Samiha Hamid
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[This story was requested by a regular reader of Execution Tales. The characters, settings, plot & type of picture were all specifically asked for. I have been given permission to share it with other members. As ever I would be delighted to know what others think. As it is quite long I will put it up in two sections, the second part as a reply to the first. As I have said before I am quite happy to consider requests such as this with the only condition being that I must find the content interesting as well]

Samiha Hamid

Part 1: Playing Away

Samiha Hamid’s family had arranged her marriage to a 40 year old oil sheik as his fourth wife when she was 18 to secure a business deal & also to get the somewhat troublesome & rebellious teenager off their hands. Samiha was clever & beautiful & her resemblance to the well-known Saudi TV presenter Nihad Aziz was almost uncanny.

The new bride felt she had no choice but to agree to the marriage for the sake of her family & it was after all the tradition of her country. The one condition she had insisted on was that she be allowed to start her university studies as planned

The other three wives were initially polite & welcoming however Samiha found herself often left to her own devices when she wasn’t at University as the other older women had busy lives of their own & her husband was regularly away on business

While she had been a virgin up until her wedding night since puberty Samiha had always been aware of the sexual longings of her young body. In bed at nights she would regularly masturbate to orgasm with a handkerchief in her mouth so that her moans of pleasure couldn’t be heard by anyone else.

The one major positive of married life was that Samiha, while she wasn’t particularly attracted to her husband, absolutely adored the feeling of his erect penis penetrating her.

As her husband made love to her she would close her eyes & imagine that it was a much younger more handsome & virile man pounding his throbbing member in out of her slippery pussy. She would invariably climax as his seed spurted inside her, the sheik grunting in satisfaction & Samiha moaning in pleasure.

Her husband was kind enough & her monthly allowance was very generous however apart from their sexual relationship he had very little in common with Samiha, which given the age difference wasn’t surprising.

Samiha always dressed demurely when out & about in the abaya & hijab. However one of the benefits of being a married woman was that she was free to indulge her passion for expensive lingerie. On those nights when she knew the sheikh wouldn’t be coming to her she would put on a set of lacey panties & bra & rub herself silently to a climax that soaked the crotch of her briefs.

However she now regarded this as a pale substitute for the real thing. She also began to routinely wear the flimsy but exquisite underwear during the day under her conservative outer garments.

The first cloud on the horizon was that on his return from his business trips the sheik would always choose the young & beautiful Samiha as his preferred sexual partner & the other three wives began to exhibit signs of resentment & jealousy towards her which often led to a strained atmosphere in the house.

The second problem was that Samiha found that being fucked on average by her husband once a fortnight was nowhere enough to satisfy her.

She decided that she needed a lover. Knowing the fate that could await an adulteress wife, death by public hanging, she planned her course of action very carefully.

With her university friends she began to frequent coffee & tea bars which were also used by westerners. In the second week of this she spotted the man whom she selected as her potential partner. He was a Dutch oil engineer she subsequently found out was called Jens Rensenbrink. Jens was 26, 6 foot tall & ruggedly handsome.

Samiha guided her two female friends to the table next to the European & sat facing him. She caught his eye & smiled shyly. Jens nodded & smiled back.

After a couple of minutes unseen by her fellow students Samiha began to slowly pull up her abaya until it was above her knees. Jens noticed what she was doing & looked on mesmerized.

She then moved her legs apart giving the transfixed Dutchman an unobstructed view of the vee of her gossamer thin white panties. She quickly closed her legs & again caught Jens’s gaze & smiled, this time not shyly. The engineer gulped & grinned back at her.

As Samiha & her two friends prepared to leave the coffee shop the sheik’s young wife ensured that she was the last to depart. Unknown to her friends she dropped a piece of paper with her mobile number on it in front of Jens on his table.

Samiha’s affair with Jens was very intense but quite short. Regularly after finishing at the University rather than going out for a coffee with her friends, having put on a full face veil, she would take a taxi to the engineer’s apartment & there they would frenziedly fuck.

