Execution Tales Chapter 7 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 7 Revision 207: London: Marie Manning
Six weeks later Mr & Mrs Edwards arrived in the capital of the British Empire. On reaching London they were delighted to learn of the trial of Frederick & Marie Manning for the murder of their lodger. The day after their arrival, which was a Wednesday the front page of the London Times proclaimed, “Mannings’ Appeals rejected. Executions set for Friday”.
Jane & Josiah, after ascertaining where the hangings would take place, immediately left their hotel, hailed a horse drawn carriage & instructed the driver to take them to the square just outside Newgate Prison.
As soon as they arrived they hurried into a large hotel, The Winter Terrace, which took up most of one side of the square & booked a first floor room for Thursday & Friday. The lobby of the hotel was busy with those of a like mind & they congratulated themselves on acting with such despatch.
For the rest of Wednesday & up to Thursday evening they tried to content themselves by taking in the sights, Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament & the Tower of London etc, however the only think that genuinely piqued their interest was the site of Anne Boylen’s beheading on Tower Green inside the walls of the Tower of London
When they arrived at the Winter Terrace hotel at about 6 pm on the Thursday the construction of the gallows was well underway. As they booked in they were delighted to be presented with two complementary pairs of opera glasses.
That night as they lay in bed listening to the sounds of wood being hammered together as the work men put the finishing touches to the scaffold Jane turned to Josiah & asked, “How do you think the Mannings are feeling Josiah?”.
Her husband replied. “I would have thought that they must be absolutely terrified contemplating what awaits them tomorrow”.
Imagining the fear of the condemned prisoners acted as a powerful stimulant & within two minutes Mr Edwards was fucking his wife so hard the bed board head banged loudly & rhythmically against the wall, provoking protesting knocks from the rooms next door. The neighbours didn’t have to complain for very long as Jane & Josiah both came very quickly & the thudding was replaced by moans of deep satisfaction.
When the executioner, Calcraft, entered Marie Manning’s cell at 8.50 am on the Friday morning she nearly fainted & it was necessary to give her some brandy. Once she had recovered Calcraft went to her & pinioned her arms to her sides, one rope went round her waist & a second one sat tight just under her bosom. This had the effect of making her firm shapely breasts push out further, straining against her black satin dress.
She was then led out into the prison yard, where her husband waited for her. It was now 9 am & the jail procession, to the tolling of the Newgate bell, emerged from a small door in the prison wall.
Thousands of spectators strained their eyes feasting on the first appearance of the Mannings. Fred came first supported by two jailers accompanied by the Chaplain, who read the usual church service. He was wearing a black suit & his shirt collar had been loosened for the convenience of Mr Calcraft. His legs seemed to fail him & the warders had to assist him as he walked towards the scaffold. Marie, dressed in her handsome black satin gown, followed him with firm strides
In the room in the Winter Terrace Jane & Josiah licked their lips & regarded Mrs Manning through the opera glasses. Marie Manning was 31 years old. While she wasn’t beautiful in the way that Scarlett Fawcett-Majors had been she was undoubtedly attractive. Her black hair was pulled back in a bun, the only evidence of her fear was the nervous expression in her wide brown eyes & the white pallor of her face.
She was beautifully dressed, every part of her womanly figure was finely & fully expressed by the close fitting black satin, the spotless white collar round her neck was loose enough to allow the rope to be fitted without its removal.
Marie mounted the scaffold, unaided by the escorting warders, unlike her husband, & took her place, trembling, under the gallows beam. The hangman placed white hoods over the prisoners’ heads followed by the nooses. An instant later Calcraft withdrew the bolt & the trap fell away. The quivering prisoners dropped about six feet
To enable them to fully appreciate all of the fine details of the execution, on this occasion Jane & Josiah have resolved not to touch each other until the condemned woman is dead. They are managing to hold to this, but not without some difficulty
Fred dies quite quickly, his struggles lasting less than a minute.
Poor Marie is not so fortunate. The skirt of her black satin gown rides up pushed by her furiously kicking legs showing off the silk stockings encasing her shapely legs. The fingers of her hands clench tightly into fists, her hooded head is pushed back & up by the rope & she seems to look at the heavens for salvation from her torment as her body shudders & shakes.
The acuteness of her suffering is very apparent to the crowd who have been totally silent since Calcraft released the trapdoor. After six minutes it is over & Marie Manning’s elaborately corseted & artfully dressed body slowly swings from side to side next to that of her husband
Jane & Josiah’s excitement is at a new level, even for them. The combination of watching Marie’s agonies as she slowly strangled to death on the gallows & their decision to wait until the hanging was over before satisfying their desperate lust has made them almost mad with desire for each other. Josiah grabs his wife & throws her on the bed, they throw off their clothes & then proceed to have, what they both agree later, was amongst the best sex of their lives.
Back at their own hotel the next day at breakfast. Jane said to Josiah, “It is your turn my dear to select where we travel to next. London was my choice & I think you will agree it proved to be wonderful decision”.
Her husband replied, “Yes my darling it certainly was”, he paused, “I would like to see Arabia, by all accounts there are lots of exotic spectacles for the discerning traveller to enjoy”. Jane smiled, “Then Arabia it shall be Josiah”.
