Execution Tales Chapter 39
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April had always been a fan of the lurid “Penny Dreadful” novellas which were becoming more & more popular & also more & more graphic & now they were temporarily denied their real life stimulus she introduced them to Cheryl & Beth. The first tale they enjoyed most described the exploits of a female killer in the Wild West & the part they liked best was the final chapter which was entitled “The Hanging Tree”
The Hanging Tree
The trial had been little more than a formality. Kim readily admitted to the murders. The judge said a few words & then she was sentenced to be hanged the following morning at sunrise. The prisoner was obviously in a state of shock as she was led out of the court & back to the jail
The rays of the sun are beginning to cast light on the town as Kim is brought from her cell. Her hands have already been tied behind her back. She is ashen, eyes looking twice as large as normal. Her brown curly is dishevelled but she is still beautiful beyond words. Silently the marshall motions the prisoner & the two deputies accompanying her outside & the small procession moves into the street & towards a third deputy who is standing next to a horse holding the animal’s lead rope.
The two deputies with Kim take her to the large black stallion & start to lift her on to it. Up until this point Kim, who has said nothing since the trial, wakes from her trance like state, screams & kick out her flailing legs exposing calf-length riding boots & wide expanses of black stockinged thigh under the long black skirt. Her brown hair flutters as she struggles & shakes her head partially blinding the deputy holding her. She screams “No! No! Please No!.”
With help from one of their colleagues they finally manage to get Kim into the saddle sitting astride it. The bottom part of her stockinged legs dangle down the sides of the horse. The deputies put her booted feet in the stirrups. The execution party’s eyes are all drawn to the large tree which stands in the centre of the town’s main street. It had already been the scene of several hangings & it stands as the town’s symbol of law & order. It is now surrounded by what appears to be entire population of the town including the judge & the town’s minister
Kim sobs & continues to beg for mercy as her horse is led the fifty yards or so to the hanging tree. Once they arrive under it one of the deputies fashions a rope into a noose & throws the other end over a thick branch about ten feet above the ground. He then takes the loose end & pulls the noose up to the height of the mounted doomed girl’s head & ties it off tight around the base of the tree. Kim’s horse is led to the noose until the rope dangles directly in front of her petrified face.
A mounted deputy rides up & places his horse next to the prisoner’s. He reaches up & pulls the noose over Kim’s head, pulling her long tresses through the loop & then cinches the rope tight around her neck. Her eyes open even further, mouth opening wide & her body tenses as she feels the noose constrict her neck. The minister says a prayer at the end of which everyone says Amen.
Kim turnss her head from side to side staring in terror at the sea of faces looking up at her. The judge nods to the marshall who is standing at the rear of Kim’s horse. Kim sees this & cries “No! No! I don’t want to die! Please have mercy”. Ignoring the prisoner’s final desperate pleas the marshall brings his hand down smartly on the animal’s rump.
The startled horse lunges forward jerking out from under its rider, leaving her dangling at the end of the suspended rope. Kim’s legs make a frantic futile effort to grip the saddle as the horse lunges. When her legs jerk free of the fleeing stallion she kicks about wildly, showing off her lovely legs, frantically searching for something beneath her feet to take the weight of her body & relieve the killing pressure on her neck.
Her firm pert breasts bounce as she convulses, squirms & heaves. Her hands bound behind her pull wildly against the bonds striving to get free to grasp the strangling noose. Her face begins to turn dark, the frantic spark in her eyes begins to fade, the kicking slows, her eyes roll upwards out of focus, her mouth gapes wide, still working to try to suck some breath of life sustaining air past the barrier of her constricted throat but finding that nothing can get past the merciless grip of the rope. Her jerking subsides to twitching, then stillness. Her body swings slowly back & forth as the momentum of her thrashing is spent. The crowd are silent, the only noise that can be heard is the creaking of the rope & its dead weight on the thick tree branch
The murderesses agreed that the fact that it was written in the present tense added to the immediacy & the impact of the story & that should bear this in mind when selecting their reading material. The second novella was also set in the Wild West & it too ended with a hanging
Cat Ballou
Cat Ballou “You have been found guilty of murder. Is there anything you wish to say before I pass sentence”. The judge looks at the beautiful young woman standing at the defendant’s table. She sobs “I’m innocent. Please you must believe me”. The judge replies, “The jury has decided otherwise. Cat Ballou “I sentence you to hang by the neck until you are dead. The execution will take place one week from today at noon. As is customary in these circumstances the Governor will be informed of the position & asked if he wishes to commute the death sentence to life in prison Return the prisoner to the town jail”. Cat cries piteously as she is led away.
On the morning of the execution Cat looks out from her cell window at the newly assembled gallows standing in the middle of the town square. She grips the bars on the window so hard her knuckles show white. A large crowd is beginning to gather. This is the first execution of a female in the territory & so the spectators are very excited by the prospect of a woman having her neck stretched on the gallows, swinging & kicking the air, especially one that looks like Cat Ballou.
The sheriff & one of his deputies appear through the door leading from the office to the cells.. The prisoner turns round as she hears them approach. The deputy stares at Cat transfixed as he waits for the sheriff to open the cell door. The prisoner is a slender well developed young woman, no more than a girl really, with shoulder length light brown hair & large almond shaped brown eyes. She is wearing a long white lace dress, which could be taken for a wedding gown. The sheriff’s wife had given Cat the dress as she had felt sorry for the young girl & thought that she should at least be given the chance to look her best for her hanging.
The law officers enter the cell. Cat’s wide eyes stare hopefully & fearfully at them “Have you heard from the Governor Sheriff?” she asks her voice trembling. “Yes Cat, we have. The Governor has told us he isn’t minded to intervene in your case. The execution will proceed as scheduled in an hour.” The prisoner’s eyes well up with tears, her hand goes to slender white column of her neck. “Oh God!” she cries. “You can’t hang me! You can’t! I’m innocent! I’m innocent”. She wrings her hands in despair & almost collapses into the plain wooden seat, which is the only furniture in the cell apart from the bunk. The sheriff offers Cat a makeup bag & a hand mirror & says to her. “Cat try to be brave. My wife thought you should have this so that you can make yourself look as presentable as possible.” The prisoner looks up at the sheriff & through tears whimpers, “Please thank your wife for this, & also of course for the lovely dress”. She takes the bag & the mirror.
The sheriff leaves but the deputy pulls a chair from one of the empty cells & sits down in front of Cat’s cell. The authorities are determined that there is no risk of the prisoner taking her own life & so cheating the noose. Cat looks at the mirror & takes out the lipstick, make up jar & a small brush from the small bag. As she begins to apply the make up with the small brush to her face she tremulously asks the deputy “How long will it take?”. Cat had seen a hanging in Dodge City three months previously & the vision of the condemned man writhing on the end of the rope like a stranded eel was still vivid in her mind, as were the strangled, squeals & gasps that had accompanied his protracted demise.
The deputy is a decent man & wants to be kind but he sees no point in lying,”If you are lucky Cat you will pass out after a couple of minutes & death will follow swiftly. If not…..”, his voice trails away. He knows that the authorities are determined to make an example of the girl & the hangman has been instructed to make sure that there is no chance of the prisoner’s neck breaking when she drops through the trap. He doesn’t share this with Cat
At five to twelve the execution party enter the area with the cells at the rear of the sheriff’s office. It consists of the sheriff, another deputy, a doctor & a minister. Cat gets up from her seat as the cell door opens. She looks stunning in spite of the large tears rolling down her cheeks. Cat manages to walk unaided from the cell & through the sheriff’s office. As they emerge into the sunlight the crowd breaks out into the traditional hanging hymn. “When we gather at the river, the beautiful, beautiful river” echoes round the town square.
With the prisoner in the middle the execution party walk slowly towards the gallows. Cat glances nervously from side to side at the faces in the crowd. Some show pity, some righteous anger & more than a few sadistic pleasure as they look forward to seeing such a beautiful young woman dance on the end of a rope. When they arrive at the steps to the gallows the doomed girl lifts the skirt of her dress up revealing slim ankles clad in silk stocking, which had also been supplied by the sheriff’s wife, so that she doesn’t trip on it as she climbs the stairs leading to the platform.
