Execution Tales Chapter 35 Part 3 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 35 Part 3 Revision 2[Again the first two tales are adapted versions of stories found on the net some time ago - authors unknown. The last tale consists of direct quotes from Hugo's Hunchback]
When they resumed reading the next stories that entranced them were those of an Irish Hangwoman known as “Deathly Danna” whom had been appointed to the role of official executioner in Cork in Ireland in the 1650s because no man could be found who was willing to fill the role.
Jane O’Toole & Marion O’Flaherty
Two young women, Jane O’Toole & Marion O’Flaherty were conveyed from Cork Prison to a place of execution by Deathly Danna Hangwoman to the Crown. They were there caused to be hanged by their necks until dead.
The two criminals had been taken in the act of smuggling undutied yarn to the colonies in America.
The Judge ordered that the yarn be knitted into a rope & halter & that the two young women be hanged with it as an example to others.
Witnesses to the execution reported that the two prisoners were “Violently convulsed” after being launched from the cart. Their prolonged suffering was attributed to the loose woollen nooses.
Lady Eleanor Comrie & Mary Shaughnessy,
The case that brought Deathly Danna to the attention of the entire country was that of a noble woman Lady Eleanor Comrie, who with the help of her maid Mary Shaughnessy, had murdered her violent & drunken husband.
There was much speculation at the time concerning the relationship between the two young women both of whom were not yet twenty five years of age.
The authorities had decided that Mary should be executed first so that Lady Eleanor who they held responsible for instigating the murder would have to watch her die knowing that she would be next.
Both young women were beautiful but Mary was particularly lovely. At the gallows the terror stricken girl, looking as if she was going to a ball in a white lace dress instead of her execution, was placed on the cart under the crossbeam.
Deathly Danna tied her hands behind her & put the rope around her neck. At the Hangwoman’s signal the cart started to move slowly forward. The noose slowly tightened around the maid’s neck as she was dragged backwards by the rope. She breathed in precious air desperately & deeply..
Finally the cart disappeared from beneath her feet & the watching crowd roared. The gallows beam sagged slightly as it took her weight.
Mary started to swing in an arc, she twitched & quivered her fingers clenched & opened, her face began to darken & drool started to drip from her mouth as she freely hung by her neck. The spectators cheered as Mary shuddered as the noose tightened around her slowly stretching neck.
Her legs scissored & stomped up & down lifting her dress exposing her shapely legs. At one point Mary raised her knees almost to her breasts in a futile attempt to relieve the noose’s pressure around her throat, the crowd’s roaring increased as they glimpsed the dying girl’s private parts.
Mary had been hanging for five minutes & was still thrashing violently. As she swung back & forth trying frantically to find a surface to put her feet on her eyes were anguished, blood shot & bulging.
Finally after a further two minutes it was over, the maid convulsed one last time & then hung dead on the gallows
By now Lady Eleanor was in a state of abject terror. She cried & pleaded for mercy as she was noosed on the cart next to the hanging body of her maid & alleged lover.
She screamed as she looked at Mary whose long slender white neck was grotesquely stretched under her swollen dark purple face, her open sightless eyes red eyes nearly popping from their sockets, spittle trickling out of her tongue filled open mouth.
The noble woman was more fortunate than her maid, her death struggles lasted only four minutes, much to the disappointment of the crowd
When it was all over Deathly Danna mounted the cart next to the dangling corpses of the young women & said to the crowd, “Let this be a lesson. This shows that no-one no matter how well born is above the law of the land”
The story of Deathly Danna the Irish Hangwoman aroused Cheryl so much that she read it several times her hand deep inside her panties rubbing away furiously. On this occasion she needed no help from April or Beth’s probing tongues or fingers to reach a highly intense orgasm
A couple of days later having read a review of it in the New York Times April bought a copy of the recently translated & published “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” by the French author Victor Hugo. The sections that interested them most concerned the trial & execution of the young gypsy girl Esmerelda
“Bohemian girl, on such day as it shall please our lord the King, at the hour of noon, you shall be drawn in a tumbrel, stripped to your shift, barefoot, with a rope about your neck to the great porch of the church of Notre Dame, & shall there do penance, holding in your hand a wax taper of two pounds weight; & thence you shall be taken to the Place de Greve & there hanged by the neck on the city gallows”.
