Execution Tales Chapter 14 Revision 2
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14: Serial Killing is Such Fun

The next victim was a twenty four year nurse, Rose McKenna, from Dublin & like Alexandria she was very attractive. The Edwards lured Rose to their house in an identical manner as they had the Welsh girl.

The model for Rose’s murder was that of Lavina Fisher, whose execution was described in the same article as Bathsheba Spooner’s. They even dressed poor Rose in a white wedding type dress when she was out cold similar to the one Lavinia had worn to her hanging.

As it was impractical to get a horse & cart down into the basement, Jane & Josiah improvised by standing the terrified Irish girl on a table, noosed under the wooden beam, with her hands tied. To mimic the movement of Lavinia’s horse drawn cart they slowly pushed & pulled the table from under Rose’s feet until she was hanging free, her feet desperately searching for support to relieve the pressure of the rope around her neck.

When discussing it afterwards, once they had satiated their inflamed lusts, Mr & Mrs Edwards agreed that the Irish nurse’s vigorous performance on the gallows had been marginally more impressive than the Welsh secretary’s. Pictures of Rose’s hanging joined those of Aleaxandria in Jane’s album & her body too disappeared under the cellar flagstones

And so it continued at the rate of one murder on average every two weeks. Young women & girls of several nationalities were hanged in various ways.

Some struggled on the beam in the cellar like Ella Watson, Cattle Kate, Kit Brandon, Chipita Rodriguez & Amy Spain had on ropes swinging from trees, several danced on the gallows like Anne Bilansky, Scarlett Fawcett Majors, Mrs Surrat, Marie Manning, Susan Eberhart, Mary Rogers, & Melinda, the English harem girl & a couple were hoisted up by their necks in the same way as Herat the Arab teenager.

Jane & Josiah managed to recreate the executions of Roxalana Druse & Bridget Durgan by putting a heavy anvil on the cart they had used in their recreation of the hanging of Lavinia Fisher, tying the loose end of the rope to it & pushing it off the wooden vehicle.

The young blonde German girl they had selected for this particular method of hanging had struggled most beautifully providing Mr & Edwards with most stimulating views up her grey skirt as she danced just below the wooden beam in the cellar

Taking their cue from the executions they had seen abroad Jane & Josiah garrotted young female immigrants from Spain or Latin America either by slowly throttling them in the garrotting chair like Selena, the Spanish harem girl, or on the strangling stool in the same manner as Conchita Esetfan & Marisol Gonzalez

No matter the method of killing used each victim’s suffering was protracted & agonised. They were all photographed before, during & afterwards & the bodies all ended up under the cellar floor

The one type of execution they agreed they would not repeat was the beheading of a young French woman. Josiah had used his old military sword & while the terrified pleading & struggling of the victim was gratifying it was over far too quickly & had resulted in a bloody mess that had taken a while to clean up.

Had to split the picture attachments for this one to get them to post
Still no joy - trying again
Had to select different images
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