The sheriff, one of deputies & the minister follow her up the steps. The doctor & the remaining deputy stay standing on the town square. The masked hangman is waiting for Cat on the platform. When she arrives he goes behind her & firmly but gently takes her arms & pushes her onto four foot square trapdoor at the front of the platform. The waiting noose sways slightly in the light wind framing the prisoner’s terrified face. The executioner takes out a piece of rope & ties Cat’s wrists behind her.
The sheriff is carrying a formal looking paper. The singing dies away as he starts to read, “Cat Ballou, you have been found guilty of murder & sentenced to hang by the neck until you are dead. Is there anything you wish to say before sentence is carried out”. Cat can only whimper, “Get on with it”. The sheriff nods at the executioner. He pulls the noose over the prisoners’s head & tightens it round her trembling neck, careful to ensure that none of her hair is caught under the rope. As she feels the rough fibred hemp against her skin Cat’s eyes open wide & she gasps. He moves to stand next to the trap door lever at the side of the gallows platform. The sheriff looks at the
hangman & nods. He pulls the lever
The wooden platform falls out from under the condemned girl. She falls about three feet. The skirt of her dress flies up her thighs giving the gaping crowd a good view of her shapely slender legs encased in the expensive white silk stockings. The rope is unforgiving as it digs into Cat’s throat, twisting & stretching the tendons in her neck. Her breathing cut off, choking rasps come from her. Her face begins to darken, suffused with trapped blood now unable to circulate to the rest of her body. Drool flows freely from her gaping mouth & her tongue begins to protrude as she searches fruitlessly for air she is unable to inhale. Her body shakes & convulses, breasts bouncing, & her legs kick furiously giving the appreciative crowd more sightings of her desperately threshing silk covered legs, at times up to her stocking tops & even once or twice of the bare thighs above them. She twists back & forth swinging on the rope, straining against the noose which is slowly strangling her to death. Her complexion slowly darkens further from red, to crimson red to purple, her eyes become bloodshot as capillaries start to burst. Her struggles become gradually weaker & the noises coming from her mouth grow faint. Her death throes finally cease after what must have seemed to Cat like an eternal nine minutes. Her body wheels gently backwards & forwards, the intense agony leading up to her death screams out from horribly distorted features, sightless bulging eyes stare out over the crowd from a now very dark face, tongue lolling out of the side of the open mouth.
The spectators begin to gradually disperse excitedly discussing what they have witnessed. They all agree that everyone who saw the hanging of Cat Ballou will never forget it. The body is left hanging for a further half hour to ensure that life is definitely extinct. It is then taken down, examined by the doctor to confirm death & handed over to the undertaker for disposal
The third book was set in medieval China & finished with a gratifying description of a multiple female execution
Princess Wei
Princess Wei & her entourage of four young women are ready & waiting outside her palace when the soldiers come. The attempted coup has failed. The Princess is dressed in her finest clothes. Her hair is brushed out so it hangs down her back, black & lustrous & lightly scented with flowers. She has used just a little musk to enhance her natural scent, behind her ears, in the hollow of her lovely throat & at her wrists.
Her closest adviser, & lover, & the three serving maids are wearing their best cheosagn dresses, the skirts of which are slit up both sides to halfway up their thighs
The sight of the five young woman’s beauty makes the captain of the troops pulse quicken. These are amongst the most lovely woman he has ever seen. The magistrate who is accompanying the soldiers steps forward. He starts to read from the scroll he carries. “Princess Wei, I pronounce you & all the members of your household guilty of treason. The sentence for this prescribed by law is death”. He turns to the captain & says “Captain, it is your duty to carry out the sentence in the manner we have already discussed”.
The soldier nods & signals to his second in command who has been well briefed in what he needs to do. He points at the three servant girls. “Take them first”, he instructs his sergeant. The warrant officer along with six soldiers walk forward & two to each girl bring them forward & tie their hands behind their backs. At the same time another soldier sticks a low wooden cross in the ground. Up until now the young women had seemed resigned to their fate, but now that it is upon them, the four members of the Princesses household start to cry, only the Princess herself appears to remain calm.
The first girl tries to struggle as she is tied to the cross in a kneeling position, her arms fastened to the wooden bar. The soldier nominated as the executioner throws a noose of thin hemp cord over the girl’s shaking head, while the other end encircles the upper part of the stake. He sticks a short wooden stick between the cord & the stake behind the servant’s head & looks at the captain.
As soon as the captain has given the sign the soldier quickly twists the stick round in both hands, the cord tightens round the girl’s neck, her eyes bulge from their sockets & her tongue protrudes. Her entire body shakes & her breasts heave as she tries to breathe. The soldier stops turning the stick & waits. The silence in the palace yard is broken only by the choked gasps of the dying girl & the weeping of the other doomed women. After about five minutes when all signs of life appear to have gone from the strangled victim the sergeant walks over to her & feels her heart. He turns to the captain & confirms that the girl is dead.
Having seen what happened to the first girl the other two servants are reduced to a condition of hysterical terror. They fight & scream for mercy as one after the other they are tied to the wooden cross & strangled. Once all three lie dead in the palace yard the soldiers take the bodies & hang them by the necks from the wooden porch at the front of the palace. The slit skirts rustle in the wind exposing three pairs of slim legs as the bodies dangle, swaying slightly in the breeze.
The second in command orders “Bring forward the Dog Head Cutter”. When she realises how she is to be put to death the Princess’s lover wails in terror. The Emperor himself had ordered that she be beheaded by this fearsome machine as he holds her responsible for turning the Princess against him. The Dog Head Cutter is made up of an eight foot long, three feet wide wooden bascule with two foot supports at each corner. Fitted leather straps hang down to the ground on each side. At the head of the wooden board sits the Dog Head Cutter itself. The serrated two feet long metal blade gleams in the sun as it points up to the sky. Below it there is a head rest, with a small piece of wood designed to raise up the culprit’s neck to meet the teeth of the blade.
The young woman who is to lose her head on the Dog Head Cutter is dragged sobbing & pleading to it. As a further refinement the Emperor has instructed that the Princess’s lover be placed face up on the wooden table so that she can watch the blade as it descends. The soldiers force her on to the wooden platform & tie her into place. Her trembling head is secured to the head rest by a leather strap bound tight across her forehead, her wrists are held by leather cuffs fixed to the wooden board & a final leather strap ties her waist firmly to the bascule. Up until now Princess Wei has manged to hang onto her composure but as she sees her lover under the blade of the Dog Head Cutter she starts to weep
The woman in the deadly embrace of the terrible machine looks up at the blade & screams again & again. She struggles desperately against her bonds, the silk underwear under her slit skirt is clearly visible to all as her legs kick furiously, her heels banging on the wood drum out a sporadic tattoo. The soldier turned executioner goes to the blade of the Dog Head Cutter & puts both hands on the handle at the end of it. On a nod from the captain he begins to slowly pull the blade down.
As she sees it come towards her the young woman’s screams increase in their volume & intensity, her struggling & kicking becoming even more violent. When the blade reaches her shivering neck & she can feel the cold serrated metal teeth on her skin the executioner stops the descent of the blade. As ordered he stands immobile for a minute torturing the condemned woman beneath him as she waits for the sharp teeth to start to cut into her lovely slender neck.
He then begins to very slowly pull the blade down. As she feels the metal teeth start to do their dreadful work the woman screams even louder, mouth agape, eyes wide open. Blood begins to ooze from her neck as the blade begins to cut into flesh. The flow of bright red liquid gradually increases as the teeth of the blade rip deeper. As they cut through the trachea the terrible screams stop suddenly however the young woman’s body continues to strain against it’s bonds, she is not yet dead. Her merciful release only comes when her spinal cord is severed & the Dog Head Cutter’s blade finally encounters the wooden bascule.
The executioner reaches down & removes the leather strap from the forehead above the staring eyes. He then lifts the head by the long black hair tied into a pony tail, standing to one side to avoid the torrent of blood which spurts from the severed neck. He takes his grisly trophy to the place porch & hangs it up by the pony tail next to the bodies of the serving girls.
Princess Wei having witnessed the four executions is now terrified. She sobs helplessly. The captain gently takes the Princess’s arm & they walk slowly from the palace yard into the nearby tree lined garden. The magistrate & the rest of the soldiers stay where they are. In recognition of her royal rank, as is customary, she is to be executed by the most senior officer present & in front of no witnesses.
