Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 6
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Alssyia’s next tale was her most ambitious yet

A Latin American Hanging Produced By Germans

From a crossbeam forty or so feet above the ground a double rope was suspended from each of eight pulleys. The loose ends of each set of ropes was slung behind the base of the gallows while the other pieces of rope were secured to the top of a peculiar shaped basket made of bamboo. The eight baskets were constructed in such a way with wide meshed squares that they resembled cages.

Each of these hideous looking things, at present resting in a line on the ground was sufficiently tall & wide to take a human being. Entry was gained through a roughly constructed door & once in, a noose was placed around the victim’s neck. The noose with very little slack was fixed to the top of the basket. On the opposite side of the square soldiers were putting chairs in position on a large platform that would accommodate the President & the other dignitaries when they arrived

Some of the soldiers, nailing the final pieces of wood on to the monstrous hanging rack, stopped their work for a few moments to glance up at the horse drawn cart which entered the square. They watched, first as it pulled up in a cloud of dust a few yards from the gallows, & then as two men jumped down & began unloading eight empty wooden coffins from the cart. They placed these neatly on the ground, one behind each basket.

The eight condemned girls arrived in the square to keep their appointment with the appalling fate that awaits them. They had all been part of a group that had been plotting to overthrow the President. Their male comrades were already dead. Some died during torture when they were being interrogated & the rest had been summarily shot in the back of the head.

It had been the President’s head of security Wanda Barkmann who had suggested this way of executing the female plotters. “After all Mr President” she had argued, “By doing this you are sending a very powerful message. If we can execute young women & girls like this we can do it to anyone. My grandfather told me that this is exactly what his SS Division did in Russia during the war & it was very effective”. The President had agreed.

All was now ready. The President General Cordoba & his entourage climbed the stairs to their viewing platform & took their seats. Wanda Barkman sat on the General’s right. She had been an Olympic decathlete for the old East Germany & also a Major in the Stasi, the East German secret police. She had thought it wise to get out of Germany when communism collapsed as she had a lot of blood on her hands.

Barkmann was in her mid-thirties & was very striking. She was six feet tall & her athlete’s build was evident under her uniform tight black leather jacket & skirt. A pristine white blouse, black tie & knee length shiny black boots completed her outfit. Her blonde hair was cut almost to the scalp & her piercing blue eyes surveyed the scene before her taking everything in

The eight prisoners wore short blue prison uniform skirts & striped tops. Barkmann smiled to herself, “They almost look like cheerleaders”. She thought” I wonder how long they will be able to keep dancing for?”.

The doomed girls sobbed, pleaded for mercy & struggled as they were forced into the cages by the soldiers. Barkmann’s personally selected two executioners stood hooded. Like Barkmann they were sadistic lesbians & they were also former East German athletes & members of the Stasi. Nadia & Eva wore the same uniform as their boss Barkmann. They stood watching with their arms folded across their ample breasts.
The President had been delighted when Barkmann had come up with the idea of using two of the President’s personal female guard to execute the traitors.

As the last girl was placed in her cage Nadia & Eva walked slowly along the line of condemned girls placing nooses around their necks. They methodically adjusted each knot in the noosed ropes & tied the girl’s hands together behind them. Barkmann had decided against hooding the prisoners. She wanted everyone to see the expressions on their faces as they strangled to death. The two executioners carried out a final check inside each cage before they secured the doors. There was not the slightest sign of a breeze in the air. Nothing movesd Apart from the whimpering of the prisoners there was silence.

Cordoba sat quietly his face expressionless & motionless. His whole body was tense & trembled slightly. The only clue to the sadistic pleasure & eager anticipation coursing through him was his massive erection which pole like pressed against his trousers.

Barkmann glanced at the President’s groin & smiled secretly. She could feel her own excitement growing & she pressed the button on her mobile phone that started the silent vibrator held in place in her pussy by her tight white panties & flesh coloured tights. She sighed as she felt her moistness increasing.

