Execution Tales Chapter 61
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 61In appreciation of the encouraging comments I have received today - plus the fact that it is a Bank Holiday here in Scotland - I have decided to post the next Chapter a bit early. Enjoy.
When PT arrived in London she moved in with MG & they continued to monitor the news for a case that may allow them to try & repeat their performance in Gaborone
Their excitement began to grow when they read about the trial & conviction of a 24 year old British nurse Annie Lane in Singapore for drug dealing. She had been stealing morphine from the hospital where she worked & selling it onto a gang of local drug dealers. Along with five male members of the gang she had been sentenced to death.
MG & PT monitored the appeals process, researched the case & discovered that Annie had been raised as a Catholic. They were delighted when Annie’s final appeal was rejected.
61: Singapore
Two weeks before Annie was due to be executed MG flew to Singapore. After booking into a hotel she removed all her makeup, put on the nun’s habit & slipped the letters from the Gaborone Archbishop & Prison Governor into a plain hand bag & went to the headquarters of the Catholic Church in Singapore.
This time the story she told the local Archbishop was that she had been visiting friends in Singapore when she learned of the plight of Annie Lane & felt it her duty to offer to help. The Archbishop was impressed with MG’s credentials & said he would pass on her offer to the officials at Changi prison
Two days later MG was shown into a room for visitors at Changi to wait for the arrival of the condemned young woman
As Annie was led into the room MG appraised her. She knew that she was attractive from pictures she had seen of the trial & despite the fact that she was dressed in a prison uniform of blue & white striped top & a quite short denim skirt MG concluded that she was still very easy on the eye. She had very short blonde hair, deep blue eyes, high cheek bones & was of medium height with a slender figure.
After Annie was seated MG simply said, “Hello Annie. My name is Sister Morrison, but please call me Sarah. I am here to help you get through the next few days any way I can”
Annie looked at MG grateful to see a friendly face & the two young woman began to chat. For the first time in weeks Annie temporarily was able to put her situation to the back of her mind
Over the next week MG visited the prison each day for an hour. With the permission of the prison authorities she was then joined by PT who had managed to get a week off work
The day before her execution Annie asked, “Will you two be there tomorrow?”
MG & PT nodded & Annie sighed, “Good. I don’t think I would be able to get through it without your support. Do you think they will let you walk with me when they come for me?”
MG looked at the watching guard who said, “It isn’t normal procedure but I will ask the question”
The next morning in a state of suppressed excitement MG & PT sat in the death cell with Annie along with two female prison guards.
The condemned young woman had to endure the sounds of the five Chinese male drug dealers being dragged screaming one after the other to the gallows. Each one’s shrieks were cut off by the closing of the door between death row & the gallows chamber. There was then silence for a couple of minutes followed by the crash of the trap being dropped
At each crash Annie jumped in her seat. By the time the fifth drug dealer had been executed she was weeping gently & shaking
MG & PT’s panties under the nun’s uniforms were now soaking wet & they were finding it increasingly difficult to conceal their levels of arousal
The door to the cell opened & there stood the Prison Governor. He simply said, “You need to come with me now Annie”.
MG & PT went to the prisoner & gently pulled her to her feet. The two prison guards were grateful that they don’t have to do this & stood back
Led by the Governor the group slowly walked down death row. Annie was sobbing helplessly & the feel of her trembling body almost pushed the “Sisters” over the edge into orgasm but by taking deep breaths they just managed to hold back their climaxes.
MG, PT & Annie followed the Governor into the death chamber & when the prisoner saw the gallows with the dangling noose waiting to accept her neck she panicked & started to struggle & plead for mercy.
MG & PT were finding it difficult to hold onto her so the two guards who were used to these occasions stepped forward & took over from them. The “Nuns” retired & went & sat in the two seats allocated to them in the front row of the witnesses.
The doomed young woman shrieked in terror & begged for her life as she was dragged up the thirteen steps leading to the scaffold platform to the dangling rope & the waiting masked executioner.
At the top of the stairs the guards forced her towards the hangman & the waiting noose. They held her firmly as the executioner hand-cuffed Annie’s hands behind her back
Standing on the platform the Governor looked at the terrified young woman & said, “Annie Lane you have been found guilty of trafficking in illegally obtained class A drugs & for this crime you have been sentenced to death in the manner prescribed by law for this crime namely by “Short Drop” hanging”.
