Execution Tales Chapter 42 Revision 2
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42: Penny Smithson

Penny knew from her interviews with the College girls when the next one was due to “Graduate”. Her name was Georgia Murphy.

On the morning of her departure from the College in the carriage along with Cheryl, April & Beth the journalist followed in another vehicle at a discreet distance. When the carriage containing the four young women turned into the driveway leading to Cheryl, April & Beth’s house Penny wasn’t too surprised.

She knew that this was where the owners of the College stayed & presumed they had some kind of final farewell or present planned for Georgia on what was after all her 17th birthday. Penny parked her carriage about a hundred yards away from the entrance to the house & settled down to wait

She was slightly puzzled when Cheryl, April & Beth came out of the house two hours later, with no sign of Georgia. She ducked down as the three young women’s carriage drove past her heading back into town. Penny then considered what to do.

Presumably the College girl was still in the house for some reason. Her initial impulse was to go to the property & knock on the door, however she decided against it as it could be taken as an intrusion.

She chose to cut her losses & set off back into Chicago. Back at the newspaper office she checked her records & saw that the next girl to leave would be “Graduating” in ten days.

Penny was frustrated when exactly the same thing happened ten days later & the three owners of the College left the house with no sign of the College girl. This time she did go up to the house but got no reply to her knocks on the door.

She sighed & said to herself “Here’s hoping third time lucky”

Two weeks later the journalist found herself in an identical situation contemplating what to do. The difference this time was that April, always the one of the three most watchful for possible threats, had noticed the apparently empty carriage parked at the side of the road as the three killers headed back to town satiated & in high spirits having thoroughly enjoyed despatching their latest victim, Nicky Jones, using a slightly different method of hanging .

As always the body had been placed in a locked chest before they set off back to the College.

April said looking back at the stationery carriage, “I’m sure that is the third time that carriage has been parked at the side of the road each of the last three times we have taken a College girl to the house. I don’t like it. Let’s go round the next corner pull over & watch to see if anyone returns to it”.

Once they had parked their carriage the three young women went back to the street corner & watched & waited
As soon as Penny’s carriage moved off & turned into the driveway to their home the three young women ran back to their carriage, turned it round & headed back to the house.

They pulled up behind the journalist’s vehicle just as she returned to it, dispirited by the lack of response to her knocking at the door.

Cheryl, April & Beth got out of the carriage smiling as they approached Penny.

Cheryl said, “Penny, what are you doing here? Anyway you might as well come in if you have more questions for us”.

Once inside the journalist owned up to what she had been trying to do. As she finished Cheryl, April & Beth glanced at each other & the older woman nodded imperceptibly. April excused herself & went to the kitchen saying she would put the kettle on.

Cheryl said, “Well Penny I must say I am a bit disappointed in you. After all we afforded you every co-operation & made our wishes clear. However I am sure that your motives were good so let’s put this behind us”.

Penny nodded & ever the trier said, “Now that I am here is there any chance of me seeing Nicky? I know she must still be in the house”.

Cheryl wagged her finger at the journalist & said, “Miss Smithson, you never give up do you”. She sighed & continued, “Yes I suppose we need to give in to the inevitable given your persistence. The only condition is that Nicky must agree to it”.

At that point April returned to the room with the chloroformed table cloth, approached Penny from behind & put the cloth over the bottom part of her face. The journalist struggled briefly & then passed out.

Beth hurried outside & drove the journalist’s carriage to the back of the house while Cheryl & April carried Penny down to the cellar & bound her limp form to a chair.

Once Beth joined them Cheryl smiled & said. “I’ve got an idea. Let’s get Nicky’s body & put it back. We can then tell Penny how we killed her & that we are going to do the same to her”.

The other two girls giggled & April said, “This is going to be fun”.

As the journalist came round, spluttering from the effect of the smelling salts, she saw Cheryl April & Beth sitting in front of her smiling in anticipation.

Cheryl said, “Welcome back Penny. You said you wanted to see Nicky, well there she is”.

She pointed at the newest piece of equipment in the cellar which was an eight foot tall wooden pole with a metal collar at the top.
Hanging from the iron ring was Nicky Jones, her face was almost black & her features bore witness to the agonised nature of her death.