The Arab girl had never experienced anything like it. Jens, while unmarried, was from the very liberal Netherlands had had many sexual partners. He was a very skilled lover & the fact that he had a large penis also helped. As his sperm boiled into her pussy Samiha would orgasm so hard she would almost faint.

She didn’t tell Jens she was married in case it frightened him off & she was devastated when he told her he had been posted to another part of the country for six months, though he did promise to keep in touch

By the time two weeks had passed since her last session with the Dutchman Samiha was almost bursting with sexual frustration. This coincided with her husband being away on a month long business trip abroad. She was increasingly finding that masturbation was inadequate to fully satisfy her

On her way back from the University Samiha noticed that her taxi driver was a very attractive Indian man in his late twenties. Not being an Arab she calculated that he would be unlikely to be a strict Moslem, in fact the chances were that he wasn’t a Moslem at all.

She decided to chance it & moved to the middle of back seat of the taxi so that the driver could clearly see her. Samiha then repeated the Abaya lifting & gradual leg spreading that she had used to attract Jens.

When the driver noticed what she was doing he gasped & almost crashed the taxi. Samiha smiled encouragingly her legs still well apart

Nothing was said during the ten minutes it took to drive to a very secluded spot. The Indian parked the taxi, got out looked around to make sure that no-one else was about & joined Samiha in the back of the vehicle.

Firmly but gently he lifted & turned the young Arab girl round so that she was kneeling on the seat in front of him.

The driver pulled up Samiha’s dress to her waist exposing her squirming firm bottom, pushed the crotch of her panties to the side, took out his engorged member, pushed it into her glistening wet pussy & they began to frantically fuck. The first time they both came very quickly, groaning & gasping.

Once they had recovered the Indian fucked Samiha again, this time more slowly & rhythmically. After ten minutes his seed shot into the Arab girls soaking wet pussy for the second time

They then adjusted their clothing & he got back in the front seat of the taxi & drove her towards home. She asked to be dropped off a few hundred yards from her house as she didn’t want the driver to suspect she was married

As she got out of the vehicle she offered to pay for the taxi ride but the driver waved the offered money away.

Samiha asked, “Can you pick me up from the University at the same time tomorrow Kapil?”. She had got his name from the ID badge displayed in the taxi

The Indian nodded & they smiled knowingly at each other

For the next few weeks on each of the four days that Samiha attended the University Kapil would pick her up in the late afternoon, drive to the same place & they would make love for half an hour or so before he took her back to her neighbourhood .

This pattern continued despite the fact that during this period Samiha passed her driving test & bought a small car. She told her husband when he asked why she was still taking a taxi to & from the University that she didn’t feel confident enough yet to take her car into the busy city centre

After their most recent tryst Kapil told Samiha that he was returning to India for a couple of months for family reasons but that he would like to resume their “Relationship” when he returned

Samiha couldn’t hide her disappointment but promised that they would take up from where they had left off when he was back
A week after her last coupling with Kapil Samiha was again climbing the walls with unfulfilled sexual desire. She was gradually coming to terms with the fact that she was a nymphomaniac addicted to sex

She decided who she wanted her next lover to be when she saw an Arab boy, who was about her age, working in a shop close to the University. Samiha gasped inwardly when she caught sight of him, the only word she could think of to describe him was “Beautiful”. He was slim, about 6 feet tall with delicate features & perfect olive brown skin.

Over the next week Samiha visited the shop each day & started to chat to the boy. He was shy & somewhat unworldly & oblivious to the effect his looks had on women. He wouldn’t look Samiha in the eye when she spoke to him & he stuttered slightly when he replied but she did find out that his name was Malik.

He was flattered by the attention from the lovely young girl but was inexperienced in talking to young women, especially very attractive ones. His family were strict Moslems & he was still a virgin.

