Execution Tales Chapters 12 & 13 Revision 2
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12: The Abolition of Public Executions & Mr & Mrs Edwards Plans

Over the next few months, much to Jane & Josiah’s disgust, the public mood in America turned against public executions, not least because of the horrifying scenes at some hangings such as those of Bridget Durgan & Mary Rogers.

This sentiment wasn’t confined to the USA. It also held sway in the UK & in most other advanced European countries. While in the main they all retained capital punishment as a last resort for the courts most western societies almost unanimously decided that in future executions would take place only within the walls of their prisons

A germ of an idea begin to grow in Jane’s mind as she read about what the newspapers called “America’s first serial killer”. The man they were referring to was Doctor Henry Howard Holmes. Doctor Holmes had bought a medium sized hotel in Chicago & then proceeded to turn it into what was in effect a human abattoir.

What had been his undoing had been the sheer number of the killings, which had finally led the police to his door as his hotel kept coming up in the dozens of missing person’s cases they were investigating.

At the trial, based on Doctor Holmes freely given confession & the amount of human remains found in the hotel basement, the final official estimate of the number of victims was given at approximately one hundred & fifty souls.

Holmes had been engaged in his grisly activities for three years & as far as he could recall he had murdered his hotel’s guests at the rate of roughly one a week. He was totally indiscriminate in his selection of victims, men, women, young & old all met their ends at his hands. The only motive he gave was “That he killed people simply because he liked doing it”. Holmes plea of innocent by reason of insanity was rejected & he was hanged

When she broached the subject with Josiah, he if anything was even more enthusiastic than her. They then began to plan how they would realise their intentions & very soon started to put it into effect

Step 1: Mr & Mrs Edwards sold the Brownstone & bought quite a large house in the country about half an hour by horse carriage from New York. It was in a secluded location & had a large empty wine cellar. Jane & Josiah set about refurbishing the property including some novel additions

Step 2: They began to research how best to get hold of the people they wanted. By mid-1869 they were ready to put their plans into place. They had established an employment agency specialising in finding work for newly arrived immigrants with offices in the port of New York. After three months, due to their network of contacts in the legal, financial & medical worlds business was booming & they employed six office staff to assist them

Step 3: With the business now established they could now begin the real work. From the beginning either Jane or Josiah had sat in at the start of every initial interview with those seeking work via their agency. They had agreed, no matter how tempted they were, not to start selecting suitable candidates until the company was established & up & running.

13: Alexandria James

Alexandria James, newly arrived from Cardiff Wales, stepped into the interview room & immediately Jane’s stomach began to flutter with excitement. She was a lovely 25 year old brunette with large brown eyes, delicious features, a clear complexion & a slender but shapely figure. Alexandria was dressed in her best white blouse, blue hat & jacket, black skirt, stockings & leather shoes

The Welsh girl was a trained secretary with no family left back home. Jane also established that no-one had been awaiting her arrival in America. Managing to contain her growing excitement she excused herself from the interview for a couple of minutes.

Mrs Edwards went to the office she shared with her husband closed the door & leaned against it. Josiah looked up from his desk quizzically & Jane said, “I think I have our Bathsheba Spooner in the interview room”.

Mr Edwards smiled delightedly “Finally, about time. Let us get to work.”.

Mrs Edwards returned to the interview room & told Alexandria. “We think that we have the perfect position for a young lady of your abilities. Can you please give me the address of the hotel you are staying at & I will collect you at 10 am tomorrow & take you to meet your new prospective employer. I would also suggest that you book out of your hotel as I know of much more suitable lodgings for you”.

A delighted Miss James agreed immediately

The next morning Jane, wearing a hat & veil & Alexandria, again wearing her best clothes accompanied by her luggage, set off from the Welsh girl’s former hotel in a horse drawn carriage driven by Mrs Edwards.

On arrival at Mr & Mrs Edwards house Jane ushered the unsuspecting young woman into the drawing room. Josiah came up behind her & suddenly put a rag soaked with chloroform over her mouth & nose, Alexandria put up a brief struggle & then collapsed unconscious into Josiah’s arms.

In the cellar Jane brought Alexandria round using smelling salts. The Welsh girl’s head began to clear & she became aware that she was seated in a chair with her hands tied behind her back.

She looked around her & was stunned to see a wooden beam with a roped noose hanging from it & two ladders resting against it, a small gallows, a wooden pole with an iron collar at the top & a stool at the bottom & a wooden armchair with a short pole sticking up from the back rest & leather straps hanging from the pole & the arm rests & at the bottom of the back rest.

Alexandria looked at Jane & Josiah who were both standing smiling at her & mumbles “Where am I? Why have you brought me here?”

Josiah replied “My dear Miss James. Where you are doesn’t matter. All you need to know is that we intend to hang you by the neck until you are dead.”

Alexandria looked at Josiah stunned. She gasped “But why?”. Jane replied “Because Alexandria we want to”.

With that Josiah went to the doomed girl & lifted her out of the chair & put her over his shoulder. Alexandria struggled, screamed & kicked futilely as Josiah walked to the ladder resting on the front of the wooden beam & started to climb it.

At the same time his wife mounted the other ladder. When they reached the top Jane slipped the noose around Alexandria’s neck & Josiah carefully took the wailing girl from his shoulders & placed her on the ladder.

Mr & Mrs Edwards then climbed down & looked up at the terrified young woman. They were both already very turned on, Josiah especially had been thoroughly stimulated by the feel of the struggling girl’s body against him.

For their first venture into murder they had decided to base the killing on the hanging of Bathsheba Spooner which Jane had first come across almost fifteen years ago in the newspaper article that had originally awakened her interest in female executions

Jane & Josiah took a minute to compose themselves & Josiah took his first photograph of the terrified girl using his recently purchased, newly available expensive camera.

Mr & Mrs Edwards then take hold of the ladder. They slowly begin to twist it to the side. Alexandria screams even louder when she realises what they are doing & desperately tries to keep her feet on the rungs of the ladder.

The Edwards continue to turn the ladder until the despairing girl is dislodged & swings in the air supported only by the rope around her neck. Jane & Josiah look up & watch mesmerised as Alexandria begins to dance.

Her threshing legs raise her skirt so high that the transfixed killers can see all the way up past her pumping stocking covered thighs, her stocking tops & the line of bare skin above them to her white underwear.

Josiah continues to take pictures of the doomed girl’s death throes

Her breasts heave as she tries to breathe, eyes bulging from a darkening face, tongue beginning to emerge from her gaping, gasping mouth. Her body shudders & shakes as she struggles on the mercilessly strangling rope.
Much to the delight of Jane & Josiah Alexandria takes over ten minutes to die, due to Jane’s careful placing of the hangman’s knot at the front side of her neck & the fact that she had been given virtually no drop when she was forced off the ladder

As soon as the girl swung dead on the rope after taking his last photograph Mr Edwards picked up his wife & carried her to the bed they have placed in the cellar for exactly this reason & they engaged in the most frenzied & intense fucking that they have enjoyed for some months.

They then cut the body down & disposed of it in the pre-prepared section of the cellar. The already loosened floor flagstones were lifted revealing a grave which has been dug down to a depth of three feet. The Welsh girl’s remains were placed in it & the body was covered in limescale followed by soil. The flagstones were then replaced.

Jane & Josiah went upstairs, sat down & carefully went through the abduction of Alexandria James, asking themselves if they have left any loose ends. As no record was kept of her original visit to the employment agency Mr & Mrs Edwards were sure that the Welsh girl had vanished without trace & no-one would be coming looking for her
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