced crowd & then they grow dull as life slowly leaves her body. After a further minute Elizabeth hangs dead on the gallows
The three women are left hanging for half an hour to ensure that life is extinct. The bodies are then lowered to the ground & tossed into a waiting cart
The remaining two witches, Anne & Mary, are the most attractive of the five. Anne is a very pretty long haired brunette while Mary has striking thick auburn hair & a lovely clear complexion. Like Catherine they too had apparently rebuffed Hopkins advances & they were now going to pay for their temerity in doing so. They have been sitting on wall with guards on either side watching in horror & growing terror the violent convulsions & contortions of Catherine, Sarah & Elizabeth on the gallows. By the time the three dead witches have been dumped in the cart they are both sobbing helplessly.
They are dragged to the gallows, hands bound & noosed. Two teams of four guards move to the back of the gallows & very slowly pull on the ropes. Gradually Anne & Mary are first lifted onto their toes & kept there, like Catherine, for a minute. They are then hoisted into the air. Their bodies jerk & contort. Legs kick back & forth looking for support. Fingers open & clench. Two masses of hair, one brown the other auburn bob & shake to & fro. Their faces begin to darken as they drool & gurgle. Their eyes bulge & two slender necks start to stretch. To the disappointment of the crowd, & Hopkins, Anne & Mary only dance for five minutes before they both hang dead.
After a further half hour the two bodies are removed from the gallows & put in the cart along with the three other dead women. The corpses are taken to a nearby field & burned
Cheryl, April & Beth found the very lurid & graphic description of the execution of the five Norwich witches especially arousing. Cheryl closed the book & they then made love for an hour.
When they resumed reading the next stories that entranced them were those of an Irish Hangwoman known as “Lady Betty” whom had been appointed to the role of official executioner in Cork in Ireland in the 1650s because no man could be found who was willing to fill the role
Jane O’Toole & Marion O’Flaherty
Two young women, Jane O’Toole & Marion O’Flaherty were conveyed from Cork Prison to a place of execution by Lady Betty Hangwoman to the Crown. They were there caused to be hanged by their necks until dead. The two criminals had been taken in the act of smuggling undutied yarn to the colonies in America where they now resided. The Judge ordered that the yarn be knitted into a rope & halter & that the two young women be hanged with it as an example to others. Witnesses to the execution reported that the two prisoners were “Violently convulsed” after being launched from the cart. Their prolonged suffering was attributed to the loose woollen nooses.
Lady Eleanor Comrie & Mary Shaughnessy,
The case that brought Lady Betty to the attention of the entire country was that of a noble woman Lady Eleanor Comrie, who with the help of her maid Mary Shaughnessy, had murdered her violent & drunken husband. There was much speculation at the time concerning the relationship between the two young women both of whom were not yet twenty five years of age. The authorities had decided that Mary should be executed first so that Lady Eleanor who they held responsible for instigating the murder would have to watch her die knowing that she would be next. Both young women were beautiful but Mary was particularly lovely.
At the gallows the terror stricken Mary, looking as if she was going to a ball in a white lace dress instead of her execution, is placed on the cart under the crossbeam. Lady Betty tied her hands behind her & put the rope around her neck. At the Hangwoman’s signal the cart started to move slowly forward. The noose slowly tightened around the maid’s neck as she is dragged backwards by the rope. She breathed in precious air deeply & thankfully.
