Find out this story online about Lethal injection
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The time was 17:30. People were sitting behind a glass of an execution hall. In 18:15 there was going to be execution by lethal injection. The inmate was called Bistra. Short brunette with long pepper-dark hair white skin. She was supposed to be executed for making magics. Before she used to make good magics foresee future and making cards Taro magics. She was arrested after a call of her neighbour that "theres a witch living next door". Although Bistra actually wasnt a witch and couldnt prove her innocence the judge decided she is a witch so they had to execute her. But nowadays burning is old fashioned way for executing witches so they put her in the modern way - lethal injection. They gave her right in the execution day she to wear the clothes of her funeral instead of prison clothes, so her funeral to take event just after the execution. They were going to send her coffin and what has remained from her to her relatives. Though the only one relative of her was her beloved - Michael with whom she used to live and who is now aborad.
The special day came. In the hall there came security and police. The nurses were preparing the gurney in the hall and pulled the curtain so the people sitting on the other side to be able to see better. Like they were going to watch cinema. All them were too concervative and were agree that witches should be executed. So they had no patience to see how a "witch" was going to die.
The door opened and the security guards brought the inmate inside. The crowd behind the window opened jaws with amusement. She had dressed herself with black and purple top and same color long latino-style skirt, very nice netted penthouse and black shoes on high not-thin heels. Similar to Madonna from her 'La Isla Bonita' video... her hair was separated in the middle and let behind - nice long pepper-black hair. she had put some nice skarf on her neck that had a rose on the front - fitting with the toilet. all this was suiting good to her blue eyes and although the situation she brought big smile in her entrance. The crowd was speechless after her georgeous look. The policemen went closer to her to feel her perfume - it was "Tender Poison" of Christian Dior - her favourite perfume. When they looked at her herself was tender poison and she was going in fact to be poisoned.
"Isn't that too much for a witch that is going to be executed? Like shes going to latino party not on the gurney..." said some old conservative lady from the public. The security brought the girl and made her sit on the gurney before they untie her folded behind hands.
"Any last words madam?" said the executioner.
Bistra turned her face to the window. She knew there was a crowd there though she didnt see them. She knew how they have come today afternoon instead of sitting home having beer and watching the World Cup... they have come here to witness her death. So she said "Well to all of you there, that came to watch my execution I wish you to have a nice watch. Hope you enjoy the show..." And then she gave them big big smile such that would soften every heart. Like she was posing for tooth paste ad and her eyes shined in the crowd that became more and more speechless and their breath stopped for a moment. For a moment they were sorry that shes going to die soon but after all they thought shes a witch she should be punished...
The security unfolded her hands and positioned her to lay on the gurney. Before this one of the policeman a young weld builded man with blond hair and blue eyes couldnt hold himself came to the girl, kissed her on the cheek then on the forehand and then gave her sucha big warm hug that she never ever had in her life. She gave him back hug - it was the best hug ever she felt like a kid in his big warm hands... And then he said "I would like that you werent here today and that you be free. But I cannot manage to do anything to stop this. But I could at least make with you a nice goodbye darling! Hope you have nice and less painfull death!" and then he laid her on the gurney and the security took her hands and tied them stretched aside. They tied her ankles straight and tied the other belts across her body. The policemen leaned over her and took the hand that was on his side.
"Im here in case you need something!" he said.
She turned to him and smiled she held his hand too. he was so nice to her... so sad she was not gonna see him anymore. small tear went through her cheek but soon she gave brighter smile so he not to remember her as a teary girl...
So the time came ther the first injection from total 3 had to be done.
"Sodium thiopental" said the assistant. The executioner put the first injection. It was supposed to make the inmate unconsious while the other two injections take effect. Bistra felt how slowly step by step her mind became calmer and calmer and how her brain slowly relaxed. Suddenly some thoughts came into her head. Suddenly in these last moments of her life a picture from her past came into her mind. She saw herself with her beloved before his name was Michael. She saw a nice picnic with him and her together she remembered these happy moments with him. She saw them two kissing long and long that was the best kiss she ever had. Well before she had many kisses but only this guy could give her such a hot kiss. Now he was away abroad. He left her in hope that he will return and they love each other again. But he didnt know that just in the next week she will be arrested and then put on death penalty. The executioner was recording on a DVD her execution and he was going to send it to her beloved so he to be informed about what was happened to his girl. She imagined how her boy was going to react, watching the DVD. He loved her so much that he was not doing to handle it to see her executed on a gurney like this. The nice picture of the picnic was still in her head. She enjoyed the view of herself and her boy together hugged and kissing.
