Execution Tales Chapter 22 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 22 Revision 2Part 2: Cheryl Barnes, April Jones & Beth Slade
22: The Aftermath
When April & Beth were dropped off at their lodgings after the execution they headed for the small kitchen & made themselves some tea. They had the house to themselves as their landlady was out.
As they sat sipping from their cups Beth said to her friend, “I don’t know about you April but I am bushed I think I will go & lie down for a while”.
April smiled at her & replied, “Why don’t we go & have a lie down together “. Beth smiled back & nodded.
They went to April’s room, locked the door behind them & lay down on the bed. As they discussed the hanging of Doctor Edwards & began to relive the experience they began to feel aroused again. April reached down & pulled Beth’s skirt up above her white panties & started to massage her crotch through them. Beth returned the favour.
As they rubbed each other’s pussies with one hand they played with their breasts with the other. As their excitement grew & the movement of their hands became more frantic they pushed the panties to one side & thrust their fingers into each other. After five minutes they both came more intensely than they had ever experienced before.
Over the next two hours they brought each other to two more beautifully satisfying orgasms. As they lay in each other’s arms after their third climaxes Beth whispered to her friend, “Wow that was the best feeling I have ever had in my life. Where did that come from?”.
April replied, “I don’t know but we must ensure we can reach that level of pleasure again when we want to”.
“Damn right”, her friend & lover replied.
Over the next few days Doctor Harris visited the two recovering girls in hospital & had a meeting in his office with the two other Refuge girls who had been at the execution. At the end of his consultations with the four girls he assured them that they were indeed fine & would soon be able to put their recent experiences behind them & get on with their lives.
He had purposely left seeing April & Beth to last because he wanted to give his assistant Cheryl Barnes time to type a transcript of Jane Edwards notebook & prepare three copies of the document.
Cheryl was a good looking twenty four year old blonde. She had gravitated towards working for Doctor Harris because she found the crimes committed by the most depraved killers, their motivations & punishments fascinating & highly stimulating. She had been very disappointed that she wasn’t allowed to attend Doctor Edwards hanging. As she read & typed up Jane’s memoir the feelings it generated in her were more much more intense than anything she had experienced before
April & Beth arrived at Doctor Harris’s office & were shown into his consulting room by Cheryl. Harris welcomed them warmly & asked how they were . The girl’s confirmed they were fine.
The Doctor looked at them & asked, “What sensations did you experience as you watched Doctor Edwards hang on the scaffold”.
April & Beth looked at their hands their faces flushed with embarrassment
Harris chuckled gently “Girls you can be totally honest with me. I am after all a Doctor & my only concern is for your welfare”. April looked up & said defensively, “I found it exciting”.
The Doctor nodded & looked at her friend, “Beth?”. Beth lifted her head & said, “So did I”.
Harris continued, “Do you mean sexually exciting?”.
Unable to bring themselves to say it April & Beth nodded their heads.
"Well girls there is nothing to be ashamed of many people seem to find the sight of someone being executed to be sexually stimulating. It in no way makes them bad or somehow weird. We don’t know why this happens & we need to understand it better to try & work out what we can do to prevent future Jane & Josiah Edwards going on another murderous rampage”.
Beth looked horrified, “You mean we might turn into mass murderers too?”.
Good God No!” Harris replied. “Think about it this way”. All criminal behaviour is a result of natural wants & desires being taken too far. Robbery rape & even murder due to jealousy all come from wanting things we can’t have for one reason or another. What I am trying to better understand is what makes 0.1% of the population take things to these extremes while the remaining 99.9% of us are perfectly capable of living their lives without resorting to criminal behaviour”.
“He reached into his drawer & pulled out the three transcripts of Jane Edwards notebook. He handed copies to the two girls & said. “I would like you to read this & tell me what you think. If you feel at any point it is too graphic or disturbing just stop & give it back to me. April asked “What is it Doctor?”
Harris’s face became expressionless “Doctor Edwards wrote this during the last three weeks of her life”.
On hearing this April & Beth both gave small gasps & their eyes opened wide. For the next forty five minutes the silence in the room was broken only by the rustling of paper as April & Beth turned the pages of the transcripts.”
Harris watched the girls closely as they worked their way through the document. He noted their at times flushed faces, the way they squirmed slightly in their seats, the frequency which they crossed & uncrossed their legs & when their hands involuntarily touched their necks. When they were finished the girls each sat back in their chairs & took a deep breath
Harris asked, “Well girls what do you think?”
April was the first to speak, “Doctor it is the most horrible & disgusting thing I have ever read, & I love the “Penny Dreadfulls”, however once you start you can’t put it down.”
Beth chimed in “I agree with April. I suppose it is especially interesting to us because we are actually in the story & it explains why Josiah & Jane did what they did”
Doctor Harris gathered in the transcripts & stood up, “Thank you for your honesty girls. I would like to continue our discussions. Same time next week?” April & Beth nodded & Harris showed them out of the room
22: The Aftermath
When April & Beth were dropped off at their lodgings after the execution they headed for the small kitchen & made themselves some tea. They had the house to themselves as their landlady was out.