Samiha realized that it was going to take a bit of time to seduce Malik however the fact was she was in dire need of a fuck

Now that there was no reason to travel by taxi she had started to go backwards & forwards to the University by car. The next day driving there she passed a Somali road sweeper who was cleaning the pavement. He was huge, at least 6 foot 6 inches tall & obviously exercised regularly. The muscles rippled under his shirt as he worked. Samiha guessed that he was in his early thirties.

She stopped & walked back to the big African &, pretending to be lost, asked him for directions to the University. He towered over her as he told her the way.

She smiled & nodded & beckoned for him to lean down. He did so looking puzzled & she whispered in his ear.

“I want you to fuck me”.

The Somali’s eyes opened wide in astonishment & then he somewhat disconcerted Samiha by throwing his head back & roaring with laughter.

He bent back down grinning wolfishly & said gently, “I would love to fuck you little lady but first of all you must promise me two things”.

Samiha nodded

He replied, “You must swear by the Prophet that you aren’t married & that you are taking the contraceptive pill. I don’t want to end up being hanged for adultery & I hate using condoms”.

She said, “I swear by the Prophet that I am single & am on the pill”

The Somali nodded & said, “Where & when?”

Samiha replied, “Today at 5 pm. She took a piece of paper from her pocket & wrote down the address of the place she used to go to with Kapil & handed it to the African”.

He looked at it & said “And how am I supposed to get there? I don’t have a car & I certainly can’t afford a taxi”

She said, “Take a cab”, & gave him some money for the fare.

The man looked at the money smiled & said, “See you later little lady. By the way what is your name? I am called Mo”.

Samiha thought quickly & said “Laila”.

At 5 o’clock Mo got out of a taxi, paid the driver & waited until the cab had gone. He then walked towards Samiha’s car. She was already in the back waiting for him. He opened the back door & said, “No way are we doing it in here – there isn’t enough room for me”.

He looked around & saw a clump of trees surrounded by bushes. Mo checked & seeing nobody about he ushered Samiha from the car. Together they went far enough in to ensure they were invisible from the road.

Mo took hold of the Arab girl & gently placed her next to a tree, her back resting against it. He then lifted up her abaya & began to massage her crotch through her already damp powder blue panties. Samiha groaned & spread her legs.

The big Somali put his hands round the back of her thighs & effortlessly lifted the girl up. She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist moaning in anticipation. Once he was sure that Samiha’s legs had a firm hold Mo reached down, pulled her panties down, took out his enormous throbbing erection & gently pushed it into the girls glistening wet pussy.

Samiha gasped as she felt Mo enter her. Jens’s member may have been big but the Somali’s cock felt gargantuan. The African fucked her hard & fast & after a couple of minutes the impact of his semen flooding into her pushed Samiha over the edge & she had one of the most intense orgasms of her young life.

Once they had recovered they had sex for the second time standing up against the tree

Forty minutes after Mo had arrived Samiha called him a taxi on her mobile phone & said, “Same time & place tomorrow?”

Mo replied, “You bet Laila. That was great”

The girl gave him money for both the taxi back into the heart of the city & for the next day’s journey.

Over the next two weeks Mo gave Samiha several “Knee Tremblers” which she learned from Google was the British description of the sexual position they were indulging in.

During this fortnight Samiha continued with her wooing of Malik. He was becoming more comfortable chatting to her & less shy. She decided to make her move.
By now she knew when the boy finished work & where he lived. That evening she waited in her car for him to emerge from the shop at 5.30 pm. She let him walk for a hundred yards so that no-one else in the shop could see them & then started the vehicle & stopped at the side of the road just in front of him. She opened the window & asked if he wanted a lift as she was going his way.

Malik looked around nervously & seeing that no-one was paying any attention to them nodded & got in

Samiha told him she had to make a detour first before heading for the part of the city where he lived with his family.

They soon arrived at what was now to Samiha the familiar secluded spot where she had made love to Kapil & Mo

She stopped the car & Malik said, “Why come here? There is nothing of interest?”

