Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 8.1
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 8.1This story was one of the very first I posted. I decided to repost it where it sits in the overall Execution Tales narrative. It has been edited slightly & now has pictures attached. Haven't had a lot of feedback recently - are those of you who have been following Execution Tales still enjoying them?
Her final story for now is by far the longest she had attempted. It featured several characters based on British TV personalities & actresses
“The Dance Hall” & “La Senorita De Muerte”
“The Dance Hall
The eight accused young women & girls entered the dock & sat down, throwing nervous glances at the five judges looking down at them. In Singapore’s main criminal court five judges always sat in capital cases. The eight prisoners consisted of four Quantas stewardesses, all twenty four years of age or under & four Chinese students, who unfortunately for them were eighteen.
All eight accused are to say the least very attractive. The four stewardesses were wearing their light purple Quantas uniforms which consisted of smart jackets & quite tight knee length skirts. They also wore clean crisp white blouses, flesh coloured panty-hose & slip on grey shoes.
The four Chinese girls are dressed in their exclusive sixth form college’s uniforms of navy blue blazers with white edging, white shirts, blue & grey ties, grey & white pleated mini kilts, knee length white socks & black shoes. They all looked pretty as a picture, respectable, innocent & harmless. On the advice of their lawyers they had worn these clothes all the way through the trial to try & give the best impression to the judges
The case had shocked & then fascinated all of South East Asia, Australia & New Zealand & had also been given extensive coverage in the UK, due to the nationality of some of prisoners.
Three months earlier in a combined police operation, the Singapore & Philippines authorities had acted at the same time & arrested all those they suspected of being involved in a heroin smuggling ring orchestrated & run by a number of Quantas airline staff.
The stewardesses had been smuggling the heroin into the two countries in their almost never searched hand luggage & then supplying it to students from wealthy local families who in turn sold it on within their social circles. The Singapore police had come under considerable pressure from the government, press & public following the deaths of two girls from families who were amongst the most high profile in the country.
In Manilla two more accused drug smugglers, who were Quantas executives & considered to be the ring leaders, were in prison awaiting trial. It had been decided to try the eight those arrested in Singapore first simply because there were more of them
“The accused will stand”, said the chief judge. The girls rose apprehensively to their feet. The court was silent, the tension unbearable. The judge continued, “We have arrived at our decision, on which I may add we all agree. I will now read the verdicts to the court. These eight young women are accused of trafficking in Class A Drugs i.e. heroin & the amount of the narcotics involved, 28.5 kilogrammes, makes this a capital crime”.
“Sue Linn, Victoria Chin, Sally Po & Mary Tang we find you guilty on all charges”.
The Chinese girls moan in despair, start to cry & shake. The judge ignores this & continues looking directly at the four white prisoners “Tegan Jakova, Josephine Sims, Rachel Reid & Karen Gillman we also find you guilty on all charges”.
The four stewardesses stood looking stunned, the youngest Reid started to sob & had to be supported by her guard as she swayed & almost fainted.
Relentlessly the judge went on, “We have already decided on the sentences in this case which reflect how seriously the Singapore government & people view these offences. Sue Linn, Victoria Chin, Sally Po & Mary Tang you will be removed from this court & taken to Changi Prison where one week from today, unless the appeal court or the President intervenes, you will each be executed by being hanged by your necks until you are dead. As a recognition of the fact that you weren’t the prime movers in this case you will be executed by long drop hanging”.
The students start to wail, plead & sob. The judge signed to the guards “Take them down”. The four had to be almost carried from the dock & disappeared out a door at the back of the courtroom
“Tegan Jakova, Josephine Sims, Rachel Reid & Karen Gillman you too will be removed from this court & taken to Changi Prison where one week from today, again unless the Appeal Court or the President intervenes, you will each be executed by being hanged by your necks until you are dead. There is no doubt that you were involved in the organization of the drug smuggling & supply of the heroin to our young people so you will suffer the extreme penalty of short drop hanging”.
Once the sentences had been handed down the four Stewardesses all started to sob. Reid wails “No! Please have mercy! Please have mercy! The judge looks at them impassively & said “Take them down”. They too disappeared through the door at the rear of the court. The closing door cut out the desperate pleading & the cries of despair..
Holly Wilson, an Australian TV journalist, looked on in fascinated horror from the spectators’ seats. Holly was to say the least “Televisual”. She was twenty eight with long centrally parted blonde hair, large brown eyes, “A Peaches & cream” complexion, lovely large upstanding breasts, a thin waist, curvaceous hips & long legs. She was wearing an expensive white silk blouse, & loose flared short red skirt. Due to the heat she was barelegged.
She crossed her tanned, toned legs & looked at Commander Amanda Brown, the police officer sent by the Australian Government to monitor the proceedings & said, “I don’t know about you Commander but I need a drink. Don’t worry anything you might say is strictly off the record”.
The police woman was in her mid-thirties. She had short brown hair & regular features. Though slightly mannish in appearance she was undoubtedly very attractive. She was in her formal “Dress whites”, which consisted of a white peaked cap & jacket, shirt with green & yellow tie, white A-line knee length skirt & tan panty hose
She nodded & replied. “Let’s go, there is a nice little bar just across the street”.
The two women left the court building, crossed the road, go into the bar, ordered their drinks & took them to table in a quiet corner. Holly took out a cigarette, lit it & inhaled deeply. She looked at the Commander ,“I presume from your calm reaction this isn’t the first time you have been at one of these trials in Singapore involving our citizens?”.
Taking a sip from her beer Amanda sighed & replies, “Unfortunately Miss Wilson this is my fourth time here for one of these. This though is the most high profile due to the age, & it has to be said sex, of those involved”. Holly continued “Please call me Holly. Do you still feel the same at each sentencing?”. “What do you mean Holly?”. Amanda asked.
The blonde reporter was flustered & embarrassed. She looked into her beer avoiding Amanda’s eyes & replies “Of course I was horrified & appalled but also………”. “Turned on ?”. The police woman smiled & finished Holly’s sentence. The reporter looks up at Amanda blushing “How did you know?” she asked.
