Execution Tales Chapters 30 & 31 Revision 2
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30: Philadelphia

The girls arrived in Philadelphia at Saturday lunchtime, booked into a hotel for the night & bought a guide to the city. They then set out to explore & in the early evening they hired a carriage telling the driver to take them round the sites. As they drove through what was obviously the “Red light” district they could see several girls already on the streets touting for business.

Over dinner that night they pondered their major problem, which was the hundred miles between Philadelphia & New York. They concluded that there was no way they could safely transport drugged victims that distance in a horse drawn carriage. The only sensible solution was to rent a house for a few weeks, prepare it, come to the city by train each weekend & hire a carriage & boat on the Delaware river

The next weekend they returned & set their plans in motion. By the Sunday evening all was arranged. They had taken out a three month lease on a house with its own grounds in a respectable part of the city. They paid in cash & gave false names

The following Saturday night the first Philadelphia prostitute danced frantically as she slowly strangled to death on a noosed rope hanging from a wooden beam in the living room of the killers rented house. On the Sunday morning her weighted corpse disappeared into the flowing waters of the Delaware down river from the city.

Over the next eleven weekends the Philadelphia death toll rose to twelve

Three months after his last visit Marcuso again sat in O’Hanlon’s office. “Well gentlemen the good news is that no more girls have gone missing in New York or New Jersey but our colleagues in Philadelphia informed us when we asked them that no less than twelve of their female employees have disappeared at the rate of approximately one a week over the last three months. No trace of any of them has been found”.

O’Hanlon looked at O’Rourke, “Book two train tickets for Philly leaving tomorrow would you Lieutenant & telegraph the local police letting them know we are coming. Don’t tell them why for now”

The next day O’Hanlon & O’Rourke were shown into Captain McDonald of the Philadelphia police department’s office. After exchanging pleasantries O’Rourke expertly summarised what had been happening & the reason for their visit

McDonald sat back in his chair flabbergasted & said, “Jesus Christ! You are telling me twelve girls have been abducted in my city & probably murdered & the source of this information is the fucking Mafia, whom the NYPD are currently working with. Holy Fuck!”

O’Hanlon leaned forward, “Holy Fuck indeed Captain. It appears based on what happened in New York & New Jersey that the way to stop this is to flood the Red Light areas with police officers & co-operate with the local gangsters to try & keep the Philly working girl’s safe. I would also suggest that you check your records over the last three months for the bodies of any Jane Doe’s that may have turned up in suspicious circumstances. So far we have managed to keep the press out of this but I doubt we can keep this up for much longer”

McDonald said, “Rest assured gents that is exactly what I will ensure happens”

Two days later O’Hanlon & O’Rourke were back in McDonald’s office anxious to hear about the first apparent break in the case.

McDonald said, “We have located one of the victims. Her identity was confirmed by a representative of the local mob. The body was down river in the Delaware & it was pure luck it was found as it was heavily weighted down. It was brought to the surface by a dredger when it was making the river deeper to enable us to increase the size of ships sailing into Philly. Our Doctor has given the cause of death as definitely being strangulation. Also, though he can’t be entirely certain due to the time the body has been in the water, he is pretty certain she was hanged”

O’Hanlon thought for a moment, “I have no reason to doubt the opinion of your Doctor but I would like our own guy to see the corpse. Do you remember the Edwards case Captain?”.

McDonald replied “Of course. The mad woman Doctor who loved hanging young girls. Do you think this killer is of a similar mind”

O’Hanlon said, “At this stage I have no idea Captain but we only managed to solve the Edwards case with the assistance of the Pinkerton’s & I think we should bring them on board to help on this. It pains me to say it but they have a much stronger cross state organisation than even the Federal Government”.

McDonald replied, “We need to do what we need to do & if we require the help of the Pinkerton’s then so be it”

The next day O’Hanlon, O’Rourke, McDonald, Doctor Harris, Cheryl, Doctor Jones of the Philadelphia coroner’s office, James Chalmers the man in charge of the Pinkerton’s Philly office & Charles McLeod, the head of the Detective Agency in New York sat in a conference room in Philadelphia police HQ.

O’Hanlon looked at Harris, “Well Doctor you have seen the body do you agree with Doctor Jones as to the cause of death?”.

Harris replied, “Yes I do Captain & I also think she was probably hanged”.

The NYPD captain turned to the two Pinkerton detectives, “How do you think we should proceed gentlemen?”.

McLeod responded, “I would keep the police officers on the streets but in plain clothes. Also tell the Mafia goons not to be so visible. We will put several of our girls on the streets purporting to be whores to see if we get lucky, as we did in the Edwards case”.

O’Hanlon looked round the table & said, “Sounds sensible to me”. The rest of the meeting agreed.

Cheryl smiled inwardly but kept her face impassive as she dutifully noted everything down. On her return to New York she brought April & Beth up to date on the events in Philly & the girls decided to spend the coming weekend closing down their Philadelphia operation & turning their attention to Washington DC

31: Washington DC

Once they had removed all trace of their activities in Philly the following Friday evening they set out for the nation’s capital. As Washington DC was two hundred & sixty miles from New York, Cheryl, April & Beth travelled overnight by train on the newly available “Sleeper” train service. Once there they simply repeated what they had done in Philadelphia

Over the next three months twelve dead Washington working girls were dumped into the Potomac south of the city from the murderesses hired boat. Cheryl assured April & Beth that due to the depth of the river compared to the Delaware they were very unlikely ever to be found

Marcuso again sat in O’Hanlon’s office. “Well gentlemen no more girls have gone missing in New York, New Jersey or Philadelphia but our colleagues in Washington DC have told us that twelve of their working girls appear to have disappeared from the face of the earth, again at the rate of one a week over the last three months”.

O’Hanlon sighed & looked at O’Rourke, “Looks like you need to book three train tickets for DC. Put us on their new “Sleeper service” Tell McLeod at Pinkerton’s he is coming with us. You know the rest by now”.

Two days later O’Hanlon, O’Rourke, McLeod & the man in charge of Pinkerton’s nationwide, John McMillan sat in the office of the Washington Police Commissioner, Oliver Hardiman & again O’Rourke went through the series of events leading up to the meeting

Hardiman who had worked closely with McMillan during the civil war looked at the head of Pinkerton’s & simply said, “How do we stop this John?”

McMillan replied speaking slowly, “It seems to me gentlemen that up until now you have been constantly reacting to events rather than pro-actively anticipating them. If we flood the streets with officers & our killer sticks to his pattern he will be at the point of stopping hunting in DC & be thinking about moving to new territory. Do you have a map of the Eastern States of the USA to hand Oliver?”

One of Hardiman’s staff quickly produced a map which McMillan spread out on the office desk & asked, “If you were our guy where would you target next?”.

O’Rourke said, “If I was him I would head for Baltimore or Boston”

McMillan said, “I agree”. He looked at McLeod & directed”, OK Charles we do what we did in Philly”. He then looked at O’Hanlon, “Can you get the Baltimore & Boston PD’s on board & ask them to reach out to their local gangsters”.

O’Hanlon replied, “Will do John”.

The next day O’Hanlon & O’Rourke briefed Harris & Cheryl on what was planned

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