Finally the cart disappears from beneath her feet to the roar of the watching crowd. The gallows beam sags slightly as it takes her weight. Mary starts to swing in an arc, she is twitching & quivering her fingers clenching & opening, her face begins to darken & drool begins to drip from her mouth as she freely hangs by her neck. The crowd is roaring as Mary shudders as the noose tightens around her slowly stretching neck. Her legs scissor & stomp up & down lifting her dress exposing her shapely legs. At one point Mary raised her knees almost to her breasts in a futile attempt to relieve the noose’s pressure around her throat, the crowd’s roar increased as they glimpsed the dying girl’s private parts. Mary had been hanging for five minutes & was still thrashing violently. As she swings back & forth trying frantically to find a surface to put her feet on her eyes are anguished, blood shot & bulging. Finally after a further two minutes it is over, the maid convulses one last time & then hangs dead on the rope
By now Lady Eleanor is in a state of abject terror. She cries & pleads for mercy as she is noosed on the cart next to the hanging body of her maid & alleged lover. She screams as she looks at Mary whose long slender white neck grotesquely stretched under her swollen dark purple face, her open sightless eyes red eyes nearly popping from their sockets, spittle trickling out of her tongue filled open mouth. The noble woman is more fortunate than her maid, her death struggles last only four minutes, much to the disappointment of the crowd
When it was all over the Lady Betty mounted the cart next to the dangling corpses of the young women & said to the crowd, “Let this be a lesson. This shows that no-one no matter how well born is above the law of the land”
The story of Lady Betty the Irish Hangwoman aroused Cheryl so much that she read it several times her hand deep inside her panties rubbing away furiously. On this occasion she needed no help from April or Beth’s probing tongues or fingers to reach a highly intense orgasm
A couple of days later having read a review of it in the New York Times April bought a copy of the recently translated & published “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” by the French author Victor Hugo. The sections that interested them most concerned the trial & execution of the young gypsy girl Esmerelda
Bohemian girl, on such day as it shall please our lord the King, at the hour of noon, you shall be drawn in a tumbrel, stripped to your shift, barefoot, with a rope about your neck to the great porch of the church of Notre Dame, & shall there do penance, holding in your hand a wax taper of two pounds weight; & thence you shall be taken to the Place de Greve & there hanged by the neck on the city gallows. You shall pay to the official three gold lions in reparation of the crimes by you committed & by you confessed, of sorcery, magic, incontinence, & murder done upon the body of Siur Phoebus de Chatapeurs. God receive your soul
Athwart that waving hair, more glossy than a raven’s plumage a rough gray cord was seen, twisted & knotted chafing her delicate skin & winding about the poor girl’s graceful neck like an earthworm around a flower. Beneath the rope glittered a small amulet, ornamented with bits of green glass, which had been left to her, no doubt because nothing is refused to those about to die. The spectators at the windows could see in the bottom of the tumbrel her naked legs, which she strove to conceal under her as by a final feminine instinct. The prisoner was holding together with her teeth her ill-tied chemise. It seemed as if even in her misery she still suffered from being exposed almost naked before all eyes. Alas! It was not for such shocks that modesty was made
The man reached the top of the ladder. There he arranged the rope. The priest in order to see the better, now knelt down upon the balustrade. The man suddenly kicked away the ladder, & Quasimodo, who had not breathed for some moments, saw the unfortunate girl, with the man mounted upon her shoulders, dangling at the end of the rope within two or three yards of the pavement. The rope spun round several times & Quasimodo saw the body of the Egyptian shaken by terrible convulsions. The priest, on his part, with outstretched neck & eyes staring from his head contemplated the terrific group of the man & the young girl, the spider & the fly
Quasimodo then raised his eyes to the Egyptian, dangling from the gallows. At that distance he could see her quiver beneath her white robe in the last convulsive agonies of death. He cried “There is all I ever loved”
That evening Beth put on a simple white robe & Cheryl & April were all over her whispering in her ear of the agony waiting for “Esmerelda’s” during her hanging the next day. The three girls now very practiced tongues & fingers brought each other to highly intense orgasms
36: Chicago: Susie
By the end of February 1875 Cheryl, April & Beth were fully established in the windy city & desperate to get down to the real work that now obsessed them totally.
The first evening they went hunting at the dock side on Lake Michigan they abducted a young prostitute who was only 16 years of age. As was now their routine they chloroformed the girl once April had forced her into the horse carriage at pistol point
In the cellar of their new house Cheryl revived their latest victim with smelling salts. As the girl woke up coughing & spluttering the former medical secretary said to her, “What is your name my dear?”. The young prostitute gradually became aware of her surroundings & realised she was sitting on a three foot high stool, her back resting on a wooden pole, behind which her hands were tied. “Susie”. She replied & continued “Where am I? Why have you brought me here? What are you going to do to me?”.
April stepped forward holding a leather strap, “Well Susie where you are is of little consequence. I’m afraid we have brought you here to kill you, slowly & painfully. What do you think of that?”.