Amanda chuckled & replied, “My dear Holly, the reason why this is my fourth Singapore capital case is because I ask for these assignments now. The buzz you get at the sentencing is nothing compared to what you experience at the hangings. Assuming these eight are going to be executed are you going to be there?”.
The reporter nodded “Yes. My channel has reserved a seat for me at the prison”. In that case Holly take these” said Amanda taking out from her pocket what looks like two oval shaped marbles connected by piece of twine about an inch long.
“What are they?” asked the blonde girl. “Geisha balls”, replied Amanda “I was given two sets by a Japanese Police Officer by the name of Suki at an Interpol conference in Toyko last year. We had a brief affair & she gave me these as a memento”. Amanda looked appraisingly at Amanda. “Yes Holly I am gay, as according to the tabloid press are you. Are you?”.
Holly nodded & asked “What exactly do you do with them?”. “You put them in your pussy of course”, laughed Amanda. She continued “I recommend that you put them in before you go to Changi for the hangings. Wear tight panties & panty hose to ensure that they stay in place & wear a skirt with pockets. Cut the bottom off the pockets & that way you can rub your crotch with no-one else being aware of what you are up to. That is what I do”.
The blonde girl smiled, reached across & took the Geisha Balls. “Well Commander thank you very much. I can certainly confirm that this conversation is very much off the record”.
The Governor of Changi jail, Mr Wong was on the way to the “Dance Hall”, this was the unofficial designation for the execution chamber. When he arrived he took a key out of his pocket & unlocked the heavy metal door. The “Dance Hall” was a large windowless room. At its left side there were several rows of chairs for the witnesses.
Mr Wong moved towards the wooden platform, which took the whole width of the “Dance Hall” At a height of about four metres there was a solid metal beam from which hung four noosed ropes. Today the eight female drug dealers were to be executed
All of the condemned girls had asked to be allowed to wear the clothes that they had been sentenced in at their executions. The Chinese students wanted to ensure that everyone who saw their hangings could see how young & innocent they appeared & the Quantas girls said that working for the airline was the best thing that they had ever done.
Initially Mr Wong had been dubious but when he saw TV footage of the prisoners leaving the court after their convictions he had agreed with alacrity. The Quantas girls in their uniforms especially began to give Mr Wong some ideas as to how he could improve the deterrent impact of the hangings, which of course would be filmed as usual & shown live on TV.
Two days before Mr Wong had visited each girl in her cell & informed them that their appeals had been rejected & that the President would not be involving himself in the judicial process.
The prisoner’s reactions to the news that they were definitely going to have their lovely young slim necks stretched by ropes was largely the same. They screamed, cried & pleaded, of course to no avail. He also told the doomed girls that on the last night of their lives all condemned prisoners were permitted to have a conjugal visit from their partners.
The conservative minded Governor had been taken aback when he learned that all he needed to do to enable this to happen was to allow Sue Linn into Victoria Chin’s cell, Sally Po into Mary Tang’s, Tegan Jakova to join Rachel Reid & Josephine Sims to be with Karen Gillman.
Mr Wong had shrugged his shoulders, inwardly decrying the decline in moral standards, & instructed his staff to enable this to take place. Despite himself he couldn’t help but sit & watch the frantic couplings of the doomed prisoners on the camera footage from each of the death cells.
The young Chinese students were so desperate for each other that without taking off any of their clothes they were almost instantly on the beds, plaid miniskirts were roughly pushed above waists, white panties forced to the side, faces thrust against crotches & tongues penetrated deep inside pussies
All of the Stewardesses were lovely. Tegan Jakova was Australian & has brown thick short curly hair & brown eyes. Her high cheek bones betray her Slavic ancestray & Rachel Reid, her lover, who is originally from England, was a little “Blonde English Rose” with short blonde hair & blue eyes.
The black Josephine Sims is the strongest of the Quantas Girls. As a teenager in London she had represented her college at the UK College Athletics championships & got to the semi-finals of the 100 metres. Her black hair was cropped very short. The most beautiful of them all was Sims’s partner Gillman. She was a six foot tall Scottish girl with seemingly endless legs. Her ginger hair was almost shaved to her scalp in the style of a US Marine “Jarhead”
Mr Wong sat transfixed watching the live video feeds from the four death cells gently rubbing his throbbing erection through the outside of his trousers. He wasn’t alone.
The four female guards tasked with watching each of the cells via the CCTV very quickly had their hands burrowing away beneath their khaki uniform skirts, their fingers deep inside their panties frantically fingering themselves.
Jacova & Reid were on the bed kissing, tight skirts above their waists, hands inside each other’s panties. Gillman stood against the cell wall, thighs resting on Sims shoulders as the black girl’s tongue thrusts deep inside her.
The four Quantas girls come as if there is no future – which in is of course the case . Mr Wong shoots his load into his jockey shorts & the female prison guards orgasm & convulse in their seats, intensely flooding their panties with their juices
Half an hour before the executions the spectators filed into the “Dance Hall”. Holly Wilson looked ravishing in her black blouse, tight black leather mini skirt & tan panty hose. The Giesha balls sat firmly in her pussy, held their by her pink panties & hose.
Commander Amanda Brown followed Holly & sat down next to her. Again she was in her “Dress whites”.
The Commander leant across to the journalist & whispered “Did you do as I suggested with the Geisha balls Holly?” Holly nodded.”Good”, said Amanda “Mine are in place as well”.
On death row they came for the Chinese students first. The Stewardesses have to sit in their cells & listen to them being dragged screaming, sobbing & pleading for mercy down the corridor until the door to the “Dance Hall” slammed shut behind them. A deathly silence reigned on death row
The condemned prisoners, their hands cuffed behind them are each dragged, sobbing & pleading, two guards to each girl one on either side, into the “Dance Hall” & then up the thirteen steps to the gallows platform where Mr Wong, the two hooded executioners & the court officials are waiting.
As they had requested the four Chinese students were wearing the college uniforms they had been sentenced in of blue blazers, white shirts, grey & white pleated mini kilts, white socks & black shoes. They no longer have ties round their necks. They were made to stand trembling behind the four nooses which dangled at head height in front of their terrified tear stained faces. The senior court official took out the death warrant & began to read
“Sue Linn, Victoria Chin, Sally Po & Mary Tang you have each been sentenced to be hanged by the neck until you are dead for drug smuggling. You will be executed by long drop hanging. Do any of you have anything to say before these sentences are carried out”.
