Execution Tales Chapter 51 Part 1 Revision 2
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[All of the stories in this chapter are based on historical accounts & pictures of Nazi atrocities. Most of the attached pictures are real]

51: World War II: Female Victims of the Nazis

Alyssia turned to WWII for ideas for her own stories starting with the actual fates of women & girls executed by the Nazis. Her first efforts were straightforward recounting of killings carried out by the Germans. She entitled it “Female Victims of the Nazis”


There were several reasons for executing young girls in public. In the case of civilians in the occupied territories they were viewed as terrorists by the Germans & the hangings served as a grim example to the local population – if the Germans could hang a teenage girl then they could hang anyone.

In the case of concentration camp prisoners it was also a visible deterrent against trying to escape or acts of sabotage. Finally the spectacle provided a morbid entertainment for the soldiers & camp guards

Masha Bruskina

On a nice bright autumn day on October 26th 1941 the soldiers & civilians of the German occupied city of Minsk watched two men & a young girl walk down the main street surrounded by German Guards.

The two men did not attract the attention of the crowd, this was taken by the young woman walking between them. The girl’s name was Masha Bruskina, a hospital nurse accused of smuggling documents & weapons which had been used to attack a German patrol.

Masha was attractive, of medium height, with light brown hair & grey eyes. Her face was heart shaped & delicate, her breasts full & firm. On the day of her execution she wore her old school uniform, gray blouse & dark skirt with white socks. Around her neck she carried a hand drawn sign written in Russian & German: “We are partisans who shot at German soldiers”.

Masha walked steadily, looking forward, conscious of the camera recording the last minutes of her young life. At a side street the soldiers paused & Masha saw the wooden beam behind the open doors of the small factory building. Three nooses were tied to the beam awaiting the necks of the condemned.

Masha & the two men were ordered to halt. A German officer climbed on a single stool & tested the ropes by tugging on them & inspecting the slip knots. Satisfied he jumped to the ground & read a short execution order.

He looked at Masha & the young girl stepped forward. The soldiers removed the sign from her neck & escorted her toward one of the stools. Masha looked at the quiet expectant faces of soldiers & civilians & up at the noose. She was scared but tried not to show her fear.

Her hands were tied behind her back & she couldn’t climb on the stool without help. One of the soldiers took her by the arm & helped her to step on the stool. The German officer took the rope & started to slip the noose over the girl’s head. Masha heard the clicking of the camera & felt the thin hemp rope slide down & around her neck. The officer slowly & meticulously tightened the noose until the knot nestled at the front side of her neck.

He stepped away & kicked the stool away from under her feet. The drop was very short, less than a foot, & the rope bit into Masha’s neck with deadly force. She felt herself falling & could actually see her feet below hanging above the ground.

The pain from the rope started to grow, grimacing in agony Masha kicked her legs & feet, her skirt riding up, & that motion caused her body to swing & turn. Strangling slowly Masha jerked violently fighting for breath her face darkening.

The soldiers moved closer & watched her agony with morbid curiosity as many of them had never seen a young girl hang before. After five minutes Masha’s struggles ceased & her body hung still her bulging sightless eyes staring out over the silent crowd
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