The killers had got the idea from the library book that described the execution of female “Coiners” in 18th Century London. They had felt the need for a bit of variation in their murders.

Penny gasped as she stared in horror at the dead girl.

Cheryl continued, “I’m afraid Nicky won’t be able to talk to you Jenny because as you can see she is dead. The truth is none of our “Graduates” are able to give you an interview because they too are dead. You see we murdered them all”

The journalist as yet hadn’t got to the petrified stage as she was trying to process this new & truly dreadful information. She said, “Dear God! You are carrying on the work of the Edwards!”.

April nodded & said, “Indeed we are Jenny. As my friend Cheryl remarked quite recently we regard ourselves as the upholders of a noble tradition”

Fear began to grow in the journalist & she said her voice trembling, “What do intend to do with me?”

Beth replied, “Well Penny we are going to execute you in the same way we killed Nicky. What have you got to say to that?”

Initially the journalist blustered & threatened saying that her editor would never rest until he found out what had happened to her & that they would end up being hanged for murder.

Then her tone changed & she began to sob & plead for mercy. To her disgust at that point the three murderesses lifted up their black & yellow tartan skirts & began to rub their groins through their panties.

Penny screamed, “You are all evil depraved bitches & you will finish your lives dancing on the gallows in Cook County Jail!”

Cheryl chuckled & said, “You may be right Penny but you certainly won’t be around to report on it”.

April & Beth got up & removed Nicky’s body from the strangling pole. They then went to the journalist untied her from the seat & dragged her screaming & struggling to the pole.

Before they forced her up onto the stool sitting on the ground resting against the pole they removed Penny’s jacket leaving her wearing her white ruffled blouse & pale blue skirt.

They manacled her hands behind her with their newly acquired handcuffs.

Cheryl in the meantime had climbed a step ladder placed behind the pole & once the journalist was standing shaking on the stool she closed the metal collar around her neck.

As Penny felt the cold iron ring around her neck her eyes opened wide & she shrieked in terror.

The killers waited for a minute or so savouring the journalist’s extreme fear & then Beth stepped forward & very slowly & deliberately removed the stool Penny was perched on

As had been the case with Nicky Jones the metal ring is not as an effective strangling tool as a roped noose. Much of its force is taken by Penny’s jaw instead of her throat. The journalist gives out a long rasping breath, & exhales with a drawn out gurgling sound. Another follows. They are far too slow to sustain her life, but enough to prolong it.

Behind her back her cuffed hands swing back & forth, wrists twisting. Another slow breath follows & another. With each her back arches & her breasts thrust forward as her lungs try to pull in every last bit of air.

Her face shows that she is sliding from pain to agony, her mouth gapes open. Penny’s hands reach behind her as she tries to grasp the wooden pole, but her hands keep slipping.

She gives up trying to grip the pole & presses her palms flat against both sides. She locks her ankles & calves around the post & with their aid lifts herself about an inch. For a brief moment she is able to breathe almost normally.

It is a temporary respite. Her muscles can’t keep her for long in that position. Her legs tremble with the strain. She holds on for another ten seconds as the shaking in her legs increases. There is a scraping sound as her feet slip down the pole. She is fighting a losing battle. Her contorted flushed face is starting to turn purple.

Penny manages a few more breaths as her palms try desperately to maintain their hold on the pole but by now her arms are quivering violently. Finally she is forced to release the pole & her throat is again fully gripped by iron collar.

Her final death struggle begins. Her feet kick back & forth drumming against the pole. Her rasping breathing fades into a high pulsating squeak. Her face darkens & her breasts continue to heave, her back arches against the post, her body jerks & twists from side to side.

The drumming of her heels & the squeaking of her voice increase in speed. Every fibre of her being is fighting desperately against the remorseless approach of inevitable death.

After a few more minutes her struggles start to slow. Her face is by now almost black, her body seizes up & stretches to its full length, toes pointing at the ground, heels pressed against the wooden pole.

As Penny dies Cheryl, April & Beth all climax for a second time that day

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