The captain looks at the Princess to judge her height & chooses a tree branch & fashions a double loop of silk around it. He looks at her again, pausing to admire her delicate cream yellow face & perfect neck, trim figure, firm young breasts & lovely legs visible through the high slits in her skirt & moves the silk noose to a lower part of the branch. He goes to her & leads her to the tree. He can feel her shaking with fright, tears roll down her lovely cheeks. When they arrive at the tree he ties her hands behind her with another piece of silk & slips the noose around her neck. He takes out his officer’s baton & steps behind the Princess inserting the baton between her neck & the noose.
He begins to slowly turn the baton tightening the now deadly piece of silk. Her eyes widen, she gasps & begins to thrash about & twist frantically, her legs kick violently back arching. The silk bites deep into her throat & she can make not even the slightest sound. Her need for air is now desperate, her head whips from side to side, jaw working, tongue swelling, pushing between her teeth. The captain twists the baton further, the tendons & blood vessels in the Princess’s neck stand out, her mouth is wide open & her tongue stretches for the air her lungs cry out for but can’t get. Her movements become more convulsive & frantic, her body bucks wildly & her legs kick aimlessly, threshing through the long slits in the sides of her skirt. And then her entire body tenses, her body arches even further back, her neck bends backwards, her eyes roll upwards, lids fluttering, mouth wide open as if she is screaming & then she goes limp.
The captain keeps the baton in place for a further minute just to make sure that the Princess is dead. He then removes it & comes round to stand in front of the body of the strangled young woman. He checks her heart & can feel no beat. She is no longer beautiful. Her face has darkened, bulging eyes stare out at nothing, tongue lolling from the gaping mouth. He leaves her there & returns to the palace yard to tell the magistrate he can now go into the garden to verify that the execution has been carried out & that the body can be retrieved. Five minutes later Princess Wei hangs from the palace porch roof alongside her three serving girls & her lover’s head
The next story they relished concerned the fate of young girls who were kidnapped by white slavers & ended up in an Ottoman potentate’s harem. They especially liked the sexual references in this section
Gisela looks at the Kadin who sees with satisfaction that the beautiful black girl is shaking visibly with fright. “Why are you doing this to me?” she asks her voice trembling. “The still attractive thirty five year olds Kadin shrugs & replies, “I am only following the law”. But you are the first Kadin! No one can take that away from you!”. “There is no record of you union with the Sultan. That makes you either unfaithful or a liar, or possibly both”. Gisela wails “My child will be no threat to you”.. The Kadin ignores her “In cases such as this the penalty is to be garrotted by a fine bowstring. If you happened to be of royal blood, which of course you are not, a silken bowstring would be specified”. The Kadin claps her hands & the curtains of an archway part & two robed & hooded executioners emerge from concealment. Gisela looks at them over her shoulder, the hysteria of uncontrolled terror rising like a choking flood in her lungs.
They go to the terrified girl & drag her to the centre of the chamber ignoring the crescendo of screams & force her to her knees. One of the executioners ties Gisela’s hands behind her back while the other one slips the twine of a bow string around her shaking neck. He then ties & twists the bow string around a foot long wooden stick placing it at the back of her neck he then looks at the Kadin waiting for the signal to begin to turn the stick & start to strangle the sobbing girl
All of the fifty women & girls in the harem are gathered in the chamber, ordered to be present on the orders of the Kadin to see how this kind of behaviour is dealt with. Behind them round the walls stand the Sultan’s personal guard to ensure nothing happens to upset the meting out of the Sultan’s justice. The members of the harem watch on in silence, Gisela’s friends amongst them look on in sorrow, some cry quietly. Those who were jealous of the lovely young black woman are pleased that this is to be her fate, & several of the more perverse lick their lips in anticipation of the execution, their pussies beginning to moisten under their fine silk skirts & dresses.
The Kadin who is very much in the final category of female spectators, sits on her throne looking at the kneeling, trembling, sobbing Gisela stands & states loudly. “This girl is a whore. She has betrayed the sacred trust put in all members of the Sultan’s harem. Her conduct is defined in our laws as treason & the penalty for treason is death by strangulation. She looks at the executioner & instructs, “Do your duty”, she pauses & then continues, “Make sure you take your time about it”, there is a collective gasp in the chamber, which is an expression of horror from the black girl’s friends & of delighted anticipation from those who are relishing the proceedings. The Kadin sits back down & crosses her still shapely legs under her long fine silk skirt. She can feel her pussy rapidly moistening
There is complete silence in the chamber apart from the sobbing of the doomed girl. Gisela is wearing a gold silk skirt slit up both sides almost to the top her thighs & a lace gold top which barely covers her proud upright breasts. The Kadin thinks to herself “Seeing this one slowly garrotted is going to be an event to remember”, the crotch of her underwear is now very wet
The executioner stands behind the kneeling girl & begins to slowly turn the stick with his hands, one at either end . The bowstring gradually tightens around Gisela’s neck. As she feels the pressure build on her throat the condemned girl tries to breath as deeply as she can filling her lungs for the last time with precious life giving air. As the twine begins to inexorably close her wind pipe her eyes open as wide as they can & almost seem to try to come out of their sockets. Her mouth gapes open, tongue extending over her bottom lip. Her body shakes as tremors from the agony coming from her neck & increasingly air starved lungs pulse through it. Her breasts heave as she desperately tries to breath. She vainly tries to struggle, but it is hopeless as the second executioner kneels behind her, head to one side so as not to interfere with his colleague’s deadly work with the stick & bowstring, & holds her arms firmly in both of his. He is much too strong for the slowly dying girl. Several of the watching women & girls slip a hand inside the tops of their skirts or high slits in their dresses & begin to rub their pussies, their other hands gently massage their breasts
As instructed when the executioner senses that the prisoner is about to pass out he eases the pressure of the bow string to allow her to breathe in a little more air. Gisela then revives slightly & the agony of the strangling immediately resumes. Three times the executioner does this until the Kadin gasps hoarsely “Finish it”. He twists the stick to its fullest extent & waits. Gisela’s now blood shot eyes bulge & drool drops from her protruding tongue. Her whole body shakes violently & then it is over. The executioner releases the stick & his colleague lets go of the black girl’s arms, her
body slumps to the floor her unblinking eyes stare across the polished wooden chamber floor
The Kadin has experienced a very satisfying intense orgasm, as have several members of the harem, without even having to touch herself, though no trace of this is evident o her impassive face. She looks at the garrotted body of the girl & says “Dispose of that in the usual manner”. On that note she rises & leaves the chamber. She heads immediately for the Sultan’s quarters. She knows that her husband will be very interested, & highly stimulated, by her description of the execution. She can feel her pussy beginning to juice up again already
The fifth Penny Dreadful was a fictionalised account of the crime, trial & execution of the notorious English murderess Lesley-Anne Davis. The last few pages contained the most sexually explicit scene that Cheryl, April & Beth had ever seen in print
Lesley-Anne Davis
If she is found guilty, the judge will take out the triangular piece of black cloth from the box before him on the desk & hand it to his clerk who will hold it a little above his wigged head, as he reads out the terrible sentence. And she will be taken out in due course from the dark little cell whose one window looks out on to a yard paved with the gravestones of others who have gone from this place to the gallows - & in the square in front of the prison, packed with its jostling, howling mob fallen suddenly still silent “Be hanged by the neck till she is dead”. If she is found guilty - & the case against her is crushing & terrible. - & she is only eighteen years of age
Miss Lesley-Anne Davis is very much afraid to die. Dazed dumb, almost senseless with dread she stands at the foot of the steps leading up into the dock. She is accused of murder by poisoning. If she is found guilty, most assuredly, three weeks from today at eight o’clock sharp, with a parson reading the burial service she will drop through the gallows trap with a rope around her slender young neck & kick the air outside Newgate prison
The judge looks at Lesley-Anne as she appears in the dock flanked by two women prison guards. The prisoner is very pretty. Under her smart blue hat her black curls, rest on her shoulders,her terrified blue eyes look pleadingly at the jury. She is wearing an expensive looking blue jacket & skirt & white blouse.
