Execution Tales Chapter 39 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 39 Revision 239: The Girls Devour “Penny Dreadfuls”
April had always been a fan of the lurid “Penny Dreadful” novellas which were becoming more & more popular & also more & more graphic. Now they were temporarily denied their real life stimulus she introduced them to Cheryl & Beth.
The first tale they enjoyed most described the exploits of a female killer in the Wild West & the part they liked best was the final chapter which was entitled “The Hanging Tree”
The Hanging Tree
The trial had been little more than a formality. Kim readily admitted to the murders. The judge said a few words & then she was sentenced to be hanged the following morning at sunrise. The prisoner was in a state of shock as she was led out of the court & back to the jail
The rays of the sun were beginning to cast light on the town as Kim was brought from her cell. Her hands had already been tied behind her back. She was ashen, her eyes looked twice as large as normal. Her brown curly hair was dishevelled but she was still beautiful beyond words.
Silently the Marshall motioned the prisoner & the two deputies accompanying her outside & the small procession moved into the street & towards a third deputy who was standing next to a horse holding the animal’s lead rope.
The two deputies with Kim took her to the large black stallion & started to lift her on to it. Up until this point Kim, who had said nothing since the trial, woke from her trance like state, screamed & kicked out her flailing legs exposing calf-length riding boots & wide expanses of black stockinged thigh under her long black skirt.
Her brown hair fluttered as she struggled & shook her head partially blinding the deputy holding her. She screamed “No! No! Please No!.”
With help from one of their colleagues they finally managed to get Kim into the saddle sitting astride it. The bottom part of her stockinged legs dangled down the sides of the horse. The deputies put her booted feet in the stirrups.
The execution party’s eyes were all drawn to the large tree which stood in the centre of the town’s main street. It had already been the scene of several hangings & it stood as the town’s symbol of law & order. It was now surrounded by what appeared to be the entire population of the town including the judge & the town’s minister
Kim sobbed & continued to beg for mercy as her horse was led the fifty yards or so to the hanging tree. Once they arrived under it one of the deputies fashioned a rope into a noose & threw the other end over a thick branch about ten feet above the ground.
He then took the loose end & pulled the noose up to the height of the mounted doomed girl’s head & tied it off tight around the base of the tree. Kim’s horse was led to the noose until the rope dangled directly in front of her petrified face.
A mounted deputy rode up & placed his horse next to the prisoner’s. He reached up & pulled the noose over Kim’s head, threading her long tresses through the loop & then cinched the rope tight around her neck. Her eyes opened even further, her mouth gaped wide & her body tensed as she felt the noose constrict her neck.
The minister said a prayer at the end of which everyone said Amen.
Kim turned her head from side to side staring in terror at the sea of faces looking up at her. The judge nodded to the Marshall who was standing at the rear of Kim’s horse. She saw this & cried “No! No! I don’t want to die! Please have mercy”.
Ignoring the prisoner’s final desperate pleas the Marshall brought his hand down smartly on the animal’s rump.
The startled horse lunges forward jerking out from under its rider, leaving her dangling at the end of the rope. Kim’s legs make a frantic futile effort to grip the saddle as the horse lunges.
When she is jerked free of the fleeing stallion she kicks about wildly, showing off her lovely legs, frantically searching for something beneath her feet to take the weight off her body & relieve the killing pressure on her neck.
Her firm pert breasts bounce as she convulses, squirms & heaves. Her hands bound behind her pull wildly against the bonds striving to get free to grasp the strangling noose.
Her face begins to turn dark, the frantic spark in her eyes begins to fade, the kicking slows, her eyes roll upwards out of focus, her mouth gapes wide, still working to try to suck some breath of life sustaining air past the barrier of her constricted throat but finding that nothing can get past the merciless grip of the rope.