The young girl’s mental state immediately changed from one of confusion to one of absolute terror. She wailed, “But why? What am I to you? I have done nothing to deserve this? Why do you want to kill me?”. She then broke down sobbing helplessly
Beth went to the terrified girl & gently stroked her face, “We are going to kill you Susie because we simply love murdering pretty young things like you. In thirty minutes my blonde friend here, “ She nodded at Cheryl, “Is going to take the leather thong my other friend is holding & very slowly strangle you to death with it”
Susie howled in terror which delighted the three murderesses. They sat in their three seats absorbing the sights & sounds coming from their terrified victim. Taking their cue from Josiah & Jane Edwards they had decided to add a garrotte to the gallows in the basement of their new home. The other new development was that all three killers now had geisha balls inside their vaginas, held in place by their tight brief underwear. They had discovered these items when exploring Chicago’s Chinatown & were now experiencing their full effect for the first time
After half an hour Cheryl, April & Beth’s excitement was at fever pitch, their panties under their skirts soaked with their juices. They could wait no longer. Cheryl stood up & went behind the wooden pole. She slowly & deliberately put the leather strap round Susie’s’s trembling neck & the pole, wrapped the remaining length around a stick & began to slowly twist the piece of wood.
The doomed girl shrieked & pleaded for mercy. Her small but pert breasts bounced as she hyperventilated & waited anticipating what was to come. As the leather strap slowly tightened her screams turned into choking gasps & gurgles. Her body rose up from the stool & her legs thrashed beneath her whore’s skirt which was split to the thigh giving the watching April & Beth a marvellous view of her shaved young pussy. Susie’s eyes bulged & her face showed an expression of pure agony. When the young prostitute’s struggles began to weaken Cheryl loosened the strangling leather strap, slipped her hand inside the waist band of her own skirt & began to rub her crotch through her panties
By this stage April & Beth had lifted their skirts & their hands were frantically rubbing themselves inside their underwear
Having been denied for so long all three killers came quite quickly.
Cheryl used the smelling salts to revive the semi-conscious girl & began to tighten the leather strap again. Susie convulsed, her legs threshing, her face darkening as she was slowly throttled. Her body went rigid & her bottom rose up from the stool, but before she expired Cheryl again released the leather thong. By now Cheryl, April & Beth were well on their way to their second climaxes. As Susie was revived for the third time by the smelling salts the three girls moaned as their excitement grew. This time Cheryl twisted the stick as far as she could closed her eyes & waited for the sensations pulsing through her body from her groin to complete her climax. As Sally finally expired all three killers came for the second time. Cheryl’s sensations were so overpowering that she dropped to her knees.
The next day poor Susie’s ’weighted body was consigned to the depths of Lake Michigan
Over the next few weeks Cheryl April & Beth were busy preparing & effecting their big move. Temporarily denied the real thing the three girls had to rely on True Crime Monthly & library books for new stimulus. In the most recent issue of True Crime three articles appealed to them especially
The first described the execution of 23 year old Rose Harris for the murder of her husband in 1859 in Texas it read
Rose Harris
For the first time since the trial Rose walked out of the front of the jail behind the Sheriff instead of the back. The sun blinded her for a moment & she stopped. The deputies flanking her gently nudged her on. The waiting crowd let out a roar when they saw the execution party appear. They were excited by the prospect of seeing the pretty slender brunette die on the scaffold. Directly in front of them were the stairs leading up to the gallows. Above the platform a single noosed rope dangled from the wooden cross beam. The Sheriff led the way up the steps. Rose following gathering her best blue muslin skirt in her hands so that she wouldn’t trip on the hem as she climbed the stairs. Though pale & trembling slightly she appeared to be composed.
Waiting for the prisoner on the platform was the hangman. Once Rose had finished climbing the stairs he stepped forward & guided her towards the noose. The deputies retired to the back of the platform.
The Sheriff stepped forward & facing the crowd said loudly, “Rose Harris you have been found guilty of murder & sentenced to death by hanging. Do you have any last words before the sentence is carried out?”. Rose began to cry gently & shook her head. The hangman crossed her wrists behind her & tied them together with rawhide. He then placed the noose around her shivering neck, lifting her braided brown hair out of the way, & pulled it tight & pulled a white cloth hood down over the prisoner’s head. The cheering & shouting of the crowd died down as they looked up at the slim young woman standing alone & unsupported about to die. Rose’s tight white blouse moved in & out as her rate of breathing increased as her terror grew.
The hangman pulled a lever & the front of the gallows platform fell away. Rose only dropped about three feet & she writhed, convulsed & kicked for three minutes before her body hung still
The next piece concerned the execution of two girls in South Dakota in 1856
Sandra Smith & Trixie Morgan
Sandra Smith & Trixie Morgan were two 18 year old former slaves who after escaping from their plantation in Virginia headed out west. To keep body & soul together they had ended up working as bar girls in a saloon in South Dakota. Unhappy at the situation they found themselves in they had murdered & robbed a wealthy rancher who had regularly availed himself of their services.