“You shall pay to the official three gold lions in reparation of the crimes by you committed & by you confessed, of sorcery, magic, incontinence, & murder done upon the body of Siur Phoebus de Chatapeurs. God receive your soul”.
Athwart that waving hair, more glossy than a raven’s plumage a rough gray cord was seen, twisted & knotted chafing her delicate skin & winding about the poor girl’s graceful neck like an earthworm around a flower.
Beneath the rope glittered a small amulet, ornamented with bits of green glass, which had been left to her, no doubt because nothing is refused to those about to die.
The spectators at the windows could see in the bottom of the tumbrel her naked legs, which she strove to conceal under her as if by a final feminine instinct. The prisoner was holding together with her teeth her ill-tied chemise. It seemed as if even in her misery she still suffered from being exposed almost naked before all eyes. Alas! It was not for such shocks that modesty was made.
The man reached the top of the ladder. There he arranged the rope. The priest in order to see the better, now knelt down upon the balustrade. The man suddenly kicked away the ladder, & Quasimodo, who had not breathed for some moments, saw the unfortunate girl, with the man mounted upon her shoulders, dangling at the end of the rope within two or three yards of the pavement. The rope spun round several times & Quasimodo saw the body of the Egyptian shaken by terrible convulsions. The priest, on his part, with outstretched neck & eyes staring from his head contemplated the terrific group of the man & the young girl, the spider & the fly
Quasimodo then raised his eyes to the Egyptian, dangling from the gallows. At that distance he could see her quiver beneath her white robe in the last convulsive agonies of death. He cried “There is all I ever loved”
That evening Beth put on a simple white robe & Cheryl & April were all over her whispering in her ear of the agony awaiting “Esmerelda’s” during her hanging the next day. The three girl’s now very practiced tongues & fingers brought each other to orgasm
When they resumed reading the next stories that entranced them were those of an Irish Hangwoman known as “Deathly Danna” whom had been appointed to the role of official executioner in Cork in Ireland in the 1650s because no man could be found who was willing to fill the role.
Jane O’Toole & Marion O’Flaherty
Two young women, Jane O’Toole & Marion O’Flaherty were conveyed from Cork Prison to a place of execution by Deathly Danna Hangwoman to the Crown. They were there caused to be hanged by their necks until dead.
The two criminals had been taken in the act of smuggling undutied yarn to the colonies in America.
The Judge ordered that the yarn be knitted into a rope & halter & that the two young women be hanged with it as an example to others.
Witnesses to the execution reported that the two prisoners were “Violently convulsed” after being launched from the cart. Their prolonged suffering was attributed to the loose woollen nooses.
Lady Eleanor Comrie & Mary Shaughnessy,
The case that brought Deathly Danna to the attention of the entire country was that of a noble woman Lady Eleanor Comrie, who with the help of her maid Mary Shaughnessy, had murdered her violent & drunken husband.
There was much speculation at the time concerning the relationship between the two young women both of whom were not yet twenty five years of age.
The authorities had decided that Mary should be executed first so that Lady Eleanor who they held responsible for instigating the murder would have to watch her die knowing that she would be next.
Both young women were beautiful but Mary was particularly lovely. At the gallows the terror stricken girl, looking as if she was going to a ball in a white lace dress instead of her execution, was placed on the cart under the crossbeam.
Deathly Danna tied her hands behind her & put the rope around her neck. At the Hangwoman’s signal the cart started to move slowly forward. The noose slowly tightened around the maid’s neck as she was dragged backwards by the rope. She breathed in precious air desperately & deeply..
Finally the cart disappeared from beneath her feet & the watching crowd roared. The gallows beam sagged slightly as it took her weight.
