Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 8.2
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“La Senorita De Muerte”

Carol Smith & Lorraine King sat in their cells on death row in Manilla’s main prison. Both women, who were originally from Scotland, were in their early thirties & as they exercised regularly they still have good figures.

Smith is blonde with blue eyes & a fair complexion. King is a brown eyed brunette with darker skin. Both wear their hair short as it is easier to look after & as busy Quantas executives they hadn’t wanted their regime for getting ready for work in the morning to take longer than necessary.

They were wearing standard prison uniforms of striped tops & knee length denim skirts. They were barelegged & had simple sandals on their feet

After the events in Singapore a month earlier the outcome of their trial had never been in doubt. Guilty on all counts. Sentence – Death! Unusually, much to everyone’s surprise the method of execution wasn’t mentioned at the sentencing. Both women had their appeals against conviction & sentence denied & they were due to be put to death the next day.

The prisoners looked up as the guards enter their cells. Smith jumped to her feet & protested “I thought we were going to be executed tomorrow not today”. Don’t worry Smith”, replied the senior guard “We are just taking King & you to see the Governor”.

Both women had their hands cuffed & their ankles shackled & were led shuffling to the Governor’s office. When they arrived the senior guard knocked on the door “Bring them in”, instructed the Governor.

He sat back in his chair & motioned for Smith & King to sit down in the two chairs on the opposite side of the desk. He said,“Well ladies I have some news for you”, hope briefly flared in the prisoners’ faces which quickly disappears as he continued, “No your appeals have been denied & the convictions & sentence confirmed. The news concerns your method of execution”.

“I assumed we would be shot by firing squad as is normal in your horrible country” said King. Both prisoners had been forced to watch a TV recording of the hangings in Singapore & had at least had the consolation of thinking that at least they weren’t going to die like that.

“I’m afraid not Lorraine”. He went on, “Have either of you heard of “La Senorita De Muerte”. They both shook their heads “It translates roughly as “The lady of death”. Smith & King began to feel even more frightened than they already were.

The Governor continued. In the days when we were a Spanish colony it was the name given to the method of execution used in those days. Another name it had was the “Garotte Vil”. At this both Smith & King jerked bolt up in their seats, their cuffed hands going involuntarily to their necks. “You mean to say that you are going to garotte us!”, gasped Smith.

King protested “You can’t do that! It’s barbaric. It must be illegal! Oh God it must be!”.

The Governor replied, “Up until yesterday it was illegal. However the President has issued an executive order re-instating the garotte as a method of execution that can be used in exceptionally serious cases. Cases like yours. You see the President thought it unjust that while it took your fellow airline employees 15 minutes to slowly strangle to death on a gallows you should only suffer the instant death of being shot by a firing squad”.

“After all ladies those girls were all acting on your instructions. You can be sure that this will prove very popular with the public as they are sick & tired of the death & misery being caused by the narcotics people like you cause to be peddled on our streets. The executions will be carried out at mid-day tomorrow. That will be all”.

Too shocked & stunned to speak Smith & King were led from the Governor’s office & back to death row

As arranged Holly Wilson & Amanda Brown met for lunch that same day. The reporter looked delicious in a blue blouse & flared white mini skirt. Her long brown slender legs are bare. The police officer is as ever in her dress white uniform.

They greeted each other with a hug & a kiss, that were not entirely platonic. Once they were seated at their table Holly said, “ Amanda you must tell me about the trial. I was furious to have missed it but the network insisted that I go to Indonesia to cover the earthquake there instead”.

Amanda replied “Well Holly. It wasn’t nearly as entertaining as the one in Singapore. Both Carol Smith & Lorraine King seemed to be resigned to their fates though they did shed some tears when they were sentenced to death. The one thing that has been intriguing everyone is the method of execution that is to be used”.

The reporter looked puzzled “I thought the standard method of execution in the Philippines was death by firing squad”. The police officer replied “Up until yesterday that was the case however the President has issued an executive order re-instating the “Garotte Vil” as a method of execution that may be used in some serious cases. Smith & King are going to be garotted”.

On hearing this the reporter was aware of the moistness spontaneously beginning to ooze from her pussy into her panties. She looked into the police officer’s eyes & smiled, “I understand that the authorities have gone out of their way to ensure that both the Australian authorities & media are to have front row seats at the executions. I suppose we had better take along our little Japanese friends”. The both chuckled in anticipatory delight

Smith & King sat waiting in their cells. Both women wore smart expensive, business suits, Smith’s was navy blue, King’s an almost black charcoal grey. They were being allowed to wear the clothes they were sentenced in at their executions. They had each declined the offer of the attentions of a priest.

The Governor entered Smith’s cell accompanied by two guards. He said simply “It is time to go Smith”. The blonde woman wept quietly as the guards each took one of her arms & led her from the cell & down the corridor towards the door leading to the execution chamber. King watched them go, her hand went to her slim neck & she too began to sob in terror

Holly & Amanda sat in the front row of the cordoned off spectators’ seats. The blonde reporter had on a smart black suit with knee length skirt & pantyhose. The police commander is wearing her seemingly obligatory white uniform.

Twelve feet in front of them sat “La Senorita De Muerte”. The “Lady of Death” is essentially a chair constructed using seasoned oak four by fours & bolted securely to the floor. Leather straps dangled down from the arm rests & a metal collar, so constructed that it can be made smaller in circumference by turning a stout butterfly screw in back, is fixed to the top of the back rest. It is the executioner’s job to turn this large butterfly screw between thumb & forefinger, slowly strangling the prisoner.

Amanda leant across to Holly & whispers, “Have you brought your little Giesha friends with you?”. The reporter whispered back, “Of course. Have you?”. The police officer nodded & the women exchanged knowing smiles.