They were quickly apprehended as they tried to flee & their trial was brief. The verdict was guilty & the sentence death by hanging
Wearing the only clothes they owned which were the revealing knee length saloon hostess dresses they were dragged sobbing & pleading to the scaffold. Once on the platform their hands were tied behind their backs & the ropes placed around their necks. The Sheriff read out the charges, verdicts & sentences. No hoods were used & both girls stared out at the crowd in wide eyed terror tears streaming down their cheeks. As the hangman reached for the trap lever Sandra screamed “Nooooh!” & Trixie shrieked “Pleeaase!”. As they trap fell the girls skimpy dresses billowed up above their stocking tops as they plunged through the platform floor. The fall was too short to break their necks & they both danced on the gallows ropes for an agonising eight minutes before their suffering was finally over
The final article recounted the hanging of three young sisters at Tyburn in London in 1765.
Anne, Margaret & Elizabeth Coldfield
Anne, Margaret & Elizabeth Coldfield were 19, 21 & 23 years of age respectively. They had murdered the uncle they lived with to get his money. A large raucous crowd had gathered to watch the hanging of three young & attractive women. As the cart approached the Triple Tree they wailed & pleaded for mercy. One at a time the desperately struggling & screaming girls were dragged from the cart, their hands tied behind them & forced up the ladder resting on the crossbeam by the hangman. His assistant sitting astride the beam dropped the nooses down to the executioner who put them round the girls’ necks & then pushed them off the ladder.
Anne was the first to be hanged & her sisters had to wait & watch as she started to dance on the gibbet. Margaret went next & by the time Elizabeth was turned off she was almost faint with terror. The crowd relished the spectacle of the violently convulsing, vigorous kicking & agonised faces of the three young women as they slowly strangled to death. The frantic threshing of their legs lifted their skirts to what a contemporary witness described as “An indecent level”. After about five minutes their struggles slowed & finally ceased & the three sister’s bodies swung lifeless on the gallows
After reading the articles Cheryl, April & Beth had their best mutual orgasms since the last murder
The library book that delighted them next detailed the execution of women in the 17th century. It contained information that hadn’t been included in “A History of Women & the Death Penalty in Europe,” the book they had read a few months ago on the basis of Jane Edwards’s narrative
The first tales they found stimulating concerned “The Witchfinder” Mathew Hopkins in Norfolk England in the 1640’s
The Witchfinder Hangings
Outside the village on a small hillock stood the gibbet.. Sir Barnaby Forbes had pronounced sentence on three gypsy women in their twenties Maria Jones, Jean Collins & Margot Reynolds. This morning all three of them were to be hanged. At 12 o’clock they brought the women out & they slowly mounted the gallows platform. There they stood trembling in fear as The Witchfinder Mathew Hopkins read out the crimes they had confessed to under torture. He finished his remarks with the dread words “The condemned shall be hanged by their necks until they be dead, then burnt upon a pyre & the ashes scattered beyond recovery”. At this Jean Collins collapsed eyes filled with blind terror.The six Forbes men at arms on the platform took a firm grip on the three doomed witches, raising Jean to her feet. The prisoners’ hands were bound to their sides, they were lifted onto three stools & the dangling nooses slipped around their necks & pulled tight
The watching crowd began to chant “Hang the witches! Hang the witches!”. At a signal from The Witchfinder the stools were kicked away & the three young women, bobbed, writhed & kicked on the scaffold, their hands clenched into white fists. They continued to jerk & twist for long moments before they swung limp & lifeless the gentle breeze fluttering their skirts. Their sightless eyes stared out at the crowd from blue-black & swollen faces as the kindling was placed on the platform & then lit. The bodies were rapidly consumed by the flames
Hopkins next victim lived in the neighbouring village to the one the three executed gypsy girls had come from. Anne Dury had been brought to his attention because of her interest in herbal remedies & the like. Poor Anne was a lovely but unwordly twenty year old & her looks stirred deep resentment & jealousy amongst the other women in the village. Hopkins men seized her & under torture she admitted being in league with Satan
Anne was brought to a large oak tree at the edge of the village where a noosed rope dangled from a thick branch. Below the hanging rope was a three foot high wooden trestle. The condemned girl’s hands were tied behind her & she was forced up onto the trestle & noosed. Her terrified face looked out over the crowd looking for a sympathetic face. She found none. The women especially stared hard at her, their eyes bulging, mouths open & bosoms swelling in & out as looked on in anticipation of seeing this wanton strumpet, as they considered her, hanging by her neck.