She turned & smiled at him & said, “Do you think I’m pretty Malik?”

He blushed & stuttering slightly said, “Samiha I think you are lovely”

Samiha leaned slightly towards him & asked, “Would you like to kiss me?”

Malik gulped & nodded.

She leaned further forward took his head in her hands & kissed him passionately on the lips. Malik responded eagerly but somewhat clumsily

Samiha dropped her hand to his crotch & began to gently rub the outside of his trousers. Almost immediately she felt his cock begin to harden & he groaned

With her other hand she took one of Malik’s hands & placed it on her breast & whispered “Rub my nipples”, which he began to do

After a couple of minutes Samiha unzipped his trousers & pulled out his by now throbbing erection. Malik moaned as she started to massage his cock. Being totally inexperienced in these matters he came very quickly his sperm spurting from his pulsing member & spraying the dashboard.

Initially he was mortified but Samiha reassured him by leaning down & taking his now flaccid penis in her mouth & gently beginning to lick & suck it. After a few minutes Malik’s cock began to return to life & once it was fully erect she lifted her head & said. “Get in the back”.

They hurriedly opened the car’s front doors & got in the back. Samiha kneeled down on the back seat her wriggling bottom facing Malik & urgently pleaded “Fuck me Malik! Fuck me hard & fuck me now!”

He pushed up her abaya, pulled down her panties & slid his rock hard member into her soaking pussy. Samiha groaned with pleasure as she felt him enter her & pushed her bottom backwards against him to make sure that she was penetrated as deeply as possible.

They then began to fuck. Due to his first climax Malik was able to keep going for ten minutes before his semen flooded into Samiha. As she felt his seed fill her pussy she cried out in ecstasy as her orgasm pulsated through her body

Once they had composed themselves & sorted their clothes Samiha drove Malik home. It was obvious to her that the boy was now besotted with her

During the following week Samiha had sex daily, alternating between Mo & Malik.

Part 2: Discovered

The sheik’s third wife Amalia, who had been his youngest bride prior to the arrival of Samiha, was the one who resented the younger girl the most. Before his marriage to Samiha for over a year Amalia had been his favorite partner in bed & now he hardly ever slept with her

While Amalia’s sex drive was nothing like as strong as Samiha’s she felt what she considered to be her husband’s rejection keenly & was bitterly jealous of the girl who had displaced her in the sheik’s affections

Unknown to anyone else when Samiha began to return home late regularly from the University after she had started her affair with Jens Amalia hired a private detective with a reputation for discretion to find to keep tabs on the sheik’s new young wife & especially to find out what she was doing between finishing her University classes & then returning home.

Amalia was delighted when she received the detective’s first reports of Samiha’s visits to the Dutch engineer’s flat. She decided not to share this information with anyone just yet & give Samiha enough rope to hopefully & literally hang herself.

Each week the detective would e-mail Amalia his latest report including pictures of his subject entering & leaving Jens’s flat taken with a long range telephoto camera.

The surveillance continued when Samiha started her liaison with the Indian taxi driver Kapil. However Amalia still sat tight, she knew she needed cast iron evidence of the younger girl’s infidelity to condemn her

She saw her opportunity to obtain the proof she wanted when Samiha started seeing Mo, the Somali road sweeper. When she learned of this latest development she asked the detective for an electronic listening device. The next day Amalia asked Samiha for a lift in her car into the city saying that her own vehicle needed to go into a garage for a repair

The unsuspecting girl obliged & during the journey Amalia placed the “Bug” under the front passenger seat of Samiha’s car.

She was frustrated when the detective’s next report only contained more long range pictures of Samiha & the large Somali meeting & then disappearing into the bushes at their secluded meeting place.

Finally Amalia’s patience paid off when the detective sent her the several recordings of Samiha & Malik having sex in her car

Amalia smiled grimly & said to herself, “Got you. I hope they hang you for this you little whore”.

