Execution Tales Chapter 65
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65: MG & PT Prepare to go to Work

A week after MG & PT’s returned from Iran after dinner MG said to her lover. “PT, have you ever thought about making our own entertainment?”

PT replied, “Isn’t that where the stories come in? They keep us going until the next opportunity arises to go to an execution”.

MG said, “Yes I know but the chances to attend female hangings are infrequent & random. By making our own entertainment I mean doing what Jane Edwards, Cheryl Barnes, April Jones & Beth Slade did”.

PT laughed, “You mean become serial killers who execute young women & girls in this house”

MG looked at her & said, “That is exactly what I mean PT”

PT considered her partner & said, “You are seriously thinking about this? Remember what happened to those four women? They were all eventually executed”.

MG said, “Well that isn’t going to happen unless we go on a murder spree in Botswana, Singapore, Iran or the USA”

PT replied, “Well so long as it was done painlessly & quickly I would probably rather be executed than rot away in prison for the rest of my life. Anyway what has brought this on?”

MG looked PT in the eye & said, “It was seeing those Iranian prostitutes hang, the terror the agony. I have never experienced orgasms like I had in the Evin prison death chamber, & don’t try & deny it neither have you. I need to feel those awesome sensations again”.

PT nodded & said, “Yes that was truly amazing. I had never come as hard as I did then. I think we both know that if we were 100% certain that we would get away with what you suggest we would probably do it.

Let’s face it MG apart for our feelings for each other we really don’t care about anyone else. We are borderline psychopaths who get their kicks from watching girls slowly strangling to death on gallows ropes. When we can’t see it in the flesh we write about female executions.

But think of the practicalities, yes we could turn the basement of this house into an execution chamber. But where would we get our victims from & how would we dispose of them ?”

MG leaned forward in her chair & said, “Thousands of people go missing in the UK every year PT. Every week dozens of young girls with no ties come to London from all over the world looking for a better life. We just need to work out the most risk free way of abducting & killing them”.

“As to disposing of the bodies, we learn from history specifically Cheryl Barnes, April Jones & Beth Slade. We buy a motor launch which we keep in a marina on the south coast, say in Brighton. Once the girls are dead we put the bodies in body bags & keep them in a large freezer which we could put in the garage”.

MG went on her eyes gleaming, “At the weekend we take them in my car in a sealed chest to the boat, sail out a mile or so into the channel, attach weights to the corpses & drop them over the side. They would never be found”.

She was now in full flow, “Remember that not many years ago Fred & Rosemary West were able to remain undetected over twenty years or so as they tortured & murdered young women & girls & then got rid of the bodies by simply burying them under the cellar floor below their house.
“Think about it PT we could bring our stories to life. The prison hangings, the execution by the Japanese of Agnetha & Jenni & the garotting of Ariana & Yuliana. We could stage them & make them happen for real”.

PT looked thoughtful but she was beginning to get interested & excited, “I would suggest we draw the line at putting a Gas Chamber in the basement. I don’t know about you but I was useless at chemistry at school & we would almost certainly end up gassing ourselves to death”

MG smiled & said, “Agreed. Look let’s do what I understand you do at the agency with a new client or project, would you agree to the carrying out of a feasibility study into the idea?”

PT smiled back & said, “There is no harm in doing that PT. Now let’s go to bed, I am desperate to try out that double headed vibrator you bought today”.

Over the next four weeks the girls looked in detail at the prospect of becoming serial killers of young women & girls. They divided the “Project” as they began to refer to it into three phases:

Phase 1: Selection & Abduction
Phase 2: Execution
Phase 3: Body Disposal

It became apparent quite quickly that Phases 2 & 3 were quite straightforward. All that needed to be done was convert the basement of the house into a death chamber, buy a large motor launch, pass a basic test to enable them to sail it & arrange moorings on the south coast, Brighton being their preferred location.

The key to the success of their plans was Phase 1: Selection & Abduction

As they discussed how to carry out Phase 1 one evening MG said, “Why don’t we bring back Sister Morrison & Sister Chan? We buy something like a burger van & turn it into a mobile soup kitchen. We spend a few weeks in the red light districts of London, getting to know the working girls & watch for anyone new that takes our fancy”.

“When someone like that comes along we chat them up, find out their back story & if they fit the bill put something like rohypnol in their drink. When they pass out we tell the other girls we are taking them to hospital. Instead we bring them back here & kill them. You would have to give up your job, but I have more than enough money to support us both”.

PT grinned at her lover & said, “Sounds like a plan to me”.

Over the next four weeks they fully implemented their plans & were ready for Sister Morrison & Sister Chan to set to work. During the following two weeks they took their new mobile soup kitchen out onto the streets of London’s red light districts in the evenings. The girls on the streets welcomed them as an entirely non-threatening & supportive presence.

In the middle of the third week a new girl approached the van. She had arrived from Glasgow the previous week & was truly gorgeous. She had long brown hair, lovely hazel eyes, a perfect complexion & an amazing figure with full breasts & long slender legs.

Sister Morrison & Sister Chan learned that she had left home because of the sexual abuse & violence of her step-father . She had no qualifications & to earn money she saw her only option as being to become a prostitute.