Hopkins stepped forward & read out the crimes Anne had admitted to. He then nodded at one of his assistants who removed the stool from under the prisoner’s feet. The crowd gave the collective indrawing of breath that always came at such a moment. Anne’s eyes began to protrude from their sockets, her purpling lips swelling, tongue questing at the air. Her hands strained & fought against the cords binding her wrists. Her chest heaved as she fought for breathe, her legs kicked & flailed. Anne dangled & danced for what seemed like an eternity as she died slowly & horribly but, eventually her movements stilled & only the wind stirred her motionless form as it swung slowly back & forth the hemp rope creaking with her weight. Her body was then cut down & quickly burned to ashes
Four weeks later five young women, all confessed witches are dragged in chains from Norwich jail to the gallows hill just outside the town. At the scaffold Hopkins calls out the witches names & reads the charges to each of the condemned. The five women have been found guilty of practicing dark arts. The sentence is death by hanging, which is to be carried out immediately. The crowd of several hundred shout their approval.
A young blonde woman known only as Catherine is the first to be led to the scaffold. The gallows is simply constructed, a ten foot long crossbeam resting on two ten foot high thick posts anchored at the bottom. It can hold three victims at a time. The other two women will be forced to watch, a harrowing wait. Three guards push Catherine along & hold her in place under the cross beam. A long thick rope ending in a noose is thrown over the beam. The open loop dangles in front of Catherine, who looks through it half dazed. One of the guards slips it over her head & tightens it loosely around her neck. She does not resist. She shivers slightly & seems to wake out of the reverie into which she had fallen previously. An expression of pure terror becomes evident on her face. Her hand manacles are removed & her wrists are tied behind her. The ankle chains are left on leaving her legs loosely linked together
The preparations are now complete. Four guards stand in line behind the gallows. They take hold of the free end of the rope & slowly pull, taking out the slack. Catherine’s eyes open wide in panic as she feels the rope move, although it is not yet taut around her neck. She starts to shake as the noose starts pulling on her neck. The knot does not yet tighten. The men pause to gauge her weight & how much effort is going to be needed to hoist her up. The next heave pulls Catherine up slowly onto her tiptoes. The guards leave her like this for a minute as instructed by Hopkins.
Allegedly Hopkins had offered the winsome & buxom Catherine a quick death in return for sex & had been rejected by her. As a result he was determined that her execution would be as prolonged as possible
Her face grimaces with pain as her head bends to the side, her hands straining at their bonds, her anguished eyes wide open. She is lifted off the ground. Just as she is hoisted up she utters a strangled shriek. As she rises her body starts moving in a frenzy, legs swinging violently in tandem bound by the chains. Her arms squirm, fighting futilely to free her hands so that she can grab the choking rope. She grunts, gasps & gurgles. Her face reddens. The crowd watches entranced as she thrusts her hips back & forth, legs stomping on air, lifting her skirt. Her bonds hold fast as her struggles continue & intensify. Her neck stretches. The noose around her throat is still slightly slack & so the blood flow to her brain is not totally cut off. She stays fully & agonisingly conscious, aware now this will take some time
While Catherine struggles & swings back & forth making hideous gargling sounds, two other witches, Sarah & Elizabeth are also placed under the gallows. Both have dark hair & fair complexions. Sarah tries to resist as a guard tries to slip the noose over her head & backs away from the rope. Another guard steps forward & grabs hold of her & his colleague finally gets the noose around her neck. Elizabeth appears to be paralysed with fear & puts up no resistance as the noose is placed around her neck. The two young women stand shaking in terror as they watch Catherine’s frenzied contortions, knowing they too will soon be dancing on air.