Even though they knew this was how the execution was going to be carried out hearing it said out loud stimulated MG & PT even more & they pressed their thighs together tightly under their habits
The Governor continued, “Have you anything to say before the sentence is carried out?”
All Annie could manage was a plaintive wail of “NOOOOOOOH! PLEASE NOOOOOOOH!
The Governor looked at the masked hangman & said, “Do your duty”. He then retired to the back of the platform.
The executioner steps forward & pulls a white hood over the prisoner’s head quickly followed by the noose which he tightens round her neck pulling the fabric of the hood taut around the prisoners face & head
The two prison guards let go of the shivering condemned young woman & move to the rear of the gallows platform. The prisoner now stands shaking alone waiting to die
The executioner goes to the lever at the side of the platform & pulls it releasing the front section of the gallows. It falls with a mighty crash followed by Annie
She drops no more than a foot & the rope tightens around her neck. Choking sounds come from under the hood as the prisoner desperately tries to breathe. Her body arches backwards as her feet frantically flail looking for non-existent support & then her last dance starts. She begins kicking back & forward & up & down.
Her pumping thighs ruck up her short denim skirt exposing the plain white prison panties underneath. Annie jolts & jerks violently for about five minutes in obvious agony before the gasping noises quieten & her convulsions subside.
The witnesses can see under the tight white hood that the dying young woman’s mouth is gaping wide open & the fabric directly in front of it is dark & wet with drool. At last she hangs totally still & silent
As had been the case in Botswana the witnesses sitting next to MG & PT think that their eyes are closed in prayer for the soul of Annie Lane whereas in actual fact they are each experiencing the most intensive of orgasms
As was the case in Gaborone the Governor came down from the gallows platform & personally thanked the “Sisters” for their help. Again MG & PT said they were only doing what they saw as their Christian duty. They then returned to the hotel & spent several hours pleasuring themselves & each other
The next day at the farewell meeting with the Archbishop he handed them a letter praising their efforts over the last few days at Changi prison in the most glowing of terms
When PT arrived in London she moved in with MG & they continued to monitor the news for a case that may allow them to try & repeat their performance in Gaborone
Their excitement began to grow when they read about the trial & conviction of a 24 year old British nurse Annie Lane in Singapore for drug dealing. She had been stealing morphine from the hospital where she worked & selling it onto a gang of local drug dealers. Along with five male members of the gang she had been sentenced to death.
MG & PT monitored the appeals process, researched the case & discovered that Annie had been raised as a Catholic. They were delighted when Annie’s final appeal was rejected.
61: Singapore
Two weeks before Annie was due to be executed MG flew to Singapore. After booking into a hotel she removed all her makeup, put on the nun’s habit & slipped the letters from the Gaborone Archbishop & Prison Governor into a plain hand bag & went to the headquarters of the Catholic Church in Singapore.
This time the story she told the local Archbishop was that she had been visiting friends in Singapore when she learned of the plight of Annie Lane & felt it her duty to offer to help. The Archbishop was impressed with MG’s credentials & said he would pass on her offer to the officials at Changi prison
Two days later MG was shown into a room for visitors at Changi to wait for the arrival of the condemned young woman
As Annie was led into the room MG appraised her. She knew that she was attractive from pictures she had seen of the trial & despite the fact that she was dressed in a prison uniform of blue & white striped top & a quite short denim skirt MG concluded that she was still very easy on the eye. She had very short blonde hair, deep blue eyes, high cheek bones & was of medium height with a slender figure.
After Annie was seated MG simply said, “Hello Annie. My name is Sister Morrison, but please call me Sarah. I am here to help you get through the next few days any way I can”
Annie looked at MG grateful to see a friendly face & the two young woman began to chat. For the first time in weeks Annie temporarily was able to put her situation to the back of her mind
Over the next week MG visited the prison each day for an hour. With the permission of the prison authorities she was then joined by PT who had managed to get a week off work
The day before her execution Annie asked, “Will you two be there tomorrow?”