The executioners closed the door in the last of the cages & stood at either end of the line of cages. A drumroll started & an officer appeared with a microphone. His voice reverberated from the four speakers at the corner of the square

“These women are traitors & terrorists who were plotting to overthrow the government. Let their fate be warning to all who think of taking that path”

He moved back gesturing to an officer standing next to the cages. The drummers hold their sticks ready & eight soldiers ran forward & gripped the loose ends of the ropes on four of the baskets, two men to each rope. The officer brought down his sword to signal.

The drums rolled & the soldiers began to haul on the ropes. Slowly they rose until they were twenty feet in the air. Piercing screams came from the four cages. The whole of the bottom of each cage was a hinged trapdoor on which the condemned noosed girls stood, ropes connected to the release catches trailed downwards. The executioners each took hold one of these ropes hanging from two of the baskets. Cordoba stood & flicked his hand across his throat. Nadia & Eva gave the ropes a sharp tug & two of the cage trapdoors fell away with a crash.

Two of girls fall, but only by about three feet. Barkmann had told the executioners that she would be very displeased if there was any accidental neck breaking. This was why they had left very little slack in the ropes & had been careful to place the nooses knots at the front of the prisoner’s necks.

The two girls gasp as the ropes bring them to a sudden stop about ten feet above the ground. As they fall their skirts lifted up revealing two sets of white underwear. They then start to kick & struggle.

Nadia & Eva smile in delight under their hoods as they have an excellent view up the prisoners’ fluttering skirts past the wriggling writhing thighs to the simple tight white cotton panties encasing the girls’ pussies & young firm bottoms & of their faces contorting in agony. Both of the executioners put a hand in the pocket of their skirts & press the buttons on their phones that start the silent vibrators in their pussies which. Barkmann had given them as reward for good work. The crotches of Nadia’s light blue panties & Eva’s pink ones very quickly start to get wet

To ensure that no-one misses out any detail the executioners wait until the first two prisoners hang dead before going to pick up the release ropes for the second two baskets. The two girls in these baskets are besides themselves in terror having seen close up what is about to happen to them. Again Nadia & Eva pull the ropes, again the trapdoors crash down & again two girls convulse & kick in the air ten feet above the ground slowly strangling to death

Cordoba leant across to Barkmann his voice hoarse with lust as he massaged his throbbing member through his pocket. “Wanda this is superb. You are a genius my dear”. Barkmann nodded her appreciation. No trace of her own highly stimulated condition was evident on her face as she exerted her iron will to control her expression, despite the fact that at this point the crotch of both her panties & her tights were soaking wet. She has already pressed the slow down button on her phone for her silent vibrator concerned that she was getting too close to an orgasm. Their faces covered by the black hoods Nadia & Gretel faces displayed the rushes of sexual pleasure coming from their silently humming pussies

When the second two prisoners had kicked their last the remaining four cages were hoisted up, the prisoners’ screams echoed back from the buildings surrounding the square & the entire process was repeated. By the time it was over & eight pairs of brown slim legs dangled lifelessly in the air below the baskets Nadia & Gretel were well on their way to their second very intense orgasms. As ordered the girl’s bodies were to be left hanging in public for a day before they were cut down & placed in the waiting coffins

The presidential party left the platform. There was an excited hum of conversation as they had all thoroughly enjoyed the show. Summoning his current mistress Cordoba went quickly to his quarters. He desperately needed a fuck to release the pent up pressure in his throbbing engorged erection

Back in her room Barkmann lay down on her bed & turned her vibrator up full. She slipped her leather skirt up over her thighs & rubbed her sopping crotch with her hand. She moaned in ecstasy as she came. After five minutes she got up, lit a cigarette & called Nadia on her mobile.

“Nadia can you & Eva come to my room we have some urgent business to attend to”. “Of course Madam”, Nadia replied.

Once Barkmann had rung off she turned to Eva. “The boss wants us. There is something urgent we need to deal with”.

The girls smiled at each other they knew exactly what the nature of the urgent business is. They left the room to walk to Barkmann’s quarters their pussies already beginning to tingle in anticipation

Very soon after finishing her latest story Alyssia brought herself to a massively satisfying climax.

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