Being rather petite both are quickly hoisted without a lot of effort. Even though the thick nooses do tighten around their necks, they are considerably lighter than Catherine & their weight isn’t enough to strangle them quickly. They too remain fully conscious, in excruciating agony as they are being slowly throttled to death
Catherine’s thrashing at last suddenly pulls her noose taut. The knot settles under her ear at the side of her neck, but does not as yet cut off all her air. She continues to wheeze, choke & gurgle as she desperately tries to continue to breathe. The noose finally cuts off her blood flow. Her complexion previously flushed red, now darkens to a purplish blue. Her eyes are bloodshot, her capillaries burst. Drool drips from her mouth past her swollen extended tongue. She convulses for three more minutes before losing consciousness
As Catherine sinks into merciful oblivion Sarah & Elizabeth are still thrashing vigorously. Since they were hoisted into the air both women have been thrusting their legs around desperately looking for a foothold. Elizabeth tries to swing close to the side post but even though she does touch it a few times her bound legs can’t grab hold. Sarah is hanging between Elizabeth & Catherine. Her legs are jerking around & around her body convulsively gyrating, her bare manacled feet feeling nothing but air except when they brush against Elizabeth & Catherine
Catherine’s body continues its doomed battle with the rope. Her heart is still beating & her full breasts rise & fall as she gasps her last dying breaths. Her feet twitch one last time & she swings gently dead on the rope
Sarah writhes, her whole body at times squirming, twisting & spinning as the noose stretches her slim neck. At times she lifts her legs right up vainly searching for relief, exposing her crotch to the breathless audience. Above the noose her throat takes on a ghastly swollen purple hue, her open mouth emitting hideous gargling sounds, drool coating her protruding tongue. Her face is now totally purple & her lips blue. Her struggles gradually slow & then stop. Her body gives a long shudder, a few more spasms & is then finally still
Elizabeth lasts the longest. She tries again & again to reach the side post with her legs however all she succeeds in doing is kicking it. She begins to slow down her legs no longer swinging as wildly. Her agonised bulging eyes stare out at the entranced crowd & then they grow dull as life slowly leaves her body. After a further minute Elizabeth hangs dead on the gallows
The three women are left hanging for half an hour to ensure that life is extinct. The bodies are then lowered to the ground & tossed into a waiting cart
The remaining two witches, Anne & Mary, are the most attractive of the five. Anne is a very pretty long haired brunette while Mary has striking thick auburn hair & a lovely clear complexion. Like Catherine they too had apparently rebuffed Hopkins advances & they were now going to pay for their temerity in doing so. They have been sitting on wall with guards on either side watching in horror & growing terror the violent convulsions & contortions of Catherine, Sarah & Elizabeth on the gallows. By the time the three dead witches have been dumped in the cart they are both sobbing helplessly.
They are dragged to the gallows, hands bound & noosed. Two teams of four guards move to the back of the gallows & very slowly pull on the ropes. Gradually Anne & Mary are first lifted onto their toes & kept there, like Catherine, for a minute. They are then hoisted into the air. Their bodies jerk & contort. Legs kick back & forth looking for support. Fingers open & clench. Two masses of hair, one brown the other auburn bob & shake to & fro. Their faces begin to darken as they drool & gurgle. Their eyes bulge & two slender necks start to stretch. To the disappointment of the crowd, & Hopkins, Anne & Mary only dance for five minutes before they both hang dead.
After a further half hour the two bodies are removed from the gallows & put in the cart along with the three other dead women. The corpses are taken to a nearby field & burned
Cheryl, April & Beth found the very lurid & graphic description of the execution of the five Norwich witches especially arousing. Cheryl closed the book & they then made love for an hour.
When they resumed reading the next stories that entranced them were those of an Irish Hangwoman known as “Lady Betty” whom had been appointed to the role of official executioner in Cork in Ireland in the 1650s because no man could be found who was willing to fill the role
Jane O’Toole & Marion O’Flaherty
Two young women, Jane O’Toole & Marion O’Flaherty were conveyed from Cork Prison to a place of execution by Lady Betty Hangwoman to the Crown. They were there caused to be hanged by their necks until dead. The two criminals had been taken in the act of smuggling undutied yarn to the colonies in America where they now resided. The Judge ordered that the yarn be knitted into a rope & halter & that the two young women be hanged with it as an example to others. Witnesses to the execution reported that the two prisoners were “Violently convulsed” after being launched from the cart. Their prolonged suffering was attributed to the loose woollen nooses.