Mary started to swing in an arc, she twitched & quivered her fingers clenched & opened, her face began to darken & drool started to drip from her mouth as she freely hung by her neck. The spectators cheered as Mary shuddered as the noose tightened around her slowly stretching neck.
Her legs scissored & stomped up & down lifting her dress exposing her shapely legs. At one point Mary raised her knees almost to her breasts in a futile attempt to relieve the noose’s pressure around her throat, the crowd’s roaring increased as they glimpsed the dying girl’s private parts.
Mary had been hanging for five minutes & was still thrashing violently. As she swung back & forth trying frantically to find a surface to put her feet on her eyes were anguished, blood shot & bulging.
Finally after a further two minutes it was over, the maid convulsed one last time & then hung dead on the gallows
By now Lady Eleanor was in a state of abject terror. She cried & pleaded for mercy as she was noosed on the cart next to the hanging body of her maid & alleged lover.
She screamed as she looked at Mary whose long slender white neck was grotesquely stretched under her swollen dark purple face, her open sightless eyes red eyes nearly popping from their sockets, spittle trickling out of her tongue filled open mouth.
The noble woman was more fortunate than her maid, her death struggles lasted only four minutes, much to the disappointment of the crowd
When it was all over Deathly Danna mounted the cart next to the dangling corpses of the young women & said to the crowd, “Let this be a lesson. This shows that no-one no matter how well born is above the law of the land”
The story of Deathly Danna the Irish Hangwoman aroused Cheryl so much that she read it several times her hand deep inside her panties rubbing away furiously. On this occasion she needed no help from April or Beth’s probing tongues or fingers to reach a highly intense orgasm
A couple of days later having read a review of it in the New York Times April bought a copy of the recently translated & published “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” by the French author Victor Hugo. The sections that interested them most concerned the trial & execution of the young gypsy girl Esmerelda
“Bohemian girl, on such day as it shall please our lord the King, at the hour of noon, you shall be drawn in a tumbrel, stripped to your shift, barefoot, with a rope about your neck to the great porch of the church of Notre Dame, & shall there do penance, holding in your hand a wax taper of two pounds weight; & thence you shall be taken to the Place de Greve & there hanged by the neck on the city gallows”.
“You shall pay to the official three gold lions in reparation of the crimes by you committed & by you confessed, of sorcery, magic, incontinence, & murder done upon the body of Siur Phoebus de Chatapeurs. God receive your soul”.
Athwart that waving hair, more glossy than a raven’s plumage a rough gray cord was seen, twisted & knotted chafing her delicate skin & winding about the poor girl’s graceful neck like an earthworm around a flower.
Beneath the rope glittered a small amulet, ornamented with bits of green glass, which had been left to her, no doubt because nothing is refused to those about to die.
The spectators at the windows could see in the bottom of the tumbrel her naked legs, which she strove to conceal under her as if by a final feminine instinct. The prisoner was holding together with her teeth her ill-tied chemise. It seemed as if even in her misery she still suffered from being exposed almost naked before all eyes. Alas! It was not for such shocks that modesty was made.
The man reached the top of the ladder. There he arranged the rope. The priest in order to see the better, now knelt down upon the balustrade. The man suddenly kicked away the ladder, & Quasimodo, who had not breathed for some moments, saw the unfortunate girl, with the man mounted upon her shoulders, dangling at the end of the rope within two or three yards of the pavement. The rope spun round several times & Quasimodo saw the body of the Egyptian shaken by terrible convulsions. The priest, on his part, with outstretched neck & eyes staring from his head contemplated the terrific group of the man & the young girl, the spider & the fly
Quasimodo then raised his eyes to the Egyptian, dangling from the gallows. At that distance he could see her quiver beneath her white robe in the last convulsive agonies of death. He cried “There is all I ever loved”
That evening Beth put on a simple white robe & Cheryl & April were all over her whispering in her ear of the agony awaiting “Esmerelda’s” during her hanging the next day. The three girl’s now very practiced tongues & fingers brought each other to orgasm
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 35 Part 3 Revision 2