The doomed girls can only wail in terror. The official nodded to the executioners & they immediately placed white hoods over the prisoners’ heads, muffling their desperate pleas for mercy.
Holly looked on mesmerized. She squeezed her thighs together pressing against her hand which, via her skirt pocket, as advised by Amanda, she had cut away the bottom from, which is slowly rubbing her pussy through her hose & panties.
She can still hear the sobbing & pleading coming from the hooded students. She looked at Amanda who sat with one hand in her no doubt bottomless pocket & the police woman’s thighs squirmed slightly as she too ground her thighs against her hidden hand massaging her crotch.
Both women gripped the arms of their chairs with their free hands as the combined effect of the Geisha balls & the spectacle unfolding before them increased the flow of their juices into the crotches of their panties & started to seep through & moisten their panty hose. Holly bit her lip to try & stop herself emitting any give away moans
Calmly & methodically the executioners, using leather belts, strapped the prisoners’ legs tightly together. The first belt went round the ankles, the second just above the almost knee length white socks & the third pulled shaking thighs hard together just below the hems of the grey & white pleated mini kilts. They then placed the nooses over the girls’ hooded heads & pulled the ropes tight ensuring that the knots were just under the prisoners’ left ears.
The front of the hoods moved in & out very quickly as the doomed students started to gasp & breathe very quickly, their terror rising even further. One of the executioners moves to the lever at the side of the gallows & looks at Mr Wong. The second executioner stepped back from the collapsible section of the platform. The prisoners stood swaying slightly. Mr Wong nodded.
The lever was pulled & the front of the gallows fell away & hit the wooden stanchions below the platform with a resounding crash. As the prisoners dropped their mini kilts flew up above their waists exposing their tight white panties. Their screams were abruptly cut off by the ropes tight round their necks which severed their spinal cords with a crunching sound. Their hooded heads all lolled to the right & their feet & legs twitched & quivered reflexively
Holly’s knuckles were white so tight was her grip on the arm of the chair as she came. Her eyes were closed & her body shuddered as the waves of pleasure coursed through her.
As her orgasm began to subside she looked quickly about to see if anyone had noticed. She had no need to worry. All eyes were transfixed on the four slender bodies gently swaying on the gallows, apart that was from Amanda’s. The police woman was looking at Holly & smiling.
She said to the reporter “The bodies are required to hang for an hour, before they can be taken down & the prisoners’ deaths officially certified. We will now be taken to the prison canteen for a coffee & you can smoke in there”. They filed out of the “Dance Hall” along with the other spectators & headed towards the prison canteen
On death row Tegan Jakova, Josephine Sims, Rachel Reid & Karen Gillman waited, each watched by two guards who sat inside the cells with them. It had been a blessed relief to the prisoners when the door to the “Dance Hall” had closed behind the Chinese prisoners cutting off the sounds of their screams & pleadings. Then ten minutes later the condemned & guards all jumped when they heard the crash of the dropped gallows platform. They all know what that meant..
Jakova gently rubbed her lovely white neck & asked “How long?”. One of the guards replied “About two hours. By law the bodies have to be left hanging for an hour. They are then taken down, death is confirmed & certified, the gallows prepared for the next executions & the spectators re-admitted to the “Dance Hall”. Jakova closed her eyes, took a deep breath & tried to compose herself.
Reid was almost hysterical in her terror. The lovely slim blonde English girl lay on her bed sobbing repeating endlessly “No! No! Please no! Her guards sat & looked on impassively.
Sims quizzed her guards “How long will I take to die?”. The older guard looked at the six foot tall black girls magnificent athletic body displayed beautifully by her tight Quantas uniform & said “I’m afraid Sims because of your excellent physical condition I reckon it will take at least 15 minutes for you to strangle to death. The increasingly terrified prisoner held her head in her hands & started to cry.
Gillman appears to be in a trance as she lay on the bed her lovely almond eyes staring unblinkingly at the ceiling. Both of her guards also happened to be gay. One of them thought to herself. “What a waste”.
All of a sudden Gillman began to pull her tight skirt up her thighs her intentions obvious. The senior guard went to the prisoner & grabbed her arm. “Wait Gillman, remember we are on CCTV, & I can’t allow you to do that without Mr Wong’s permission”. Gillman looked up at the guard & nodded.
The guard took out her mobile & phoned Mr Wong. She explained the situation finishing her plea by saying “Sir, Gillman is the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. You have seen the footage of Sims & her making love & it was breathtaking. Let her do this, she will be dead in a couple of hours after all. Also with your permission we would like to participate in the process”.
Mr Wong was silent for a moment but he can feel his erection growing, Gillman is undoubtedly gorgeous.“Very well then. But you must ensure that the CCTV film is removed immediately from the camera as soon as Gillman has left for the “Dance Hall” & clearly marked for my attention only”. The guard smiled in delight. “Thank you sir. I know you won’t regret it”.
She went over to the bunk & looked down at Gillman “You can carry on”. The prisoner smiled weakly & continued to slide her skirt up her lovely long panty hose encased legs. Her pink panties slowly became visible & the prisoner gently began to massage the outside of the crotch of her panty hose.
The guards watched on. The junior one, who was sitting down, slipped her hand up her skirt & began to slowly rub her pussy through her panties. The senior guard stood looking down at Gillman. She rubbed her crotch through the outside of the front of her skirt. Gillman slid her hand inside of the front of her panties & started to moan gently as her fingers entered her pussy. The prisoner lifted her legs up, her thighs imprisoning her increasingly rapidly moving hand.
This was too much for the senior guard, she knelt at the bottom of the bed & pulled the prisoner’s legs apart & down. She moved up the bed while thrusting a hand up her own skirt & started to frantically finger herself under her panties.
Gillman initially moaned in protest but then gasped in delight as the guard eased her panties & hose down over her thighs & put her tongue deep inside the convict’s pussy. As the prisoner neared orgasm her hips began to buck & she wrapped her long legs round the guard, the back of her almost bald head pressed hard against the pillow.
