Execution Tales Chapter 24 Revision 2
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24: Cheryl gets Involved

As Cheryl Barnes, Doctor Harris’s assistant, typed up the notes of his consultation with April & Beth she found herself becoming more & more aroused. She had thought that she was alone in her fascination with these matters, leaving the Jane Edwards of the world to one side, & the realisation that these two girls shared her obsession intensified her sensations.

She took down the name of the book that April & Jane had been reading. Cheryl was already a subscriber to “True Crime Monthly”.

Once she had finished transcribing she went to the toilet, locked the door of the cubicle pulled her skirt up & very quickly rubbed herself to a very powerful orgasm.

Cheryl returned to her desk & objectively analysed her reactions to the material she had been typing & realised that the only real difference between her feelings & that of the two girls was that while April & Beth were turned on by imaging themselves as being present at the executions she always pictured herself as being in the hangman’s shoes. She decided that she must get to know the girls better.

Over the next six weeks April & Beth continued to read everything they could get their hands on about female executions & described their reactions to Doctor Harris. Cheryl continued to type up the records of their conversations.

During April & Beth’s visits to Doctor Harris Cheryl went out of her way to be pleasant & to talk to them. When they had to sit & wait for the Doctor to see them she would make them tea & chat away, though never about what they were discussing during their consultations

After the girls latest session with Harris, which as usual finished just around mid-day Cheryl asked April & Beth if they wished to join her for lunch in the heavily subsidised hospital canteen next door. The lowly paid girls gratefully agreed.

As they chatted over lunch Cheryl didn’t mention their meetings with Doctor Harris until they were almost finished & then she asked, “Are you finding your consultations with Doctor Harris helpful?”.

April & Beth glanced at each other & April said, “Very much so. He is such a good listener.”

Cheryl had thought very carefully about her next statement because she knew that Doctor Harris would be very displeased if he ever found out however she had decided it was worth the risk, “I know that April only too well, I have sat in on many of his sessions, though obviously not yours. However I am tasked with typing up his notes after his meetings with you.” She kept her facial expression non-committal as she shared this with the girls.

Both April & Beth’s faces reddened with embarrassment & they looked at the floor.

Cheryl laughed & said, “Girls there is no need to be ashamed of what you have told the Doctor & I am a professional medical secretary bound by the same ethics of medical confidentiality as he is. Believe me I have heard a lot worse”.

The girls looked up at Cheryl looking relieved though still a bit unsure.

Cheryl sighed, “Oh Dear! I hope I haven’t put my foot in it. For what it’s worth I can tell you that my reaction to Doctor Edward’s document was identical to yours. She leaned across the table & whispered, “In fact let me tell you something else”.

April & Beth bent their heads forward & begin to smile in delight as Cheryl described her visit to the ladies toilet after typing up Doctor Harris’s notes on his second meeting with the girls.

As Cheryl had calculated sharing this episode with April & Beth broke the ice & after that the three young women got on famously. The girls assured Cheryl that they wouldn’t tell her boss of the details of their discussions in case it got her into trouble.

And so things continued unchanged over the next four weeks. April & Beth would have their session with Harris followed by lunch with Cheryl over which the three young women would chuckle & whisper comments to each other on what Cheryl had typed up from the previous week.

At one point the Doctor said to his secretary, “You seem to getting on well with the girls Cheryl & they do seem to relate to you. What things do you chat about when you go for lunch ?”.

Cheryl smiled, “Mainly girlish nonsense Doctor, clothes etc, though not in their case boyfriends, as we both know. They are intelligent, young & eager & I find their company refreshing. I must admit I like them”.

The Doctor smiled, “I must admit Miss Barnes so do I. So do I”

Cheryl was an only child & her mother had died giving birth to her due to complications. On the death of her father, who had been a consultant surgeon, a year previously she had inherited the family home along with a substantial amount of money.

The house was in an expensive part of Manhattan. It had two storeys & was surrounded by a large garden. Since the death of her father Cheryl had lived alone.

She had rejected the advances of the many suitors who approached her as she had no interest in men. Her sex life had consisted of several relationships with other young women of a like mind but nothing had stimulated her like Jane Queen’s account of her & Josiah’s murders or the records of April & Beth conversations with Doctor Harris

After her fifth weekly lunch with April & Beth she went home & for the first time in several years prised open the door to the cellar. Taking a gas lamp with her she went down the stairs into the darkness & looked around.
Her father had had the cellar excavated during the early years of the civil war intending it to be a place of refuge if the Rebels had ever reached the outskirts of New York & started to use their artillery to shell the city.

Her thoughts began to crystallise.

Over the next month the workmen brought in by Cheryl refurbished the cellar & put in lighting. As instructed they installed a stout wooden beam just below the ceiling with a small gap above it. Out of curiosity the foreman asked what this was for as it wasn’t required to support anything.

Cheryl replied that she intended to use the cellar as an artist’s studio. She would hang her paintings from the hooks, she had instructed were drilled into the beam, as she worked on them. Once the work was completed Cheryl was ready to make her next move.

At lunch the following week she said to April & Beth, “How would you like to come for dinner to my house on Saturday girls. It would be just us & a close friend of mine & there are some things I would like to discuss in a more private setting. Don’t worry about getting there I will send a hire carriage to collect you ”.

Flattered & intrigued the girls immediately agreed.

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