Execution Tales Chapters 39 Part 4
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[This is based on the scene in the 1990's mini series Harem when the character played by by the British actress Josette Simon is put to death. In the TV version she is executed by drowning but I much prefer to visualise her being garroted by the bow string]

The next story they relished concerned the fate of young girls who were kidnapped by white slavers & ended up in an Ottoman potentate’s harem. They especially liked the sexual references in this section


Gisela looked at the Kadin who saw with satisfaction that the beautiful black girl was shaking visibly with fright. “Why are you doing this to me?” she asked her voice trembling.

“The still attractive thirty five year old Kadin shrugged & replied, “I am only following the law”.

Giesla pleaded, “But you are the first Kadin! No one can take that away from you!”.

The Kadin said, “There is no record of you union with the Sultan. That makes you either unfaithful or a liar, or possibly both”.

Gisela wailed “My child will be no threat to you”.

The Kadin ignored her “In cases such as this the penalty is to be garrotted by a fine bowstring. If you happened to be of royal blood, which of course you are not, a silken bowstring would be specified”.

The Kadin clapped her hands & the curtains of an archway parted & two robed & hooded executioners emerged from concealment. Gisela looked at them over her shoulder, the hysteria of uncontrolled terror rising like a choking flood in her lungs.

They went to the terrified girl & dragged her to the centre of the chamber ignoring the crescendo of screams & forced her to her knees.

One of the executioners tied Gisela’s hands behind her back while the other one slipped the twine of a bow string around her shaking neck. He then tied & twisted the bow string around a foot long wooden stick placing it at the back of her neck

He looked at the Kadin waiting for the signal to begin to turn the stick & start to strangle the sobbing girl

All of the fifty women & girls in the harem were gathered in the chamber, ordered to be present on the orders of the Kadin to see how this kind of behaviour was dealt with.

Behind them round the walls stood the Sultan’s personal guard to ensure nothing happened to upset the meting out of justice.

The members of the harem watched on in silence.

Gisela’s friends amongst them looked on in sorrow, some cried quietly. Those who were jealous of the lovely young black woman were pleased that this was to be her fate, & several of the more perverse licked their lips in anticipation of the execution, their pussies beginning to moisten under their fine silk skirts & dresses.

The Kadin who was very much in the final category of female spectators, looked at the kneeling, trembling, sobbing Gisela stood & stated loudly. “This girl is a whore. She has betrayed the sacred trust put in all members of the Sultan’s harem. Her conduct is defined in our laws as treason & the penalty for treason is death by strangulation.

She looked at the executioner & instructed, “Do your duty”, she paused & then continued, “Make sure you take your time about it”.

There was a collective gasp in the chamber, which was an expression of horror from the black girl’s friends & of delighted anticipation from those who were relishing the proceedings.

The Kadin sat back down & crossed her still shapely legs under her long fine silk skirt. She could feel her pussy rapidly becoming wet

There was complete silence in the chamber apart from the sobbing of the doomed girl. Gisela was wearing a gold silk skirt slit up both sides almost to the top her thighs & a lace gold top which barely covered her proud upright breasts.

The Kadin thought to herself “Seeing this one slowly garrotted is going to be an event to remember”, the crotch of her underwear was now very damp

The executioner stood behind the kneeling girl & began to slowly turn the stick with his hands, one at either end . The bowstring gradually tightened around Gisela’s neck.

As she felt the pressure build on her throat the condemned girl tried to breath as deeply as she could filling her lungs for the last time with precious life giving air.

As the twine began to inexorably close her wind pipe her eyes opened as wide as they could & started to bulge from their sockets.

Her mouth gaped open, her tongue extended over her bottom lip. Her body shook as tremors from the agony coming from her neck & increasingly air starved lungs pulsed through it. Her breasts heaved as she desperately tried to breathe.

She vainly attempted to struggle, but it was hopeless as the second executioner was kneeling behind her, head to one side so as not to interfere with his colleague’s deadly work with the stick & bowstring, holding her arms firmly in both of his. He was much too strong for the slowly dying girl.

Several of the watching women & girls slipped a hand inside the tops of their skirts or high slits in their dresses & began to rub their pussies, their other hands gently massaged their breasts

As instructed when the executioner sensed that the prisoner was about to pass out he eased the pressure of the bow string to allow her to breathe in a little more air. Gisela then revived slightly & the agony of the strangling immediately resumed.

Three times the executioner did this until the Kadin gasped hoarsely “Finish it”.

He twisted the stick to its fullest extent & waited. Gisela’s now blood shot eyes bulged & drool dropped from her protruding tongue. Her whole body shook violently & then it was over.

The executioner released the stick & his colleague let go of the black girl’s arms. Her body slumped to the floor her unblinking eyes staring across the polished wooden chamber floor

The Kadin experienced a very satisfying orgasm, as had several members of the harem, without even having to touch herself, though no trace of this was evident on her impassive face.

She looked at the garrotted body of the girl & said “Dispose of that in the usual manner”.

On that note she rose & lefts the chamber. She headed immediately for the Sultan’s quarters. She knew that her husband wouldl be very interested, & highly stimulated, by her description of the execution. She could already feel her pussy beginning to juice up nicely again.

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