Gas Chamber Story 2: Regina drops her appeals.
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Gas Chamber Story 2: Regina drops her appeals. Here is another one, not my best work but I put it together in two days.
A guard slid the door to the small cell open as two female guards escorted Regina down a narrow hallway to the death watch cell. The 34 years old woman with long brown hair pulled into a ponytail and dressed in a red jumpsuit shuffled with the shackles that secured her ankles as well as her effort to keep the thick soled flip flops on her feet.
Once inside the cell, the handcuffs and shackles were removed from Regina’s body. The two female guards quickly exited the cell and the door was slid shut. She sat down on the cot, “What a place to spend your last one hour,” she said aloud. She looked up at the guard standing outside the cell, “Have you even been through this before?”
“A few times.”
“With another woman?”
“Everyone is making a big deal about me being the first woman in almost 20 years to die in the chamber. I just wish they would shut up and let me get this over with. It’s my choice and my life, not theirs. This is a lot better than rotting away in this place.”
“I will only be with you for a little while, they have two female guards on their way.
Regina looked up as a door opened and a man in a suit and tie entered the cell block. “How are you doing?” He asked.
She shrugged her shoulders, “I just want to get this over with.”
“Would you like to see a priest?”
She looked down and shook her head, “Not really. I believe in God, but I’m not a religious person. I guess you could call me spiritual but not religious. That’s why I want to get this over with. My soul will be free of my body and my sins will be paid for.”
“Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Just tell me how much time I have left?”
The warden looked at his watch, “Forty-five minutes.”
The two female guards entered the cell block. The warden looked at Regina, “Me and this gentleman must leave now. These two women will be in charge of you. If there is anything you need that is within reason let them know.”
The two women took seats in chair directly across from the death watch cell as Regina stood and passed back and forth in the cell. Several minutes went by when the door to the cell block opened again. Two more women guards entered as one of the other women stood and opened the cell door. They stepped inside with Regina as the door was slid shut.
One of the guards held a pair of dark blue pants and a white, long sleeve shirt. “Everything off,” the second guard ordered. “Shoes first.”
Seconds later Regina stood naked in the middle of the cell. One guard stepped forward and fitting a stethoscope to Regina, securing it to her body with medical tape. The other guard then handed Regina the shirt and pants, “Put these on. Make sure you tuck the shirt into the pants.”
Regina put on the shirt and then the pants just as a male guard placed a runner rug on the floor. “How much longer?” She asked.
“Ten minutes,” one guard answered as the other collected the clothing and flip flops Regina had recently worn.
Regina sat down on the single cot inside the cell as the tow women left. She crossed her legs and began shaking her bare right foot back and forth. She looked at the guards outside her cell and said, “My feet are cold.”
“No shoes or socks allowed,” One of the women said. “That’s why we have the rug here for you.”
Regina dropped her head and crossed her body with her arms. She looked up only when a small team of people appeared outside her cell. The door opened and the warden said, “It’s time.”
Regina calmly stood and stepped onto the runner rug. With a guard on each side of her and the warden leading her, Regina walked toward the gas chamber. The warden stepped aside and a guard opened the chamber’s door. The two guards at her sides ushered the tall brunette into the chamber and seated her into one of the two chairs, securely strapping her down. The tube protruding from her shirt was connected the a log tube that ran to the outside of the chamber.
As the guards left the chamber they closed and sealed the door as the prison doctor adjusted the ear pieces of the stethoscope. The warden looked around and then said to one of his team, “Release the acid.”
A valve was turned and the acid solution drained into the vats beneath the chairs. As the acid filled the vats a float device released the cyanide pellets in each vat. Regina jerked against the straps as she was started by the sight smoky clouds produced by the gas mixing began to rise from beneath her feet. She held her breath and looked up.
She took a deep breath and then another. Suddenly Regina’s head began to shake back and forth as she pressed her bare feet tight against the floor. She clinched her hands and heaved her chest forward against the chest strap.
Suddenly, Regina’s head fell forward and her body relaxed, held into the chair by the straps. She was now still as her heart beat slowed. A few more minutes passed before the doctor removed the stethoscope from his ears and gave the warden a nod.
The warden ordered the witnesses escorted out and the chamber to be vented. He shook his head as he watched his people start the process to recover Regina’s body from the chamber, a process that would last the next two hours. He looked at the doctor, “This never gets any easier even when they request that their appeals be dropped and their execution carried out. She didn’t want to see her relatives, but they are here to claim her body.”
The doctor looked down at the floor, “At least you can give her back to them just as she looked in life, the gas doesn’t disfigure.”
“No, it doesn’t. But it is still not easy watching a parent, a sibling or a child claiming the body or the personal effects of someone they loved. There’s a mother without a daughter and two girls without a mother. There’s also her ex-husband who she killed and now their kids are orphans. This never gets easy.”
