Execution Tales Chapter 76 Part 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 76 Part 2II: The College Executions
Despite the well publicised fate of Holly Wilson & Rachel Reeves the problem of drug abuse in female sixth form colleges seemed to remain intractable. The authorities decided that draconian action was required which would require the services of the “Lady Executioners”.
Two weeks after Holly & Rachel had danced on the gallows two dozen policemen & women descended on one of these Colleges just after the start of the school day. Over the next four hours every one of the one hundred students, their bags & lockers were thoroughly searched.
Sixteen of the 18 year old students were found to be in possession of narcotics of one sort of another. They were all taken to the gym hall where they were held under guard. The rest of students were shepherded into the school assembly hall
Wearing their leather hoods & black executioners’ uniforms, their little Japanese friends nestling inside their pussies, Alessandra & Linda were driven to the school in a police car followed by a large flat-bed truck with curtain sides. Both vehicles entered & parked in the schoolyard which had police officers standing on the perimeter
The girls who were found to be drug free were led out into the yard by the Head Mistress & were marshalled in rows in front of the large truck. She came forward & addressed them,” We have brought you here today so that you can see at first-hand what drug abuse leads to”.
Alessandra pulled a rope & the curtains on the truck opened up to reveal a central metal pole running horizontally down the middle of the vehicle eight feet above the bed of the vehicle. Dangling from the pole were four noosed ropes & below them sat four stools. The students gasped as they realised that they were looking at a gallows
A well-dressed young woman in an expensive navy blue suit holding a microphone looked into one of the news cameras which the authorities had indicated they wanted to be present. She addressed the watching viewers, “What you can see behind me is what I am told is a “Mobile Gallows” designed to be transported to crime scenes. It is the instrument of the State’s new policy providing for public executions held at the scenes of crimes”
The sixteen girls caught with drugs still wearing their uniforms of blue blazers with grey trim & grey & white tartan mini kilts, hands cuffed behind their backs, were marched out into the yard guarded by armed police officers. They stared in shocked disbelief at the lorry fitted out with a scaffold
A judge stepped forward & addressed the assembly, “Pursuant to the special powers vested in me by the State as laid out in the Emergency Powers Against the Use of Illegal Drugs Act the following individuals guilty of possession & consumption of illegal controlled substances are sentenced to death by hanging….”
He then read out the names of the handcuffed sixteen girls. Sobbing & cries of, “NO! NO!”, came from the condemned students as the names were read
The judge continued, “The above named individuals have been found guilty under the terms of the Emergency Powers Against the Use of Illegal Drugs Act. They will be hanged by their necks until they are dead. The executions will proceed at once”
As the executioners approached their first victim, a lovely lissome blonde girl, she started to shriek. As Alessandra & Linda dragged her to the gallows she screamed louder & tried vainly to resist however it was futile & after a minute or so she was standing on the back of the mobile gallows staring terrified at the noose dangling just above her head.
The hangwomen forced the condemned prisoner up onto the stool. Alessandra took one of the other stools & placed it behind the shaking sobbing girl, mounted it, & took hold of the rope.
The victim whimpered & threw her head to the side trying to dodge the noose. Alessandra gripped the young girl’s pony tail with one hand & brutally forced her head forward. With the other hand she simultaneously pulled the noose down over her head. Before the girl had time to fully comprehend what was happening Alessandra snugly tightened the noose around her neck pulling her hair out of the way of the looped rope.
The executioners took a step backwards & checked that all was ready. They took their time relishing the expression of pure terror on the girl’s face, her wide staring pleading eyes, the trembling of her body & the sounds of her sobs & pleas for mercy.
Linda bends down & gently pulls the stool away from under the prisoner’s feet. The crying abruptly halts & becomes a gurgle which likewise quickly ceases. The girl stretches her long slender legs trying to reach the bed of the lorry, her neck starts to stretch.
