Execution Tales Chapter 2 Revision 2
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02: Ann Bilansky

Jane was a very clever & determined girl becoming one of the first female doctors to graduate from the University of Philadelphia in 1859, at just twenty years of age. She had grown into a fine looking young woman, with long brown hair, delicate features & a firm but petite figure. She kept her interest in the hanging of young women a secret from everyone but was privately determined to witness one in the flesh as soon as she could.

Her opportunity arose in early 1860 when 26 year old Anne Bilansky was convicted of poisoning her husband in Minnesota. Jane avidly followed the appeals process in the newspapers & was delighted when the final appeal was turned down & the date of execution was set for Monday March 23rd. She immediately booked a day’s holiday from the hospital she was working at & took the train from Philadelphia to St Pauls on the Saturday before the hanging.

Doctor Queen booked into a hotel on the main city square & asked for a room on the first floor with a view onto the square. The receptionist had informed her that she was very lucky as there was only one left, these rooms being very popular because of Monday’s coming event. He also told her that she could hire a small telescopic eyepiece for 50 cents, which she took him up on. When she got to her room Jane immediately went to the window & was delighted when she saw the superb view of the already erected gallows it afforded.

When she had gone down for dinner that evening the very apologetic head waiter had asked that as they were so busy would she mind sharing a table with another resident. Jane had sighed & said “Very well, needs must I suppose”.

She was led to a side table where already seated was a tall, handsome man about five years her senior. He stood up & extended his hand. “Delighted to meet you Ma-am”, he continued. “My name is Josiah Edwards, a lawyer by profession, & I understand that you are a doctor”.

Jane had shaken his hand, smiled & sat down. It turned out that Mt Edwards had been one of the prosecution team that had dealt with the Bilansky case & that he was determined to witness the final act in the grisly story.

Doctor Queen for her part told him that she was here just out of professional curiosity. He confirmed that he too had hired one of the small telescopes & they grinned conspiratorially at each other. They had gotten on very well over dinner & agreed to meet on the Sunday at breakfast after which they would go for a stroll around town

The next morning after breakfast Josiah & Jane left the hotel & walked over to the large wooden gallows in the middle of the square which was surrounded by soldiers..

As they looked up at it Josiah turned to Jane & said, “Would you like to see Ann Bilansky in the flesh?”.

Jane’s stomach fluttered with excitement. “That would be interesting Mr Edwards, from a professional point of view of course. I have never seen a person capable of such a cold blooded murder up close before”.

With that they headed to the prison & using Josiah’s credentials & an explanation of Dr Queen’s profession, they were allowed inside.

The guard guiding them turned & said, “Bilansky will be allowed out for exercise shortly. If you follow me I will take you to a vantage point where you can watch her walk round the yard”.

They were led to a ground floor room with a window looking out onto the exercise yard. Ann Bilansky emerged from a door, blinking in the sunlight, accompanied by two female warders. She was undoubtedly a lovely young woman. She had blonde curly hair, clear blue eyes & fine features with a slightly upturned nose.

Condemned prisoners were allowed to wear their own clothes the week leading up to their execution & Bilansky’s slender well-formed figure was well displayed by her tight blue blouse & the long white skirt which hugged her hips & thighs before flaring out to just above her ankles.

Doctor Queen gasped when she saw the prisoner, she hadn’t realised how beautiful she would be. Josiah Edwards could feel his erection swelling as he looked at Ann Bilansky. Jane & Josiah almost involuntarily took hold of each other’s hands & gripped tightly. Jane could feel the moistness beginning to dampen the crotch of her underwear. They stood in silence for half an hour watching the condemned woman walking round the yard, crying softly to herself.

Once the prisoner had disappeared back inside the prison Jane & Josiah were escorted back outside. Neither of them were capable of saying anything. They walked back to the hotel in silence.

Josiah turned to Jane & hoarsely managed to say, “Doctor Queen would you like to join me in my room for a coffee?”.

Jane reached up with one hand & gently stroked Josiah’s cheek. She pressed herself against him feeling his throbbing cock thrusting through his trousers against her lower belly & whispered in his ear, “Not yet Mr Edwards, wait until tomorrow morning”.

By 9.30am on the morning of Monday the 23rd of March several thousand St Paul residents had turned out for the spectacle. Jane & Josiah were in her hotel room breathless with anticipation.

Ann Bilansky, hands tied behind her back, stepped down from the horse drawn prison van that had brought her to the square. She was dressed in the same blue top & white skirt as yesterday. She walked to the scaffold & mounted the stairs without faltering though she was obviously petrified.

Bilansky glanced at the black coffin waiting for her at the front of the gallows, & then knelt upon the trapdoor, displaying in prayers the fervour of the religion she had found while awaiting execution. Having finished her devotions she stood up, a black hood was placed over head & the noose was placed around her neck.

The small telescopes provided Jane & Josiah with excellent close up views of the trembling prisoner. They could clearly see the front of the hood move in & out as the doomed young woman took her last breaths.

Doctor Queen bent over her free hand grasping the open window cill & gasped “Get ready to fuck me Mr Edwards”. Keeping the telescope firmly held against his eye with one hand the lawyer used his other hand to unbutton his trousers, lifted up Jane’s skirt, pulled down her underwear & began to rub the tip of his throbbing erection against the outside of her soaking labia lips.

The executioner pulls the lever releasing the trapdoor & Bilansky drops. Much to everyone’s delight the fall doesn’t kill her.

As she starts to, struggle, convulse & dance Jane & Josiah start to fuck.

The hanging woman’s head rolls from side to side & her legs kick up & down under the white skirt, lifting it at times to almost half way up her thighs, revealing long slender shapely silk stocking clad legs to the mesmerised crowd.

The prisoner’s death throes last for a good five minutes, as her struggles begin to slow, Josiah comes mightily his seed pouring into Jane. Feeling the flood of his juices she tenses & climaxes, more intensely even than when she read the original newspaper article on female executions.

As they gradually recover from their orgasms Jane & Josiah continue to watch as Ann Bilansky’s body turns slowly from side to side at the end of the rope, back & forth, back & forth.

After half an hour Doctor Queen & Mr Edwards left the hotel & walked through the slowly dispersing spectators until they got to the point in front of the gallows where their progress is impeded by the soldiers guarding the scaffold. For several minutes they looked up in fascination at the dead hanging woman before returning to the hotel room for a second round of frantic sexual coupling.

On their departure a few hours later they both promised to correspond regularly with a view at some point in the future to repeating the wonderful shared experience they had both so thoroughly relished..

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