Execution Tales Chapter 39 Part 5 Revision 2
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The fifth Penny Dreadful was a fictionalised account of the crime, trial & execution of the notorious English murderess Lesley-Anne Davis. The last few pages contained the most sexually explicit scene that Cheryl, April & Beth had ever seen in print

Lesley-Anne Davis

If she was found guilty, the judge will take out the triangular piece of black cloth from the box before him on the desk & hand it to his clerk who will hold it a little above his wigged head, as he reads out the terrible sentence.

And she will be taken out in due course from the dark little cell whose one window looks out on to a yard paved with the gravestones of others who have gone from this place to the gallows - & in the square in front of the prison, packed with its jostling, howling mob fallen suddenly still & silent & “Be hanged by the neck till she is dead”.

If she is found guilty - & the case against her is crushing & terrible. - & she is only eighteen years of age

Miss Lesley-Anne Davis was very much afraid to die. Dazed dumb, almost senseless with dread she stood at the foot of the steps leading up into the dock. She was accused of murder by poisoning.

If she was found guilty, most assuredly, three weeks from today at eight o’clock sharp, with a parson reading the burial service she will drop through the gallows trap with a rope around her slender young neck & kick the air outside Newgate prison

The judge looked at Lesley-Anne as she appeared in the dock flanked by two women prison guards. The prisoner was very pretty. Under her smart blue hat her black curls, rested on her shoulders, her terrified blue eyes looked pleadingly at the jury. She was wearing an expensive looking blue jacket & skirt & white blouse.

The judge addressed the jury foreman, “Have you arrived at a verdict on which you are all agreed?”. The foreman stood, “We have my lord”, he replied.

The judge turned to the dock. “The prisoner will stand”. The trembling Lesley-Anne was helped to her feet by her guards.

The judge continued, “Mr Foreman will you please read out your verdict to the court”.

The foreman couldn’t bring himself to look at the young girl in the dock. He uttered the words Lesley-Anne was dreading to hear. “We find the accused guilty My Lord”.

There was a collective gasp in the court room. The prisoner started to sob.

The judge said to her, “Is there anything you wish to say before sentence is passed?”.

Lesley-Anne was too shocked to utter a word. The judge took from its coffin shaped box the triangular cloth called the “Black cap” & handed it to his clerk who held it just above his white wig.

He continued, “Very well then. Lesley-Anne Davis you have been found guilty of murder. It is the sentence of this court that you will be taken to the prison from whence you came & three weeks from today you will be brought to the place of execution & there you will be hanged by the neck until you are dead. Your body thereafter buried within the precincts of the said prison”.

The prisoner swooned as she heard her fate pronounced & had to be supported by the guards.

The judge uttered his final words, “Remove the prisoner”.

With that Lesley-Anne was half carried down the stairs from the dock & disappeared from view.

Tomorrow was Wednesday. Unless there was a reprieve the, the execution would take place on Monday morning. The hangman had received his summons & Lesley-Anne has been moved into the Newgate condemned cells ready to take the short walk to the gallows.

Unless there was a reprieve…….A recommendation to the Queen from the Home Secretary, however Her Majesty was known to be merciless towards miscreants of her own sex who had committed murder, especially poisoners, no matter how young or pretty they were. Queen Victoria’s firm view that murderesses of this type, so long as they were at least eighteen years old, should hang.

Lesley-Anne sat on her bed in the death cell. Despite her prison uniform of coarse blue jacket, limp linsey skirt & plain white mob cap with close fitting frills she was still beautiful. .

She looked up as the door opened & the governor, carrying a formal looking scroll of paper, along with two female warders, entered the cell.

The governor said, “You will remember Davis when I spoke to you in this room on your first day here, I cautioned you to try & reconcile yourself to the sentence of the court. You have tried to follow that advice I trust?”.

“Yes sir”. Lesley-Anne replied. There was a note of expectation in her trembling voice as if she can’t wait for him to come to the point.

The governor showed the document to the prisoner & said, “ This is from the Sheriff of the City of London. It is the warrant for your execution. It will take place on Monday at eight in the morning. The Home Secretary has informed me that he will not be recommending mercy to Her Majesty in your case”.

Lesley-Anne stood up numb with shock. She swayed slightly & sat back down on the bed with a thump & started to cry gently. The governor & one of the women warders turned & left the cell pulling the door closed behind them. The other female warder went & sat down on one of the two wooden chairs in the cell.

Regulations dictated that from now until she was taken to the gallows the prisoner must never be left on her own. One of four female prison officers will take it in turns to be with her, six hours at a time, up until a quarter to eight on Monday morning.

The execution of the notorious poisoner Lesley-Anne Davis on April 20th 1855 was a well-publicised affair.

On the evening prior to the hanging, the first of the crowds began to gather outside the high granite walls of Newgate Prison, where they would spend the night in order to be assured of a good view of the spectacle the following morning.

That same evening the gallows were brought out & assembled by the executioner’s assistants. The sound of hammering would continue long into the night.

The owners of rooming houses that overlook Newgate square rent their rooms for the night to the better class of ladies & gents eager to get a room with a good view of the gallows for a “Hanging party”

Not surprisingly the prisoner in the condemned cell had a disturbed night, tossing & turning, & according to the attending warders, sobbing & muttering in a fitful sleep.