She chokes, her tongue sticks out of her mouth, her eyes open even wider. Her legs begin violently kicking, her thrusting pantyhose covered thighs push up the grey & tartan plaid mini skirt exposing her brief pink lacy panties underneath it. The hands cuffed behind her back clench into fists & her back arches pushing forward her firm small pert breasts
The only sounds that can be heard in the schoolyard are the creaking of the rope as the violent movements of its load cause it to scrape over the crossbeam, the choking noises of the slowly strangling girl & the terrified weeping & whimpering of the other condemned girls. Alessandra & Linda stare mesmerized at the hanging prisoner, the crotches of their panties under the black uniform skirts already very wet
The rope has now tightened fast round the girl’s neck, her face turns red & then purple, her eyes bulge out of her head, her mouth gapes open as she vainly tries to breathe.
Her body begins to rotate about its own axis. Almost three minutes have passed & still she writhes & kicks. Her agony goes on for another two full minutes before her struggles slowly weaken. Finally her blood flecked bulging eyes glaze over & her body goes limp
The executioners close their eyes as they come
Once they had composed themselves they went to the remaining condemned girls to collect their next victim. She was a petite pretty little brunette with a boyish haircut who looked to be one of the youngest prisoners. As she was marched to the gallows she wailed, “NOOOOOH! NOOOOOH! PLEASE HAVE MERCY! I DON’T WANT TO DIE”.
Once on the truck she was quickly put on the stool & noosed, the rope pulled tight around her neck. Alessandra smiled beneath her hood as she took in the soft swell of the girl’s full breasts which heaved up & down as her rate of breathing increased rapidly. Her body shivered & her legs trembled.
She watches in terror as Linda bends down & ever so slowly removes the stool. She tries to scream but the rope bites deep into her neck stopping all sound from her mouth. Once she is fully suspended by the neck she starts to wriggle like a worm on a hook.
Her face begins to darken & her tongue begins to protrude from her mouth. Her lovely young body swings & contorts, her legs thresh wildly lifting her grey & white mini kilt fully displaying her white panties
Alessandra & Linda watch entranced by the young girl’s agonized dance on the rope, well on the way to their second orgasms of the morning
The second prisoner doesn’t last quite as long as the first victim & after four minutes her body & legs begin to relax, a final shudder runs through her, her feet quiver for a few seconds, her eyes roll back in her head & then she is still except for a slow pendulum motion as she sways on the rope
By a concentrated effort of will the Lady Executioners managed to postpone their second climaxes. After all there was a lot of fun still to be had in schoolyard this morning
From then on it was like assembly line work. Some victims protested & fought, some went quietly resigned to their fate & two had to be almost carried to the mobile gallows in a dead faint.
Once four bodies dangled on the scaffold Alesssandra & Linda dismounted from the lorry & waited 15 minutes relishing the agonized facial expressions of the dead prisoners & the glimpses of their panties under the brief fluttering skirts afforded by the strong breeze blowing through the schoolyard. The bodies were then removed soon to be replaced by the next four victims
Finally there was only one prisoner left alive, a six foot tall statuesque black girl with a “Jarhead” marine style haircut. She had been adjudged to be the main drug dealer at the College which was why she had been left till last. The authorities wanted her to witness the fate of the other fifteen convicted girls before her own execution to prolong & increase her terror & suffering.
By the time she was placed on the mobile gallows & noosed she was hysterical with fear, her screams of terror reverberated around the schoolyard. As she put the rope around the doomed girl’s neck Alessandra whispered in her ear, “I believe you are a cheerleader, well now you are going to dance as you have never danced before”. On that note she got down from the stool.
Afterwards Alessandra & Linda agreed that the black girls hanging was amongst the most magnificent they had seen. Her strong muscular physique meant that she convulsed & kicked for over ten minutes on the gallows before eventually expiring. During her agony the tight white panties covering her firm round buttocks beneath her short skirt were on almost permanent show.