The execution party entered the death chamber. When Smith saw “La Senorita De Muerte” she almost collapsed pleading piteously “No! No! Please No! You can’t do this to me! You can’t”. The guards had to drag & almost carry her to the garotte & place her in it. The executioner strapped the prisoners wrists & elbows to the wooden arm rests & then stood back leaving the condemned woman crying & shaking firmly in the grip of the “Lady of Death”

The Governor took a piece of paper from his pocket & started to read. “Carol Smith you have been tried & found guilty of trafficking illegal drugs into the country. For this crime you have been sentenced to death by strangulation on the garotte. Have you anything to say before sentence is carried out?”.

Smith sobbed, “No! No! Please dear God have mercy!”. The Governor looked at the executioner & said, “Do your duty”. The masked man went & stood behind the wooden chair & placed the collar around the prisoner’s neck. Smith gasped & her eyes grew large as she felt the cold metal on her skin.

The executioner then begins to slowly turn the butterfly screw. As she feels the collar begin to tighten round her throat the prisoner begins to scream in ear-splitting mindless terror. As pressure from the collar slowly but inexorably increases on her neck Smith’s shrieks take on a strangled sound & gradually reduce to squeaks as she futilely gasps for air

Holly & Amanda sit directly in front of the garotte & have a ringside view of the execution.

Initially Smith’s knees had been pressed together in instinctive modesty when she was placed in the wooden seat but as the strangling collar tightens round her neck she starts to buck, heave & kick wildly, heels banging against the bottom of the chair.

Every part of her body that isn’t secured to the chair is in motion.. The reporter & the police woman can see right up the doomed woman’s tight blue skirt from her shoes to the pink panties under her tan panty-hose. Their right hands are plunged deep inside the cut out pockets in their skirts & they slowly rub their crotches through their underwear. Holly can feel her orgasm getting close

Smith’s face is beginning to turn crimson, her eyes slowly emerge from their sockets & her tongue creeps out from her gaping mouth. The executioner had been instructed to ensure that the executions take at least 10 minutes so that all who see the TV pictures of them fully appreciate the truly terrible fate that awaits them if they try to smuggle drugs into the Philippines.

The masked man watches the clock on the wall & when ten minutes have elapsed from when he first started to turn the butterfly screw he gives it one last twist & stands back. As her throat is totally crushed the prisoner’s body stiffens & tenses & she appears to try & stand up. Death spasms rack her body. Then suddenly it is over. Smith slumps down in the chair, face now almost purple, eyes bulging as if on stalks & her tongue swollen & puffed protrudes from her drooling mouth.

Holly panties flood as she comes. She bites her free hand to stop herself groaning in pleasure. Amanda also climaxes, but as she has had lot more practice at concealing her public orgasms the only signs of her excited condition are a reddening of her complexion, as if she is blushing, & a slight increase in her rate of breathing

The Governor moved to the centre of the execution chamber “The next execution will take place in an hour. If you could all leave for now. At the end of the corridor there is a rest room that has been prepared. Refreshments are being provided”. In silence the spectators left the death chamber.

In her cell, watched by the two guards who sat with her, Lorraine King hugged herself, rocking gently back & forwards in her seat crying quietly.

After the door had closed behind Carol Smith & those leading her to her death all had been silent until Smith’s blood curdling screams rent the air. On hearing them King had looked up in horror & tried to cover her ears, however she couldn’t close out the terrible noises entirely. As the shrieking subsided & finally disappeared King dropped her hands from her ears.

The silence didn’t last for very long as what sounded like someone banging on wood came from the death chamber. Dreading the answer the prisoner asked the senior guard “What is that noise?”, she gasped hoarsely. The guard replied stonily, The prisoner’s heels kicking against the bottom of “The lady of Death” as she is slowly strangled”. King stared at the guard speechless with horror & terror

The spectators re-entered the death chamber & Holly & Amanda retook their seats. Smith’s body had been removed & taken to the medical wing for autopsy as required by law.

The room quietened as the second condemned woman was brought in. King’s eyes widened, she moaned despairingly & stopped when the garotte came into view. The guards gently pushed her & she is taken to the “Lady of death” & strapped in. As the sentence is read the prisoner appeared to be praying. Like Smith before her King gasped as the cold metal collar was placed round her neck

The doomed woman could only moan when after reading out the sentence the Governor asked if she had anything to say

The reporter & the police woman wriggled slightly in their seats as their hands hidden by their skirts burrowed inside their panties & they began to play with their clits. The Geisha balls were already making their pussies very wet

The executioner starts to turn the screw & the prisoner’s eyes widen in shock as she feels the metal collar begin to constrict her neck. King starts to breathe rapidly as the strangling ring of metal tightens around her throat. After a minute she starts to struggle, writhe & kick exposing the white panties under the black skirt & tights.

Again the masked executioner prolongs the condemned woman’s agony for 10 minutes before tightening the screw to its fullest extent. King’s struggles cease & the agony of her death is etched into her horribly distorted features

Holly & Amanda come again & they both sigh in deep satisfaction.

The spectators left the execution chamber & once they were outside the prison the reporter turned to the police officer & said, “Amanda would you like to come to my room where we can watch the raw footage of the executions on my laptop before it is edited. The network will have sent it to me immediately after the proceedings had finished”.

Amanda smiled wickedly at Holly, “I would like that very much Holly”. With that they hailed a taxi & headed for the reporter’s hotel. As they sat in the back of the cab the police woman leant across & squeezed the reporter’s thigh through her skirt. Their eyes met & they grinned in anticipation at each other

Alyssia was very pleased with “Dance Hall” & she as reward she made herself come twice in quite rapid succession

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