Execution Tales Chapter 50 Part 2 Revision 2
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[This was taken almost verbatim from a book describing 20th century UK female executions]

Her interest aroused, Alyssia began to research her chosen subject intensively.

The next condemned woman to pique Alyssia’s fascianation was Rhoda Williis who was executed in the early 20th century for baby farming

Rhoda Willis

Rhoda Willis was hanged on her 44th birthday. Her execution was the last involving a woman in the United Kingdom for over fifteen years & she was the last woman executed by Harry Pierrepoint who wrote long afterwards, “I was attracted & fascinated by the blaze of her yellow hair as she left her cell & walked in the procession to the scaffold the sunlight caused her hair to gleam like molten gold. I had hanged women before but never one so beautiful”.

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