Lady Eleanor Comrie & Mary Shaughnessy,
The case that brought Lady Betty to the attention of the entire country was that of a noble woman Lady Eleanor Comrie, who with the help of her maid Mary Shaughnessy, had murdered her violent & drunken husband. There was much speculation at the time concerning the relationship between the two young women both of whom were not yet twenty five years of age. The authorities had decided that Mary should be executed first so that Lady Eleanor who they held responsible for instigating the murder would have to watch her die knowing that she would be next. Both young women were beautiful but Mary was particularly lovely.
At the gallows the terror stricken Mary, looking as if she was going to a ball in a white lace dress instead of her execution, is placed on the cart under the crossbeam. Lady Betty tied her hands behind her & put the rope around her neck. At the Hangwoman’s signal the cart started to move slowly forward. The noose slowly tightened around the maid’s neck as she is dragged backwards by the rope. She breathed in precious air deeply & thankfully.
Finally the cart disappears from beneath her feet to the roar of the watching crowd. The gallows beam sags slightly as it takes her weight. Mary starts to swing in an arc, she is twitching & quivering her fingers clenching & opening, her face begins to darken & drool begins to drip from her mouth as she freely hangs by her neck. The crowd is roaring as Mary shudders as the noose tightens around her slowly stretching neck. Her legs scissor & stomp up & down lifting her dress exposing her shapely legs. At one point Mary raised her knees almost to her breasts in a futile attempt to relieve the noose’s pressure around her throat, the crowd’s roar increased as they glimpsed the dying girl’s private parts. Mary had been hanging for five minutes & was still thrashing violently. As she swings back & forth trying frantically to find a surface to put her feet on her eyes are anguished, blood shot & bulging. Finally after a further two minutes it is over, the maid convulses one last time & then hangs dead on the rope
By now Lady Eleanor is in a state of abject terror. She cries & pleads for mercy as she is noosed on the cart next to the hanging body of her maid & alleged lover. She screams as she looks at Mary whose long slender white neck grotesquely stretched under her swollen dark purple face, her open sightless eyes red eyes nearly popping from their sockets, spittle trickling out of her tongue filled open mouth. The noble woman is more fortunate than her maid, her death struggles last only four minutes, much to the disappointment of the crowd
When it was all over the Lady Betty mounted the cart next to the dangling corpses of the young women & said to the crowd, “Let this be a lesson. This shows that no-one no matter how well born is above the law of the land”
The story of Lady Betty the Irish Hangwoman aroused Cheryl so much that she read it several times her hand deep inside her panties rubbing away furiously. On this occasion she needed no help from April or Beth’s probing tongues or fingers to reach a highly intense orgasm
A couple of days later having read a review of it in the New York Times April bought a copy of the recently translated & published “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” by the French author Victor Hugo. The sections that interested them most concerned the trial & execution of the young gypsy girl Esmerelda
Bohemian girl, on such day as it shall please our lord the King, at the hour of noon, you shall be drawn in a tumbrel, stripped to your shift, barefoot, with a rope about your neck to the great porch of the church of Notre Dame, & shall there do penance, holding in your hand a wax taper of two pounds weight; & thence you shall be taken to the Place de Greve & there hanged by the neck on the city gallows. You shall pay to the official three gold lions in reparation of the crimes by you committed & by you confessed, of sorcery, magic, incontinence, & murder done upon the body of Siur Phoebus de Chatapeurs. God receive your soul
Athwart that waving hair, more glossy than a raven’s plumage a rough gray cord was seen, twisted & knotted chafing her delicate skin & winding about the poor girl’s graceful neck like an earthworm around a flower. Beneath the rope glittered a small amulet, ornamented with bits of green glass, which had been left to her, no doubt because nothing is refused to those about to die. The spectators at the windows could see in the bottom of the tumbrel her naked legs, which she strove to conceal under her as by a final feminine instinct. The prisoner was holding together with her teeth her ill-tied chemise. It seemed as if even in her misery she still suffered from being exposed almost naked before all eyes. Alas! It was not for such shocks that modesty was made
The man reached the top of the ladder. There he arranged the rope. The priest in order to see the better, now knelt down upon the balustrade. The man suddenly kicked away the ladder, & Quasimodo, who had not breathed for some moments, saw the unfortunate girl, with the man mounted upon her shoulders, dangling at the end of the rope within two or three yards of the pavement. The rope spun round several times & Quasimodo saw the body of the Egyptian shaken by terrible convulsions. The priest, on his part, with outstretched neck & eyes staring from his head contemplated the terrific group of the man & the young girl, the spider & the fly
Quasimodo then raised his eyes to the Egyptian, dangling from the gallows. At that distance he could see her quiver beneath her white robe in the last convulsive agonies of death. He cried “There is all I ever loved”
That evening Beth put on a simple white robe & Cheryl & April were all over her whispering in her ear of the agony waiting for “Esmerelda’s” during her hanging the next day. The three girls now very practiced tongues & fingers brought each other to highly intense orgasms
36: Chicago: Susie
By the end of February 1875 Cheryl, April & Beth were fully established in the windy city & desperate to get down to the real work that now obsessed them totally.