All three women come at almost the same time. Gillman groaned in delight & the two guards gasped in pleasure. Once she had recovered the senior guard phoned Mr Wong. “Sir, I can report that the prisoner Gillman’s last request has been fulfilled”. Wong replies “Good. Remember to bring the CCTV tape directly to me once the executions are over”.
Holly & Amanda sat by themselves at a table in the canteen drinking coffee. The reporter drew deeply on a much needed cigarette. She leant across & said quietly to the police woman, “God Amanda. I have never come like that in my life. My panties & hose are absolutely soaked. These ball things are absolutely amazing”.
Amanda grinned, “I am glad you took my advice Holly. Yes the Geisha balls stimulate me in a way I have never experienced before though of course their impact is greatly enhanced by what we have just witnessed”. “What happens now?”, asked the blonde reporter The woman police officer replied. “We wait here until they are prepared for the next hangings. They will then come & get us & we will return to the Dance Hall”. Holly smiled in delighted anticipation
Led by an officer eight male guards appeared through the door leading to death row at the opposite end of the corridor from the entrance to the “Dance Hall”. They split up into pairs & went to the doors of each of the four cells.
The two female guards with Tegan Jakova stood & the older one said to the prisoner. “It is time Jakova”. The Australian girl said nothing though she is shaking, tears running down her cheeks. She puts up no resistance as the two male guards enter the cell pull her to her feet & tightly strap her hands behind her back.
Rachel Reid screamed when she saw the male guards appear “No! No! Please don’t hang me! I don’t want to die! Please No! No ! No!” she wailed. The guards had to lift her up from the bed & hold her upright as they cuffed her hands. Reid continued to sob uncontrollably.
Josephine Sims too, though obviously terrified says nothing as the guards enter her cell & cuff her .
Karen Gillman got to her feet as the guards entered the cell. She was no longer in a trance like state & was only too aware of her situation. She trembled & whimpered as her wrists were secured behind her.
The condemned girls were taken from their cells with Reid having to be virtually carried & began their death march towards the door to the “Dance Hall”.
Holly & Amanda were back in their seats in the Dance Hall. The bodies of the dead Chinese girls have been removed & four new nooses dangled from the gallows. The quiet hubbub of conversation in the execution chamber died away as the prisoners were brought in.
Like the four girls before them they were led in & marched up the gallows steps two guards to each prisoner where the executioners & the rest of the execution party waited.
Wearing their stewardess uniforms they stood shaking in fear behind the ropes allocated to them. Reid is almost in a dead faint & has to be supported by her two guards.
The court official took out a piece of paper & intoned
“Tegan Jakova, Josephine Sims, Rachel Reid & Karen Gillman you have each been sentenced to be hanged by the neck until you are dead for drug smuggling. You will be executed by short drop hanging. Do any of you have anything to say before these sentences are carried out””. The condemned girls sobbed hopelessly apart from Reid who appeared to be totally out of it.
Holly stared at the girls on the gallows. She was almost hypnotized totally still, apart from the hand which was gently caressing her clitoris inside her panties. She felt her second climax of the morning beginning to build
As was always the case in short drop hangings no hoods are used. To maximize the deterrent impact all must see the full agony of slow strangulation displayed on the prisoners’ faces as they die.
Again the executioners strapped the prisoners’ legs together at the ankles & the knees. However before they secured the girls thighs they pushed their tight purple uniform skirts up the nylon clad legs until the crotches of their panties became visible, Jakova & Sim’s underwear was white while Reid & Gillman’s were pink. This had been Mr Wong’s idea to both increase the humiliation of the condemned girls & to add to the spectacle.
The nooses went round the prisoners’ necks & are pulled tight & this time the knots are carefully placed at the front side of the stewardesses’ slim & graceful necks. The other difference is that there is no slack in the ropes. The location of the knots & the lack of any significant drop will ensure that the prisoners’ agonized sufferings will be prolonged for as long as possible
The guards & the rest of the execution party moved to the rear of the gallows platform leaving the prisoners standing supported only by the nooses round their necks. Reid slumped appearing to be half dead already. The lever was released & the floor disappeared from under the condemned girl’s feet & a mighty crash reverberated round the “Dance Hall” for a second time.
The ropes had been stretched over night & so the prisoners drop hardly at all. Their heads are pushed slightly to the side & back by the knots at front sides of their necks, gurgling & rasping sounds can be clearly heard, faces contort in pain as the tight nooses start to squeeze tracheas. The sudden impact of the pressure of the rope on her neck jolts Reid from her swoon.
Visible tremors run through the bodies, bound legs quiver & wriggle trying to kick against the leather straps firmly constraining them, feet twitch up & down rubbing against each other. The strain of the weights of their bodies supported only by their neck makes the stewardesses muscles tense accentuating the appearance of the four bound pairs of slender stockinged legs.
Holly orgasms as the gallows platform falls & is already beginning to build towards yet another climax
After a minute the prisoners’ start to convulse. Their bonds mean that the only way their bodies can move is to raise their bound legs up & then drop them down again.
The athletic Sims at times almost manages to reach her chest with her knees, giving the spectators a marvelous view of her very firm black bottom & vulva encased in her tight white panties & hose. The young women’s faces slowly redden, their eyes start to bulge & tongues appear from their mouths.
After seven minutes Reid’s movements begin to slow. The young English girl’s angelic face is no longer beautiful. Her skin is by now very red, her eyes protrude & two inches of her extended tongue are visible. Spit dribbles down her chin. One minute later she hung dead.
Jakova is the next go. After a further two minutes the Australian girl’s eyes stare sightlessly at the spectators, tongue lolling out of a mouth gaping open in a silent scream of agony.
The gorgeous Gillman approaches the end. Her long legs bounce down for the last time, her eyes turn up into her head & she dies.
As predicted by her guard the former athlete Sim’s continues to struggle on her rope for a further five minutes before she too dangles lifeless on the gallows, her blood shot eyes bulging from their sockets
The blonde reporter comes for the third time & slumps in her seat. She looks across at the police woman & mouths silently “Wow!”. As they leave Amanda asks “Are you going to Manilla for the trial of the two alleged ringleaders Holly?”. She replied, “You bet Amanda, I wouldn’t miss it for the world”.
