Execution Tales Chapter 51 Part 7 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 51 Part 7 Revision 2 Baroness Benita von Falkenhayn & Renate von Natzer
In Berlin decapitation by the axe remained in application until 1938 when the guillotine & hanging were prescribed as the only legal means of execution.
One of the last & most famous executions carried in this medieval manner were those of the Baroness Benita von Falkenhayn & Renate von Natzer who were convicted of spying & beheaded with the axe by the executioner Karl Groepler at the Berlin Plotzensee Prison on February 1935.
One after the other they were led shuffling in their prison uniforms & chains to the place of execution, made to kneel & place their heads on the block. They were then decapitated
In Berlin decapitation by the axe remained in application until 1938 when the guillotine & hanging were prescribed as the only legal means of execution.
One of the last & most famous executions carried in this medieval manner were those of the Baroness Benita von Falkenhayn & Renate von Natzer who were convicted of spying & beheaded with the axe by the executioner Karl Groepler at the Berlin Plotzensee Prison on February 1935.
One after the other they were led shuffling in their prison uniforms & chains to the place of execution, made to kneel & place their heads on the block. They were then decapitated
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 51 Part 7 Revision 2