Execution Tales Chapter 67
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 6767: The Club
A few days after their latest murder “Sister Morrison” & “Sister Chan” were approached by the police in one of London’s Red Light districts. The officers told them they were investigating the apparent disappearance of several prostitutes & asked if they had seen anything or anyone suspicious.
MG & PT of course replied that they hadn’t seen anything to give them cause for concern. That evening they decided it would be wise to suspend their activities until the police having failed to find anything & moved onto another case.
Shortly after MG & PT had agreed to stop hunting for a while they had an unexpected visitor. He was a tall well-dressed man & MG let him in as his first words were, “Sister Morrison I presume? I think it would be wise if you listened to me”.
He continued, “My name is Sir Reginald Dewitt. My friends & I have been following your careers with some interest”.
MG replied, “We don’t know what you are talking about”.
Sir Reginald smiled & said, “I thought you would say something like that so let me explain why I am here. You first came to our attention when we saw your stories on line. So passionate & intense were they we suspected that there was more to you than mere writers of horror fantasy”.
He continued, “We then became aware of two Sisters of Mercy visiting condemned young women in Botswana, Singapore & Tehran. One of our members who is quite senior in the security services checked you out & found that Sister Morrison & Sister Chan had no links to the Catholic Church. They had just appeared seemingly from nowhere. He then went on & traced you to this house & we have been discreetly watching you since you have been going to London’s red light districts & taking your boat out into the Channel. I must compliment you, a very safe way to dispose of the bodies of your victims”
MG & PT were becoming very alarmed, though they kept their faces impassive. PT said, “We still don’t know what you are talking about”.
Sir Reginald said, “Please don’t be alarmed ladies. You can rest assured that we have no intention of reporting you to the police. Far from it in fact. I am here to invite you to a meeting of a group of like-minded individuals on Saturday”.
He passed MG a card & said. “If you do wish to come along phone the number on the card & I will send a car to collect you at 7 pm. I will take my leave & I do hope you join us on Saturday. I think you will find it both instructive & enjoyable”. On that note Sir Reginald got up & left
After he had departed MG & PT discussed the invitation & agreed that they had no choice but to accept it in order to find out exactly who this group were & what they knew about them
MG & PT looked lovely in their tight tops & short skirts as they waited to be collected on the Saturday evening.
The doorbell rang & when they opened the door a tall striking looking black woman in her late twenties in a chauffeur’s uniform, without uttering a word ushered them towards a gleaming black Rolls Royce. The car journey took about an hour & it finished at a large country house set in extensive grounds.
Waiting for them at the door was Sir Reginald who greeted them effusively, “Welcome ladies. I am delighted you decided to join us. Please come inside, help yourselves to a drink & I will introduce you to my other guests. We all use “Nome de plumes” so I will continue to refer to you as Sister Morrison & Sister Chan”.
Inside there were three couples in their mid-thirties who reeked of money & privilege. Sir Reginald introduced them to MG & PT as John & Jane Smith, William & Ann Brown & Andrew & Sarah Jones.
The men were wearing handmade Italian suits & their wives looked as if they were about to attend a royal film premiere. They were all wearing very expensive looking evening dresses. Jane Smith’s gown was white, Ann Brown’s crimson red & Sarah Jones’s dark blue.
They not only looked as if they would be perfectly at home on the red carpet of a premiere they each reminded MG of actual film actresses. Jane bore a close resemblance to Nicole Kidman, Ann looked like a young Charlotte Rampling & Sarah Jones was very like Anne Hathaway
The female black chauffeur stood at the back of the room along with two other tall black women who were dressed in black leather jackets, miniskirts & knee length boots
Sir Reginald led the group down into a large cellar. He switched on the light revealing a ten foot high gallows with a noosed rope dangling from it which was attached to an electronic winch. The scaffold was surrounded by comfortable couches. When they saw this MG & PT smiled at each other
Sir Reginald noticed this & said, “Yes ladies, our interests do concur. Like you we revel in the killing of young women & girls by slow strangulation, mostly on the gallows, but also on occasion by garroting. Now please make yourselves comfortable”. MG & PT along with the three couples went & sat down on the couches
Sir Reginald looked at the chauffeur & said, “Please make sure the film camera is working Grace”. She nodded & went to the back of the cellar where she turned on & checked the expensive recording equipment
The two leather clad black women left the cellar through a side door & returned dragging a young blonde girl with them. The girl was very pretty, she had short blonde hair & was wearing a white blouse & mid-thigh length blue skirt. Her wrists were bound behind her & she sobbed & begged to be released. When she saw the gallows & the waiting noose her pleading changed to hysterical wailing.