The judge addresses the jury foreman, “Have you arrived at a verdict on which you are all agreed?”. The foreman stands, “We have my lord”, he replies. The judge turns to the dock. “The prisoner will stand”. The trembling Lesley-Anne is helped to her feet by her guards.
The judge continues, “Mr foreman will you please read out your verdict to the court”. The foreman can’t bring himself to look at the young girl in the dock. He utters the words Lesley-Anne is dreading to hear. “We find the accused guilty My Lord”.
There is a collective gasp in the court room. The prisoner starts to sob. The judge says to her, “Is there anything you wish to say before sentence is passed?”. Lesley-Anne is too shocked to utter a word. The judge takes from its coffin shaped box the triangular cloth called the “Black cap” & hands it to his clerk who holds it just above the judge’s white wig.
He continues, “Very well then. Lesley-Anne Davis you have been found guilty of murder. It is the sentence of this court that you will be taken to the prison from whence you came & three weeks from today you will be brought to the place of execution & there you will be hanged by the neck until you are dead. Your body thereafter buried within the precincts of the said prison”. The prisoner swoons as she hears her fate pronounced & has to be supported by the guards. The judge utters his final words, “Remove the prisoner”. With that Lesley-Anne is half carried down the stairs from the dock & disappears from view.
Tomorrow is Wednesday. Unless there is a reprieve the, the execution will take place on Monday morning. The hangman has received his summons & Lesley-Anne has been moved into the Newgate condemned cells ready to take the short walk to the gallows. Unless there is a reprieve…….A recommendation to the Queen from the Home Secretary, however Her Majesty is known to be merciless towards miscreants of her own sex who had committed murder, especially poisoners, no matter how young or pretty they are. Queen Victoria’s firm view that murderesses of this type, so long as they are at least eighteen years old, should hang.
Lesley-Anne sits on her bed in the death cell. Despite her prison uniform of coarse blue jacket, limp linsey skirt & plain white mob cap with close fitting frills she still looks beautiful, & very vulnerable. She looks up as the door opens & the governor, carrying a formal looking scroll of paper, along with two female warders, enter the cell. The governor says, “You will remember Davis when I spoke to you in this room on your first day here, I cautioned you to try & reconcile yourself to the sentence of the law. You have tried to follow that advice I trust?”. “Yes sir”. There is a note of expectation in her trembling voice in her voice, as if she can’t wait for him to come to the point.
The governor shows the document to the prisoner. This is from the Sheriff of the City of London. It is the warrant for your execution. It will take place on Monday at eight in the morning. The Home Secretary has informed me that he will not be recommending mercy to Her Majesty in your case”.
Lesley-Anne stands up numb with shock. She sways slightly & sits back down on the bed with a thump & starts to cry gently. The governor & one of the women warders turn & leave the cell pulling the door closed behind them. The other female warder goes & sits down in one of the two wooden chairs in the cell. Regulations dictate that from now until she is taken to the gallows the prisoner must never be left on her own. One of four female prison officers will take it in turns to be with her, six hours at a time, up until a quarter to eight on Monday morning.
The execution of the notorious poisoner Lesley-Anne Davis on April 20th 1855 is a well-publicised affair. On the evening prior to the hanging, the first of the crowds began to gather outside the high granite walls of Newgate Prison, where they will spend the night in order to be assured of a good view of the spectacle the following morning. That same evening the gallows are brought out & assembled by the executioner’s assistants. The sound of hammering will continue long into the night. The owners of rooming houses that overlook Newgate square are pleased to rent their rooms for the night to the better class of ladies & gents eager to get a room with a good view of the gallows for a “Hanging party”
Not surprisingly the prisoner in the condemned cell has had a disturbed night, tossing & turning, & according to the attending warders, sobbing & muttering in a fitful sleep. After Lesley-Anne awakes, & has attended to her toiletries she is allowed to dress in the clothes she had worn in the dock when sentence of death was passed, apart that is from the blue hat.
In one of the first floor rented rooms overlooking the square a young couple prepare themselves for the coming event. The young man opens the window & his partner bends over from the waist, her elbows resting on the window cill. He goes & stands behind her & reaches down & starts to gently massage the young woman’s breasts through the outside of her blouse. She squirms & wriggles her firm young bottom against him. She can feel his rapidly hardening cock pressing against her through his trousers & her skirt. She starts to moan gently & the young man starts to breathe a bit more heavily.
The gallows itself is now finished, the noosed rope dangling from the centre of the thick wooden crossbeam. The young man at the window of the rented room takes out his pocket watch. It is 7.45, just a short time before the execution itself. In the square below, the crowd begin to chant: “Oh, my, think I’m going to die, Oh, my, think I’m going to die”. There is a good deal of laughter, shouting & stamping of feet.
At eight o’clock, the chimes of St Sepulchre signal the hour & the crowd roar in anticipation. There is the soft jungle of a prison bell & then a door in Newgate opens & Lesley-Anne is led out. In front is a chaplain, reciting from a bible, behind the city executioner dressed in black. The crowd see the prisoner & shout “Hats off!”. Every man’s hat is removed as the execution party walk slowly to the scaffold & climb the steps to the gallows platform
The watching young couple at the first floor window stare intensely at the prisoner. Lesley –Anne is very pale & tears from her azure blue eyes run down her fair cheeks. On the last morning of her life the young girl still looks lovely in her smart blue jacket & skirt & white blouse. Her legs tremble as she climbs the gallows steps.
The young man in the rented room lifts up the young woman’s skirt & unbuttons the front of his trousers. He pulls down his partner’s underwear & puts his throbbing erection inside her pussy. His cock slides in easily as she is already slippery with her juices. She gasps as she feels him enter her & says in a voice thick with lust, “Wait until the trap falls & then start to fuck me & fuck me hard. Fuck me hard!”. The young man replies hoarsely, “Of course my dear, though I do wish they would hurry up as my cock feels as if it is going to burst”. By quite an effort of will they manage to hold themselves still, even though every cell in their bodies feels as if is demanding that they start to fuck immediately
Lesley-Anne is led to her position on the trap at the front of the gallows platform by the executioner & he slips a white hood over the girl’s terrified face. He places the noose over her head & pulls it tight around the her neck. Muffled by the hood but nevertheless still loud enough for the executioner to hear, “Please No! Please No! Have mercy! Please have mercy!” comes from the hooded girl in a final desperate but hopeless plea for her life. The clergyman reads loudly his eyes fixed on the bible.
The executioner stands back & nods to one of his assistants standing on the ground. The assistant pulls a lever & the trap opens with a loud crack. Lesley-Anne falls about six feet until her sudden descent is jolted to a stop by the rope. Much to the crowd’s delight it is immediately obvious that the fall has not broken the condemned girl’s neck. Her hooded head twists from side to side & she starts to dance. Her body shakes & her breasts heave as she tries to breathe. Her wildly kicking legs lift her long blue skirt, at times well above her knees showing off her long slender stocking clad legs to the appreciative spectators.
As the doomed girl plunges through the gallows floor the young man starts to pound his rigid cock in & out of the young woman’s soaking pussy. She groans in pleasure, fiercely gripping onto the window cill. “Oh God! That feels so good! Do it hard! Do it hard!”, she gasps.
It is only too apparent to the spectators that Lesley-Anne is suffering in agony as she writhes slowly strangling on the rope. After about five minutes her terrible dance of death reaches its inevitable conclusion & her body swings dead on the gallows. Her head hangs down at an angle to one side & her slender white neck, stretched by the rope, has been significantly elongated
The young man can hold off his climax no longer, his sperm feels molten to him as it spurts from his cock deep inside the young woman’s pussy. The impact of her partner’s seed pushes the young woman over the edge, “Yes! Yes! Oh my God! Yes!” she cries as she comes. They both experience one of the most shattering orgasms of their lives
Most of the crowd stay for the half an hour that Lesley-Anne’s body is left on the gallows before it is taken down & transported back inside the walls of the prison, there to be interred alongside the remains of other executed criminals. They start to leave, looking forward what the newspapers will say when they report on the execution of Lesley-Anne Davis
April had always been a fan of the lurid “Penny Dreadful” novellas which were becoming more & more popular & also more & more graphic & now they were temporarily denied their real life stimulus she introduced them to Cheryl & Beth. The first tale they enjoyed most described the exploits of a female killer in the Wild West & the part they liked best was the final chapter which was entitled “The Hanging Tree”
The Hanging Tree
The trial had been little more than a formality. Kim readily admitted to the murders. The judge said a few words & then she was sentenced to be hanged the following morning at sunrise. The prisoner was obviously in a state of shock as she was led out of the court & back to the jail
The rays of the sun are beginning to cast light on the town as Kim is brought from her cell. Her hands have already been tied behind her back. She is ashen, eyes looking twice as large as normal. Her brown curly is dishevelled but she is still beautiful beyond words. Silently the marshall motions the prisoner & the two deputies accompanying her outside & the small procession moves into the street & towards a third deputy who is standing next to a horse holding the animal’s lead rope.