As they sat sipping from their cups Beth said to her friend, “I don’t know about you April but I am bushed I think I will go & lie down for a while”.
April smiled at her & replied, “Why don’t we go & have a lie down together “. Beth smiled back & nodded.
They went to April’s room, locked the door behind them & lay down on the bed. As they discussed the hanging of Doctor Edwards & began to relive the experience they began to feel aroused again. April reached down & pulled Beth’s skirt up above her white panties & started to massage her crotch through them. Beth returned the favour.
As they rubbed each other’s pussies with one hand they played with their breasts with the other. As their excitement grew & the movement of their hands became more frantic they pushed the panties to one side & thrust their fingers into each other. After five minutes they both came more intensely than they had ever experienced before.
Over the next two hours they brought each other to two more beautifully satisfying orgasms. As they lay in each other’s arms after their third climaxes Beth whispered to her friend, “Wow that was the best feeling I have ever had in my life. Where did that come from?”.
April replied, “I don’t know but we must ensure we can reach that level of pleasure again when we want to”.
“Damn right”, her friend & lover replied.
Over the next few days Doctor Harris visited the two recovering girls in hospital & had a meeting in his office with the two other Refuge girls who had been at the execution. At the end of his consultations with the four girls he assured them that they were indeed fine & would soon be able to put their recent experiences behind them & get on with their lives.
He had purposely left seeing April & Beth to last because he wanted to give his assistant Cheryl Barnes time to type a transcript of Jane Edwards notebook & prepare three copies of the document.
Cheryl was a good looking twenty four year old blonde. She had gravitated towards working for Doctor Harris because she found the crimes committed by the most depraved killers, their motivations & punishments fascinating & highly stimulating. She had been very disappointed that she wasn’t allowed to attend Doctor Edwards hanging. As she read & typed up Jane’s memoir the feelings it generated in her were more much more intense than anything she had experienced before
April & Beth arrived at Doctor Harris’s office & were shown into his consulting room by Cheryl. Harris welcomed them warmly & asked how they were . The girl’s confirmed they were fine.
The Doctor looked at them & asked, “What sensations did you experience as you watched Doctor Edwards hang on the scaffold”.
April & Beth looked at their hands their faces flushed with embarrassment
Harris chuckled gently “Girls you can be totally honest with me. I am after all a Doctor & my only concern is for your welfare”. April looked up & said defensively, “I found it exciting”.
The Doctor nodded & looked at her friend, “Beth?”. Beth lifted her head & said, “So did I”.
Harris continued, “Do you mean sexually exciting?”.
Unable to bring themselves to say it April & Beth nodded their heads.
"Well girls there is nothing to be ashamed of many people seem to find the sight of someone being executed to be sexually stimulating. It in no way makes them bad or somehow weird. We don’t know why this happens & we need to understand it better to try & work out what we can do to prevent future Jane & Josiah Edwards going on another murderous rampage”.
Beth looked horrified, “You mean we might turn into mass murderers too?”.
Good God No!” Harris replied. “Think about it this way”. All criminal behaviour is a result of natural wants & desires being taken too far. Robbery rape & even murder due to jealousy all come from wanting things we can’t have for one reason or another. What I am trying to better understand is what makes 0.1% of the population take things to these extremes while the remaining 99.9% of us are perfectly capable of living their lives without resorting to criminal behaviour”.
“He reached into his drawer & pulled out the three transcripts of Jane Edwards notebook. He handed copies to the two girls & said. “I would like you to read this & tell me what you think. If you feel at any point it is too graphic or disturbing just stop & give it back to me. April asked “What is it Doctor?”
Harris’s face became expressionless “Doctor Edwards wrote this during the last three weeks of her life”.
On hearing this April & Beth both gave small gasps & their eyes opened wide. For the next forty five minutes the silence in the room was broken only by the rustling of paper as April & Beth turned the pages of the transcripts.”
Harris watched the girls closely as they worked their way through the document. He noted their at times flushed faces, the way they squirmed slightly in their seats, the frequency which they crossed & uncrossed their legs & when their hands involuntarily touched their necks. When they were finished the girls each sat back in their chairs & took a deep breath
Harris asked, “Well girls what do you think?”
April was the first to speak, “Doctor it is the most horrible & disgusting thing I have ever read, & I love the “Penny Dreadfulls”, however once you start you can’t put it down.”
Beth chimed in “I agree with April. I suppose it is especially interesting to us because we are actually in the story & it explains why Josiah & Jane did what they did”
Doctor Harris gathered in the transcripts & stood up, “Thank you for your honesty girls. I would like to continue our discussions. Same time next week?” April & Beth nodded & Harris showed them out of the room
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