Sir Reginald smiled evilly at the terrified girl & turned to his guests “Ladies & gentlemen I would like to introduce you to Maya Lafitte. She is a 19 year old French student who somewhat stupidly has been hitch hiking round Europe.”
He nodded towards the chauffeur & the two leather clad women & continued. “Grace, Mala & Josette picked her up a few days ago about thirty miles from here & now we are going to hang her very slowly by the neck until she is dead”.
The doomed Maya spoke good English & when she heard this her screams of terror rose several octaves & she desperately struggled against the firm grip that Mala & Josette had on her arms
Sir Reginald went & sat down on one of the couches where he was joined by the chauffeur Grace. All of the spectators including MG & PT leaned forward, eyes blazing with anticipation
Mala & Josette were too strong for the French girl & they easily forced her up the three steps to the gallows platform & pulled the struggling Maya beneath the scaffold crossbeam & placed the noose around her neck. The noosed rope was an inch thick & the two female executioners carefully ensured that the knot was placed at the front side of the girl’s neck to help ensure her slow strangulation
The men in the three couples raised up their partners skirts & massaged the women’s groins while the women’s fingers teased their erect cocks through their trousers.
Grace, the chauffeur, bent down in her seat unzipped Sir Reginald’s trousers & took out his throbbing penis & began to suck it
Taking their lead from the Club members MG & PT lifted each other’s’ skirts & began to gently rub each other’s crotches through their hose & panties.
They were all transfixed by the scene on the gallows in front of them.
Maya was left standing for five minutes noosed on the scaffold screaming & crying for mercy then Josette threw the switch connected to the electric winch. Slowly it took up the slack on the rope & Maya was pulled upwards onto the tips of her toes.
Josette switched off the winch & the spectators relished the look of sheer terror on the French girl’s face, the trembling of her body & her piteous pleading.
She then turns on the winch again & the girl is lifted up off her toes. Maya goes wild. Though her wrists are securely bound her legs swing free & she writhes jerking & kicking on the rope her blue skirt flying in the air exposing the pink panties beneath.
Once her threshing legs are about two feet above the platform Josette switches off the winch & she & Mala leave the platform & go & sit on a couch where they immediately ram their hands up each other’s black leather miniskirts
MG & PT’s fingers disappear inside the waist bands of each other’s panties & burrow deep inside their pussies.
The three women in the couples get up & pull three pouffe’s towards the couches. They place themselves face down on top of them & their partners kneel down behind them lift the women’s skirts up above their waists, pull the crotches of their panties to one side & drive their rock hard cocks deep inside the female’s pussies & start to fuck them.
Grace removes Sir Reginald’s penis from her mouth & stands up her legs astride the Knight facing the gallows. He pushes her black uniform skirt up, rips her panties off & pulls her down onto his lap impaling her with his cock & starts to frenziedly thrust himself in & out of her pussy
The noose bites deep into the girl’s soft neck, her eyes bulge, her face gradually turns beetroot red & she makes inarticulate choking sounds. Maya’s legs scissor back & forth as she swings in eccentric circles as her body convulses on the rope.
Long minutes pass as the tortured girl writhes, twists & dances like a crazed marionette her frantic movements driven by the white hot agony of slow strangulation.
By the time her struggles begin to cease her face is a congested bluish purple, her expression one of pure suffering. Maya twitches & quivers one last time & finally swings limply on the rope.
As the girl dies the cellar is filled with the sounds of the watchers debauched pleasure peaking. MG & PT moan as they climax, their fingers soaked by each other’s flooding juices.