As soon as the sheik returned from his latest business trip Amalia asked for a family meeting & requested that it be held in the “Viewing room”, so called due to the large screen which was normally used to watch satellite TV.

The sheik & his first three wives gathered in the “Viewing room” & he said, “Where is Samiha? Isn’t she joining us?”.

Amalia replied “No Ibrahim Samiha won’t be at this meeting & you will soon understand why?”

The sheik’s first wife said, “What is this about Amalia? I have got quite a busy schedule today”.

“Amalia said, “Please bear with me Abeer”.

She turned to the female servant standing at the door of the “Viewing Room” & said, “Please ask the gentleman waiting in the next room to join us”.

The maid nodded & left the room & returned followed by the private detective who bowed slightly to the sheik

Amalia said, “Let me introduce Amal Barzani. He is a private detective who specializes in sensitive cases. He has an excellent reputation & carries out his work with absolute discretion

Wife number two said, “A private detective. This sounds intriguing”

Amalia replied, “Intriguing isn’t exactly the word I would have used Soraya. I will now ask Mr Barzani to explain why we are here”.

The detective nodded came forward, took a laptop out of the bag he was carrying & attached it to the screen projector.

He then addressed the sheik, “Your Excellency I was hired by your third wife Amalia to investigate the activities of your latest bride Samiha as she had suspicions concerning her fidelity to you”.

Ibrahim looked at Amalia & frowned however he didn’t speak

Barzani then went through all of the damning evidence he had accumulated, the pictures of Samiha entering & leaving Jens Rensenbrink’s flat, her taxi trips with Kapil, the meetings with the Somali road sweeper Mo & finally her car trips with Malik.

As the detective matter of factly described what he had found out about Samiha Ibrahim got angrier & angrier & when the detective started to play the recording of Samiha & Malik having sex he roared, “Turn that filth off!”

The impassive Barzani did as instructed.

The sheik gave vent to his fury, “The little bitch! I was good to her & this is how she repays my kindness! She has dishonoured me & brought shame to my family!”.

He turned to Amalia & said, “Amalia you have done me a great service”.

She nodded at her husband

Abeer & Soraya were both shocked by what they had just seen & heard. While neither was close to Samiha they would not have thought her capable of such behavior

Abeer as the senior wife asked, “My husband what do you wish to do about this? If we report her to the police & the case goes to court there will be a lot of publicity & Samiha may well hang”.

The sheik replied, “I have been humiliated & I want the whore punished. Where is Samiha at the moment?”.

Amalia said, “I wanted her out of the house while we held this meeting & so I asked her to do me a favour which involved her running an errand. She should be back in an hour or so, unless she takes a “Detour” of course

Ibrahim took out his mobile & said, “I will phone the Chief of Police who is a friend of mine & ask him to send his officers immediately so that they can arrest the little bitch when she returns. I never want her to set foot in this house again”.

When Samiha returned to the house she wondered why two police cars with officers in them were parked waiting outside the front door.

As she got out of her car & began to walk towards the house the two policemen & two policewomen also left their vehicles & stood waiting for her.

Samiha started to feel uneasy as she got closer to the officers & saw their grim & stony expressions.

The Sergeant in charge moved towards her & said, “Samiha Bin Hussein?”

She nodded nervously & the policeman continued, “You are under arrest for suspected adultery”.

Samiha was too stunned to speak & her feelings of anxiety were replaced by a growing sense of dread as she was handcuffed & man handled into one of the police vehicles

Part 3: Justice is Served

Samiha was taken to the main city police station & put into an interrogation room where she was monitored by CCTV.

Five minutes later an inspector in plain clothes carrying a copy of & the private detective Barzani’s report entered the room.

He sat down, passed the report to Samiha & said, “I want you to look at this & then tell me what you have to say”.

Samiha opened the report, gasped in horror at what she saw & went deathly pale as she worked her way through the document. After five minutes she closed the report, looked at the inspector & said, “I don’t know what to say”.