Six weeks later Mr & Mrs Edwards arrived in the capital of the British Empire. On reaching London they were delighted to learn of the trial of Frederick & Marie Manning for the murder of their lodger. The day after their arrival, which was a Wednesday the front page of the London Times proclaimed, “Mannings’ Appeals rejected. Executions set for Friday”.
Jane & Josiah, after ascertaining where the hangings would take place, immediately left their hotel, hailed a horse drawn carriage & instructed the driver to take them to the square just outside Newgate Prison.
As soon as they arrived they hurried into a large hotel, The Winter Terrace, which took up most of one side of the square & booked a first floor room for Thursday & Friday. The lobby of the hotel was busy with those of a like mind & they congratulated themselves on acting with such despatch.
For the rest of Wednesday & up to Thursday evening they tried to content themselves by taking in the sights, Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament & the Tower of London etc, however the only think that genuinely piqued their interest was the site of Anne Boylen’s beheading on Tower Green inside the walls of the Tower of London
When they arrived at the Winter Terrace hotel at about 6 pm on the Thursday the construction of the gallows was well underway. As they booked in they were delighted to be presented with two complementary pairs of opera glasses.
That night as they lay in bed listening to the sounds of wood being hammered together as the work men put the finishing touches to the scaffold Jane turned to Josiah & asked, “How do you think the Mannings are feeling Josiah?”.
Her husband replied. “I would have thought that they must be absolutely terrified contemplating what awaits them tomorrow”.
Imagining the fear of the condemned prisoners acted as a powerful stimulant & within two minutes Mr Edwards was fucking his wife so hard the bed board head banged loudly & rhythmically against the wall, provoking protesting knocks from the rooms next door. The neighbours didn’t have to complain for very long as Jane & Josiah both came very quickly & the thudding was replaced by moans of deep satisfaction.
When the executioner, Calcraft, entered Marie Manning’s cell at 8.50 am on the Friday morning she nearly fainted & it was necessary to give her some brandy. Once she had recovered Calcraft went to her & pinioned her arms to her sides, one rope went round her waist & a second one sat tight just under her bosom. This had the effect of making her firm shapely breasts push out further, straining against her black satin dress.
She was then led out into the prison yard, where her husband waited for her. It was now 9 am & the jail procession, to the tolling of the Newgate bell, emerged from a small door in the prison wall.
Thousands of spectators strained their eyes feasting on the first appearance of the Mannings. Fred came first supported by two jailers accompanied by the Chaplain, who read the usual church service. He was wearing a black suit & his shirt collar had been loosened for the convenience of Mr Calcraft. His legs seemed to fail him & the warders had to assist him as he walked towards the scaffold. Marie, dressed in her handsome black satin gown, followed him with firm strides
In the room in the Winter Terrace Jane & Josiah licked their lips & regarded Mrs Manning through the opera glasses. Marie Manning was 31 years old. While she wasn’t beautiful in the way that Scarlett Fawcett-Majors had been she was undoubtedly attractive. Her black hair was pulled back in a bun, the only evidence of her fear was the nervous expression in her wide brown eyes & the white pallor of her face.
She was beautifully dressed, every part of her womanly figure was finely & fully expressed by the close fitting black satin, the spotless white collar round her neck was loose enough to allow the rope to be fitted without its removal.
Marie mounted the scaffold, unaided by the escorting warders, unlike her husband, & took her place, trembling, under the gallows beam. The hangman placed white hoods over the prisoners’ heads followed by the nooses. An instant later Calcraft withdrew the bolt & the trap fell away. The quivering prisoners dropped about six feet
To enable them to fully appreciate all of the fine details of the execution, on this occasion Jane & Josiah have resolved not to touch each other until the condemned woman is dead. They are managing to hold to this, but not without some difficulty
Fred dies quite quickly, his struggles lasting less than a minute.
Poor Marie is not so fortunate. The skirt of her black satin gown rides up pushed by her furiously kicking legs showing off the silk stockings encasing her shapely legs. The fingers of her hands clench tightly into fists, her hooded head is pushed back & up by the rope & she seems to look at the heavens for salvation from her torment as her body shudders & shakes.
The acuteness of her suffering is very apparent to the crowd who have been totally silent since Calcraft released the trapdoor. After six minutes it is over & Marie Manning’s elaborately corseted & artfully dressed body slowly swings from side to side next to that of her husband
Jane & Josiah’s excitement is at a new level, even for them. The combination of watching Marie’s agonies as she slowly strangled to death on the gallows & their decision to wait until the hanging was over before satisfying their desperate lust has made them almost mad with desire for each other. Josiah grabs his wife & throws her on the bed, they throw off their clothes & then proceed to have, what they both agree later, was amongst the best sex of their lives.
Back at their own hotel the next day at breakfast. Jane said to Josiah, “It is your turn my dear to select where we travel to next. London was my choice & I think you will agree it proved to be wonderful decision”.
Her husband replied, “Yes my darling it certainly was”, he paused, “I would like to see Arabia, by all accounts there are lots of exotic spectacles for the discerning traveller to enjoy”. Jane smiled, “Then Arabia it shall be Josiah”.
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 7 Revision 2