The two deputies with Kim take her to the large black stallion & start to lift her on to it. Up until this point Kim, who has said nothing since the trial, wakes from her trance like state, screams & kick out her flailing legs exposing calf-length riding boots & wide expanses of black stockinged thigh under the long black skirt. Her brown hair flutters as she struggles & shakes her head partially blinding the deputy holding her. She screams “No! No! Please No!.”
With help from one of their colleagues they finally manage to get Kim into the saddle sitting astride it. The bottom part of her stockinged legs dangle down the sides of the horse. The deputies put her booted feet in the stirrups. The execution party’s eyes are all drawn to the large tree which stands in the centre of the town’s main street. It had already been the scene of several hangings & it stands as the town’s symbol of law & order. It is now surrounded by what appears to be entire population of the town including the judge & the town’s minister
Kim sobs & continues to beg for mercy as her horse is led the fifty yards or so to the hanging tree. Once they arrive under it one of the deputies fashions a rope into a noose & throws the other end over a thick branch about ten feet above the ground. He then takes the loose end & pulls the noose up to the height of the mounted doomed girl’s head & ties it off tight around the base of the tree. Kim’s horse is led to the noose until the rope dangles directly in front of her petrified face.
A mounted deputy rides up & places his horse next to the prisoner’s. He reaches up & pulls the noose over Kim’s head, pulling her long tresses through the loop & then cinches the rope tight around her neck. Her eyes open even further, mouth opening wide & her body tenses as she feels the noose constrict her neck. The minister says a prayer at the end of which everyone says Amen.
Kim turnss her head from side to side staring in terror at the sea of faces looking up at her. The judge nods to the marshall who is standing at the rear of Kim’s horse. Kim sees this & cries “No! No! I don’t want to die! Please have mercy”. Ignoring the prisoner’s final desperate pleas the marshall brings his hand down smartly on the animal’s rump.
The startled horse lunges forward jerking out from under its rider, leaving her dangling at the end of the suspended rope. Kim’s legs make a frantic futile effort to grip the saddle as the horse lunges. When her legs jerk free of the fleeing stallion she kicks about wildly, showing off her lovely legs, frantically searching for something beneath her feet to take the weight of her body & relieve the killing pressure on her neck.
Her firm pert breasts bounce as she convulses, squirms & heaves. Her hands bound behind her pull wildly against the bonds striving to get free to grasp the strangling noose. Her face begins to turn dark, the frantic spark in her eyes begins to fade, the kicking slows, her eyes roll upwards out of focus, her mouth gapes wide, still working to try to suck some breath of life sustaining air past the barrier of her constricted throat but finding that nothing can get past the merciless grip of the rope. Her jerking subsides to twitching, then stillness. Her body swings slowly back & forth as the momentum of her thrashing is spent. The crowd are silent, the only noise that can be heard is the creaking of the rope & its dead weight on the thick tree branch
The murderesses agreed that the fact that it was written in the present tense added to the immediacy & the impact of the story & that should bear this in mind when selecting their reading material. The second novella was also set in the Wild West & it too ended with a hanging
Cat Ballou
Cat Ballou “You have been found guilty of murder. Is there anything you wish to say before I pass sentence”. The judge looks at the beautiful young woman standing at the defendant’s table. She sobs “I’m innocent. Please you must believe me”. The judge replies, “The jury has decided otherwise. Cat Ballou “I sentence you to hang by the neck until you are dead. The execution will take place one week from today at noon. As is customary in these circumstances the Governor will be informed of the position & asked if he wishes to commute the death sentence to life in prison Return the prisoner to the town jail”. Cat cries piteously as she is led away.
On the morning of the execution Cat looks out from her cell window at the newly assembled gallows standing in the middle of the town square. She grips the bars on the window so hard her knuckles show white. A large crowd is beginning to gather. This is the first execution of a female in the territory & so the spectators are very excited by the prospect of a woman having her neck stretched on the gallows, swinging & kicking the air, especially one that looks like Cat Ballou.
The sheriff & one of his deputies appear through the door leading from the office to the cells.. The prisoner turns round as she hears them approach. The deputy stares at Cat transfixed as he waits for the sheriff to open the cell door. The prisoner is a slender well developed young woman, no more than a girl really, with shoulder length light brown hair & large almond shaped brown eyes. She is wearing a long white lace dress, which could be taken for a wedding gown. The sheriff’s wife had given Cat the dress as she had felt sorry for the young girl & thought that she should at least be given the chance to look her best for her hanging.
The law officers enter the cell. Cat’s wide eyes stare hopefully & fearfully at them “Have you heard from the Governor Sheriff?” she asks her voice trembling. “Yes Cat, we have. The Governor has told us he isn’t minded to intervene in your case. The execution will proceed as scheduled in an hour.” The prisoner’s eyes well up with tears, her hand goes to slender white column of her neck. “Oh God!” she cries. “You can’t hang me! You can’t! I’m innocent! I’m innocent”. She wrings her hands in despair & almost collapses into the plain wooden seat, which is the only furniture in the cell apart from the bunk. The sheriff offers Cat a makeup bag & a hand mirror & says to her. “Cat try to be brave. My wife thought you should have this so that you can make yourself look as presentable as possible.” The prisoner looks up at the sheriff & through tears whimpers, “Please thank your wife for this, & also of course for the lovely dress”. She takes the bag & the mirror.
The sheriff leaves but the deputy pulls a chair from one of the empty cells & sits down in front of Cat’s cell. The authorities are determined that there is no risk of the prisoner taking her own life & so cheating the noose. Cat looks at the mirror & takes out the lipstick, make up jar & a small brush from the small bag. As she begins to apply the make up with the small brush to her face she tremulously asks the deputy “How long will it take?”. Cat had seen a hanging in Dodge City three months previously & the vision of the condemned man writhing on the end of the rope like a stranded eel was still vivid in her mind, as were the strangled, squeals & gasps that had accompanied his protracted demise.
The deputy is a decent man & wants to be kind but he sees no point in lying,”If you are lucky Cat you will pass out after a couple of minutes & death will follow swiftly. If not…..”, his voice trails away. He knows that the authorities are determined to make an example of the girl & the hangman has been instructed to make sure that there is no chance of the prisoner’s neck breaking when she drops through the trap. He doesn’t share this with Cat
At five to twelve the execution party enter the area with the cells at the rear of the sheriff’s office. It consists of the sheriff, another deputy, a doctor & a minister. Cat gets up from her seat as the cell door opens. She looks stunning in spite of the large tears rolling down her cheeks. Cat manages to walk unaided from the cell & through the sheriff’s office. As they emerge into the sunlight the crowd breaks out into the traditional hanging hymn. “When we gather at the river, the beautiful, beautiful river” echoes round the town square.
With the prisoner in the middle the execution party walk slowly towards the gallows. Cat glances nervously from side to side at the faces in the crowd. Some show pity, some righteous anger & more than a few sadistic pleasure as they look forward to seeing such a beautiful young woman dance on the end of a rope. When they arrive at the steps to the gallows the doomed girl lifts the skirt of her dress up revealing slim ankles clad in silk stocking, which had also been supplied by the sheriff’s wife, so that she doesn’t trip on it as she climbs the stairs leading to the platform.
The sheriff, one of deputies & the minister follow her up the steps. The doctor & the remaining deputy stay standing on the town square. The masked hangman is waiting for Cat on the platform. When she arrives he goes behind her & firmly but gently takes her arms & pushes her onto four foot square trapdoor at the front of the platform. The waiting noose sways slightly in the light wind framing the prisoner’s terrified face. The executioner takes out a piece of rope & ties Cat’s wrists behind her.