As their final victim died the Lady Executioners experienced their fourth, & most intense, orgasms of the morning. As they left Alessandra & Linda concurred that the State’s anti-drugs initiative in the education sector was a marvelous idea
Despite the well publicised fate of Holly Wilson & Rachel Reeves the problem of drug abuse in female sixth form colleges seemed to remain intractable. The authorities decided that draconian action was required which would require the services of the “Lady Executioners”.
Two weeks after Holly & Rachel had danced on the gallows two dozen policemen & women descended on one of these Colleges just after the start of the school day. Over the next four hours every one of the one hundred students, their bags & lockers were thoroughly searched.
Sixteen of the 18 year old students were found to be in possession of narcotics of one sort of another. They were all taken to the gym hall where they were held under guard. The rest of students were shepherded into the school assembly hall
Wearing their leather hoods & black executioners’ uniforms, their little Japanese friends nestling inside their pussies, Alessandra & Linda were driven to the school in a police car followed by a large flat-bed truck with curtain sides. Both vehicles entered & parked in the schoolyard which had police officers standing on the perimeter
The girls who were found to be drug free were led out into the yard by the Head Mistress & were marshalled in rows in front of the large truck. She came forward & addressed them,” We have brought you here today so that you can see at first-hand what drug abuse leads to”.
Alessandra pulled a rope & the curtains on the truck opened up to reveal a central metal pole running horizontally down the middle of the vehicle eight feet above the bed of the vehicle. Dangling from the pole were four noosed ropes & below them sat four stools. The students gasped as they realised that they were looking at a gallows
A well-dressed young woman in an expensive navy blue suit holding a microphone looked into one of the news cameras which the authorities had indicated they wanted to be present. She addressed the watching viewers, “What you can see behind me is what I am told is a “Mobile Gallows” designed to be transported to crime scenes. It is the instrument of the State’s new policy providing for public executions held at the scenes of crimes”
The sixteen girls caught with drugs still wearing their uniforms of blue blazers with grey trim & grey & white tartan mini kilts, hands cuffed behind their backs, were marched out into the yard guarded by armed police officers. They stared in shocked disbelief at the lorry fitted out with a scaffold
A judge stepped forward & addressed the assembly, “Pursuant to the special powers vested in me by the State as laid out in the Emergency Powers Against the Use of Illegal Drugs Act the following individuals guilty of possession & consumption of illegal controlled substances are sentenced to death by hanging….”
He then read out the names of the handcuffed sixteen girls. Sobbing & cries of, “NO! NO!”, came from the condemned students as the names were read
The judge continued, “The above named individuals have been found guilty under the terms of the Emergency Powers Against the Use of Illegal Drugs Act. They will be hanged by their necks until they are dead. The executions will proceed at once”
As the executioners approached their first victim, a lovely lissome blonde girl, she started to shriek. As Alessandra & Linda dragged her to the gallows she screamed louder & tried vainly to resist however it was futile & after a minute or so she was standing on the back of the mobile gallows staring terrified at the noose dangling just above her head.
The hangwomen forced the condemned prisoner up onto the stool. Alessandra took one of the other stools & placed it behind the shaking sobbing girl, mounted it, & took hold of the rope.
The victim whimpered & threw her head to the side trying to dodge the noose. Alessandra gripped the young girl’s pony tail with one hand & brutally forced her head forward. With the other hand she simultaneously pulled the noose down over her head. Before the girl had time to fully comprehend what was happening Alessandra snugly tightened the noose around her neck pulling her hair out of the way of the looped rope.
The executioners took a step backwards & checked that all was ready. They took their time relishing the expression of pure terror on the girl’s face, her wide staring pleading eyes, the trembling of her body & the sounds of her sobs & pleas for mercy.
Linda bends down & gently pulls the stool away from under the prisoner’s feet. The crying abruptly halts & becomes a gurgle which likewise quickly ceases. The girl stretches her long slender legs trying to reach the bed of the lorry, her neck starts to stretch.