A guard slid the door to the small cell open as two female guards escorted Regina down a narrow hallway to the death watch cell. The 34 years old woman with long brown hair pulled into a ponytail and dressed in a red jumpsuit shuffled with the shackles that secured her ankles as well as her effort to keep the thick soled flip flops on her feet.
Once inside the cell, the handcuffs and shackles were removed from Regina’s body. The two female guards quickly exited the cell and the door was slid shut. She sat down on the cot, “What a place to spend your last one hour,” she said aloud. She looked up at the guard standing outside the cell, “Have you even been through this before?”
“A few times.”
“With another woman?”
“Everyone is making a big deal about me being the first woman in almost 20 years to die in the chamber. I just wish they would shut up and let me get this over with. It’s my choice and my life, not theirs. This is a lot better than rotting away in this place.”
“I will only be with you for a little while, they have two female guards on their way.
Regina looked up as a door opened and a man in a suit and tie entered the cell block. “How are you doing?” He asked.
She shrugged her shoulders, “I just want to get this over with.”
“Would you like to see a priest?”
She looked down and shook her head, “Not really. I believe in God, but I’m not a religious person. I guess you could call me spiritual but not religious. That’s why I want to get this over with. My soul will be free of my body and my sins will be paid for.”
“Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Just tell me how much time I have left?”
The warden looked at his watch, “Forty-five minutes.”
The two female guards entered the cell block. The warden looked at Regina, “Me and this gentleman must leave now. These two women will be in charge of you. If there is anything you need that is within reason let them know.”
The two women took seats in chair directly across from the death watch cell as Regina stood and passed back and forth in the cell. Several minutes went by when the door to the cell block opened again. Two more women guards entered as one of the other women stood and opened the cell door. They stepped inside with Regina as the door was slid shut.
One of the guards held a pair of dark blue pants and a white, long sleeve shirt. “Everything off,” the second guard ordered. “Shoes first.”
Seconds later Regina stood naked in the middle of the cell. One guard stepped forward and fitting a stethoscope to Regina, securing it to her body with medical tape. The other guard then handed Regina the shirt and pants, “Put these on. Make sure you tuck the shirt into the pants.”
Regina put on the shirt and then the pants just as a male guard placed a runner rug on the floor. “How much longer?” She asked.
“Ten minutes,” one guard answered as the other collected the clothing and flip flops Regina had recently worn.
Regina sat down on the single cot inside the cell as the tow women left. She crossed her legs and began shaking her bare right foot back and forth. She looked at the guards outside her cell and said, “My feet are cold.”
“No shoes or socks allowed,” One of the women said. “That’s why we have the rug here for you.”
Regina dropped her head and crossed her body with her arms. She looked up only when a small team of people appeared outside her cell. The door opened and the warden said, “It’s time.”
Regina calmly stood and stepped onto the runner rug. With a guard on each side of her and the warden leading her, Regina walked toward the gas chamber. The warden stepped aside and a guard opened the chamber’s door. The two guards at her sides ushered the tall brunette into the chamber and seated her into one of the two chairs, securely strapping her down. The tube protruding from her shirt was connected the a log tube that ran to the outside of the chamber.
As the guards left the chamber they closed and sealed the door as the prison doctor adjusted the ear pieces of the stethoscope. The warden looked around and then said to one of his team, “Release the acid.”
A valve was turned and the acid solution drained into the vats beneath the chairs. As the acid filled the vats a float device released the cyanide pellets in each vat. Regina jerked against the straps as she was started by the sight smoky clouds produced by the gas mixing began to rise from beneath her feet. She held her breath and looked up.
She took a deep breath and then another. Suddenly Regina’s head began to shake back and forth as she pressed her bare feet tight against the floor. She clinched her hands and heaved her chest forward against the chest strap.
Suddenly, Regina’s head fell forward and her body relaxed, held into the chair by the straps. She was now still as her heart beat slowed. A few more minutes passed before the doctor removed the stethoscope from his ears and gave the warden a nod.
The warden ordered the witnesses escorted out and the chamber to be vented. He shook his head as he watched his people start the process to recover Regina’s body from the chamber, a process that would last the next two hours. He looked at the doctor, “This never gets any easier even when they request that their appeals be dropped and their execution carried out. She didn’t want to see her relatives, but they are here to claim her body.”
The doctor looked down at the floor, “At least you can give her back to them just as she looked in life, the gas doesn’t disfigure.”
“No, it doesn’t. But it is still not easy watching a parent, a sibling or a child claiming the body or the personal effects of someone they loved. There’s a mother without a daughter and two girls without a mother. There’s also her ex-husband who she killed and now their kids are orphans. This never gets easy.”

Forum > Public / Stories > Gas Chamber Story 2: Regina drops her appeals.