The sheriff is carrying a formal looking paper. The singing dies away as he starts to read, “Cat Ballou, you have been found guilty of murder & sentenced to hang by the neck until you are dead. Is there anything you wish to say before sentence is carried out”. Cat can only whimper, “Get on with it”. The sheriff nods at the executioner. He pulls the noose over the prisoners’s head & tightens it round her trembling neck, careful to ensure that none of her hair is caught under the rope. As she feels the rough fibred hemp against her skin Cat’s eyes open wide & she gasps. He moves to stand next to the trap door lever at the side of the gallows platform. The sheriff looks at the
hangman & nods. He pulls the lever
The wooden platform falls out from under the condemned girl. She falls about three feet. The skirt of her dress flies up her thighs giving the gaping crowd a good view of her shapely slender legs encased in the expensive white silk stockings. The rope is unforgiving as it digs into Cat’s throat, twisting & stretching the tendons in her neck. Her breathing cut off, choking rasps come from her. Her face begins to darken, suffused with trapped blood now unable to circulate to the rest of her body. Drool flows freely from her gaping mouth & her tongue begins to protrude as she searches fruitlessly for air she is unable to inhale. Her body shakes & convulses, breasts bouncing, & her legs kick furiously giving the appreciative crowd more sightings of her desperately threshing silk covered legs, at times up to her stocking tops & even once or twice of the bare thighs above them. She twists back & forth swinging on the rope, straining against the noose which is slowly strangling her to death. Her complexion slowly darkens further from red, to crimson red to purple, her eyes become bloodshot as capillaries start to burst. Her struggles become gradually weaker & the noises coming from her mouth grow faint. Her death throes finally cease after what must have seemed to Cat like an eternal nine minutes. Her body wheels gently backwards & forwards, the intense agony leading up to her death screams out from horribly distorted features, sightless bulging eyes stare out over the crowd from a now very dark face, tongue lolling out of the side of the open mouth.
The spectators begin to gradually disperse excitedly discussing what they have witnessed. They all agree that everyone who saw the hanging of Cat Ballou will never forget it. The body is left hanging for a further half hour to ensure that life is definitely extinct. It is then taken down, examined by the doctor to confirm death & handed over to the undertaker for disposal
The third book was set in medieval China & finished with a gratifying description of a multiple female execution
Princess Wei
Princess Wei & her entourage of four young women are ready & waiting outside her palace when the soldiers come. The attempted coup has failed. The Princess is dressed in her finest clothes. Her hair is brushed out so it hangs down her back, black & lustrous & lightly scented with flowers. She has used just a little musk to enhance her natural scent, behind her ears, in the hollow of her lovely throat & at her wrists.
Her closest adviser, & lover, & the three serving maids are wearing their best cheosagn dresses, the skirts of which are slit up both sides to halfway up their thighs
The sight of the five young woman’s beauty makes the captain of the troops pulse quicken. These are amongst the most lovely woman he has ever seen. The magistrate who is accompanying the soldiers steps forward. He starts to read from the scroll he carries. “Princess Wei, I pronounce you & all the members of your household guilty of treason. The sentence for this prescribed by law is death”. He turns to the captain & says “Captain, it is your duty to carry out the sentence in the manner we have already discussed”.
The soldier nods & signals to his second in command who has been well briefed in what he needs to do. He points at the three servant girls. “Take them first”, he instructs his sergeant. The warrant officer along with six soldiers walk forward & two to each girl bring them forward & tie their hands behind their backs. At the same time another soldier sticks a low wooden cross in the ground. Up until now the young women had seemed resigned to their fate, but now that it is upon them, the four members of the Princesses household start to cry, only the Princess herself appears to remain calm.
The first girl tries to struggle as she is tied to the cross in a kneeling position, her arms fastened to the wooden bar. The soldier nominated as the executioner throws a noose of thin hemp cord over the girl’s shaking head, while the other end encircles the upper part of the stake. He sticks a short wooden stick between the cord & the stake behind the servant’s head & looks at the captain.
As soon as the captain has given the sign the soldier quickly twists the stick round in both hands, the cord tightens round the girl’s neck, her eyes bulge from their sockets & her tongue protrudes. Her entire body shakes & her breasts heave as she tries to breathe. The soldier stops turning the stick & waits. The silence in the palace yard is broken only by the choked gasps of the dying girl & the weeping of the other doomed women. After about five minutes when all signs of life appear to have gone from the strangled victim the sergeant walks over to her & feels her heart. He turns to the captain & confirms that the girl is dead.
Having seen what happened to the first girl the other two servants are reduced to a condition of hysterical terror. They fight & scream for mercy as one after the other they are tied to the wooden cross & strangled. Once all three lie dead in the palace yard the soldiers take the bodies & hang them by the necks from the wooden porch at the front of the palace. The slit skirts rustle in the wind exposing three pairs of slim legs as the bodies dangle, swaying slightly in the breeze.
The second in command orders “Bring forward the Dog Head Cutter”. When she realises how she is to be put to death the Princess’s lover wails in terror. The Emperor himself had ordered that she be beheaded by this fearsome machine as he holds her responsible for turning the Princess against him. The Dog Head Cutter is made up of an eight foot long, three feet wide wooden bascule with two foot supports at each corner. Fitted leather straps hang down to the ground on each side. At the head of the wooden board sits the Dog Head Cutter itself. The serrated two feet long metal blade gleams in the sun as it points up to the sky. Below it there is a head rest, with a small piece of wood designed to raise up the culprit’s neck to meet the teeth of the blade.
The young woman who is to lose her head on the Dog Head Cutter is dragged sobbing & pleading to it. As a further refinement the Emperor has instructed that the Princess’s lover be placed face up on the wooden table so that she can watch the blade as it descends. The soldiers force her on to the wooden platform & tie her into place. Her trembling head is secured to the head rest by a leather strap bound tight across her forehead, her wrists are held by leather cuffs fixed to the wooden board & a final leather strap ties her waist firmly to the bascule. Up until now Princess Wei has manged to hang onto her composure but as she sees her lover under the blade of the Dog Head Cutter she starts to weep
The woman in the deadly embrace of the terrible machine looks up at the blade & screams again & again. She struggles desperately against her bonds, the silk underwear under her slit skirt is clearly visible to all as her legs kick furiously, her heels banging on the wood drum out a sporadic tattoo. The soldier turned executioner goes to the blade of the Dog Head Cutter & puts both hands on the handle at the end of it. On a nod from the captain he begins to slowly pull the blade down.
As she sees it come towards her the young woman’s screams increase in their volume & intensity, her struggling & kicking becoming even more violent. When the blade reaches her shivering neck & she can feel the cold serrated metal teeth on her skin the executioner stops the descent of the blade. As ordered he stands immobile for a minute torturing the condemned woman beneath him as she waits for the sharp teeth to start to cut into her lovely slender neck.
He then begins to very slowly pull the blade down. As she feels the metal teeth start to do their dreadful work the woman screams even louder, mouth agape, eyes wide open. Blood begins to ooze from her neck as the blade begins to cut into flesh. The flow of bright red liquid gradually increases as the teeth of the blade rip deeper. As they cut through the trachea the terrible screams stop suddenly however the young woman’s body continues to strain against it’s bonds, she is not yet dead. Her merciful release only comes when her spinal cord is severed & the Dog Head Cutter’s blade finally encounters the wooden bascule.
The executioner reaches down & removes the leather strap from the forehead above the staring eyes. He then lifts the head by the long black hair tied into a pony tail, standing to one side to avoid the torrent of blood which spurts from the severed neck. He takes his grisly trophy to the place porch & hangs it up by the pony tail next to the bodies of the serving girls.
Princess Wei having witnessed the four executions is now terrified. She sobs helplessly. The captain gently takes the Princess’s arm & they walk slowly from the palace yard into the nearby tree lined garden. The magistrate & the rest of the soldiers stay where they are. In recognition of her royal rank, as is customary, she is to be executed by the most senior officer present & in front of no witnesses.