Her name was Lesley & her working clothes consisted of a very short blue & green tartan plaid mini skirt, knee length white socks & a blazer like jacket & white blouse. This was in fact the 17 year old girl’s school uniform & as soon as MG & PT laid eyes on her they instantly knew that she was destined to be their first victim.

MG & PT’s scheme worked perfectly. They drugged the young Scottish girl & when she collapsed they told the other girls in the vicinity not to worry, they would take her to hospital. Instead they took her to the house, tied her to a chair in the basement & changed out of the nun’s habits. They then returned to the basement to wait for their guest to come round

MG & PT looked around in satisfaction at the additions to the basement. Dominating the room was a wooden platform with two wooden supports supporting a crossbeam.

They had told the workmen who had erected it that they were starting an amateur dramatic group & they needed somewhere theatre-like to rehearse. The front section of the platform was hinged so that it could be dropped. A noosed rope dangled from the crossbeam above the front part of the platform. In front of the gallows stood a camera

Lesley groaned as she woke up. “MG went over to her & said, “Welcome back Lesley”.

The girl looked up at MG still slightly befuddled & said, “Sister Morrison is that you?”. She then looked around & said, “Where am I?”

PT comes forward & says, “You are in the basement of our house Lesley”

The girl asked, “Why have you brought me here?”

MG & PT grinned evilly at each other. This is the bit they had been most looking forward to

MG smiled at their prisoner & said, “We have brought you here my dear because we intend to kill you. In half an hour or so we are going to put you on that gallows & hang you slowly by your very pretty neck until you are dead”

Just as Jane Edwards & the “College Girl Killers” victims had over a hundred years previously Lesley’s emotions quickly went from confusion, to shock & finally to terror

MG & PT went & sat down relishing the sight of their terrified prisoner & her sobbing & pleading. They both lifted their skirts & began to gently massage their pussies through their panties. When Lesley saw them start to do this she cried out, “You aren’t nuns! You are sick cunts!”

PT sighed & said, “Now, now, Lesley. Please watch your language”

The two would be killers giggled. They waited for another twenty minutes before they got up & walked over to the terror stricken girl. They untied her from the chair, secured her hands behind her back, frog marched her onto the gallows platform & stood her on the front part of the platform. MG pulled the noose down & put it around her neck

Lesley sobbed & pleaded, “Can’t you just let me go?”. I promise I won’t tell anyone. I promise! I promise! Please don’t kill me! Please don’t!”.

She wailed as she felt the rope pulled tight round around her sweet slender throat & sobbed & whimpered helplessly

MG & PT stood back admiring their handiwork & PT said, “Just in case you are wondering Lesley when you drop you won’t fall very far. We have no intention of breaking your neck. You are going to strangle very slowly & painfully to death”.

The doomed girl’s opened wide with horror & terror

MG & PT left the platform & pulled their seats up closer to it. PT turned on the film camera & made sure it would fully capture the scenes on the gallows.

MG went to the release lever at the side of the gallows, paused, savoring the moment, & then pulled the lever. The front of the platform fell with a crash & Lesley drops about a foot. Her blue & green plaid mini-skirt flew up revealing the white panties beneath.

Her eyes bulge as she feels the pressure of the noose around her neck for the first time. She stretches her long slender & sensuous legs down trying to reach the floor which is about three feet below her feet.

The expression of absolute agony on the girl’s face tells the transfixed MG & PT that she is suffering terribly. She gasps & gurgles, her breasts bounce as her chest heaves, her lungs demanding air she can’t take in, her legs thrash & kick fully displaying her white underwear

MG & PT moan as they watch, their skirts up around their waists, their fingers rapidly moving in & out of their sopping wet pussies inside their soaking panties

Lesley body undulates, twisting & writhing her breasts quivering as she strangles. Her face is now crimson, her eyes bulge from their sockets & her mouth gapes wide open as she tries desperately to breath.

Finally after ten minutes or so her tortured body convulses for the last time, her back arches pushing her breasts up & out & her knees rise above her waist, her tongue rolls out of her mouth & a thin line of drool runs down her chin. Her eyes are now dull & glazed & they roll up into the back of her skull. Lesley expires & she swings gently, her body limp, dead on the rope.

MG & PT come even more intensely than they had in the death chamber of Evin prison, as this time they have been able to feverishly fuck their pussies with their fingers

PT went to the camera checked that it had recorded everything & switched it off. Just like Jane Edwards & the “College Girl Killers MG & PT had placed a bed in the basement & they went go & lay down on it & then made each other climax two more times over the next hour before their lusts were fully satiated

Phases 1 & 2 of their plan having been successfully completed the killers moved onto Phase 3.

They removed Lesley’s body from the gallows & put it in a body bag. They then took it to the large freezer that they had bought & placed in the enclosed garage & dumped it inside.

The next day they retrieved the body from the freezer, placed it in a large chest, put the chest in the boot of MG’s large Jaguar & drove to the marina in Brighton where their newly purchased motor launch was moored. They parked the car, took out the chest & dragged it aboard the boat. They then sailed the launch a mile out to sea, removed the body from the chest, chained dumbells to it & dropped it over the side into the English Channel, never to be seen again.

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