Execution Tales Chapter 37 Revision 2
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37: Immigrants & Mixing Business with Pleasure

Not wanting to draw the attention of the local mob the girls changed their strategy after the murder of Susie. Instead of trawling the streets looking for working girls they began to frequent the cafes & bars close to the Chicago immigration office searching for newly arrived potential victims. Over the next three months they befriended, abducted & killed ten young women who had just arrived in the country

During this time the girls decided to go back to work however they wanted to be able to mix business with pleasure. First of all Cheryl took a job as a clerical administrator at Cook County Jail, the main Chicago prison. Using her position she informed April & Beth when vacancies for women prison officers arose & by the time they had murdered their eleventh Chicago victim all three were working at the jail.

Cheryl, April & Beth continued to hunt & kill at the weekends & over the following three months they accounted for a further eight victims.

Towards the end of this period they were delighted when two condemned baby farmers Catherine & Clare Wilson arrived at the prison to await execution.

With the help of Cheryl, April & Beth were assigned to death row to watch over the prisoners. Despite their relative youth this wasn’t too difficult as this was an unpopular job amongst the women prison guards

The Wilson sisters, Catherine & Clare, were 25 & 23 years of old respectively & they had been convicted of murdering twelve very young children for financial gain. Due to the public horror & disgust at the nature of their crimes their appeals against the death sentences were inevitably turned down

The day before the executions April & Beth sat in the death cell, with Catherine & Clare, which the prisoners had been permitted to share because of their familial relationship. For their last few days the condemned women were allowed to wear their own clothes. They may have been sisters but Catherine & Clare bore no resemblance to each other, evidence of the fact that they had had different fathers.

Catherine was beautiful, with thick long dark clear brown eyes perfect features & a full womanly figure. Clare was also very attractive, but smaller & more slender than her sister. Her short blonde hair gave her an elfin almost boyish appearance. They both wore white blouses & well-fitting skirts, black in Catherine’s case & navy blue in Clare’s.

April & Beth’s kept their expressions carefully neutral however both could feel their excitement beginning to grow as they contemplated tomorrow’s events.

As the four young women sat in the death cell they could clearly hear the banging of wood as the gallows was assembled in the prison yard below the cell window

Catherine asked “How long will it take to die after the trap has been sprung?”.

As there was no-one else listening April replied, “The rumour in the prison is that because of the horrible nature of your crimes the executioner has been instructed to ensure that your suffering is as prolonged as possible. I am afraid you won’t look nearly so pretty once you have finished your dancing on the gallows, your eyes will bulge from your purple faces, saliva dripping from your swollen extended tongues ”.

Taking her cue from April Beth rapidly improvised & said, “Remember the last girl we had in this cell. How she wept, screamed & struggled as they carried her to the scaffold & then she jerked, jigged & kicked for a good five minutes on the end of the rope”.

Catherine & Clare looked at April & Beth in horrified terror.

April grinned evilly as she envisioned Catherine’s hanging finishing with her head lolling limply on one shoulder her lustrous black hair blowing in the wind & Clare’s delicate features distorted by the agony of slow strangulation after the hoods had been removed.

By now both prison guards panties were very wet as they watched the fear growing in the doomed prisoners in reaction to their entirely made up stories

The next morning at 9am the governor & a priest entered the death cell & April & Beth pinioned Clare’s arms to her body. The authorities had decided to hang the younger sister first judging her to be of weaker character than her sister.

Clare sobbed as she was led to the scaffold but she offered no resistance. April & Beth handed the trembling prisoner over to the executioner at the bottom of the gallows steps & went & stood next to Cheryl who was already waiting in the prison yard. All three girls had their now beloved geisha balls nestling inside them held in place by their panties

Clare managed to climb the steps to the gallows platform unaided. The hangman swiftly placed her on the trap, tied her hands behind her, hooded her & put the noose around her neck

Unknown to April & Beth the executioner had been told to ensure that the baby farmers’ hangings were to be as protracted as possible.

The hangman pulled the lever releasing the trap leaving Clare suspended by her neck.

There is virtually no drop. The noose knot slips as it is designed to do & the rope bites hard & deep into her neck. At first she sways with the jerk from the rope, then slowly she begins to fight the noose. She twists & her legs reach backwards & forwards trying to find a foothold. Under the hood her face gradually reddens.

By the rasping sounds coming from beneath the hood it is clear that she can still breathe slightly but not enough. She twists in the air & her legs kick violently revealing the black stockinged legs under the navy blue skirt. Her rasping breaths grow louder.

Her entire body spasms & there is a subdued crack as her neck finally breaks under the strain. Her toes point down to the ground & her feet give a last twitch.

Clare Wilson had paid for her crimes. As was customary her body was left hanging for thirty minutes before being cut down & removed for burial

During her sister’s execution Catherine had sat in the death cell with her head in her hands watched by two other prison guards.

When the prison Governor, the priest & April & Beth came for her she screamed “No!, No!“. She fought & struggled all the way to the gallows. April & Beth thoroughly relished the feel of her wriggling body as they carried her to her death.

She made it awkward for the hangman, as he tried to slip the noose over her head as she bobbed back & forth.

Finally the trap is released & Catherine is left to swing. Her large breasts bounce up & down under her tight white blouse as she fights for breath. Her fingers open & clench as her body convulses. Her legs stomp & flail exposing them almost to the top of her thighs. Her neck stretches & her convulsions & writhing seem to last almost forever until her body hangs still slowly spinning on the gallows

Cheryl April & Beth’s bit their lips & clenched their fists as their climaxes flooded their panties with their juices as they watched the final death throes of Catherine Wilson

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