The three men & Sir Reginald grunt & groan as their seed spurts deep inside their partners pussies & their four women squeal & cry out as they orgasm & the wonderful sensations pulse through their bodies.
Josette & Mala finish each other off with their tongues deep inside each other’s vaginas. They shudder & moan as they come
After a couple of minutes the spectators adjusted their clothes & began to chat about what they have just seen. MG said to their host, “Thank you for inviting us Sir Reginald. I must say that was superb. What will you do with the body?”
Sir Reginald replied, “Poor Maya will be buried in the rose garden along with our other past “Performers”, as I like to refer to them”. Since we started our little Club last year I have found that the roses have been blooming wonderfully well as a result of the exquisite “Compost” we have been providing them with”.
The others all laughed at this. PT said, “Recently Sister Morrison & I have started to re-enact scenes from our stories during our executions. We have found it adds variety & spices up the experience. Have you ever done anything similar?”
Sir Reginald responded, “No Sister Chan we haven’t but I must say I can see the attraction”.
MG chipped in, “I took my ideas for the first stories from the true life descriptions of the executions of women during & immediately after WW11. The case which always fascinated me the most was that of 17 year old Masha Bruskia who was publicly hanged by Nazis wearing her school uniform in Minsk in 1941 for partisan activities”.
Sir Reginald asked, “What exactly are you proposing Sister Morrison?”
MG smiled & said, “You all familiarize yourselves with Masha’s story & at our next get together we restage the execution of Masha Bruskia. We obtain a victim of about the right age & appearance. Sister Chan & I have SS uniforms & I suggest you get some yourselves. We will prepare a “Script” that we will go through with you just before the event & then we just do it. What do you think?”
PT said, “Why don’t we exchange e-mail addresses so that Sister Morrison & I can share all of our stories with you? Please feel free to let us know what you think of them”
The others murmured their approval & Sir Reginald said. “Good that is agreed. Now let us have same dinner & we can then watch the film of Maya’s demise which will no doubt give us some ideas as to how to spend the rest of the evening”
The group chattered excitedly as went back up the stairs
A few days after their latest murder “Sister Morrison” & “Sister Chan” were approached by the police in one of London’s Red Light districts. The officers told them they were investigating the apparent disappearance of several prostitutes & asked if they had seen anything or anyone suspicious.
MG & PT of course replied that they hadn’t seen anything to give them cause for concern. That evening they decided it would be wise to suspend their activities until the police having failed to find anything & moved onto another case.
Shortly after MG & PT had agreed to stop hunting for a while they had an unexpected visitor. He was a tall well-dressed man & MG let him in as his first words were, “Sister Morrison I presume? I think it would be wise if you listened to me”.
He continued, “My name is Sir Reginald Dewitt. My friends & I have been following your careers with some interest”.
MG replied, “We don’t know what you are talking about”.
Sir Reginald smiled & said, “I thought you would say something like that so let me explain why I am here. You first came to our attention when we saw your stories on line. So passionate & intense were they we suspected that there was more to you than mere writers of horror fantasy”.
He continued, “We then became aware of two Sisters of Mercy visiting condemned young women in Botswana, Singapore & Tehran. One of our members who is quite senior in the security services checked you out & found that Sister Morrison & Sister Chan had no links to the Catholic Church. They had just appeared seemingly from nowhere. He then went on & traced you to this house & we have been discreetly watching you since you have been going to London’s red light districts & taking your boat out into the Channel. I must compliment you, a very safe way to dispose of the bodies of your victims”
MG & PT were becoming very alarmed, though they kept their faces impassive. PT said, “We still don’t know what you are talking about”.
Sir Reginald said, “Please don’t be alarmed ladies. You can rest assured that we have no intention of reporting you to the police. Far from it in fact. I am here to invite you to a meeting of a group of like-minded individuals on Saturday”.
He passed MG a card & said. “If you do wish to come along phone the number on the card & I will send a car to collect you at 7 pm. I will take my leave & I do hope you join us on Saturday. I think you will find it both instructive & enjoyable”. On that note Sir Reginald got up & left
After he had departed MG & PT discussed the invitation & agreed that they had no choice but to accept it in order to find out exactly who this group were & what they knew about them
MG & PT looked lovely in their tight tops & short skirts as they waited to be collected on the Saturday evening.