She chokes, her tongue sticks out of her mouth, her eyes open even wider. Her legs begin violently kicking, her thrusting pantyhose covered thighs push up the grey & tartan plaid mini skirt exposing her brief pink lacy panties underneath it. The hands cuffed behind her back clench into fists & her back arches pushing forward her firm small pert breasts
The only sounds that can be heard in the schoolyard are the creaking of the rope as the violent movements of its load cause it to scrape over the crossbeam, the choking noises of the slowly strangling girl & the terrified weeping & whimpering of the other condemned girls. Alessandra & Linda stare mesmerized at the hanging prisoner, the crotches of their panties under the black uniform skirts already very wet
The rope has now tightened fast round the girl’s neck, her face turns red & then purple, her eyes bulge out of her head, her mouth gapes open as she vainly tries to breathe.
Her body begins to rotate about its own axis. Almost three minutes have passed & still she writhes & kicks. Her agony goes on for another two full minutes before her struggles slowly weaken. Finally her blood flecked bulging eyes glaze over & her body goes limp
The executioners close their eyes as they come
Once they had composed themselves they went to the remaining condemned girls to collect their next victim. She was a petite pretty little brunette with a boyish haircut who looked to be one of the youngest prisoners. As she was marched to the gallows she wailed, “NOOOOOH! NOOOOOH! PLEASE HAVE MERCY! I DON’T WANT TO DIE”.
Once on the truck she was quickly put on the stool & noosed, the rope pulled tight around her neck. Alessandra smiled beneath her hood as she took in the soft swell of the girl’s full breasts which heaved up & down as her rate of breathing increased rapidly. Her body shivered & her legs trembled.
She watches in terror as Linda bends down & ever so slowly removes the stool. She tries to scream but the rope bites deep into her neck stopping all sound from her mouth. Once she is fully suspended by the neck she starts to wriggle like a worm on a hook.
Her face begins to darken & her tongue begins to protrude from her mouth. Her lovely young body swings & contorts, her legs thresh wildly lifting her grey & white mini kilt fully displaying her white panties
Alessandra & Linda watch entranced by the young girl’s agonized dance on the rope, well on the way to their second orgasms of the morning
The second prisoner doesn’t last quite as long as the first victim & after four minutes her body & legs begin to relax, a final shudder runs through her, her feet quiver for a few seconds, her eyes roll back in her head & then she is still except for a slow pendulum motion as she sways on the rope
By a concentrated effort of will the Lady Executioners managed to postpone their second climaxes. After all there was a lot of fun still to be had in schoolyard this morning
From then on it was like assembly line work. Some victims protested & fought, some went quietly resigned to their fate & two had to be almost carried to the mobile gallows in a dead faint.
Once four bodies dangled on the scaffold Alesssandra & Linda dismounted from the lorry & waited 15 minutes relishing the agonized facial expressions of the dead prisoners & the glimpses of their panties under the brief fluttering skirts afforded by the strong breeze blowing through the schoolyard. The bodies were then removed soon to be replaced by the next four victims
Finally there was only one prisoner left alive, a six foot tall statuesque black girl with a “Jarhead” marine style haircut. She had been adjudged to be the main drug dealer at the College which was why she had been left till last. The authorities wanted her to witness the fate of the other fifteen convicted girls before her own execution to prolong & increase her terror & suffering.
By the time she was placed on the mobile gallows & noosed she was hysterical with fear, her screams of terror reverberated around the schoolyard. As she put the rope around the doomed girl’s neck Alessandra whispered in her ear, “I believe you are a cheerleader, well now you are going to dance as you have never danced before”. On that note she got down from the stool.
Afterwards Alessandra & Linda agreed that the black girls hanging was amongst the most magnificent they had seen. Her strong muscular physique meant that she convulsed & kicked for over ten minutes on the gallows before eventually expiring. During her agony the tight white panties covering her firm round buttocks beneath her short skirt were on almost permanent show.
As their final victim died the Lady Executioners experienced their fourth, & most intense, orgasms of the morning. As they left Alessandra & Linda concurred that the State’s anti-drugs initiative in the education sector was a marvelous idea
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 76 Part 2