Execution Tales Chapter 51 Part 6 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 51 Part 6 Revision 2Eva-Marie Buch
Eva-Marie Buch was a 30 year old bookseller who was the most prominent woman involved in the Stauffenberg July 1944 plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. After the failure of the plan she was quickly arrested by the Gestapo & then sentenced to death by hanging by the People’s Court.
On the day of her execution, in her prison skirt, Eva-Marie was taken from her cell in Plotzensee Prison along with seven other condemned male plotters. The door at the end of the corridor opened on to a courtyard. A few yards further on was the place where they would be put to death. A large curtain concealed the execution chamber.
The procession halted, then one corner of the curtain was raised & the executioners appeared. There were three of them all attired in tailcoats, white gloves & top hats. They took delivery of the prisoners & led them to the other side of the curtain, followed by the officials. The chaplain wasn’t allowed to go with them
Inside there was another halt near the door. The president of the court-martial read out the sentences a few yards from the guillotine that rose in the middle of the room.
After this the party moved on again past the guillotine; through an open door on their right they could see their coffins lined up in a shed.
At the far end of the room workmen had fashioned four three sided cubicles open at the front separated by sheets of black cloth: attached to a steel rod above them were lengths of rope hanging down into each cubicle.
Each prisoner had to stand on a stool; one of the executioners would slip the noose around the victim’s neck, while another pulled the stool away. This form of death, chosen by Hitler, had appealed to him for two reasons: its degrading character & the suffering it entailed.
Guillotining took a total of eleven seconds whereas the executioners at Plotzensee had been warned by the prison doctor that the bodies must not be cut down for at least twenty minutes, before which time he could not be certain that they were dead.
On Hitler’s orders the hangings were filmed with the camera lingering longest on Eva-Marie’s suffering. As she kicked & struggled Eva-Marie’s knees came up almost to her chest several times exposing her white panties under the prison skirt before she weakened & finally died. Eva-Marie’s hanging took 13 minutes in total.
Subsequently it was this part of the filmed recording that proved most popular with those who saw it
Eva-Marie Buch was a 30 year old bookseller who was the most prominent woman involved in the Stauffenberg July 1944 plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. After the failure of the plan she was quickly arrested by the Gestapo & then sentenced to death by hanging by the People’s Court.
On the day of her execution, in her prison skirt, Eva-Marie was taken from her cell in Plotzensee Prison along with seven other condemned male plotters. The door at the end of the corridor opened on to a courtyard. A few yards further on was the place where they would be put to death. A large curtain concealed the execution chamber.
The procession halted, then one corner of the curtain was raised & the executioners appeared. There were three of them all attired in tailcoats, white gloves & top hats. They took delivery of the prisoners & led them to the other side of the curtain, followed by the officials. The chaplain wasn’t allowed to go with them
Inside there was another halt near the door. The president of the court-martial read out the sentences a few yards from the guillotine that rose in the middle of the room.
After this the party moved on again past the guillotine; through an open door on their right they could see their coffins lined up in a shed.
At the far end of the room workmen had fashioned four three sided cubicles open at the front separated by sheets of black cloth: attached to a steel rod above them were lengths of rope hanging down into each cubicle.
Each prisoner had to stand on a stool; one of the executioners would slip the noose around the victim’s neck, while another pulled the stool away. This form of death, chosen by Hitler, had appealed to him for two reasons: its degrading character & the suffering it entailed.
Guillotining took a total of eleven seconds whereas the executioners at Plotzensee had been warned by the prison doctor that the bodies must not be cut down for at least twenty minutes, before which time he could not be certain that they were dead.
On Hitler’s orders the hangings were filmed with the camera lingering longest on Eva-Marie’s suffering. As she kicked & struggled Eva-Marie’s knees came up almost to her chest several times exposing her white panties under the prison skirt before she weakened & finally died. Eva-Marie’s hanging took 13 minutes in total.
Subsequently it was this part of the filmed recording that proved most popular with those who saw it
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