Her final story for now is by far the longest she had attempted. It featured several characters based on British TV personalities & actresses
“The Dance Hall” & “La Senorita De Muerte”
“The Dance Hall
The eight accused young women & girls entered the dock & sat down, throwing nervous glances at the five judges looking down at them. In Singapore’s main criminal court five judges always sat in capital cases. The eight prisoners consisted of four Quantas stewardesses, all twenty four years of age or under & four Chinese students, who unfortunately for them were eighteen.
All eight accused are to say the least very attractive. The four stewardesses were wearing their light purple Quantas uniforms which consisted of smart jackets & quite tight knee length skirts. They also wore clean crisp white blouses, flesh coloured panty-hose & slip on grey shoes.
The four Chinese girls are dressed in their exclusive sixth form college’s uniforms of navy blue blazers with white edging, white shirts, blue & grey ties, grey & white pleated mini kilts, knee length white socks & black shoes. They all looked pretty as a picture, respectable, innocent & harmless. On the advice of their lawyers they had worn these clothes all the way through the trial to try & give the best impression to the judges
The case had shocked & then fascinated all of South East Asia, Australia & New Zealand & had also been given extensive coverage in the UK, due to the nationality of some of prisoners.
Three months earlier in a combined police operation, the Singapore & Philippines authorities had acted at the same time & arrested all those they suspected of being involved in a heroin smuggling ring orchestrated & run by a number of Quantas airline staff.
The stewardesses had been smuggling the heroin into the two countries in their almost never searched hand luggage & then supplying it to students from wealthy local families who in turn sold it on within their social circles. The Singapore police had come under considerable pressure from the government, press & public following the deaths of two girls from families who were amongst the most high profile in the country.
In Manilla two more accused drug smugglers, who were Quantas executives & considered to be the ring leaders, were in prison awaiting trial. It had been decided to try the eight those arrested in Singapore first simply because there were more of them
“The accused will stand”, said the chief judge. The girls rose apprehensively to their feet. The court was silent, the tension unbearable. The judge continued, “We have arrived at our decision, on which I may add we all agree. I will now read the verdicts to the court. These eight young women are accused of trafficking in Class A Drugs i.e. heroin & the amount of the narcotics involved, 28.5 kilogrammes, makes this a capital crime”.
“Sue Linn, Victoria Chin, Sally Po & Mary Tang we find you guilty on all charges”.
The Chinese girls moan in despair, start to cry & shake. The judge ignores this & continues looking directly at the four white prisoners “Tegan Jakova, Josephine Sims, Rachel Reid & Karen Gillman we also find you guilty on all charges”.
The four stewardesses stood looking stunned, the youngest Reid started to sob & had to be supported by her guard as she swayed & almost fainted.
Relentlessly the judge went on, “We have already decided on the sentences in this case which reflect how seriously the Singapore government & people view these offences. Sue Linn, Victoria Chin, Sally Po & Mary Tang you will be removed from this court & taken to Changi Prison where one week from today, unless the appeal court or the President intervenes, you will each be executed by being hanged by your necks until you are dead. As a recognition of the fact that you weren’t the prime movers in this case you will be executed by long drop hanging”.
The students start to wail, plead & sob. The judge signed to the guards “Take them down”. The four had to be almost carried from the dock & disappeared out a door at the back of the courtroom
“Tegan Jakova, Josephine Sims, Rachel Reid & Karen Gillman you too will be removed from this court & taken to Changi Prison where one week from today, again unless the Appeal Court or the President intervenes, you will each be executed by being hanged by your necks until you are dead. There is no doubt that you were involved in the organization of the drug smuggling & supply of the heroin to our young people so you will suffer the extreme penalty of short drop hanging”.
Once the sentences had been handed down the four Stewardesses all started to sob. Reid wails “No! Please have mercy! Please have mercy! The judge looks at them impassively & said “Take them down”. They too disappeared through the door at the rear of the court. The closing door cut out the desperate pleading & the cries of despair..
Holly Wilson, an Australian TV journalist, looked on in fascinated horror from the spectators’ seats. Holly was to say the least “Televisual”. She was twenty eight with long centrally parted blonde hair, large brown eyes, “A Peaches & cream” complexion, lovely large upstanding breasts, a thin waist, curvaceous hips & long legs. She was wearing an expensive white silk blouse, & loose flared short red skirt. Due to the heat she was barelegged.
She crossed her tanned, toned legs & looked at Commander Amanda Brown, the police officer sent by the Australian Government to monitor the proceedings & said, “I don’t know about you Commander but I need a drink. Don’t worry anything you might say is strictly off the record”.
The police woman was in her mid-thirties. She had short brown hair & regular features. Though slightly mannish in appearance she was undoubtedly very attractive. She was in her formal “Dress whites”, which consisted of a white peaked cap & jacket, shirt with green & yellow tie, white A-line knee length skirt & tan panty hose
She nodded & replied. “Let’s go, there is a nice little bar just across the street”.
The two women left the court building, crossed the road, go into the bar, ordered their drinks & took them to table in a quiet corner. Holly took out a cigarette, lit it & inhaled deeply. She looked at the Commander ,“I presume from your calm reaction this isn’t the first time you have been at one of these trials in Singapore involving our citizens?”.
Taking a sip from her beer Amanda sighed & replies, “Unfortunately Miss Wilson this is my fourth time here for one of these. This though is the most high profile due to the age, & it has to be said sex, of those involved”. Holly continued “Please call me Holly. Do you still feel the same at each sentencing?”. “What do you mean Holly?”. Amanda asked.
The blonde reporter was flustered & embarrassed. She looked into her beer avoiding Amanda’s eyes & replies “Of course I was horrified & appalled but also………”. “Turned on ?”. The police woman smiled & finished Holly’s sentence. The reporter looks up at Amanda blushing “How did you know?” she asked.
Amanda chuckled & replied, “My dear Holly, the reason why this is my fourth Singapore capital case is because I ask for these assignments now. The buzz you get at the sentencing is nothing compared to what you experience at the hangings. Assuming these eight are going to be executed are you going to be there?”.
