Execution Tales Chapter 51 Part 2 Revision 2
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Klava Ostrowski & Nura Ivanova

Klava was born in 1918 & was 24 when she died. She was said to be quite an attractive girl. Klava was a Komsomol member & when the Germans occupied her town of Ostrov in Russia in 1941 she & her friends organised an undercover resistance squad.

On November 7th in 1942 Klava & another girl Nura Ivanova along with two men were arrested. After being interrogated all four were sentenced to death. The Germans made a big show of the hangings to intimidate the town’s people.

On December 12th 1942 a wooden gallows was erected in the town square of Ostrov & the townsfolk were forced to watch the proceedings. The two men were the first to suffer with Klava & Nura having to watch while awaiting their turn.

Once the men’s bodies hung lifelessly on the gallows the girls were led up the scaffold steps their hands tied behind their backs. Klava shivered against the cold wind as her black skirt fluttered in the breeze as the soldiers lifted her onto a stool beneath the gallows beam.

The executioner put the noose around her neck & one of the officers took pictures of her. The stool was taken away & Klava was left suspended by her neck her face distorted by the pain of the rope biting into her neck. As she slowly strangled it looked to the spectators as if she was riding an invisible bicycle as her legs moved rhythmically up & down. After a few minutes all movement stopped & Klava hung still.

Nura also wearing a black skirt & white blouse & by now in a state of whimpering terror was then strung up beside her. She too died very hard.
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[Missed last sentence]

All four bodies were left dangling from the gallows for the rest of the day as a grim reminder to the population as a grim reminder of the consequences of resistance

I wonder if they were hanged in stocking feet to add to the humiliation of being hanged in plublic

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