Suddenly the nice picture faded away as the second injection called "Tubocurarine" was put and she felt how her muscles started to hurt. She felt how every muscle started to paralize and how her breathing in the diaphragm became harder and harder. She shut her eyes and gasped as she opened her mouth wide in a big pain holding her palms into fist and trying to move her hands out as she was going to tear the belts that were holding them. But they were so tied that she had no chance. The pain came slowly from her toes to her ankles, to the knees, then it came to all the legs and came into her stomach. Her diaphragm was acing as the muscles there paralised and she felt how her breathing became harder and harder and how her heart started beating faster and faster. The pain grew into her throat and she gasped more and more as it started feel it like burning. Even in this pain she tried to shut her wide open mouth before the paralysis take her face too, though she was too late and her mouth became little bit opened exposing very little of her white teeth, then in the beginning her eyes calmed down peacefully shut and because of the paralisis she couldnt open them no more - she didnt want on the DVD her boy to see her as dying fish with so much opened mouth ... she tried to calm her face so he to see a beautiful agony of her, though all the time she felt sucha pain in all the body, sucha burning. Bistra felt how all the breathing and all the musles stopped functioning, as well as she stopped sencing these burnings, and how she paralised in all the body then how the fist on her palms opened and her fingers relaxed slowly as they were feelless anymore. The only thing she was still feeling is the heart beating. The only engine that was still making her alive.
It came time for the last injection Potassium chloride - the executioner prepared it and put it in. Bistra's fast beating heart suddenly became slower beatings. The heart was the only thing she was hearing now... it's sound now was so clear in her mind. She didnt stop thinking of her buy and imagining how hes going to see these last moments. This heart will love him till its last beat... with every last beat she felt loving him more and more... "Even my spirit is gonna love him after" she thought... Her heart made 10 last beats then before the last one she thought "My last beats for him..." and the last one made its beat... and then her heart didnt move... nothing moved.... On the medical screen next to her the life line became straight indicating that Bistra was dead. medical examiner came to her examining her heart and said:
"The inmate is dead. The time of the death is: 18:30"
The public behind the window were speechless. She was first so damn brave during all the execution and damn she was still looking so good at the gurney. with this peaceful like asleep expression and this dark long hair and this "La Isla Bonita" dress she still looked so good even dead.
They left her body there on the gurney for some 1 hour until the people from the public go away home. Then they brought in the hall a small brown casket with white pillows and sheets inside. A funeral assistant came there - a nice 40-old woman. The executioner untied the belts over her body. He put in order the neckline that during her spasms and agony she had been moved it a bit so it exposed very little of her black bras. He would like to see it but it was time to put her in her casket and to send her to her relative. Her heair was a bit disordered so the medical assistants lifted her a bit as she was sitting and the funeral assistant took a hair brush out of his bag. As they lifted her her head felt back limpy and her hair felt behind her back. Nothing was holding it up anymore. The assistant lifed her head and held it in straight position and then managed to order her hair. As she finished she looked at the girl's peacefully relaxed expression of her face. The 40-year old woman loved to much this face that she made one pet the girl on the senseless already cooling cheek. They moved her body into the casket as they ordered her dress straight to her legs. made her head on a pillow and ordering her hair aside her shoulders, discovering her nice asleep face. She put a nice pink rose on her chest and crossed her hands on it. The flower suited so much to the dress of the girl.
The nice policeman standing next to her looking at her became amused of her peaceful face and this dark hair. "She looks like snowhite" he thought watching her face and all her body in the casket. He went there before they close the casket and touched her cold pale hands staring at her. He didnt succeed to hold himself and leaned over her kissed her on the forehand and then said "Have a nice journey dear."
I'm afraid it still doesn't do anything for me

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