The captain looks at the Princess to judge her height & chooses a tree branch & fashions a double loop of silk around it. He looks at her again, pausing to admire her delicate cream yellow face & perfect neck, trim figure, firm young breasts & lovely legs visible through the high slits in her skirt & moves the silk noose to a lower part of the branch. He goes to her & leads her to the tree. He can feel her shaking with fright, tears roll down her lovely cheeks. When they arrive at the tree he ties her hands behind her with another piece of silk & slips the noose around her neck. He takes out his officer’s baton & steps behind the Princess inserting the baton between her neck & the noose.
He begins to slowly turn the baton tightening the now deadly piece of silk. Her eyes widen, she gasps & begins to thrash about & twist frantically, her legs kick violently back arching. The silk bites deep into her throat & she can make not even the slightest sound. Her need for air is now desperate, her head whips from side to side, jaw working, tongue swelling, pushing between her teeth. The captain twists the baton further, the tendons & blood vessels in the Princess’s neck stand out, her mouth is wide open & her tongue stretches for the air her lungs cry out for but can’t get. Her movements become more convulsive & frantic, her body bucks wildly & her legs kick aimlessly, threshing through the long slits in the sides of her skirt. And then her entire body tenses, her body arches even further back, her neck bends backwards, her eyes roll upwards, lids fluttering, mouth wide open as if she is screaming & then she goes limp.
The captain keeps the baton in place for a further minute just to make sure that the Princess is dead. He then removes it & comes round to stand in front of the body of the strangled young woman. He checks her heart & can feel no beat. She is no longer beautiful. Her face has darkened, bulging eyes stare out at nothing, tongue lolling from the gaping mouth. He leaves her there & returns to the palace yard to tell the magistrate he can now go into the garden to verify that the execution has been carried out & that the body can be retrieved. Five minutes later Princess Wei hangs from the palace porch roof alongside her three serving girls & her lover’s head
The next story they relished concerned the fate of young girls who were kidnapped by white slavers & ended up in an Ottoman potentate’s harem. They especially liked the sexual references in this section
Gisela looks at the Kadin who sees with satisfaction that the beautiful black girl is shaking visibly with fright. “Why are you doing this to me?” she asks her voice trembling. “The still attractive thirty five year olds Kadin shrugs & replies, “I am only following the law”. But you are the first Kadin! No one can take that away from you!”. “There is no record of you union with the Sultan. That makes you either unfaithful or a liar, or possibly both”. Gisela wails “My child will be no threat to you”.. The Kadin ignores her “In cases such as this the penalty is to be garrotted by a fine bowstring. If you happened to be of royal blood, which of course you are not, a silken bowstring would be specified”. The Kadin claps her hands & the curtains of an archway part & two robed & hooded executioners emerge from concealment. Gisela looks at them over her shoulder, the hysteria of uncontrolled terror rising like a choking flood in her lungs.
They go to the terrified girl & drag her to the centre of the chamber ignoring the crescendo of screams & force her to her knees. One of the executioners ties Gisela’s hands behind her back while the other one slips the twine of a bow string around her shaking neck. He then ties & twists the bow string around a foot long wooden stick placing it at the back of her neck he then looks at the Kadin waiting for the signal to begin to turn the stick & start to strangle the sobbing girl
All of the fifty women & girls in the harem are gathered in the chamber, ordered to be present on the orders of the Kadin to see how this kind of behaviour is dealt with. Behind them round the walls stand the Sultan’s personal guard to ensure nothing happens to upset the meting out of the Sultan’s justice. The members of the harem watch on in silence, Gisela’s friends amongst them look on in sorrow, some cry quietly. Those who were jealous of the lovely young black woman are pleased that this is to be her fate, & several of the more perverse lick their lips in anticipation of the execution, their pussies beginning to moisten under their fine silk skirts & dresses.
The Kadin who is very much in the final category of female spectators, sits on her throne looking at the kneeling, trembling, sobbing Gisela stands & states loudly. “This girl is a whore. She has betrayed the sacred trust put in all members of the Sultan’s harem. Her conduct is defined in our laws as treason & the penalty for treason is death by strangulation. She looks at the executioner & instructs, “Do your duty”, she pauses & then continues, “Make sure you take your time about it”, there is a collective gasp in the chamber, which is an expression of horror from the black girl’s friends & of delighted anticipation from those who are relishing the proceedings. The Kadin sits back down & crosses her still shapely legs under her long fine silk skirt. She can feel her pussy rapidly moistening
There is complete silence in the chamber apart from the sobbing of the doomed girl. Gisela is wearing a gold silk skirt slit up both sides almost to the top her thighs & a lace gold top which barely covers her proud upright breasts. The Kadin thinks to herself “Seeing this one slowly garrotted is going to be an event to remember”, the crotch of her underwear is now very wet
The executioner stands behind the kneeling girl & begins to slowly turn the stick with his hands, one at either end . The bowstring gradually tightens around Gisela’s neck. As she feels the pressure build on her throat the condemned girl tries to breath as deeply as she can filling her lungs for the last time with precious life giving air. As the twine begins to inexorably close her wind pipe her eyes open as wide as they can & almost seem to try to come out of their sockets. Her mouth gapes open, tongue extending over her bottom lip. Her body shakes as tremors from the agony coming from her neck & increasingly air starved lungs pulse through it. Her breasts heave as she desperately tries to breath. She vainly tries to struggle, but it is hopeless as the second executioner kneels behind her, head to one side so as not to interfere with his colleague’s deadly work with the stick & bowstring, & holds her arms firmly in both of his. He is much too strong for the slowly dying girl. Several of the watching women & girls slip a hand inside the tops of their skirts or high slits in their dresses & begin to rub their pussies, their other hands gently massage their breasts
As instructed when the executioner senses that the prisoner is about to pass out he eases the pressure of the bow string to allow her to breathe in a little more air. Gisela then revives slightly & the agony of the strangling immediately resumes. Three times the executioner does this until the Kadin gasps hoarsely “Finish it”. He twists the stick to its fullest extent & waits. Gisela’s now blood shot eyes bulge & drool drops from her protruding tongue. Her whole body shakes violently & then it is over. The executioner releases the stick & his colleague lets go of the black girl’s arms, her
body slumps to the floor her unblinking eyes stare across the polished wooden chamber floor
The Kadin has experienced a very satisfying intense orgasm, as have several members of the harem, without even having to touch herself, though no trace of this is evident o her impassive face. She looks at the garrotted body of the girl & says “Dispose of that in the usual manner”. On that note she rises & leaves the chamber. She heads immediately for the Sultan’s quarters. She knows that her husband will be very interested, & highly stimulated, by her description of the execution. She can feel her pussy beginning to juice up again already
The fifth Penny Dreadful was a fictionalised account of the crime, trial & execution of the notorious English murderess Lesley-Anne Davis. The last few pages contained the most sexually explicit scene that Cheryl, April & Beth had ever seen in print
Lesley-Anne Davis
If she is found guilty, the judge will take out the triangular piece of black cloth from the box before him on the desk & hand it to his clerk who will hold it a little above his wigged head, as he reads out the terrible sentence. And she will be taken out in due course from the dark little cell whose one window looks out on to a yard paved with the gravestones of others who have gone from this place to the gallows - & in the square in front of the prison, packed with its jostling, howling mob fallen suddenly still silent “Be hanged by the neck till she is dead”. If she is found guilty - & the case against her is crushing & terrible. - & she is only eighteen years of age
Miss Lesley-Anne Davis is very much afraid to die. Dazed dumb, almost senseless with dread she stands at the foot of the steps leading up into the dock. She is accused of murder by poisoning. If she is found guilty, most assuredly, three weeks from today at eight o’clock sharp, with a parson reading the burial service she will drop through the gallows trap with a rope around her slender young neck & kick the air outside Newgate prison
The judge looks at Lesley-Anne as she appears in the dock flanked by two women prison guards. The prisoner is very pretty. Under her smart blue hat her black curls, rest on her shoulders,her terrified blue eyes look pleadingly at the jury. She is wearing an expensive looking blue jacket & skirt & white blouse.
The judge addresses the jury foreman, “Have you arrived at a verdict on which you are all agreed?”. The foreman stands, “We have my lord”, he replies. The judge turns to the dock. “The prisoner will stand”. The trembling Lesley-Anne is helped to her feet by her guards.