MG & PT nodded & Annie sighed, “Good. I don’t think I would be able to get through it without your support. Do you think they will let you walk with me when they come for me?”
MG looked at the watching guard who said, “It isn’t normal procedure but I will ask the question”
The next morning in a state of suppressed excitement MG & PT sat in the death cell with Annie along with two female prison guards.
The condemned young woman had to endure the sounds of the five Chinese male drug dealers being dragged screaming one after the other to the gallows. Each one’s shrieks were cut off by the closing of the door between death row & the gallows chamber. There was then silence for a couple of minutes followed by the crash of the trap being dropped
At each crash Annie jumped in her seat. By the time the fifth drug dealer had been executed she was weeping gently & shaking
MG & PT’s panties under the nun’s uniforms were now soaking wet & they were finding it increasingly difficult to conceal their levels of arousal
The door to the cell opened & there stood the Prison Governor. He simply said, “You need to come with me now Annie”.
MG & PT went to the prisoner & gently pulled her to her feet. The two prison guards were grateful that they don’t have to do this & stood back
Led by the Governor the group slowly walked down death row. Annie was sobbing helplessly & the feel of her trembling body almost pushed the “Sisters” over the edge into orgasm but by taking deep breaths they just managed to hold back their climaxes.
MG, PT & Annie followed the Governor into the death chamber & when the prisoner saw the gallows with the dangling noose waiting to accept her neck she panicked & started to struggle & plead for mercy.
MG & PT were finding it difficult to hold onto her so the two guards who were used to these occasions stepped forward & took over from them. The “Nuns” retired & went & sat in the two seats allocated to them in the front row of the witnesses.
The doomed young woman shrieked in terror & begged for her life as she was dragged up the thirteen steps leading to the scaffold platform to the dangling rope & the waiting masked executioner.
At the top of the stairs the guards forced her towards the hangman & the waiting noose. They held her firmly as the executioner hand-cuffed Annie’s hands behind her back
Standing on the platform the Governor looked at the terrified young woman & said, “Annie Lane you have been found guilty of trafficking in illegally obtained class A drugs & for this crime you have been sentenced to death in the manner prescribed by law for this crime namely by “Short Drop” hanging”.
Even though they knew this was how the execution was going to be carried out hearing it said out loud stimulated MG & PT even more & they pressed their thighs together tightly under their habits
The Governor continued, “Have you anything to say before the sentence is carried out?”
All Annie could manage was a plaintive wail of “NOOOOOOOH! PLEASE NOOOOOOOH!
The Governor looked at the masked hangman & said, “Do your duty”. He then retired to the back of the platform.
The executioner steps forward & pulls a white hood over the prisoner’s head quickly followed by the noose which he tightens round her neck pulling the fabric of the hood taut around the prisoners face & head
The two prison guards let go of the shivering condemned young woman & move to the rear of the gallows platform. The prisoner now stands shaking alone waiting to die
The executioner goes to the lever at the side of the platform & pulls it releasing the front section of the gallows. It falls with a mighty crash followed by Annie
She drops no more than a foot & the rope tightens around her neck. Choking sounds come from under the hood as the prisoner desperately tries to breathe. Her body arches backwards as her feet frantically flail looking for non-existent support & then her last dance starts. She begins kicking back & forward & up & down.
Her pumping thighs ruck up her short denim skirt exposing the plain white prison panties underneath. Annie jolts & jerks violently for about five minutes in obvious agony before the gasping noises quieten & her convulsions subside.
The witnesses can see under the tight white hood that the dying young woman’s mouth is gaping wide open & the fabric directly in front of it is dark & wet with drool. At last she hangs totally still & silent
As had been the case in Botswana the witnesses sitting next to MG & PT think that their eyes are closed in prayer for the soul of Annie Lane whereas in actual fact they are each experiencing the most intensive of orgasms
As was the case in Gaborone the Governor came down from the gallows platform & personally thanked the “Sisters” for their help. Again MG & PT said they were only doing what they saw as their Christian duty. They then returned to the hotel & spent several hours pleasuring themselves & each other
The next day at the farewell meeting with the Archbishop he handed them a letter praising their efforts over the last few days at Changi prison in the most glowing of terms
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 61