The reporter nodded “Yes. My channel has reserved a seat for me at the prison”. In that case Holly take these” said Amanda taking out from her pocket what looks like two oval shaped marbles connected by piece of twine about an inch long.
“What are they?” asked the blonde girl. “Geisha balls”, replied Amanda “I was given two sets by a Japanese Police Officer by the name of Suki at an Interpol conference in Toyko last year. We had a brief affair & she gave me these as a memento”. Amanda looked appraisingly at Amanda. “Yes Holly I am gay, as according to the tabloid press are you. Are you?”.
Holly nodded & asked “What exactly do you do with them?”. “You put them in your pussy of course”, laughed Amanda. She continued “I recommend that you put them in before you go to Changi for the hangings. Wear tight panties & panty hose to ensure that they stay in place & wear a skirt with pockets. Cut the bottom off the pockets & that way you can rub your crotch with no-one else being aware of what you are up to. That is what I do”.
The blonde girl smiled, reached across & took the Geisha Balls. “Well Commander thank you very much. I can certainly confirm that this conversation is very much off the record”.
The Governor of Changi jail, Mr Wong was on the way to the “Dance Hall”, this was the unofficial designation for the execution chamber. When he arrived he took a key out of his pocket & unlocked the heavy metal door. The “Dance Hall” was a large windowless room. At its left side there were several rows of chairs for the witnesses.
Mr Wong moved towards the wooden platform, which took the whole width of the “Dance Hall” At a height of about four metres there was a solid metal beam from which hung four noosed ropes. Today the eight female drug dealers were to be executed
All of the condemned girls had asked to be allowed to wear the clothes that they had been sentenced in at their executions. The Chinese students wanted to ensure that everyone who saw their hangings could see how young & innocent they appeared & the Quantas girls said that working for the airline was the best thing that they had ever done.
Initially Mr Wong had been dubious but when he saw TV footage of the prisoners leaving the court after their convictions he had agreed with alacrity. The Quantas girls in their uniforms especially began to give Mr Wong some ideas as to how he could improve the deterrent impact of the hangings, which of course would be filmed as usual & shown live on TV.
Two days before Mr Wong had visited each girl in her cell & informed them that their appeals had been rejected & that the President would not be involving himself in the judicial process.
The prisoner’s reactions to the news that they were definitely going to have their lovely young slim necks stretched by ropes was largely the same. They screamed, cried & pleaded, of course to no avail. He also told the doomed girls that on the last night of their lives all condemned prisoners were permitted to have a conjugal visit from their partners.
The conservative minded Governor had been taken aback when he learned that all he needed to do to enable this to happen was to allow Sue Linn into Victoria Chin’s cell, Sally Po into Mary Tang’s, Tegan Jakova to join Rachel Reid & Josephine Sims to be with Karen Gillman.
Mr Wong had shrugged his shoulders, inwardly decrying the decline in moral standards, & instructed his staff to enable this to take place. Despite himself he couldn’t help but sit & watch the frantic couplings of the doomed prisoners on the camera footage from each of the death cells.
The young Chinese students were so desperate for each other that without taking off any of their clothes they were almost instantly on the beds, plaid miniskirts were roughly pushed above waists, white panties forced to the side, faces thrust against crotches & tongues penetrated deep inside pussies
All of the Stewardesses were lovely. Tegan Jakova was Australian & has brown thick short curly hair & brown eyes. Her high cheek bones betray her Slavic ancestray & Rachel Reid, her lover, who is originally from England, was a little “Blonde English Rose” with short blonde hair & blue eyes.
The black Josephine Sims is the strongest of the Quantas Girls. As a teenager in London she had represented her college at the UK College Athletics championships & got to the semi-finals of the 100 metres. Her black hair was cropped very short. The most beautiful of them all was Sims’s partner Gillman. She was a six foot tall Scottish girl with seemingly endless legs. Her ginger hair was almost shaved to her scalp in the style of a US Marine “Jarhead”
Mr Wong sat transfixed watching the live video feeds from the four death cells gently rubbing his throbbing erection through the outside of his trousers. He wasn’t alone.
The four female guards tasked with watching each of the cells via the CCTV very quickly had their hands burrowing away beneath their khaki uniform skirts, their fingers deep inside their panties frantically fingering themselves.
Jacova & Reid were on the bed kissing, tight skirts above their waists, hands inside each other’s panties. Gillman stood against the cell wall, thighs resting on Sims shoulders as the black girl’s tongue thrusts deep inside her.
The four Quantas girls come as if there is no future – which in is of course the case . Mr Wong shoots his load into his jockey shorts & the female prison guards orgasm & convulse in their seats, intensely flooding their panties with their juices
Half an hour before the executions the spectators filed into the “Dance Hall”. Holly Wilson looked ravishing in her black blouse, tight black leather mini skirt & tan panty hose. The Giesha balls sat firmly in her pussy, held their by her pink panties & hose.
Commander Amanda Brown followed Holly & sat down next to her. Again she was in her “Dress whites”.
The Commander leant across to the journalist & whispered “Did you do as I suggested with the Geisha balls Holly?” Holly nodded.”Good”, said Amanda “Mine are in place as well”.
On death row they came for the Chinese students first. The Stewardesses have to sit in their cells & listen to them being dragged screaming, sobbing & pleading for mercy down the corridor until the door to the “Dance Hall” slammed shut behind them. A deathly silence reigned on death row
The condemned prisoners, their hands cuffed behind them are each dragged, sobbing & pleading, two guards to each girl one on either side, into the “Dance Hall” & then up the thirteen steps to the gallows platform where Mr Wong, the two hooded executioners & the court officials are waiting.
As they had requested the four Chinese students were wearing the college uniforms they had been sentenced in of blue blazers, white shirts, grey & white pleated mini kilts, white socks & black shoes. They no longer have ties round their necks. They were made to stand trembling behind the four nooses which dangled at head height in front of their terrified tear stained faces. The senior court official took out the death warrant & began to read
“Sue Linn, Victoria Chin, Sally Po & Mary Tang you have each been sentenced to be hanged by the neck until you are dead for drug smuggling. You will be executed by long drop hanging. Do any of you have anything to say before these sentences are carried out”.
