Execution Tales Chapter 68
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68: The Hanging of “Masha Bruskia”

The following Saturday they all again gathered in the main living room of Sir Reginald’s mansion. As they sipped their drinks they congratulated each other on how splendid they looked in their black SS uniforms. Sir Reginald had told the tailor who had made them that they were for a fancy dress party.

MG, PT, Jane Smith, Ann Brown, Sarah Jones, Grace Mala & Josette are wearing black & silver peaked caps, black jackets with silver linings, crisp white shirts, black ties, knee length black skirts, tan pantyhose & black boots which come up to their knees. Grace, Mala & Josette looked especially striking as none of the Club members had ever seen black women wearing Nazi uniforms. The men including Sir Reginald are dressed in male versions of the same uniforms.

They had all taken MG’s advice & had researched the case of Masha Bruskia. The on line pictures of the young blonde Russian girl’s execution meant that they were in a state of excited anticipation at the prospect of the evening’s events. As promised MG & PT went through the script of the “Performance” before they all headed down to the cellar

The gallows had been adapted for the show. The electric winch had been removed & below the dangling noose, which was now made from a thin but strong cable, a two foot wooden stool sat on the wooden platform. MG, PT & the three couples sat on the couches.

Grace went to turn on the camera & Sir Reginald nodded at Mala & Josette who set off to fetch the star of the evening “Masha Bruskia”. The doomed girl’s real name was Saskia Malinowsky. Grace, Mala & & Josette had found her working in a cafe in South London, enticed her into the black Rolls with the promise of a modelling opportunity & then drugged her.

As Mala & Josette dragged her into the cellar the spectators gasped at Saskia’s uncanny resemblance to the real Masha Bruskia. Her hands were tied behind her. She was dressed as Masha had been in a school uniform type outfit, white blouse, navy blue plaid knee length skirt, white socks & black shoes & just like the real Masha hanging from her neck was a sign written in German that said “I am a partisan who shot at German soldiers”

“Masha” was confused & frightened & her fear turned to terror as she saw the waiting gallows & the group of “Nazis”.

Sir Reginald stepped forward & read from his script “Masha Bruskia you are guilty of engaging in partisan activity against the Wehrmacht & you will now suffer the required punishment for your crimes. You are to be executed by slow hanging. Sentence will be carried out at once”. He then retired to a couch where Grace was already sitting

“Masha” screamed & started to struggle, “Why are you doing this! I have done nothing to you! Please don’t kill me! God No! Please! I Don’t want to die! Please!”, she cried. Mala & Josette forced the writhing girl onto the platform & made her stand on the stool. The six foot tall Josette reached up & pulled the noose down over her head, making sure it was tightly fitted around her neck

The spectators prepared themselves, black uniform skirts were pushed up nylon clad thighs, panties were pushed to the side to make way for fingers or cocks which began to move slowly in & out of rapidly moistening pussies

“Masha” screamed for mercy shaking in terror standing noosed on the stool. The waiting was pure torture for her. After a couple of minutes Mala bent down & removed the stool. Mala & Josette remained on the platform to be as close as possible to the dying girl. They lifted their skirts & feverishly started to rub their crotches.

The doomed girl’s screamed pleas for mercy are abruptly cut off as the noose bites into her throat. Initially “Masha” hangs motionless her face grimacing as the initial shock of the hanging sinks in swinging back & forth several times like a pendulum.

Then her legs start to kick & stretch as she tries to find footing on the platform two feet beneath her. First her legs thresh in a scissoring motion & then her thighs pump up & down as if she is running up a flight of stairs. The rising & falling of her legs raise her plaid navy blue skirt to the top of her thighs affording the spectators tantalizing glimpses of her white panties

“Masha’s” face is contorted with pain, her eyes wide open desperately seeking aid that won’t come. Spittle drools from her open mouth, mixes with tears & dribbles from her chin as she tries to gasp in air with a series of snorting sounds. Her head is pushed back & to the side by the knot at the front of her neck.

Her face slowly changes colour, at first turning bright red & then slowly taking on a dark purple hue as her blood pools above the strangling noose. “Masha’s” mouth opens & closes like a landed fish & her tongue begins to protrude from her mouth.

The dying girl’s body goes into violent convulsions, her kicking becomes wilder, several times her knees rise up almost to her breasts fully exposing her white panties & then she kicks hard downwards. At the end of her final violent kicking motions her whole body writhes & her back arches. Finally she relaxes & her eyes glaze over in death

The twelve Club members all experience incredibly intense orgasms as they watch “Masha” finally expire. Once they have composed themselves they all agree that the role playing based on an actual event had significantly added to the experience

Sir Reginald said, “Well Sister Morrison I must congratulate you on your conception. That was truly marvelous. Do you have any more ideas for executions we could re-enact”

MG smiled, “As a matter of fact I do Sir Reginald. The other WW11 related executions that I like most are those of the five young women guards who had worked at the Stutthof concentration camp in Poland just after the end of the war.

Jenny Wanda Barkmann, Elisabeth Becker, Erna Beilhardt, Gerda Stienhof & Wanda Klaff, none of whom were over 25 years of age, were all publicly hanged off the back of lorries along with six male guards. All five were very attractive with Barkmann being especially lovely.

I suggest we repeat what we did with Masha, you all find out as much as you can about the execution of the Stutthof guards & Sister Chan & I will come up with a script.

Ideally to get the best out of this we need more than one victim. I know five is asking a bit much but if we can have at least two then we can have the added pleasure of relishing the second girl’s terror as she watches the first one hang knowing that she will be next”

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