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The tribunal decided. I have been condemned for spying and the penalty is the death.
Today i am in my cell. I was wondering how they would execute me when the answer came. Through the small window of my cell I heard a lot of noise coming. Next to my cell there is a large square: here a crowd is waiting for something. After few moments I understand what it is happening: an execution. A young woman is escorted towards the center of the square. She is handcuffed and blindfolded: the guards order her to kneel. It seems she knows her fate. Suddenly an officier woman, another beautiful young girl, comes near the kneeled girl. She wears an impeccable uniform, I am surprised to see her high black boots shining in the sun. With elegance she extract her long katana and - swiftly - she beheads the kneeled girl. Her head rolled on the ground and her body after still standing for a second ruined on the floor, coloring it of vivid red. Then the young officier went away, as that scene didn't belongs to her.
Now I know how I will die: decapitated. It is shocking for me but I consider it a honorable way to die.My only question is: when they will execute me?
I know my fate the next day. Japanese Army is an efficient machine and they don't wait too much for executing spies.
In the early morning the same young officier woman comes in my cell saying I will be executed in next minutes. She speaks a quite good english: she is sorry for the ending but she must do her duty. Very gently she escorted me out of the cell, asking me if I want to be blindfolded. Kindly but firmly I refuse. I want to die with honour, with my eyes open. My executioner approves it. When I came into the large square I see a lot of people, more and more than the crowd of yesterday. There are also military photographs, probably for propaganda photos.Now I am in the center of the square. I kneel and the young officier woman helps me to assume the right position. She said: don't worry I would behead you with a perfect clean blow, you will not feel anything. She bent my head a little in order to receive the blade. Now I can see her shiny boots next to me. I annot see her directly but the sun behind me clearly draws her shadow in front of me. Her shadow prepares, extract the blade and raise it.
Then I see the shadow of the blade coming towards me, joining with my shadow. In that moment I feel an intense pain on the neck, like a burning fire.
The sharply blade passed through my neck in a fraction of second, decapitating me in one blow as the young woman promised. I felt a falling sensation and then an immediate stop. I realize that I have been still decapitated.
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