Execution Tales Chapter 8 Revision 2
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08: Arabia

A month later & Mr & Mrs Edwards were in Damascus. While the city is part of the Ottoman Empire, the ruling Turks largely let the Arabs deal with day to day issues, including those of crime & punishment. The Edwards gave the concierge at their hotel a large tip to keep them informed about what was going on locally in this regard & shortly after their arrival he called Jane & Josiah across & gave them some excellent news.

The next day Jane & Josiah made their way to a small square in the east of the city. Jane was dressed in a full white Burkah which covered her head & face up to above her nose to conceal the fact that she was from the west. Only Arab women were allowed to attend executions, no such restrictions applied to men.

When they arrived a crowd was beginning to gather & there was a hubbub of excited conversation in the air. Mr & Mrs Edwards managed to push themselves to the front of the waiting spectators. In front of them was a small stand above which a rope was draped over a cross post. Jane stood in front of her husband pressing her bottom against his groin.

The crowd fell silent as the condemned girl, her wrists manacled, was led into the square. Her name was Herat & she was only 18 years of age. She had been sentenced to death for the murder of her much older husband who she had claimed routinely raped & beat her.

The young girl wailed in terror when she saw the small gallows & started to struggle & plead for mercy. Her pleas were ignored & she was forced up onto the small stand & positioned under the post. The noose was then looped around her slim neck. Her slender body & small breasts shook with fright beneath her black chador

Jane could feel her husband’s erection pressing against her squirming buttocks. Josiah put his arms round his wife’s waist & pulled her tightly to him.

Herat is slowly hoisted up into the air, as her feet leave the ground she starts to struggle. She gyrates wildly, body convulsing, legs flailing, eyes bulging from a reddening face above a gaping mouth gasping for air from which her tongue is beginning to extend. The young girl takes a full ten agonising minutes to slowly strangle to death. Finally her body shudders for the last time & she is still.

Jane breathed slowly & heavily as she struggled to delay her rapidly approaching orgasm. Josiah’s underpants were damp with the sperm that was dripping from the tip of his hard throbbing cock. They made their way through the spectators & hurriedly returned to the hotel desperate to satisfy the irresistible desire that burned in their bodies.

Once they were in their room they couldn’t even wait to remove their clothes, Josiah pushed Jane against the wall lifted her Burkah above her waist, ripped off her underwear, pulled down his trousers & underpants & rammed his erect cock deep inside his wife’s soaking wet pussy. They both came almost at once.
Mr & Mrs Edwards then spent the rest of the afternoon alternating between discussing the hanging they have just witnessed & frenziedly fucking.

Two days later Jane & Josiah were given further exciting news by the trusty concierge. Three foreign girls who were members of the local Emir’s harem were to be executed for seeking solace in each other’s arms, rather than devoting themselves fully to the business of satisfying their master.

Despite the concerted efforts of the British, French & Spanish Consuls to mitigate the sentences on their citizens all they could achieve was that the condemned young women would be executed by the methods used in their native countries.

Jane & Josiah went to the British Consul & got his approval to attend the executions on the basis of their professions & also that seeing at least two friendly white faces in the crowd might bring a small degree of comfort to the condemned girls. He issued them with official passes.

The next day they presented themselves at the Emir’s palace &, after having their documents checked, were ushered into the palace & led to the courtyard in the middle of the large white building & shown to their seats in the roped off dignitaries section. The three European Consuls nodded in greeting, their faces grim. Mr & Mrs Edwards returned the gesture while trying to look suitably sad & solemn.

Once the roped off seats were full members of the public were admitted on a strict first come first served basis. The locals walked in silently awed by the fact that they were actually inside the palace. Once the allowed number were in the gate was closed. The last to enter was the Emir himself, accompanied by the first of his three wives. They took their seats on a separate dais

Mr & Mrs Edwards sat down trying to keep their faces as serious as they could to conceal their growing excited anticipation. Before them stood a scaffold with twin upright poles & a short stake protruded up from it. The platform was only about three feet above the ground. Next to the scaffold was a gallows with a noose dangling from it

The three condemned girls Francoise, Selena & Melinda, were led out into the palace yard, their hands tied in front of them. None of them were over the age of 21 & they were very beautiful, as were all members of the Emir’s harem. They were each dressed in the style required of all the harem women. Below brief gold lace tops, which barely concealed the globes of their firm young breasts & bare midriffs, the hems of their translucent, tantalisingly almost transparent, white chiffon skirts skimmed their knees.

When they saw the waiting scaffold, with the hooded executioner & his two assistants standing on it, & the gallows, they shrieked in terror & started to struggle with the soldiers holding their arms. Remorselessly they were dragged up the two steps to the scaffold platform. Selena & Melinda were bound to the two upright poles while Francoise was forced to kneel upright her wrists tied to the short stake

Jane & Josiah looked on fascinated, this is the first time they will have seen a beheading & they know that this is to be the French girl’s fate

The executioner nodded to his assistant who went to Francoise & took hold of her raven black hair which was braided into a pony tail. He gently pulled the girl’s head upwards by her hair until her neck was slightly stretched. Her eyes were wide with terror & she whimpered pleas for mercy.

The second assistant handed the executioner his sword, the razor sharp blade glistened & gleamed in the sun. He went & stood in front of the kneeling shivering French girl & picking his spot carefully he placed the edge of the blade against the front of her trembling slim throat.

The crowd fall silent, & a drum begins to beat. The executioner pulls the sword slowly backwards & forwards twice rehearsing the death stroke. Francoise appears to be struck dumb with terror. The drum begins to beat faster & faster as the executioner draws back his blade for the third time.

The crowd gasps as the blade decapitates the French girl with one clean stroke. Melinda screams & Selena looks away from the severed head held up by the hair for the crowd to see as blood pours from the neck of the collapsing trunk

Mr & Mrs Edwards squirmed in their seats, thoroughly turned on by this novel experience

The executioners’ assistants removed the remains of poor Francoise & threw buckets of water onto the boards of the scaffold platform to clean away the blood. They then left the scaffold & returned with a stout wooden chair which they placed in the centre of the platform.

Selena was untied from the pole & secured to the chair with leather straps at the wrists & around the waist.. A final leather thong was fitted around the Spanish girl’s neck & the post jutting out from the top of the chair. The executioner pushed a metal rod between the leather strap around Selena’s neck & the back of the post.

All is now ready & the crowd falls silent as the drum starts to beat again, the tempo quickly increasing until it abruptly stops. Selena’s screams for mercy are silenced as the leather thong bites deeply into the soft young flesh of her throat. She struggles violently, breasts bouncing, kicking legs giving the spectators a good view of her naked shaved pussy as her pumping thighs lift her skirt. Finally she slumps back in the chair, her once beautiful face a grotesque distorted parody of what it had been

Jane & Josiah breathed deeply & clenched their fists as they endeavoured to delay the onset of their orgasms

Melinda was removed from her stake & led over to the waiting gallows. The English girl was obviously terrified but was trying not to show it. Her hands were tied behind her & she closed her eyes as the necklace of hemp was lowered over her blonde, almost white, hair & tightened firmly around her neck.

The trap opens & Melinda falls no more than a foot. Her dance on the rope continues for several minutes before the hem of her skirt finally falls back to her knees to conceal her shaved pussy. A second once lovely face displays the agony of death by slow strangulation

The American couple come hard, but silently. They are now very practiced in concealing their climaxes from others when in public places

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