The inspector said, “I will be frank Samiha your only hope of avoiding being executed is by giving us your full co-operation”.

The girl’s hand involuntarily touched her throat & she shuddered

The policeman continued, “Yes your only hope of not having your lovely young neck stretched by a rope is to confess everything, testify against these four men & throw yourself on the mercy of the court. If you are lucky the judge will exercise a degree of leniency due to your youth & spare you from slowly strangling to death on the public gallows”.

Samiha broke down sobbing in helpless terror as the true nature of her predicament sank in.

She then confessed everything & told the officer all she knew about her four lovers.

Jens, Kapil, Mo & Malik were all arrested the next day. Each of them vehemently protested their innocence based on the fact that none of them had had any idea that Samiha was married.
The case scandalized & titillated the entire country. Four weeks later the initial trial hearing was held. Samiha on the advice of her lawyers pleaded guilty while the four men entered not guilty pleas.

While they all admitted to having sexual relations with the accused girl their lawyers argued that as they had not known that Samiha was a married woman all charges against them should be dismissed.

The court disagreed & the date for the full trial was set for the following week.

In the event the proceedings only lasted a day. There was in reality only two issues to decide

1] Would the men’s ignorance of the fact that Samiha was married absolve them?

2] If the court rejected this argument would the five accused be sentenced to death?

Samiha, Jens, Kapil, Mo & Malik all nervously rose from their seats in the dock as the three judges returned to deliver their verdicts

The senior judge’s statement was brief & to the point, “We find the accused guilty on all counts & hereby sentence them to be publicly hanged by their necks until they are dead”.

Samiha swayed & almost fainted, Malik burst into tears & Jens, Kapil & Mo stood shocked & stunned

Ibrahim, Abeer, Soraya & Amalia who had sat in the public galley throughout the day smiled grimly at each other

The sheik was satisfied. Obrahim was a very important figure & he had made it clear to the authorities that he expected the full force of the law to be brought to bear on all the parties involved in his humiliation & he was pleased with the verdict

The five prisoners were removed & taken to the city jail where they would wait to see what their ultimate fate would be as the appeal process got underway

Samiha was held in one of the cells in the women’s wing of the prison reserved for those sentenced to death who were waiting for the result of their appeals to be decided.

The four male prisoners were in equivalent part of the men’s section of the jail

Two weeks after being taken to the prison Samiha looked up from the chair she was sitting in as the cell door opened. The Prison Governor & two female guards entered.

She asked tremulously “Do you have news of my appeal?”

The Governor’s face was grim & Samiha guessed what this meant before he spoke.

She began to weep as his words confirmed her worst fears, “Samiha Bin Hussein your appeal against the sentence of death has been denied. One week from now you will be taken to the public gallows & there you shall be hanged by the neck until you are dead along with the four men who you committed adultery with”.

He then turned & left the cell closing the door behind him. The two guards remained. From now until her execution Samiha would not be left alone at any time

She sobbed & wailed, “I DON’T WANT TO DIE! IN THE NAME OF ALLAH I PLEAD FOR MERCY!”. She then collapsed on the bed her body heaving as she cried her heart out.

Later that day the condemned girl was taken to the women’s death row where she would remain until she was taken out to be executed.

Three days later Samiha heard a commotion & terrified screams coming from one of the next cells. She went to the door & peered through the bars to see what was happening

Samiha looked on in horror as a woman in her mid-twenties was dragged struggling & screaming from a cell & then frog marched & half carried down the corridor past her cell.

She realised that the terrified prisoner was being taken away to be hanged.

Thankfully the sounds of the doomed young woman’s shrieks of terror were cut off as the door to death row slammed shut behind the execution party

The guard who was in the cell with Samiha smiled grimly relishing the girl’s terror due to seeing a condemned prisoner on her way to the gallows

On the morning of her execution Samiha waited trembling in fear in her black abaya & hijab.

The Governor, two male guards & an Imam came into the cell. The guards went to Samiha & hand-cuffed her hands behind her back.