The doorbell rang & when they opened the door a tall striking looking black woman in her late twenties in a chauffeur’s uniform, without uttering a word ushered them towards a gleaming black Rolls Royce. The car journey took about an hour & it finished at a large country house set in extensive grounds.
Waiting for them at the door was Sir Reginald who greeted them effusively, “Welcome ladies. I am delighted you decided to join us. Please come inside, help yourselves to a drink & I will introduce you to my other guests. We all use “Nome de plumes” so I will continue to refer to you as Sister Morrison & Sister Chan”.
Inside there were three couples in their mid-thirties who reeked of money & privilege. Sir Reginald introduced them to MG & PT as John & Jane Smith, William & Ann Brown & Andrew & Sarah Jones.
The men were wearing handmade Italian suits & their wives looked as if they were about to attend a royal film premiere. They were all wearing very expensive looking evening dresses. Jane Smith’s gown was white, Ann Brown’s crimson red & Sarah Jones’s dark blue.
They not only looked as if they would be perfectly at home on the red carpet of a premiere they each reminded MG of actual film actresses. Jane bore a close resemblance to Nicole Kidman, Ann looked like a young Charlotte Rampling & Sarah Jones was very like Anne Hathaway
The female black chauffeur stood at the back of the room along with two other tall black women who were dressed in black leather jackets, miniskirts & knee length boots
Sir Reginald led the group down into a large cellar. He switched on the light revealing a ten foot high gallows with a noosed rope dangling from it which was attached to an electronic winch. The scaffold was surrounded by comfortable couches. When they saw this MG & PT smiled at each other
Sir Reginald noticed this & said, “Yes ladies, our interests do concur. Like you we revel in the killing of young women & girls by slow strangulation, mostly on the gallows, but also on occasion by garroting. Now please make yourselves comfortable”. MG & PT along with the three couples went & sat down on the couches
Sir Reginald looked at the chauffeur & said, “Please make sure the film camera is working Grace”. She nodded & went to the back of the cellar where she turned on & checked the expensive recording equipment
The two leather clad black women left the cellar through a side door & returned dragging a young blonde girl with them. The girl was very pretty, she had short blonde hair & was wearing a white blouse & mid-thigh length blue skirt. Her wrists were bound behind her & she sobbed & begged to be released. When she saw the gallows & the waiting noose her pleading changed to hysterical wailing.
Sir Reginald smiled evilly at the terrified girl & turned to his guests “Ladies & gentlemen I would like to introduce you to Maya Lafitte. She is a 19 year old French student who somewhat stupidly has been hitch hiking round Europe.”
He nodded towards the chauffeur & the two leather clad women & continued. “Grace, Mala & Josette picked her up a few days ago about thirty miles from here & now we are going to hang her very slowly by the neck until she is dead”.
The doomed Maya spoke good English & when she heard this her screams of terror rose several octaves & she desperately struggled against the firm grip that Mala & Josette had on her arms
Sir Reginald went & sat down on one of the couches where he was joined by the chauffeur Grace. All of the spectators including MG & PT leaned forward, eyes blazing with anticipation
Mala & Josette were too strong for the French girl & they easily forced her up the three steps to the gallows platform & pulled the struggling Maya beneath the scaffold crossbeam & placed the noose around her neck. The noosed rope was an inch thick & the two female executioners carefully ensured that the knot was placed at the front side of the girl’s neck to help ensure her slow strangulation
The men in the three couples raised up their partners skirts & massaged the women’s groins while the women’s fingers teased their erect cocks through their trousers.
Grace, the chauffeur, bent down in her seat unzipped Sir Reginald’s trousers & took out his throbbing penis & began to suck it
Taking their lead from the Club members MG & PT lifted each other’s’ skirts & began to gently rub each other’s crotches through their hose & panties.
They were all transfixed by the scene on the gallows in front of them.