Her jerking subsides to twitching, then stillness. Her body swings slowly back & forth as the momentum of her thrashing is spent. The crowd are silent, the only noise that can be heard is the creaking of the rope & its dead weight on the thick tree branch
April had always been a fan of the lurid “Penny Dreadful” novellas which were becoming more & more popular & also more & more graphic. Now they were temporarily denied their real life stimulus she introduced them to Cheryl & Beth.
The first tale they enjoyed most described the exploits of a female killer in the Wild West & the part they liked best was the final chapter which was entitled “The Hanging Tree”
The Hanging Tree
The trial had been little more than a formality. Kim readily admitted to the murders. The judge said a few words & then she was sentenced to be hanged the following morning at sunrise. The prisoner was in a state of shock as she was led out of the court & back to the jail
The rays of the sun were beginning to cast light on the town as Kim was brought from her cell. Her hands had already been tied behind her back. She was ashen, her eyes looked twice as large as normal. Her brown curly hair was dishevelled but she was still beautiful beyond words.
Silently the Marshall motioned the prisoner & the two deputies accompanying her outside & the small procession moved into the street & towards a third deputy who was standing next to a horse holding the animal’s lead rope.
The two deputies with Kim took her to the large black stallion & started to lift her on to it. Up until this point Kim, who had said nothing since the trial, woke from her trance like state, screamed & kicked out her flailing legs exposing calf-length riding boots & wide expanses of black stockinged thigh under her long black skirt.
Her brown hair fluttered as she struggled & shook her head partially blinding the deputy holding her. She screamed “No! No! Please No!.”
With help from one of their colleagues they finally managed to get Kim into the saddle sitting astride it. The bottom part of her stockinged legs dangled down the sides of the horse. The deputies put her booted feet in the stirrups.
The execution party’s eyes were all drawn to the large tree which stood in the centre of the town’s main street. It had already been the scene of several hangings & it stood as the town’s symbol of law & order. It was now surrounded by what appeared to be the entire population of the town including the judge & the town’s minister
Kim sobbed & continued to beg for mercy as her horse was led the fifty yards or so to the hanging tree. Once they arrived under it one of the deputies fashioned a rope into a noose & threw the other end over a thick branch about ten feet above the ground.
He then took the loose end & pulled the noose up to the height of the mounted doomed girl’s head & tied it off tight around the base of the tree. Kim’s horse was led to the noose until the rope dangled directly in front of her petrified face.
A mounted deputy rode up & placed his horse next to the prisoner’s. He reached up & pulled the noose over Kim’s head, threading her long tresses through the loop & then cinched the rope tight around her neck. Her eyes opened even further, her mouth gaped wide & her body tensed as she felt the noose constrict her neck.
The minister said a prayer at the end of which everyone said Amen.
Kim turned her head from side to side staring in terror at the sea of faces looking up at her. The judge nodded to the Marshall who was standing at the rear of Kim’s horse. She saw this & cried “No! No! I don’t want to die! Please have mercy”.
Ignoring the prisoner’s final desperate pleas the Marshall brought his hand down smartly on the animal’s rump.
The startled horse lunges forward jerking out from under its rider, leaving her dangling at the end of the rope. Kim’s legs make a frantic futile effort to grip the saddle as the horse lunges.
When she is jerked free of the fleeing stallion she kicks about wildly, showing off her lovely legs, frantically searching for something beneath her feet to take the weight off her body & relieve the killing pressure on her neck.
Her firm pert breasts bounce as she convulses, squirms & heaves. Her hands bound behind her pull wildly against the bonds striving to get free to grasp the strangling noose.
Her face begins to turn dark, the frantic spark in her eyes begins to fade, the kicking slows, her eyes roll upwards out of focus, her mouth gapes wide, still working to try to suck some breath of life sustaining air past the barrier of her constricted throat but finding that nothing can get past the merciless grip of the rope.
Her jerking subsides to twitching, then stillness. Her body swings slowly back & forth as the momentum of her thrashing is spent. The crowd are silent, the only noise that can be heard is the creaking of the rope & its dead weight on the thick tree branch
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 39 Revision 2