Execution Tales Chapter 23 Part 2 Revision 2
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The next evening they again start reading from where they left off

Mary Adams

The, by all accounts, beautiful pickpocket Mary Adams was taken to Tyburn on June 16 1702. Mary was in her mid-twenties at the time of her death & was composed as she arrived at the gallows. She smoothed out the wrinkles in her new black dress, bought for her by an admirer before the hangman came forward to place the noose about her lovely neck. She died hard.

Cart Hangings

Starting in the late 17th century, & thus overlapping with the ladder method, the authorities began to use a horse drawn cart to hang condemned prisoners from. In this process the hangman simply had the victim stand, usually facing forward, often looking at a clergyman reading the rites for the dead. The rope was fastened to the beam by an assistant straddling it & the hangman led the horses forward pulling the cart away. The noose tightened & forcing the victim of the cart. The prisoners were slowly dragged off the cart since the horse pulling it didn’t make a “Jackrabbit start”

Sarah Malcolm

This was the method used to hang 22 year old Sarah Malcolm at the scene of the murder in Fetter Lane London that she had committed in 1733. The account at the time said “She struggled mightily on the rope before expiring”

Jenny Diver

In 1741 the notorious “Cut purse”, or pickpocket, 26 year old Jenny Diver was taken to Tyburn. Jenny being quite wealthy as a result of her criminal exploits had invested in a new black dress & veil for her trip to the gallows.

Before they left the prison the “Yeoman of the Halter” tied her wrists in front of her, put a cord around her body & elbows, & a noose around her neck winding the rest of the rope around her body. At this point Jenny’s nerve had failed her & she had started to sob however she managed to recover her composure.

The other 19 criminals, 16 men & 3 women, sentenced to hang that day were similarly treated before they were led to the three execution carts & seated on their coffins. Jenny was allowed to go to Tyburn in a mourning couch, attended by the prison chaplain the Reverend Boughton.

A mourning coach was the 18th Century equivalent of a funeral carriage. It was a black horse drawn enclosed coach & the horses too were decked out in black cloth. The journey to Tyburn, some two miles, could often take three hours or more to complete, which was a long time for the prisoner to contemplate her fate.

Once at Tyburn Jenny was helped down from the coach by the chaplain & took her place in one of the three waiting carts with the three other condemned women. The hangman uncoiled the free rope from around her & threw the end up to one of his young assistants lying on top of one of the three crossbeams, who secured it leaving very little slack.

This had to be repeated for each prisoner so the whole process took some time to complete. When all of the “Sufferers”, as they were known at the time, were secured to the beams & had finished their prayers, night caps were drawn over their faces. Jenny did not require a night cap, instead preferring her veil. The signal was given by the Under Sheriff for the cats to be whipped away by their drivers.

As the cart moved from under her Jenny dropped just a few inches & was brought up with a jerk, causing the noose to tighten round her neck. Swinging back & forth under the beam she made choking & gurgling sounds, her feet paddling in thin air & her body writhing in the agonies of strangulation. Jenny struggled for several minutes before she finally hung dead on the gallows.

Mary Blandy

In 1752 in Oxford 24 year old Mary Blandy was convicted of poisoning her father with arsenic, apparently at the instigation of her lover so that they could get their hands on his estate. The lover escaped to France leaving Mary to her fate.

She begged for mercy but sentence of death was passed & she was given six weeks to prepare herself. Some saw her as a monster who deserved death & regretted burning alive was no longer practiced, as that had in earlier times been the standard punishment of women found guilty of capital crimes.

The authorities had then thought hanging too lewd an ending; that men, & some women too, were aroused at the sight of a woman jerking at the end of a rope & the really agonised protracted death suffered by female criminals who were burnt at the stake was a more powerful deterrent

Six weeks later Mary walked out of Oxford jail at 9 o’clock in the morning. She was dressed in a black bombazine dress, black bonnet & shawl. Her hands were bound in front with black ribbons & she carried a bible. She was accompanied by her lawyer, a minister & the Under Sheriff.

Upon approaching the beam, which had been placed between the branches of two trees, & its dangling noose, her face went ashen. The masked executioner was waiting for her by a ladder covered in black cloth that rested on the beam. Mary walked calmly to the ladder.