The doomed girls can only wail in terror. The official nodded to the executioners & they immediately placed white hoods over the prisoners’ heads, muffling their desperate pleas for mercy.
Holly looked on mesmerized. She squeezed her thighs together pressing against her hand which, via her skirt pocket, as advised by Amanda, she had cut away the bottom from, which is slowly rubbing her pussy through her hose & panties.
She can still hear the sobbing & pleading coming from the hooded students. She looked at Amanda who sat with one hand in her no doubt bottomless pocket & the police woman’s thighs squirmed slightly as she too ground her thighs against her hidden hand massaging her crotch.
Both women gripped the arms of their chairs with their free hands as the combined effect of the Geisha balls & the spectacle unfolding before them increased the flow of their juices into the crotches of their panties & started to seep through & moisten their panty hose. Holly bit her lip to try & stop herself emitting any give away moans
Calmly & methodically the executioners, using leather belts, strapped the prisoners’ legs tightly together. The first belt went round the ankles, the second just above the almost knee length white socks & the third pulled shaking thighs hard together just below the hems of the grey & white pleated mini kilts. They then placed the nooses over the girls’ hooded heads & pulled the ropes tight ensuring that the knots were just under the prisoners’ left ears.
The front of the hoods moved in & out very quickly as the doomed students started to gasp & breathe very quickly, their terror rising even further. One of the executioners moves to the lever at the side of the gallows & looks at Mr Wong. The second executioner stepped back from the collapsible section of the platform. The prisoners stood swaying slightly. Mr Wong nodded.
The lever was pulled & the front of the gallows fell away & hit the wooden stanchions below the platform with a resounding crash. As the prisoners dropped their mini kilts flew up above their waists exposing their tight white panties. Their screams were abruptly cut off by the ropes tight round their necks which severed their spinal cords with a crunching sound. Their hooded heads all lolled to the right & their feet & legs twitched & quivered reflexively
Holly’s knuckles were white so tight was her grip on the arm of the chair as she came. Her eyes were closed & her body shuddered as the waves of pleasure coursed through her.
As her orgasm began to subside she looked quickly about to see if anyone had noticed. She had no need to worry. All eyes were transfixed on the four slender bodies gently swaying on the gallows, apart that was from Amanda’s. The police woman was looking at Holly & smiling.
She said to the reporter “The bodies are required to hang for an hour, before they can be taken down & the prisoners’ deaths officially certified. We will now be taken to the prison canteen for a coffee & you can smoke in there”. They filed out of the “Dance Hall” along with the other spectators & headed towards the prison canteen
On death row Tegan Jakova, Josephine Sims, Rachel Reid & Karen Gillman waited, each watched by two guards who sat inside the cells with them. It had been a blessed relief to the prisoners when the door to the “Dance Hall” had closed behind the Chinese prisoners cutting off the sounds of their screams & pleadings. Then ten minutes later the condemned & guards all jumped when they heard the crash of the dropped gallows platform. They all know what that meant..
Jakova gently rubbed her lovely white neck & asked “How long?”. One of the guards replied “About two hours. By law the bodies have to be left hanging for an hour. They are then taken down, death is confirmed & certified, the gallows prepared for the next executions & the spectators re-admitted to the “Dance Hall”. Jakova closed her eyes, took a deep breath & tried to compose herself.
Reid was almost hysterical in her terror. The lovely slim blonde English girl lay on her bed sobbing repeating endlessly “No! No! Please no! Her guards sat & looked on impassively.
Sims quizzed her guards “How long will I take to die?”. The older guard looked at the six foot tall black girls magnificent athletic body displayed beautifully by her tight Quantas uniform & said “I’m afraid Sims because of your excellent physical condition I reckon it will take at least 15 minutes for you to strangle to death. The increasingly terrified prisoner held her head in her hands & started to cry.
Gillman appears to be in a trance as she lay on the bed her lovely almond eyes staring unblinkingly at the ceiling. Both of her guards also happened to be gay. One of them thought to herself. “What a waste”.
All of a sudden Gillman began to pull her tight skirt up her thighs her intentions obvious. The senior guard went to the prisoner & grabbed her arm. “Wait Gillman, remember we are on CCTV, & I can’t allow you to do that without Mr Wong’s permission”. Gillman looked up at the guard & nodded.
The guard took out her mobile & phoned Mr Wong. She explained the situation finishing her plea by saying “Sir, Gillman is the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. You have seen the footage of Sims & her making love & it was breathtaking. Let her do this, she will be dead in a couple of hours after all. Also with your permission we would like to participate in the process”.
Mr Wong was silent for a moment but he can feel his erection growing, Gillman is undoubtedly gorgeous.“Very well then. But you must ensure that the CCTV film is removed immediately from the camera as soon as Gillman has left for the “Dance Hall” & clearly marked for my attention only”. The guard smiled in delight. “Thank you sir. I know you won’t regret it”.
She went over to the bunk & looked down at Gillman “You can carry on”. The prisoner smiled weakly & continued to slide her skirt up her lovely long panty hose encased legs. Her pink panties slowly became visible & the prisoner gently began to massage the outside of the crotch of her panty hose.
The guards watched on. The junior one, who was sitting down, slipped her hand up her skirt & began to slowly rub her pussy through her panties. The senior guard stood looking down at Gillman. She rubbed her crotch through the outside of the front of her skirt. Gillman slid her hand inside of the front of her panties & started to moan gently as her fingers entered her pussy. The prisoner lifted her legs up, her thighs imprisoning her increasingly rapidly moving hand.
This was too much for the senior guard, she knelt at the bottom of the bed & pulled the prisoner’s legs apart & down. She moved up the bed while thrusting a hand up her own skirt & started to frantically finger herself under her panties.
Gillman initially moaned in protest but then gasped in delight as the guard eased her panties & hose down over her thighs & put her tongue deep inside the convict’s pussy. As the prisoner neared orgasm her hips began to buck & she wrapped her long legs round the guard, the back of her almost bald head pressed hard against the pillow.