Maya was left standing for five minutes noosed on the scaffold screaming & crying for mercy then Josette threw the switch connected to the electric winch. Slowly it took up the slack on the rope & Maya was pulled upwards onto the tips of her toes.
Josette switched off the winch & the spectators relished the look of sheer terror on the French girl’s face, the trembling of her body & her piteous pleading.
She then turns on the winch again & the girl is lifted up off her toes. Maya goes wild. Though her wrists are securely bound her legs swing free & she writhes jerking & kicking on the rope her blue skirt flying in the air exposing the pink panties beneath.
Once her threshing legs are about two feet above the platform Josette switches off the winch & she & Mala leave the platform & go & sit on a couch where they immediately ram their hands up each other’s black leather miniskirts
MG & PT’s fingers disappear inside the waist bands of each other’s panties & burrow deep inside their pussies.
The three women in the couples get up & pull three pouffe’s towards the couches. They place themselves face down on top of them & their partners kneel down behind them lift the women’s skirts up above their waists, pull the crotches of their panties to one side & drive their rock hard cocks deep inside the female’s pussies & start to fuck them.
Grace removes Sir Reginald’s penis from her mouth & stands up her legs astride the Knight facing the gallows. He pushes her black uniform skirt up, rips her panties off & pulls her down onto his lap impaling her with his cock & starts to frenziedly thrust himself in & out of her pussy
The noose bites deep into the girl’s soft neck, her eyes bulge, her face gradually turns beetroot red & she makes inarticulate choking sounds. Maya’s legs scissor back & forth as she swings in eccentric circles as her body convulses on the rope.
Long minutes pass as the tortured girl writhes, twists & dances like a crazed marionette her frantic movements driven by the white hot agony of slow strangulation.
By the time her struggles begin to cease her face is a congested bluish purple, her expression one of pure suffering. Maya twitches & quivers one last time & finally swings limply on the rope.
As the girl dies the cellar is filled with the sounds of the watchers debauched pleasure peaking. MG & PT moan as they climax, their fingers soaked by each other’s flooding juices.
The three men & Sir Reginald grunt & groan as their seed spurts deep inside their partners pussies & their four women squeal & cry out as they orgasm & the wonderful sensations pulse through their bodies.
Josette & Mala finish each other off with their tongues deep inside each other’s vaginas. They shudder & moan as they come
After a couple of minutes the spectators adjusted their clothes & began to chat about what they have just seen. MG said to their host, “Thank you for inviting us Sir Reginald. I must say that was superb. What will you do with the body?”
Sir Reginald replied, “Poor Maya will be buried in the rose garden along with our other past “Performers”, as I like to refer to them”. Since we started our little Club last year I have found that the roses have been blooming wonderfully well as a result of the exquisite “Compost” we have been providing them with”.
The others all laughed at this. PT said, “Recently Sister Morrison & I have started to re-enact scenes from our stories during our executions. We have found it adds variety & spices up the experience. Have you ever done anything similar?”
Sir Reginald responded, “No Sister Chan we haven’t but I must say I can see the attraction”.
MG chipped in, “I took my ideas for the first stories from the true life descriptions of the executions of women during & immediately after WW11. The case which always fascinated me the most was that of 17 year old Masha Bruskia who was publicly hanged by Nazis wearing her school uniform in Minsk in 1941 for partisan activities”.
Sir Reginald asked, “What exactly are you proposing Sister Morrison?”
MG smiled & said, “You all familiarize yourselves with Masha’s story & at our next get together we restage the execution of Masha Bruskia. We obtain a victim of about the right age & appearance. Sister Chan & I have SS uniforms & I suggest you get some yourselves. We will prepare a “Script” that we will go through with you just before the event & then we just do it. What do you think?”
PT said, “Why don’t we exchange e-mail addresses so that Sister Morrison & I can share all of our stories with you? Please feel free to let us know what you think of them”
The others murmured their approval & Sir Reginald said. “Good that is agreed. Now let us have same dinner & we can then watch the film of Maya’s demise which will no doubt give us some ideas as to how to spend the rest of the evening”
The group chattered excitedly as went back up the stairs
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 67