The judge continues, “Mr foreman will you please read out your verdict to the court”. The foreman can’t bring himself to look at the young girl in the dock. He utters the words Lesley-Anne is dreading to hear. “We find the accused guilty My Lord”.
There is a collective gasp in the court room. The prisoner starts to sob. The judge says to her, “Is there anything you wish to say before sentence is passed?”. Lesley-Anne is too shocked to utter a word. The judge takes from its coffin shaped box the triangular cloth called the “Black cap” & hands it to his clerk who holds it just above the judge’s white wig.
He continues, “Very well then. Lesley-Anne Davis you have been found guilty of murder. It is the sentence of this court that you will be taken to the prison from whence you came & three weeks from today you will be brought to the place of execution & there you will be hanged by the neck until you are dead. Your body thereafter buried within the precincts of the said prison”. The prisoner swoons as she hears her fate pronounced & has to be supported by the guards. The judge utters his final words, “Remove the prisoner”. With that Lesley-Anne is half carried down the stairs from the dock & disappears from view.
Tomorrow is Wednesday. Unless there is a reprieve the, the execution will take place on Monday morning. The hangman has received his summons & Lesley-Anne has been moved into the Newgate condemned cells ready to take the short walk to the gallows. Unless there is a reprieve…….A recommendation to the Queen from the Home Secretary, however Her Majesty is known to be merciless towards miscreants of her own sex who had committed murder, especially poisoners, no matter how young or pretty they are. Queen Victoria’s firm view that murderesses of this type, so long as they are at least eighteen years old, should hang.
Lesley-Anne sits on her bed in the death cell. Despite her prison uniform of coarse blue jacket, limp linsey skirt & plain white mob cap with close fitting frills she still looks beautiful, & very vulnerable. She looks up as the door opens & the governor, carrying a formal looking scroll of paper, along with two female warders, enter the cell. The governor says, “You will remember Davis when I spoke to you in this room on your first day here, I cautioned you to try & reconcile yourself to the sentence of the law. You have tried to follow that advice I trust?”. “Yes sir”. There is a note of expectation in her trembling voice in her voice, as if she can’t wait for him to come to the point.
The governor shows the document to the prisoner. This is from the Sheriff of the City of London. It is the warrant for your execution. It will take place on Monday at eight in the morning. The Home Secretary has informed me that he will not be recommending mercy to Her Majesty in your case”.
Lesley-Anne stands up numb with shock. She sways slightly & sits back down on the bed with a thump & starts to cry gently. The governor & one of the women warders turn & leave the cell pulling the door closed behind them. The other female warder goes & sits down in one of the two wooden chairs in the cell. Regulations dictate that from now until she is taken to the gallows the prisoner must never be left on her own. One of four female prison officers will take it in turns to be with her, six hours at a time, up until a quarter to eight on Monday morning.
The execution of the notorious poisoner Lesley-Anne Davis on April 20th 1855 is a well-publicised affair. On the evening prior to the hanging, the first of the crowds began to gather outside the high granite walls of Newgate Prison, where they will spend the night in order to be assured of a good view of the spectacle the following morning. That same evening the gallows are brought out & assembled by the executioner’s assistants. The sound of hammering will continue long into the night. The owners of rooming houses that overlook Newgate square are pleased to rent their rooms for the night to the better class of ladies & gents eager to get a room with a good view of the gallows for a “Hanging party”
Not surprisingly the prisoner in the condemned cell has had a disturbed night, tossing & turning, & according to the attending warders, sobbing & muttering in a fitful sleep. After Lesley-Anne awakes, & has attended to her toiletries she is allowed to dress in the clothes she had worn in the dock when sentence of death was passed, apart that is from the blue hat.
In one of the first floor rented rooms overlooking the square a young couple prepare themselves for the coming event. The young man opens the window & his partner bends over from the waist, her elbows resting on the window cill. He goes & stands behind her & reaches down & starts to gently massage the young woman’s breasts through the outside of her blouse. She squirms & wriggles her firm young bottom against him. She can feel his rapidly hardening cock pressing against her through his trousers & her skirt. She starts to moan gently & the young man starts to breathe a bit more heavily.
The gallows itself is now finished, the noosed rope dangling from the centre of the thick wooden crossbeam. The young man at the window of the rented room takes out his pocket watch. It is 7.45, just a short time before the execution itself. In the square below, the crowd begin to chant: “Oh, my, think I’m going to die, Oh, my, think I’m going to die”. There is a good deal of laughter, shouting & stamping of feet.
At eight o’clock, the chimes of St Sepulchre signal the hour & the crowd roar in anticipation. There is the soft jungle of a prison bell & then a door in Newgate opens & Lesley-Anne is led out. In front is a chaplain, reciting from a bible, behind the city executioner dressed in black. The crowd see the prisoner & shout “Hats off!”. Every man’s hat is removed as the execution party walk slowly to the scaffold & climb the steps to the gallows platform
The watching young couple at the first floor window stare intensely at the prisoner. Lesley –Anne is very pale & tears from her azure blue eyes run down her fair cheeks. On the last morning of her life the young girl still looks lovely in her smart blue jacket & skirt & white blouse. Her legs tremble as she climbs the gallows steps.
The young man in the rented room lifts up the young woman’s skirt & unbuttons the front of his trousers. He pulls down his partner’s underwear & puts his throbbing erection inside her pussy. His cock slides in easily as she is already slippery with her juices. She gasps as she feels him enter her & says in a voice thick with lust, “Wait until the trap falls & then start to fuck me & fuck me hard. Fuck me hard!”. The young man replies hoarsely, “Of course my dear, though I do wish they would hurry up as my cock feels as if it is going to burst”. By quite an effort of will they manage to hold themselves still, even though every cell in their bodies feels as if is demanding that they start to fuck immediately
Lesley-Anne is led to her position on the trap at the front of the gallows platform by the executioner & he slips a white hood over the girl’s terrified face. He places the noose over her head & pulls it tight around the her neck. Muffled by the hood but nevertheless still loud enough for the executioner to hear, “Please No! Please No! Have mercy! Please have mercy!” comes from the hooded girl in a final desperate but hopeless plea for her life. The clergyman reads loudly his eyes fixed on the bible.
The executioner stands back & nods to one of his assistants standing on the ground. The assistant pulls a lever & the trap opens with a loud crack. Lesley-Anne falls about six feet until her sudden descent is jolted to a stop by the rope. Much to the crowd’s delight it is immediately obvious that the fall has not broken the condemned girl’s neck. Her hooded head twists from side to side & she starts to dance. Her body shakes & her breasts heave as she tries to breathe. Her wildly kicking legs lift her long blue skirt, at times well above her knees showing off her long slender stocking clad legs to the appreciative spectators.
As the doomed girl plunges through the gallows floor the young man starts to pound his rigid cock in & out of the young woman’s soaking pussy. She groans in pleasure, fiercely gripping onto the window cill. “Oh God! That feels so good! Do it hard! Do it hard!”, she gasps.
It is only too apparent to the spectators that Lesley-Anne is suffering in agony as she writhes slowly strangling on the rope. After about five minutes her terrible dance of death reaches its inevitable conclusion & her body swings dead on the gallows. Her head hangs down at an angle to one side & her slender white neck, stretched by the rope, has been significantly elongated
The young man can hold off his climax no longer, his sperm feels molten to him as it spurts from his cock deep inside the young woman’s pussy. The impact of her partner’s seed pushes the young woman over the edge, “Yes! Yes! Oh my God! Yes!” she cries as she comes. They both experience one of the most shattering orgasms of their lives
Most of the crowd stay for the half an hour that Lesley-Anne’s body is left on the gallows before it is taken down & transported back inside the walls of the prison, there to be interred alongside the remains of other executed criminals. They start to leave, looking forward what the newspapers will say when they report on the execution of Lesley-Anne Davis
>Lesley-Anne Davis
Ahhh yes...the Great Train Robbery ;)
Ahhh yes...the Great Train Robbery ;)
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well written, I guess there's a well worked out kind of loop in here: April, the young lady that's reading the penny dreadful these stories come from, will attend to the execution of a Jane Queen, who happens to enjoy witnessing public executions, and the last story in the penny dreadful depicts a couple watching from an hotel window...I guess you get my point. Again, masterfully written you're creating characters and world.
Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 39