All three women come at almost the same time. Gillman groaned in delight & the two guards gasped in pleasure. Once she had recovered the senior guard phoned Mr Wong. “Sir, I can report that the prisoner Gillman’s last request has been fulfilled”. Wong replies “Good. Remember to bring the CCTV tape directly to me once the executions are over”.
Holly & Amanda sat by themselves at a table in the canteen drinking coffee. The reporter drew deeply on a much needed cigarette. She leant across & said quietly to the police woman, “God Amanda. I have never come like that in my life. My panties & hose are absolutely soaked. These ball things are absolutely amazing”.
Amanda grinned, “I am glad you took my advice Holly. Yes the Geisha balls stimulate me in a way I have never experienced before though of course their impact is greatly enhanced by what we have just witnessed”. “What happens now?”, asked the blonde reporter The woman police officer replied. “We wait here until they are prepared for the next hangings. They will then come & get us & we will return to the Dance Hall”. Holly smiled in delighted anticipation
Led by an officer eight male guards appeared through the door leading to death row at the opposite end of the corridor from the entrance to the “Dance Hall”. They split up into pairs & went to the doors of each of the four cells.
The two female guards with Tegan Jakova stood & the older one said to the prisoner. “It is time Jakova”. The Australian girl said nothing though she is shaking, tears running down her cheeks. She puts up no resistance as the two male guards enter the cell pull her to her feet & tightly strap her hands behind her back.
Rachel Reid screamed when she saw the male guards appear “No! No! Please don’t hang me! I don’t want to die! Please No! No ! No!” she wailed. The guards had to lift her up from the bed & hold her upright as they cuffed her hands. Reid continued to sob uncontrollably.
Josephine Sims too, though obviously terrified says nothing as the guards enter her cell & cuff her .
Karen Gillman got to her feet as the guards entered the cell. She was no longer in a trance like state & was only too aware of her situation. She trembled & whimpered as her wrists were secured behind her.
The condemned girls were taken from their cells with Reid having to be virtually carried & began their death march towards the door to the “Dance Hall”.
Holly & Amanda were back in their seats in the Dance Hall. The bodies of the dead Chinese girls have been removed & four new nooses dangled from the gallows. The quiet hubbub of conversation in the execution chamber died away as the prisoners were brought in.
Like the four girls before them they were led in & marched up the gallows steps two guards to each prisoner where the executioners & the rest of the execution party waited.
Wearing their stewardess uniforms they stood shaking in fear behind the ropes allocated to them. Reid is almost in a dead faint & has to be supported by her two guards.
The court official took out a piece of paper & intoned
“Tegan Jakova, Josephine Sims, Rachel Reid & Karen Gillman you have each been sentenced to be hanged by the neck until you are dead for drug smuggling. You will be executed by short drop hanging. Do any of you have anything to say before these sentences are carried out””. The condemned girls sobbed hopelessly apart from Reid who appeared to be totally out of it.
Holly stared at the girls on the gallows. She was almost hypnotized totally still, apart from the hand which was gently caressing her clitoris inside her panties. She felt her second climax of the morning beginning to build
As was always the case in short drop hangings no hoods are used. To maximize the deterrent impact all must see the full agony of slow strangulation displayed on the prisoners’ faces as they die.
Again the executioners strapped the prisoners’ legs together at the ankles & the knees. However before they secured the girls thighs they pushed their tight purple uniform skirts up the nylon clad legs until the crotches of their panties became visible, Jakova & Sim’s underwear was white while Reid & Gillman’s were pink. This had been Mr Wong’s idea to both increase the humiliation of the condemned girls & to add to the spectacle.
The nooses went round the prisoners’ necks & are pulled tight & this time the knots are carefully placed at the front side of the stewardesses’ slim & graceful necks. The other difference is that there is no slack in the ropes. The location of the knots & the lack of any significant drop will ensure that the prisoners’ agonized sufferings will be prolonged for as long as possible
The guards & the rest of the execution party moved to the rear of the gallows platform leaving the prisoners standing supported only by the nooses round their necks. Reid slumped appearing to be half dead already. The lever was released & the floor disappeared from under the condemned girl’s feet & a mighty crash reverberated round the “Dance Hall” for a second time.
The ropes had been stretched over night & so the prisoners drop hardly at all. Their heads are pushed slightly to the side & back by the knots at front sides of their necks, gurgling & rasping sounds can be clearly heard, faces contort in pain as the tight nooses start to squeeze tracheas. The sudden impact of the pressure of the rope on her neck jolts Reid from her swoon.
Visible tremors run through the bodies, bound legs quiver & wriggle trying to kick against the leather straps firmly constraining them, feet twitch up & down rubbing against each other. The strain of the weights of their bodies supported only by their neck makes the stewardesses muscles tense accentuating the appearance of the four bound pairs of slender stockinged legs.
Holly orgasms as the gallows platform falls & is already beginning to build towards yet another climax
After a minute the prisoners’ start to convulse. Their bonds mean that the only way their bodies can move is to raise their bound legs up & then drop them down again.
The athletic Sims at times almost manages to reach her chest with her knees, giving the spectators a marvelous view of her very firm black bottom & vulva encased in her tight white panties & hose. The young women’s faces slowly redden, their eyes start to bulge & tongues appear from their mouths.
After seven minutes Reid’s movements begin to slow. The young English girl’s angelic face is no longer beautiful. Her skin is by now very red, her eyes protrude & two inches of her extended tongue are visible. Spit dribbles down her chin. One minute later she hung dead.
Jakova is the next go. After a further two minutes the Australian girl’s eyes stare sightlessly at the spectators, tongue lolling out of a mouth gaping open in a silent scream of agony.
The gorgeous Gillman approaches the end. Her long legs bounce down for the last time, her eyes turn up into her head & she dies.
As predicted by her guard the former athlete Sim’s continues to struggle on her rope for a further five minutes before she too dangles lifeless on the gallows, her blood shot eyes bulging from their sockets
The blonde reporter comes for the third time & slumps in her seat. She looks across at the police woman & mouths silently “Wow!”. As they leave Amanda asks “Are you going to Manilla for the trial of the two alleged ringleaders Holly?”. She replied, “You bet Amanda, I wouldn’t miss it for the world”.
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