The first evening they went hunting at the dock side on Lake Michigan they abducted a young prostitute who was only 16 years of age. As was now their routine they chloroformed the girl once April had forced her into the horse carriage at pistol point
In the cellar of their new house Cheryl revived their latest victim with smelling salts. As the girl woke up coughing & spluttering the former medical secretary said to her, “What is your name my dear?”. The young prostitute gradually became aware of her surroundings & realised she was sitting on a three foot high stool, her back resting on a wooden pole, behind which her hands were tied. “Susie”. She replied & continued “Where am I? Why have you brought me here? What are you going to do to me?”.
April stepped forward holding a leather strap, “Well Susie where you are is of little consequence. I’m afraid we have brought you here to kill you, slowly & painfully. What do you think of that?”.
The young girl’s mental state immediately changed from one of confusion to one of absolute terror. She wailed, “But why? What am I to you? I have done nothing to deserve this? Why do you want to kill me?”. She then broke down sobbing helplessly
Beth went to the terrified girl & gently stroked her face, “We are going to kill you Susie because we simply love murdering pretty young things like you. In thirty minutes my blonde friend here, “ She nodded at Cheryl, “Is going to take the leather thong my other friend is holding & very slowly strangle you to death with it”
Susie howled in terror which delighted the three murderesses. They sat in their three seats absorbing the sights & sounds coming from their terrified victim. Taking their cue from Josiah & Jane Edwards they had decided to add a garrotte to the gallows in the basement of their new home. The other new development was that all three killers now had geisha balls inside their vaginas, held in place by their tight brief underwear. They had discovered these items when exploring Chicago’s Chinatown & were now experiencing their full effect for the first time
After half an hour Cheryl, April & Beth’s excitement was at fever pitch, their panties under their skirts soaked with their juices. They could wait no longer. Cheryl stood up & went behind the wooden pole. She slowly & deliberately put the leather strap round Susie’s’s trembling neck & the pole, wrapped the remaining length around a stick & began to slowly twist the piece of wood.
The doomed girl shrieked & pleaded for mercy. Her small but pert breasts bounced as she hyperventilated & waited anticipating what was to come. As the leather strap slowly tightened her screams turned into choking gasps & gurgles. Her body rose up from the stool & her legs thrashed beneath her whore’s skirt which was split to the thigh giving the watching April & Beth a marvellous view of her shaved young pussy. Susie’s eyes bulged & her face showed an expression of pure agony. When the young prostitute’s struggles began to weaken Cheryl loosened the strangling leather strap, slipped her hand inside the waist band of her own skirt & began to rub her crotch through her panties
By this stage April & Beth had lifted their skirts & their hands were frantically rubbing themselves inside their underwear
Having been denied for so long all three killers came quite quickly.
Cheryl used the smelling salts to revive the semi-conscious girl & began to tighten the leather strap again. Susie convulsed, her legs threshing, her face darkening as she was slowly throttled. Her body went rigid & her bottom rose up from the stool, but before she expired Cheryl again released the leather thong. By now Cheryl, April & Beth were well on their way to their second climaxes. As Susie was revived for the third time by the smelling salts the three girls moaned as their excitement grew. This time Cheryl twisted the stick as far as she could closed her eyes & waited for the sensations pulsing through her body from her groin to complete her climax. As Sally finally expired all three killers came for the second time. Cheryl’s sensations were so overpowering that she dropped to her knees.
The next day poor Susie’s ’weighted body was consigned to the depths of Lake Michigan
>consigned to the depths of Lake Michigan
Which is 900 feet deep, at the south end.
We won't be seeing Susie again anytime soon...
Which is 900 feet deep, at the south end.
We won't be seeing Susie again anytime soon...

Pleasure little pleasure I don't know why but I feel Cheryl will wind up pleasing a bunch of wankers. Great story
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