Execution Tales Chapter 45 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 45 Revision 245: Nemesis Approaches
Two days later the four journalists met with Captain Murdoch & Lieutenant Tierney of the Chicago PD at police HQ & briefed them on everything that had happened since the disappearance of Penny Smithson
The officers sat in stunned silence after they had finished & Murdoch said, “If what you surmise is true this is going to be as big as the Holmes case”. H. H. Holmes had turned his hotel Chicago hotel into a human slaughterhouse a few years previously.
Tierney said, “With respect I know that you are naturally very concerned to find out what happened to your colleague Penny Smith but we have absolutely no evidence to support your conjectures. The question it seems to me is how do we set about trying to find evidence that either proves or disproves your theory?”
Henry replied, “I have been giving that a lot of thought Lieutenant & I think that somehow we need to be able to search the women’s house without the owners being there. What did for the Edwards was finding all those bodies under the cellar floor”.
Murdoch said, “I’m afraid no judge is going to grant a search warrant on the basis of what you have told us. After all it is just speculation based on circumstantial evidence”.
Tierney thought for a moment & said, “You said that in the Edwards case the NYPD worked closely with the Pinkertons. Why don’t I talk to their Chicago office & see if they are willing to undertake some unofficial, hopefully undetectable , & entirely deniable, breaking & entering on our behalf ?”.
Seven days later Murdoch, Tierney, Henry, Jackie, Chalmers the man in charge of the Pinkerton’s Chicago office, Gerald McLeod, & his detective Ian Thomas who had “Burgled” Cheryl, April & Beth’s home when they were at the College met at Chicago Police HQ.
McLeod said, “Tell the folks what you found Ian”.
Thomas said, “In the main part of the house the answer is nothing. There is a cellar which I managed to get into by picking the lock & I found a makeshift gallows, & two versions of what I believe is called a garrotte, which in Spain & Latin America is used to execute condemned prisoners. However if these women are killing the College girls the question is how are they disposing of the bodies. As far as I could tell the floor of the cellar is undisturbed”.
Jackie said, “The boat! They must be using the boat”.
Murdoch said, “I’m afraid you have lost me Miss McKenzie, what boat?”
Jackie continued, “Cheryl, April & Beth go sailing every weekend on the Barnes woman’s boat on Lake Michigan. When they moved from New York they shipped it across”.
McEwan looked at Chalmers & asked, “When did the last girl leave the College Tom?”
Chalmers replied, “Three days ago Boss”.
Henry thought aloud, “Today is Friday. That means if what we suspect may be true Cheryl, April & Beth will be intending to dispose of their latest victim in Lake Michigan tomorrow”.
He looked at Murdoch & said, “We need to somehow search that boat before they have a chance to get rid of the body, assuming of course there is one. Captain may I suggest that you involve the navy. Ask them to put a launch on the Lake tomorrow. Correct me if I am wrong but I am pretty sure that would have the right to board & search any vessel on the lake that they suspected may be involved in smuggling illicit goods between the USA & Canada. We will stake out the girls house from first light to monitor the comings & goings”.
Murdoch & Tierney looked at each other & Tierney said, “I served in the navy during the Civil War & I know the officer in charge of the Chicago & Illinois area quite well. He is a good man. Let me talk to him & set it up”.
Two days later the four journalists met with Captain Murdoch & Lieutenant Tierney of the Chicago PD at police HQ & briefed them on everything that had happened since the disappearance of Penny Smithson
The officers sat in stunned silence after they had finished & Murdoch said, “If what you surmise is true this is going to be as big as the Holmes case”. H. H. Holmes had turned his hotel Chicago hotel into a human slaughterhouse a few years previously.
Tierney said, “With respect I know that you are naturally very concerned to find out what happened to your colleague Penny Smith but we have absolutely no evidence to support your conjectures. The question it seems to me is how do we set about trying to find evidence that either proves or disproves your theory?”
Henry replied, “I have been giving that a lot of thought Lieutenant & I think that somehow we need to be able to search the women’s house without the owners being there. What did for the Edwards was finding all those bodies under the cellar floor”.
Murdoch said, “I’m afraid no judge is going to grant a search warrant on the basis of what you have told us. After all it is just speculation based on circumstantial evidence”.
Tierney thought for a moment & said, “You said that in the Edwards case the NYPD worked closely with the Pinkertons. Why don’t I talk to their Chicago office & see if they are willing to undertake some unofficial, hopefully undetectable , & entirely deniable, breaking & entering on our behalf ?”.
Seven days later Murdoch, Tierney, Henry, Jackie, Chalmers the man in charge of the Pinkerton’s Chicago office, Gerald McLeod, & his detective Ian Thomas who had “Burgled” Cheryl, April & Beth’s home when they were at the College met at Chicago Police HQ.
McLeod said, “Tell the folks what you found Ian”.
Thomas said, “In the main part of the house the answer is nothing. There is a cellar which I managed to get into by picking the lock & I found a makeshift gallows, & two versions of what I believe is called a garrotte, which in Spain & Latin America is used to execute condemned prisoners. However if these women are killing the College girls the question is how are they disposing of the bodies. As far as I could tell the floor of the cellar is undisturbed”.
Jackie said, “The boat! They must be using the boat”.
Murdoch said, “I’m afraid you have lost me Miss McKenzie, what boat?”
Jackie continued, “Cheryl, April & Beth go sailing every weekend on the Barnes woman’s boat on Lake Michigan. When they moved from New York they shipped it across”.
McEwan looked at Chalmers & asked, “When did the last girl leave the College Tom?”
Chalmers replied, “Three days ago Boss”.
Henry thought aloud, “Today is Friday. That means if what we suspect may be true Cheryl, April & Beth will be intending to dispose of their latest victim in Lake Michigan tomorrow”.
He looked at Murdoch & said, “We need to somehow search that boat before they have a chance to get rid of the body, assuming of course there is one. Captain may I suggest that you involve the navy. Ask them to put a launch on the Lake tomorrow. Correct me if I am wrong but I am pretty sure that would have the right to board & search any vessel on the lake that they suspected may be involved in smuggling illicit goods between the USA & Canada. We will stake out the girls house from first light to monitor the comings & goings”.
Murdoch & Tierney looked at each other & Tierney said, “I served in the navy during the Civil War & I know the officer in charge of the Chicago & Illinois area quite well. He is a good man. Let me talk to him & set it up”.
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was the woman in the photo in stocking feet?.....sort of looks like it

Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 45 Revision 2