Two well dressed women in their mid-twenties were whispering together in the crowd “She does look so petite, doesn’t she. And such a villainess too?”. “Very slender for that heavy rope. I am afraid that the poor dear has a long ordeal ahead of her”. The two women flushed, imagining the scene they would soon see. With some pushing & shoving they moved to the front row of the crowd looking disdainfully at anyone who dared complain

April giggled & said to Beth “That would have been us Beth”. The two girls began to gently rub their breasts through their blouses as they continued to read.

Mary looked up at the noose & begged the hangman to lower it “For the sake of decency”. He nodded & climbed the ladder, undid the rope around the beam & dropped the noose to a height of seven feet above the ground, retied its end to the beam, tugged on it, pulled at it again making it secure.

The executioner descended the ladder & taking Mary by her shoulders led her up five rungs. She shook, fearing she may fall, as he tried to take her up higher. Realizing that was enough he stopped & steadied her. Her hands still held the bible, her lips muttering prayers. Her eyes now terrified were looking round the crowd for a friendly face – there were none. She paused to gaze at those closest who were largely female. They were obviously excited & they stood circling the hanging beam like a pack of hungry hyenas

April & Beth both slipped a hand inside the waistbands of their skirts & began to massage their crotches through their white panties while continuing to rub their breasts & nipples inside their blouses.

The hangman slid the noose over Mary’s bonnet & head, took her hair out from under it, & loosely tightened the noose placing the heavy looped knot at the front of her neck. Her lips moved soundlessly. She started to shake as the minister came up to the ladder & began to recite the Lord’s prayer.

She whispered to the hangman, “Please cover my face with my shawl”, which he did without a word. She leaned back against him, giving a momentary shudder as she felt his knees behind her back. With a gentle nudge the hangman turned Mary off the ladder. She tried to push her right foot behind the rung of the ladder, but the hangman expecting that, moved down fast & blocked her.

The fall had not broken her neck. The hangman swiftly got off the ladder & moved it to the side, leaning it on a tree. Mary screamed for a split second as she dropped a foot & started to swing back & forth & twist. Her shawl fell from her face & she dropped the bible as the agony of the noose took over. She tried not to move for a few seconds, fighting the rope her face grimacing in her effort to tense her neck muscles & resist the tightening noose but she couldn’t.

Her mouth opened in a gurgling scream. She started to grunt. Her mouth opened even wider, emitting guttural choking sounds. Mary’s body began to thrash as the pain of the noose got worse & worse. By now her legs were scissoring & jerking, kicking & stomping, more & more violently. The rope continued to slowly tighten around her stretching neck.

She raised her bound hands, trying to grab & hold onto the noose, but to no avail. Her feet continued to twirl & flail as her breasts, jutting out under her black gown heaved as she fought for air. She pulled her knees up, lifting her dress above her waist, her wheezing drowned out the collective gasps of the spectators as they reacted to her acute agony & the exposure of her private parts.

Many of the women crowded around the contorting victim were by now obviously aroused & unconsciously imitating the undulations of Mary’s body. The doomed woman’s eyes were wide open, framed by her now dark purple face, her head pushed forward by the inexorable pressure of the rope. Drool dripped from her gaping mouth. Her whole body was shaking & convulsing, contortions rocked her torso, spasms quaked across her breasts & thighs.

Her hands flopped down in front of her, fingers opening & clenching. Her gasping became fainter as her movements became more intense.

A quiet came over the crowd broken only by the creaking of the rope & the thumping of the beam against the supporting branches in the trees from the violence of her struggles. Her convulsions went on & on, the light in her eyes slowly faded as she spun back & forth in a half circle.

Her movements slowly subsided until her body stopped squirming, but her feet continued to twitch for two more minutes. Thirteen minutes after she was turned off the ladder she was still, her body slowly swayed back & forth in the breeze. Her feet were now inches above the ground a consequence of her stretched neck.

The watching women who had been aroused by the execution rocked back on their heels their eyes riveted on the dangling motionless female trying to resist the overwhelming urge to touch themselves. Mary’s unseeing red-veined eyes stared wide open nearly bulging out of their sockets, her recent agony very evident. She was left to hang for another thirty minutes before being cut down & removed for burial.

A minute after they stopped reading & started to caress each other April & Beth both came, their bodies shuddered & shook as they gasped & groaned in extreme pleasure & satisfaction. The very detailed & colourful description of the execution of Mary Blandy had so excited the girls that they experienced the most intense orgasms that they had had since their love making immediately after the hanging of Doctor Edwards

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