The Governor said, “You need to come with us Samiha”.

The guards took a firm hold of the terrified girl’s arms & began to move her towards the cell door. Samiha was too petrified to resist, all she could do was sob & wail, “NOOOOH! PLEASE NO!” over & over again.

The Governor led the way from the cell followed by Samiha & the guards with the Imam, softly whispering prayers, bringing up the rear.

The group walked down the corridor, descended a flight of stairs & went out into the prison yard where a police van was waiting. The Governor went & sat next to the driver while the condemned prisoner, the guards & the Imam got in the back

Once the doors were closed the van moved off. It was a short distance from the prison to the main square where the gallows had been erected overnight & five minutes later the vehicle stopped & the back door was flung open.

The passengers got out & Samiha looked around. She gasped in horror when she saw the gallows looming above them. The platform was about ten feet from the ground & above it five noosed ropes dangled from the crossbeam.

Samiha’s eyes flickered towards the large & silent crowd that had gathered behind the police barriers to witness the execution of the adulteress & her four partners

A second van pulled up & out of it emerged the four hand-cuffed men who were to join her on the scaffold. Jens, Kapil & Mo appeared composed but young Malik was weeping & had to be supported by his guards. None of them could bring themselves to look at the young woman whose behaviour had started them on their journey to the gallows.

Samiha was held by her guards on the square as her four former lovers mounted the steps of the scaffold. As the authorities viewed her as the most culpable they had decreed that she would be executed last after having watched the hanging of the men.

Once they reached the platform the four doomed prisoners were each placed on an individual trap door at the front of the wooden structure. The masked executioner then quickly pulled the nooses down over their heads & pulled them tight around their necks. There was little slack in the ropes. Hangings in the Emirate were always of the “Short Drop” slow strangulation variety

To put him out of misery Malik was the first to hang. The executioner pulled a lever & the young boy dropped about a foot. The prisoner immediately began to struggle, legs threshing & eyes bulging as the rope started to choke the life from him

The three other men & Samiha looked on in horrified terror as the boy writhed in agony at the end of his rope

It took Malik five minutes to die until finally his limp body swung gently in the air

Jens, Kapil & Mo were then executed in turn. The large Somali being the strongest danced for the longest.

Finally after twenty minutes Samiha’s four paramours hung dead on the gallows. Now it was her turn

In the room he had hired the sheik & Amalia watched on in grim satisfaction. Abeer & Soraya had declined the opportunity to attend the executions

Samiha shivering violently & weeping softy was led up the gallows steps & stood in front of the one remaining dangling noose. Before putting the rope around her trembling neck, as she had requested, the Hangman tied a blindfold over her eyes

Samiha’s rate of breathing increases as her eyes are covered & she feels the rough hemp of the rope tighten around her neck

She starts to scream as the trap door opens beneath her feet but her cry is cut off by the noose as it tightens mercilessly closing her trachea

The pain is indescribable & in response her body convulses, twisting & turning, her back arches & her legs kick violently

The crowd had been silent during the executions of the men, many having some sympathy for them, but as the adulteress primarily responsible for their fate starts to writhe on the scaffold the spectators let out a roar of satisfaction

Samiha struggles writhing on the rope, her back arches & her threshing legs lift her black abaya at times to her knees providing the men watching with tantalizing glimpses of her slender brown legs. Her feet twirl & flail & her firm pert breasts bounce & press against her abaya as her starved lungs heave for air

Underneath the blindfold the hanging girl can feel her eyes are almost popping out from their sockets. The building pressure in her head is unendurable. Her face begins to darken, her tongue emerges from her gaping mouth & drool runs down her chin.

Samiha’s entire body is wracked by violent convulsions & shuddering spasms

Her agony continues for fully seven minutes before she loses consciousness & two minutes later her final reflexive shuddering & twitching cease & she joins the four men in death.

The crowd gave a last huge roar which Ibrahim & Amalia joined in. Justice had been served.

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