After Lesley-Anne awoke, & had attended to her toiletries she was allowed to dress in the clothes she had worn in the dock when sentence of death was passed, apart that is from the blue hat.

In one of the first floor rented rooms overlooking the square a young couple prepared themselves for the coming event. The young man opened the window & his partner bent over from the waist, her elbows resting on the window cill.

He went & stood behind her & reached down & started to gently massage the young woman’s breasts through the outside of her blouse. She squirmed & wriggled her firm young bottom against him.

She could feel his rapidly hardening cock pressing against her through his trousers & her skirt. She started to moan gently & the young man started to breathe a bit more heavily.

The gallows were ready & waiting, the noosed rope dangling from the centre of the thick wooden crossbeam.

The young man at the window of the rented room took out his pocket watch. It was 7.45am, just a short time before the execution.

In the square below, the crowd began to chant: “Oh, my, think I’m going to die, Oh, my, think I’m going to die”. There was a good deal of laughter, shouting & stamping of feet.

At eight o’clock, the chimes of St Sepulchre signalled the hour & the crowd roared in anticipation. There was the soft jungle of a prison bell & then a door in Newgate opened & Lesley-Anne was led out.

In front was a chaplain, reciting from a bible, behind the city executioner dressed in black.

The crowd saw the prisoner & shouts of “Hats off!” were heard. Every man’s hat was removed as the execution party walked slowly to the scaffold & climbed the steps to the gallows platform

The watching young couple at the first floor window stared intensely at the prisoner. Lesley –Anne was very pale & tears from her azure blue eyes ran down her fair cheeks.

On the last morning of her life the young girl still looked lovely in her smart blue jacket & skirt & white blouse. Her legs trembled as she climbed the gallows steps.

The young man in the rented room lifted up the young woman’s skirt & unbuttoned the front of his trousers. He pulled down his partner’s underwear & put his throbbing erection inside her pussy. His cock slid in easily as she was already slippery with her juices.

She gasped as she felt him enter her & said in a voice thick with lust, “Wait until the trap falls & then start to fuck me & fuck me hard. Fuck me hard!”.

The young man replied hoarsely, “Of course my dear, though I do wish they would hurry up as my cock feels as if it is going to burst”.

By quite an effort of will they managed to hold themselves still, even though every cell in their bodies felt as if was demanding that they start to fuck immediately

Lesley-Anne was led to her position on the trap at the front of the gallows platform by the executioner & he slipped a white hood over the girl’s terrified face. He placed the noose over her head & pulled it tight around her neck.

Muffled by the hood but nevertheless still loud enough for the executioner to hear, “Please No! Please No! Have mercy! Please have mercy!” came from the hooded girl in a final desperate but hopeless plea for her life.

The clergyman read loudly his eyes fixed on the bible.

The executioner stood back & nodded to one of his assistants standing on the ground. The assistant pulled a lever & the trap opened with a loud crack.

Lesley-Anne falls about six feet until her sudden descent is jolted to a stop by the rope.

Much to the crowd’s delight it is immediately obvious that the fall has not broken the condemned girl’s neck.

Her hooded head twists from side to side & she starts to dance. Her body shakes & her breasts heave as she tries to breathe. Her wildly kicking legs lift her long blue skirt, at times well above her knees showing off her long slender stocking clad legs to the appreciative spectators.

As the doomed girl plunges through the gallows floor in the rented room overlooking the scene the young man starts to pound his rigid cock in & out of the young woman’s soaking pussy. She groans in pleasure, fiercely gripping onto the window cill. “Oh God! That feels so good! Do it hard! Do it hard!”, she gasps.

It is only too apparent to the spectators that Lesley-Anne is suffering in agony as she writhes slowly strangling on the rope.

After about five minutes her terrible dance of death reaches its inevitable conclusion & her body swings dead on the gallows. Her head hangs down at an angle to one side & her slender white neck, stretched by the rope, has been significantly elongated

The young man can hold off his climax no longer, his sperm feels molten to him as it spurts from his cock deep inside the young woman’s pussy.

The impact of her partner’s seed pushes the young woman over the edge, “Yes! Yes! Oh my God! Yes!” she cries as she comes. They both experience one of the most shattering orgasms of their lives

Most of the crowd stayed for the half an hour that Lesley-Anne’s body was left on the gallows before it was taken down & transported back inside the walls of the prison, there to be interred alongside the remains of other executed criminals.

They then started to leave, looking forward what the newspapers will say when they report on the execution of Lesley-Anne Davis

The description of the young man & woman fucking as they watched the execution wowed the girl’s.

Over the weeks of their self-denying ordinance on murder Cheryl, April & Beth read dozens of Penny Dreadfulls but these five were their undoubted favourites & they loved reading them out loud to each other prior to burying their fingers & tongues inside each other’s pussies

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As noticed by Archie 871 when this story was posted first time round the hanging was inspired by the execution scene in the film "The Great Train Robbery. I much prefer to imagine the delectable UK actress Lesley Anne Down who starred in the film as the condemned prisoner - an image of her from the movie is also attached

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